You know a marriage between you and me would never work out, don't you Stephen? Because you're a homosexual. -Irene (Seattle)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New Orleans
Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Update on the Website

Welcome back to the blog.

First, an explanation is in order. In a month without updating, several posters had taken over the comments section and had "announced" that I was dead. In an unfortunate series of events, they managed to convince some people of an imaginary family grieving over the loss of their father. Let me assure you, this is not true. The comments section is entirely out of hand at times and I am seriously considering permanently shutting it down. There seems to be one or two posters who ruin it for everyone, but Blogger has yet to introduce features to ban these troublemakers.

Over the past few weeks, I have been inundated with work in real life and it has become increasingly difficult to keep up regular postings on the Blog. Some have even commented that in the past few months before that, the quality of posts had gone down anyway. There a lot of reasons for this, not only personal. But the "spoiler environment" has quickly dissipated in the past few years. Production is more sporadic than it has been in the past. There is usually more than one season filming at a time, but it has been almost a full month since Hollywood stopped filming and six months since the Gauntlet finished production. In addition, a lot of the information that castmembers share with their fans is now relegated to MySpace, making it difficult to centralize information.

Nevertheless, I know people still enjoy reading this site, so I'm opening up the author duties to anyone who wants to come into a collaborative effort to join the blog. You will most likely be a part of a team of bloggers who will post regular updates on the internet. Before I post a detailed list of instructions and expectations, I want to gauge what kind of interest is out there. If you think that you will be interested in posting to the blog, email me at Further instructions will follow.

As for the future of the site, it's not closing anytime soon. I will be posting as updates come and go, so keep on checking in. Thanks for being a loyal reader to the site and have a wonderful day.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update and explanation. I agree, the comment section is out of hand and needs to be closely moderated. You've done a great keeping us informed. I appreciate all you've done!


Kristiw said...

Thanks for all the hard work you have put into keeping the blog updated. I know it has been harder to find spoilers, but I will still check here faithfully. I also like to hear the day to day happenings of the cast members. Keep up the good work! Kristi

Anonymous said...

Love this site and knew that post about your untimely death sounded fishy. Goes to show how cruel some people can be. I too will continue to check here for updates. J

Anonymous said...

Wait. I don't get it. So he isn't dead?

Go eat a bannana you battered horsefly!

Anonymous said...

Love the site.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping the site going, I enjoy reading your blogs and other people's comments about people on the shows.

Anonymous said...

I love the site. Thanks for all the work you put into it. I am sorry that some people get their kicks by leaving disgusting comments. I can only hope that they are just immature kids and not loser adults.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 4:33 I couldn't have said it better myself. I really hope that is just a bunch of little kids posting these dumb comments and not mature adults who should know better.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. Glad to hear that you are okay.

Anonymous said...

This site IS great.. I've never even read the comments until you mentioned it and it looks like a pack of immature 5th graders that need to get Parental Control on their computer. No worries. Just keep up the good work on the site and delete the young one's BS.

Anonymous said...

I love this site so much. I visit it every week to get information about the real world and the challenges. I really hope this site is up for along time because I really enjoy reading about eveyrthing!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for resurrecting:)
I don't speak for all readers but spoilers are hardly the reasons I tune in to your blog. Updates on past cast members is one of the best aspects of the site. True, they all have myspace pages that are easily accessible but I would rather read it all on one site (too much work anyway).
Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all the work you put into this website/blog. Its really sad that a few can ruin a good feature like this for the many.

I know you said myspace is a more accessible way of finding out information. Honestly, I'd rather come here where its easy to read and find instead of surfing thru the waves of profiles on myspace.

Thank you for all you've done and are doing :)

Anonymous said...

As has been expressed already, thank you for the time and effort that you put into updating this blog. I will continue to check the blog for updates.

Anonymous said...

The veterans win the new Gauntlet that's coming on and it's Aneesa, CT, Brad, Beth and Paula.

Anonymous said...

i agree with sandy. I like keeping up with my favorite former cast members more than anything.

Anonymous said...

I would love to help but I can't since I have trouble running my own MTV blog... but glad to see you have come back from the dead and will continue to run this. I suggest you disable the comments or disable anonymous comments to resolve the comments issue.

Anonymous said...

you cannot "disable the comments" They are what makes the blog.

I think everyone agress its enjoyable and entertaining to read other peoples thoughts, thats what everyone comes here for.

Just sipher out the idiots like the post above.

Anonymous said...

^^ sorry, im meant 3 posts above =)

Anonymous said...

Chris makes an excellent point, disable the anonymous comments, that should cut back on many comments. And if that doesnt work, then I guess you could start having them not approved till you click ok but that takes time out of your hands, which is the problem your having.

But yeah lets see how having only registered users thing works.

Anonymous said...

Go eat a bananna you battered horsefly!

Anonymous said...

I liked the blog before comments. Most times I don't read the comments because of the stupidity of some of them.

I'd like it just as much if you stopped them.

Glad everything is okay.

Anonymous said...

The Veterans Lose, The Rookies win this one!
I knew the post of you being dead was false, but it still sucks people can be that cruel and immature. I never really read the comment section part, but i do love the updates on older cast members... good old real world and road rule days... i wish Emily or Nathan or Yes would do more challenges...
I also know some people moved in together, as a couple, after the finishing of the taping

Anonymous said...

Mario, if you do not have time to filter the comments, then based on the response you get from those willing to assist with this website, why not assign one of those individuals to review comments and approve if appropriate? That way, you can still keep updating the main page with all of the new RR/RW cast information. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!!!

I think one person should be assigned to delete any vulgar comments on here. Its disgusting trying to read what real fans wrote only to see some lame comments immature people have left.
Just a suggestion!

Anonymous said...

Whoops! I'm the 4:12 am poster...I didnt see the above response. :)

Anonymous said...

Why not make the comments section "User Only"...

Anonymous said...

25 greatest RW/RR challenge moments air on sat at noon.

Anonymous said...

okay...there is NO way you can block the comments. How boring is it to just read updates, that in all reality can be found other places if you do some searching.

What makes this site unique and fun is the fact that fans can come together and REAL time...they're thoughts and opinions. I TRUELY enjoy reading peoples comments(if not written by a 4th grader) about what they thought about "tonights" episode.

Its like sitting around with buddies and talking about a subject you reallly love.


Anonymous said...

How about you all get a life and not worry about it? Yeah.

Anonymous said...

I don't really understand what is so awful about just scrolling past comments that people find offensive. I mean, the "julie-andrews-boiling-pot-of-feces" tirade has been cut and pasted at least three times on different threads as far as I can see. Why can't you just scroll past it? Or look at it for the ridiculousness that it is? I mean, I have to agree that the "go eat a bananna you battered horsefly- half eaten carrot" thing is probobaly the stupidest thing I have ever read. In a hilarious way. Just take it for what it is.

TC Realtor said...

Great site. I am so happy to see you are still alive!

On my blog I think there is a feature where you can "approve" the comments that come in and that might solve the problem. You get a lot of comments though so it might be more trouble than it's worth. Just a thought!

Anonymous said...

what cracks me up is people leaving comment for "other" people to "get lives" lol

So let me get this straight...u took the time out to write a comment........hilarious

Anonymous said...

I think their should be a way the comments are approved before they are posted. I barely read the comments section anymore because it is filled with a bunch of people acting like immature 2 year olds.

Anonymous said...

I'm a 33 year old husband and father of two and I love your site. Please keep it going. I too like the updates on what all the cast members are doing post-season. I NEVER read comments left by users on web sites because I've learned my lesson. The majority are written by young punks that are using it inappropriately.
I don't have that kind of time to waste.

Thank You.

Anonymous said...

So you won't read comments written by "young punks" but you'll watch a show full of them?

Great logic.

Unknown said...

I love the site!!! I'm glad you posted an update so we know what is going on. I never read the comments section before either as some people before me have mentioned.

Keep it going! I don't check the cast members myspace pages there are too many. I like getting all the dish here.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all work you are doing.
I check everyday for any updates....... keep up the good work!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I've been a regular for years.

If nothing else, episode recaps are always good when there's not much else to report on. Just an idea :)

Anonymous said...

hey i havent been on the site in a long time but i remember comming to this site bc there was a link to every cast members myspace page. what ever happened to all of them???????????

Anonymous said...

This guy is as good as dead for all the info he is giving out. We have a new show tonight and he hasn't put up a reminder. Is that to difficult! Can anyone tell me some other better sites to go to cause this blog does not care anymore.

Anonymous said...

good site, tons of info

Anonymous said...

I think I'm in love with 4:05.

Anonymous said... is porn, just FYI for the folks looking for a new site.

Anonymous said...

i wish this were updated :( :( :(

i would also like to know of an alternate site, if possible...

Anonymous said...

Since our blogger friend here won't update I give you my first thoughts on the challenge. Looks like some good drama and I love Coral. Enough said. Plus Tori continues to show what a slut she really is. It took all of one hour to get together with the newly single Brad. I have a feeling Tori will be a player the vets save because of her good blowjob talents. She did the same thing with Adam last time and she won. Get in tight with the men and they will want bj the whole season. I do have to hand it to her though, she really does know all she is good for. BLOW JOBS!

Anonymous said...


u gaves a little hope with this update, but now?????????????

Anonymous said...

Go to they have extensive info on everything RW/RR related. I check that site regularly for updates.

Anonymous said...

personally being friends with some of the castmembers I know brad and tori live together and i know jillian moved in with frank.
I haven't watched the gauntlet yet, i DVRed it and will watch it over the weekend.
did anyone watch the 25 greatest challenge moments???
my aim is fkrueger50 (

Anonymous said...

gauntlet 3 premiere was great!
and i cant wait for the rest of the season!
are good sites for info.
they are message boards and stuff, but with good information.

Anonymous said...

oops i ment

Anonymous said...

I like Vevmo for Real World / MTV related Gossip.

I was just reading that Wes and Johanna are done. CT and Diem are done and Brooke and Ev are done. So much for the G3 couples (besides Tori and Brad.)

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Frank and Jillian. They're apparently still living together.

Anonymous said...

i rly like rwrrblog, but u need to decide if you're getting rid of it or not. it's not fair to say that you'll keep the blog running and then not update!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

can coral go 2 mins without swearing when she talks???

Anonymous said...

Dude give the blog to that MM Agency that said they wanted it when you died. Well, fake died, but I mean as far as the blog is concerned it's obvious you're done and don't really care anymore so get rid of it and give it to someone who will do something with it please.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe some of you actually believed that the person running this site was dead. In reading those comments, it was so obviously fake. Good to see updates popping up again though, as I've been a fan of this site for a long time.

Anonymous said...

Haha, I could have come on and told you, but I didn't care enough to. You should feel more like a douche for being gullible enough to believe something like this that you read on the internet, especially after seeing the maturity level of most of the posts here.

Anonymous said...

lol....the only update on this site in the last couple weeks has been about the site owner, and nothing about real world/road rules, just thought that was funny...not like theres anything going on in real world, other than one season ending, a new challenge beginning and new info on the new season popping up....

ya got time to write a few paragraphs about why you dont update, but no time to write a few paragraph update...weird

Anonymous said...

i'm with you brother. This blog blows harder than Tori on Monday..Tuesday..Wednesday..
And Twice on Sunday. Movin on to better blog that people actually care about. So Mr Real World you can just die and be done with us.

Anonymous said...

Please give the blog to someone that is going to do something with it! Please. I bet you could even sell it to someone for a little bit of money. With that said, this is my last visit. Changing my bookmark to Vevmo. Thanks to whoever suggested that site, it really is better than this site was when the guy actually gave a shit anyway.

Maybe he is dead again though. The more I think about it, the more I think that was something perpetuated by the moderator since he was probobaly too lazy to post but didn't want people to stop coming to this site.

Anonymous said...

How old is that vevmo site? They dont seem to have anything much before the Sydney season. Kind of disappointing.

Anonymous said...

rofl i'm sure he cares about you melodramatic teenagers.

Anonymous said...

1 :11- WTF are u talking about???

Anonymous said...

There is no 1:11.

Anonymous said...

wait there is. sry i was too busy winning the superbowel.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wait...the Super Bowl was Sunday night? Can't believe we missed it....

Anonymous said...

Okay. I was joking before. He really did die this time though I swear.

Anonymous said...

did johanna and wes really break up? it says so on vevmo? i need to noo

Anonymous said...

They totally broke up. Johanna was then eaten by a bear.

Anonymous said...

Tell me it's not worth dyin' for.

Anonymous said...

Johannah is pregnant with my children.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure he's dead for real this time.

Anonymous said...

This is sad. I did enjoy coming to this site for regular updates and it seems the owner just doesn't care about it. Oh well, off to this vevmo place? Hope its good!!!!

Anonymous said...

y did they break up?

Anonymous said...

As cruel a rumor as that was to start, it was BRILLIANT--do you really think the owner would have given a damn to respond to us if there wasn't a rampant rumor going around about his death? No! We'd be going on two months without any activity if it didn't happen. The creator got what we all wanted: his attention.

Oh, and for the record, I probably have to agree that he really is dead this time. No shit.

Anonymous said...

but do we care

Anonymous said...

Oh shove it Paula!

Anonymous said...

Dude. Dawg.

Anonymous said...

I love you Randy.

Anonymous said...

i'm so horny!

Monica DiDonato said...

If anyone wants to read more about the gauntlet 3 and any other reality tv shows they can check out my blog.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he's depressed. I guess we just don't really know.

Anonymous said...

Danny looked like a douchebag? Johanna looked like an idiot? Melinda went home? Priceless!

The only reason Melinda wanted to go against Jillian was because she's friends with Johanna and Tori. Jillian has done more for the team than Melinda has. And seeing her suck horribly in the gauntlet made this episode perfect.

Anonymous said...

do u american girls prefer circumcised penis or uncut

Anonymous said...

theo is going to be on ABC Family's "America's Prom Queen" as a judge

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

nah they smell

Anonymous said...

I dunno. I still bet it makes them "feel more good".

Anonymous said...

it smell if you not careful when u wash. the skin is very sensitive and it feel real good for both. thats what u girls from america tell me when they vacation and no want to exit my bedroom

Anonymous said...

im just saying the americans think they the best at medicine so why the
entire rest of the world cut the penis? we no can be wrong if everyone but america do it. you all arrogant

Anonymous said...

Whatever tickles your fancy Ryan!!!

Anonymous said...

Real World Hollywood Trailer

Anonymous said...

Deal then Paula. Meet me at the Saddle Ranch in west hollywood. We can have some Lemon Drop Martini's and Vicodin then I will do you like a I mean, good looking lady.

Anonymous said...

Hello all of you. Alan was eaten by a bear two weeks ago. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news (pun intended) but I felt that all of you should know. He is leaving behind a wife, forty three children, and a stupid blog. The blog will be going up for auction on ebay by the end of the week.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

21st season of real world will be in D.C.
is the first known cast member

Anonymous said...

Do you have a source?

Anonymous said...

I do have a source. The bear actually called me on the phone and told me himself. Then he sent me Alan's head in a box. It was really reminiscent of the movie Seven.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I've always enjoyed this site. I stopped checking in as often when it started to become mostly episode updates and viewer reactions. I like new info and spoilers!! But I still have you bookmarked and I will check back, Thank you for your hard work!

Anonymous said...

Why waste your money paying for this site? You obviously couldn't care less about it.

Anonymous said...

Wow, whoever is pretending to be his mother is REAL mature. and FYI blogger is FREE you dont have to pay for it.

Anonymous said...

The owner of the blog is still paying for the shortcut "" which I still use to access this website.

Anonymous said...

PAULA! Hey girl! That outfit you had on during the Wednesday night results show was FIERCE.

Anonymous said...

thanks! you were looking pretty hot yourself ryan!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

*Kills the bear*

Anonymous said...

wow did anyone ever notice that nick jonas is like really hot?!&tit=Nick%20Jonas&hurl=

Anonymous said...

the post above says

wow did anyone ever notice that nick jonas is like relly hot?

if u coodnt tell

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anyone know anything about the next challenge?

Anonymous said...

Yes. The next challenge is going to be filmed on a desterted island and every single real world and road rules participant ever is going to be on it. Each episode the losing team has to send someone to the firing squad. At the end of 193 episodes there will be two teams of eight remaining alive and they will compete in an obstacle course with some puzzles, a race, and some sort of endurance thing. The losing team gets fed to pack of grizzly bears.

SPOILER: Judd, Cory, Charlie (RW SD), and Simon are batshit crazy on this challenge.

Anonymous said...

A follow along review of last night's real world episode.

Anonymous said...

OMG they are having a lot of people on that challenge! They aren't really killing them tho right? That is crazy.

Anonymous said...

The next challenge is still in pre-production, which means they are still getting the cast together. An MTV insider leaked that it would be the third installment of Battle of the Sexes.

Anonymous said...

The next challenge is still in pre-production, which means they are still getting the cast together. An MTV insider leaked that it would be the third installment of Battle of the Sexes. The insider has also confirmed that cast-members from both Hollywood and Sydney would be on this challenge, as well.

Anonymous said...

"Diane Krauss" has been having so much fun playing with the comments here since January. GET A LIFE.

Anonymous said...

The next season of the Real World is going to be set underwater in the Gulf of Mexico. It will be called Real World: Atlantis. The roomates job will be to operate a fishing trawler. Three people get kicked off for smoking crack on the job and two people hook up and have quintuplets. The names of the roomates are Gargamel, Linda Sue Jo, Encyclopediabulous, Tito Marie, Geeesus, Gaseundheit, and Bob.

Anonymous said...

Dianne, bless you through your struggle. Not all of us can cope with the loss of a child being eaten by a bear.

Anonymous said...

Thanks honey. It was hard, but to get a little bit of closure I tracked down the bear and killed it with a hatchet. Now I wear its head like a big, bloody hat. It makes me feel better.

Road rules spoiler: It's coming back! This season the cast will all be male to female transgendered individuals. Because of the theme, Kina has been invited back to host. It is going to take place in space with the cast planet hopping in a neon pink spaceship.

Anonymous said...

Real World is coming to my home turf of Brooklyn, NY! WTF?!

Anonymous said...

The Real World Brooklyn

Anonymous said...

The roomates are going to live in the men's armory in Bensonhurst and work as crack dealers. I got that information from a very reliable source.

Anonymous said...

They finally have wifi in heaven! More updates to come.

Anonymous said...

"Diane," shut the fuck up. Nobody reads this or thinks its funny anymore. Get a life.

Anonymous said...

The cast members for the Real World Brooklyn have just been revealed. There is a pair of transgendered siamese twins named Pat and Chris. Also there is a nine foot tall woman named Peebo, a man with tentacles for arms named Squidley, a former prostitute with a prosthetic face named Geesus, a narcoleptic named Tula, and a little tiny woman named Neener.

Anonymous said...

Are the twins men or women? Those names can be unisex.

Anonymous said...

The twins are male to female transgendered individuals. Formerly they were named Patrick and Christopher but they have legally changed it to Patricia and Christine.

Also, I have just learned from my source that Neener is a three foot tall hermaphrodite.

Anonymous said...

Diane, let's shack up and make a new Alan. Are your eggs scrambled yet?

Anonymous said...

Is this blog closed forever? I miss the updates!

Anonymous said...

No, it's not closed forever. I have been really under the weather after my anal reconstruction surgery and rhinoplasty. I will be ready and updating as soon as I can be.

Anonymous said...

why does the same stuf from january keep being reposted at new?
i used to be a faithful reader, but now with the neglect, one reader will never come back

Anonymous said...

Are you leaving forever? I need this website. It's not fair that because of the actions of some people we all have to suffer for it. I know you'll say life isn't fair but it would be if we all just tried a little harder.

Anonymous said...

YES! Don't leave! I don't know how I will keep going if you walk out that door! We will try harder! Please don't leave because of us person.

Anonymous said...

Back to regular scheduled programming such as "YO MOMMA"...

Anonymous said...

Ohhh don't forget classics like 'That seventies house".

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So much for being informative! LOL GUess I can take this site off my bookmarks.

Anonymous said...

what has happened to this site? It used to be very useful when it came down to spoilers, alum news etc, and I miss that.=( Oh well. I guess all good things really do come to an end.

Anonymous said...

He's been dead since February :-(

Anonymous said...

C'mon at least let us know you are alive

Anonymous said...

Jeezus, send this site to the Internet graveyard already.......

Anonymous said...

The Island Discussion and Spoilers

Anonymous said...

A better site for discussion than the PC, censored garbage above

fall back, crapmo.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, SpeakReality is okay if you are twelve, have bad grammar, might be racist, and use the word "like" a whole lot.

Anonymous said...

vevmo is pretty much the same five nerds with no lives posting all day on their miserable board to make that dump look more active. not to mention, the board is completely subjective and they get all butthurt when someone insults one of their beloved RW/RR cast members. losers.

Anonymous said...

@9:58 AM

Look, there's one now! ^^^

Probably a racist...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You heard it here first guys! Road Rules is back! This new upcoming season has just finished casting and the new Roadies have already finished their first couple missions. They were spotted at a plushie convention where they had to dress up in costumes given to them by production and dry hump as many convention goers as possible.
Soozin, a 22 year model/actress was the first one kicked off when she abstained from the mission because they would not allow her to wear her own penguin costume. She has been replaced by Tootie, a 21 year old model/actress from Baltimore.

Anonymous said...

Where did go? HAHAAAAA. Bunch of losers.

Anonymous said...

Mom, I appreciate the updates on this upcoming Road Rules season while I remain dead. Love you.

Anonymous said...

If anybody is interested of I have most of the past seasons of Real World/Road rules and the Challenges on DVD. I cold make you a copy. Email me at

Anonymous said...

Post a Comment On: The Real World and Road Rules Blog
"Update on the Website"
180 Comments - Show Original Post Collapse comments

Anonymous Kris said...

Thanks for the update and explanation. I agree, the comment section is out of hand and needs to be closely moderated. You've done a great keeping us informed. I appreciate all you've done!


8:44 AM
Blogger Kristiw said...

Thanks for all the hard work you have put into keeping the blog updated. I know it has been harder to find spoilers, but I will still check here faithfully. I also like to hear the day to day happenings of the cast members. Keep up the good work! Kristi

9:19 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love this site and knew that post about your untimely death sounded fishy. Goes to show how cruel some people can be. I too will continue to check here for updates. J

10:37 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait. I don't get it. So he isn't dead?

Go eat a bannana you battered horsefly!

11:13 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the site.

12:54 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you wish. you dirty jew. you fucking yeast infection. shes as fake as they come. the real girl has NAKED pictures with martin short in it. i want to throw everyone that commented in this into a boiling pot of feces and then I want to pour them out before their skin bubbles and shit like that and I'll roll them in the street and sprinkle salt everywhere and then mow them over with one of those lawnmower type things you sit on like in CANT BUY ME LOVE and then, i'll smear jizz all over everyone and pickle them with onion juice and slimey clit fizz. :)

Why dont you eat a banana, you battered horsefly? HUH?
the truth is your real reflection is so gross that you resemble one of the bananas- in pajama character things after theyve been fucked by bums on the corner for fourteen years and got the mumps so their faces swole up. the truth is you're so ugly i couldnt pimp your ass for a carrot.


2:27 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hope that you spontaneously combust into a thousand soiled condoms, and then get eaten by a platypus dripping with a homeless alcoholic's cum. i then hope a small mexican child with rabies wanders by, swallows you, and then shits you out along with a sopository and a can of refried beans. i then hope julie andrews sculpts the shit into a dick and sucks it. that way you will be ruined A THOUSAND TIMES FUCKING OVER. whore.

PS. You're faker than Julie Andrew's synthetic dick. You fucking skank.

2:28 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping the site going, I enjoy reading your blogs and other people's comments about people on the shows.

3:38 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the site. Thanks for all the work you put into it. I am sorry that some people get their kicks by leaving disgusting comments. I can only hope that they are just immature kids and not loser adults.

4:33 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 4:33 I couldn't have said it better myself. I really hope that is just a bunch of little kids posting these dumb comments and not mature adults who should know better.

4:46 PM
Anonymous deb said...

Thanks for the update. Glad to hear that you are okay.

6:12 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site IS great.. I've never even read the comments until you mentioned it and it looks like a pack of immature 5th graders that need to get Parental Control on their computer. No worries. Just keep up the good work on the site and delete the young one's BS.

8:04 PM
Anonymous Megan said...

I love this site so much. I visit it every week to get information about the real world and the challenges. I really hope this site is up for along time because I really enjoy reading about eveyrthing!

9:30 PM
Anonymous Sandy said...

Thanks for resurrecting:)
I don't speak for all readers but spoilers are hardly the reasons I tune in to your blog. Updates on past cast members is one of the best aspects of the site. True, they all have myspace pages that are easily accessible but I would rather read it all on one site (too much work anyway).
Thanks again!

9:45 PM
Anonymous Cate said...

Thank you for all the work you put into this website/blog. Its really sad that a few can ruin a good feature like this for the many.

I know you said myspace is a more accessible way of finding out information. Honestly, I'd rather come here where its easy to read and find instead of surfing thru the waves of profiles on myspace.

Thank you for all you've done and are doing :)

10:49 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As has been expressed already, thank you for the time and effort that you put into updating this blog. I will continue to check the blog for updates.

4:00 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The veterans win the new Gauntlet that's coming on and it's Aneesa, CT, Brad, Beth and Paula.

6:16 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:33 sucks her dad's dick

6:17 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You fuckin wit niggaz that's insecure, watered down, my shit is pure
Write down my number but don't call me til you sure
I ain't beggin just tryin to relocate between ya legs
Drippin wet, as we experiment in sweaty sex
When you met me you wouldn't let me, and now
you straight beggin to sex me got you undressin to test me and uhh..

Shut me down if ya want, and miss the chance to do it live
When I stroll by, I see that look in yo' eye
You want a nigga, but think that you can't have a nigga
Don't cheat yourself, instead treat yourself
If you scared go to church, I know it hurts
To find out me and your man be sharin skirts

I hopin you don't take this the wrong way
But your body is bangin got me attracted in a strong way
After a long day of tryin to make my songs pay
Makin love all day against the wall in the hallway
Ya fantasies come alive, ya heart rate
shall increase when we meet up in this dark place
You might think you're happy with him
but that's a lie, so give this Thug a try
I'd rather be ya nigga

[Chorus: 2Pac]

I'd rather be ya N-I-G-G-A
So we can get drunk and smoke weed all day
It don't matter if you lonely baby, you need a Thug in your life
Cause busters ain't lovin you right
[repeat 2X]

[Verse Two: 2Pac, Richie Rich]

Look, now you was sprung from the introduction
My conversation's full of game yet laced with seductions
I see ya blushin like ya want somethin, come get a taste
of Amerikaz Most Wanted and let's get into some touchin, erotic fuckin
My up and down with no interruptions
have no intentions of bustin until you learn ya lesson
Now many questions are often asked, a drop top, 500 Benz
and plenty cash, to help a nigga get the ass

You can ride out the spoke coke, to get your lobster and crab
Cause all I got is conversation and a gang of stab
and I'ma listen when it hurts, I'ma hang out but never stay
Smoke blunts but leave them stunts up to Super Dave
I'll be your nigga, as long as we can understand
that I's the nigga whose spoke coke can be the man
He wine and dine, but me and you we whine and grind
And when I'm on the field keep him on the sidelines


[Verse Three: 2Pac, Richie Rich]

Now it's time for the moment of truth, I got ya naked
Totally sweatin, let's see how hot I can make it
Tongue kissin til yo' head swang, I'm so into you
Witness a nigga make the bed bang
If it's all mine, then let me know, now scream my name out
Do you want it fast or shall I hit it slow?
Not to mention, the multiple positions I inflict
A boss playa, freaky motherfucker, can I dick

Uhh, it's on and poppin, now you seed what I was seein
Why yo' eyes rollin, Luke seen ya girl I ain't goin
nowhere, let's let that sucker stay out there
While he's stresed out and knock I stretch out the cock
Hold da boots, and let da nigga execute
And though you got it right, I'm goin home tonight

You say you don't need a man, but I don't care
You in the presence of a playa, I'd rather be ya nigga

6:18 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree with sandy. I like keeping up with my favorite former cast members more than anything.

8:51 AM
Anonymous Chris said...

I would love to help but I can't since I have trouble running my own MTV blog... but glad to see you have come back from the dead and will continue to run this. I suggest you disable the comments or disable anonymous comments to resolve the comments issue.

11:46 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you cannot "disable the comments" They are what makes the blog.

I think everyone agress its enjoyable and entertaining to read other peoples thoughts, thats what everyone comes here for.

Just sipher out the idiots like the post above.

3:07 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

^^ sorry, im meant 3 posts above =)

3:09 PM
Blogger Rosario said...

Chris makes an excellent point, disable the anonymous comments, that should cut back on many comments. And if that doesnt work, then I guess you could start having them not approved till you click ok but that takes time out of your hands, which is the problem your having.

But yeah lets see how having only registered users thing works.

4:10 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go eat a bananna you battered horsefly!

6:18 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked the blog before comments. Most times I don't read the comments because of the stupidity of some of them.

I'd like it just as much if you stopped them.

Glad everything is okay.

6:47 PM
Anonymous shimmybinny said...

The Veterans Lose, The Rookies win this one!
I knew the post of you being dead was false, but it still sucks people can be that cruel and immature. I never really read the comment section part, but i do love the updates on older cast members... good old real world and road rule days... i wish Emily or Nathan or Yes would do more challenges...
I also know some people moved in together, as a couple, after the finishing of the taping

9:33 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mario, if you do not have time to filter the comments, then based on the response you get from those willing to assist with this website, why not assign one of those individuals to review comments and approve if appropriate? That way, you can still keep updating the main page with all of the new RR/RW cast information. Just a thought.

3:58 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back!!!

I think one person should be assigned to delete any vulgar comments on here. Its disgusting trying to read what real fans wrote only to see some lame comments immature people have left.
Just a suggestion!

4:12 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoops! I'm the 4:12 am poster...I didnt see the above response. :)

4:13 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not make the comments section "User Only"...

7:47 AM
OpenID fkrueger50 said...

25 greatest RW/RR challenge moments air on sat at noon.

9:43 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay...there is NO way you can block the comments. How boring is it to just read updates, that in all reality can be found other places if you do some searching.

What makes this site unique and fun is the fact that fans can come together and REAL time...they're thoughts and opinions. I TRUELY enjoy reading peoples comments(if not written by a 4th grader) about what they thought about "tonights" episode.

Its like sitting around with buddies and talking about a subject you reallly love.


9:44 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about you all get a life and not worry about it? Yeah.

10:00 AM
OpenID bigbadmarkus said...

I don't really understand what is so awful about just scrolling past comments that people find offensive. I mean, the "julie-andrews-boiling-pot-of-feces" tirade has been cut and pasted at least three times on different threads as far as I can see. Why can't you just scroll past it? Or look at it for the ridiculousness that it is? I mean, I have to agree that the "go eat a bananna you battered horsefly- half eaten carrot" thing is probobaly the stupidest thing I have ever read. In a hilarious way. Just take it for what it is.

10:00 AM
Blogger TC Realtor said...

Great site. I am so happy to see you are still alive!

On my blog I think there is a feature where you can "approve" the comments that come in and that might solve the problem. You get a lot of comments though so it might be more trouble than it's worth. Just a thought!

12:33 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bigbadmarkus loves the battered horsefly tirade cuz he spells bananan wrong everytime ILY MOTHAFUCKAAAA

12:57 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:58 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what cracks me up is people leaving comment for "other" people to "get lives" lol

So let me get this straight...u took the time out to write a comment........hilarious

2:04 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think their should be a way the comments are approved before they are posted. I barely read the comments section anymore because it is filled with a bunch of people acting like immature 2 year olds.

2:29 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It takes ten seconds to write a comment.

You should probably take an English class or two before talking shit. Fucking imbecile.

4:05 PM
Anonymous stpaulrockcity said...

I'm a 33 year old husband and father of two and I love your site. Please keep it going. I too like the updates on what all the cast members are doing post-season. I NEVER read comments left by users on web sites because I've learned my lesson. The majority are written by young punks that are using it inappropriately.
I don't have that kind of time to waste.

Thank You.

8:32 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you won't read comments written by "young punks" but you'll watch a show full of them?

Great logic.

9:58 AM
Blogger Hannah said...

I love the site!!! I'm glad you posted an update so we know what is going on. I never read the comments section before either as some people before me have mentioned.

Keep it going! I don't check the cast members myspace pages there are too many. I like getting all the dish here.

4:08 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for all work you are doing.
I check everyday for any updates....... keep up the good work!!!!!!!!

5:49 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I never read the comments section before either as some people before me have mentioned."

if you don't read the comments section, how do you know someone else said the same thing? idiot.

6:35 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been a regular for years.

If nothing else, episode recaps are always good when there's not much else to report on. Just an idea :)

1:51 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey i havent been on the site in a long time but i remember comming to this site bc there was a link to every cast members myspace page. what ever happened to all of them???????????

9:24 PM
Anonymous Deck Officer said...

This guy is as good as dead for all the info he is giving out. We have a new show tonight and he hasn't put up a reminder. Is that to difficult! Can anyone tell me some other better sites to go to cause this blog does not care anymore.

9:24 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good site, tons of info

11:24 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I'm in love with 4:05.

11:27 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said... is porn, just FYI for the folks looking for a new site.

12:21 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wish this were updated :( :( :(

i would also like to know of an alternate site, if possible...

3:35 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

update mario you beaner.

4:17 PM
Anonymous deck officer said...

Since our blogger friend here won't update I give you my first thoughts on the challenge. Looks like some good drama and I love Coral. Enough said. Plus Tori continues to show what a slut she really is. It took all of one hour to get together with the newly single Brad. I have a feeling Tori will be a player the vets save because of her good blowjob talents. She did the same thing with Adam last time and she won. Get in tight with the men and they will want bj the whole season. I do have to hand it to her though, she really does know all she is good for. BLOW JOBS!

9:21 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...


u gaves a little hope with this update, but now?????????????

9:29 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go to they have extensive info on everything RW/RR related. I check that site regularly for updates.

10:59 AM
Anonymous Shimbo said...

personally being friends with some of the castmembers I know brad and tori live together and i know jillian moved in with frank.
I haven't watched the gauntlet yet, i DVRed it and will watch it over the weekend.
did anyone watch the 25 greatest challenge moments???
my aim is fkrueger50 (

10:45 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

gauntlet 3 premiere was great!
and i cant wait for the rest of the season!
are good sites for info.
they are message boards and stuff, but with good information.

9:14 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops i ment

9:15 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Vevmo for Real World / MTV related Gossip.

I was just reading that Wes and Johanna are done. CT and Diem are done and Brooke and Ev are done. So much for the G3 couples (besides Tori and Brad.)

7:32 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget Frank and Jillian. They're apparently still living together.

1:42 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i rly like rwrrblog, but u need to decide if you're getting rid of it or not. it's not fair to say that you'll keep the blog running and then not update!

3:30 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:01 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can coral go 2 mins without swearing when she talks???

11:30 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude give the blog to that MM Agency that said they wanted it when you died. Well, fake died, but I mean as far as the blog is concerned it's obvious you're done and don't really care anymore so get rid of it and give it to someone who will do something with it please.

12:52 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe some of you actually believed that the person running this site was dead. In reading those comments, it was so obviously fake. Good to see updates popping up again though, as I've been a fan of this site for a long time.

5:14 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ummmmmm 5:14 hindsight is 20/20. You don't need to be a douchebag about it. I don't know where you were when it happened, but you should have come on in and told us that it was all so obviously fake then. Asshole.

10:34 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, I could have come on and told you, but I didn't care enough to. You should feel more like a douche for being gullible enough to believe something like this that you read on the internet, especially after seeing the maturity level of most of the posts here.

4:38 PM
Anonymous Baby V said...

Are you dead again...

3:29 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol....the only update on this site in the last couple weeks has been about the site owner, and nothing about real world/road rules, just thought that was funny...not like theres anything going on in real world, other than one season ending, a new challenge beginning and new info on the new season popping up....

ya got time to write a few paragraphs about why you dont update, but no time to write a few paragraph update...weird

2:05 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay fuck it. Moving to Vevmo.
I've waited around here for weeks now and I'm bored.

Its been fun! Sorry its burning out

1:28 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm with you brother. This blog blows harder than Tori on Monday..Tuesday..Wednesday..
And Twice on Sunday. Movin on to better blog that people actually care about. So Mr Real World you can just die and be done with us.

9:05 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please give the blog to someone that is going to do something with it! Please. I bet you could even sell it to someone for a little bit of money. With that said, this is my last visit. Changing my bookmark to Vevmo. Thanks to whoever suggested that site, it really is better than this site was when the guy actually gave a shit anyway.

Maybe he is dead again though. The more I think about it, the more I think that was something perpetuated by the moderator since he was probobaly too lazy to post but didn't want people to stop coming to this site.

9:17 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How old is that vevmo site? They dont seem to have anything much before the Sydney season. Kind of disappointing.

7:33 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rofl i'm sure he cares about you melodramatic teenagers.

12:00 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:11 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1 :11- WTF are u talking about???

5:21 PM
Anonymous eli manning said...

There is no 1:11.

10:01 PM
Anonymous eli manning said...

wait there is. sry i was too busy winning the superbowel.

10:06 PM
Anonymous tom brady said...


10:08 PM
Anonymous Patriots Offensive Line said...

Wait...the Super Bowl was Sunday night? Can't believe we missed it....

10:02 PM
Anonymous Diane Krauss (moderator's mother) said...

Okay. I was joking before. He really did die this time though I swear.

7:04 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

did johanna and wes really break up? it says so on vevmo? i need to noo

7:26 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They totally broke up. Johanna was then eaten by a bear.

1:42 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell me it's not worth dyin' for.

5:41 PM
Anonymous bryan adams said...

Johannah is pregnant with my children.

5:42 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure he's dead for real this time.

6:46 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is sad. I did enjoy coming to this site for regular updates and it seems the owner just doesn't care about it. Oh well, off to this vevmo place? Hope its good!!!!

8:11 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

y did they break up?

8:23 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As cruel a rumor as that was to start, it was BRILLIANT--do you really think the owner would have given a damn to respond to us if there wasn't a rampant rumor going around about his death? No! We'd be going on two months without any activity if it didn't happen. The creator got what we all wanted: his attention.

Oh, and for the record, I probably have to agree that he really is dead this time. No shit.

1:20 AM
Anonymous paula abdul said...

but do we care

3:10 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

does anyone know what nationality paula abdul is

abdul, sounds paki-ish

3:11 PM
Anonymous Simon Cowell said...

Oh shove it Paula!

8:13 PM
Anonymous Randy Jackson said...

Dude. Dawg.

8:59 AM
Anonymous ryan seacrest said...

I love you Randy.

11:54 AM
Anonymous Paula Abdul said...

i'm so horny!

9:24 AM
Blogger Monica DiDonato said...

If anyone wants to read more about the gauntlet 3 and any other reality tv shows they can check out my blog.

9:51 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog really sucks and I mean really sucks

2:48 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes. it does suck. so does the guy running the blog. lots of dick.

2:59 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe he's depressed. I guess we just don't really know.

12:25 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Danny looked like a douchebag? Johanna looked like an idiot? Melinda went home? Priceless!

The only reason Melinda wanted to go against Jillian was because she's friends with Johanna and Tori. Jillian has done more for the team than Melinda has. And seeing her suck horribly in the gauntlet made this episode perfect.

7:38 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

do u american girls prefer circumcised penis or uncut

4:46 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

theo is going to be on ABC Family's "America's Prom Queen" as a judge

7:55 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:50 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wat kind of bullshit is that? the rest of the world have uncircumsised penis except america. ladies love uncut penis it makes them feel more good

6:33 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nah they smell

9:27 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dunno. I still bet it makes them "feel more good".

11:06 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it smell if you not careful when u wash. the skin is very sensitive and it feel real good for both. thats what u girls from america tell me when they vacation and no want to exit my bedroom

2:47 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im just saying the americans think they the best at medicine so why the
entire rest of the world cut the penis? we no can be wrong if everyone but america do it. you all arrogant

1:16 AM
Anonymous Paula Abdul said...

i'm still horny and i don't mind circumcised or uncircumcised, penis is penis!!!

4:51 PM
Anonymous Ryan Seacrest said...

If you lower your voice a lot, let me call you Paul and let me put it in your ass I will totally do you Paula.

7:46 AM
Anonymous Paula Abdul said...

Whatever tickles your fancy Ryan!!!

2:21 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Real World Hollywood Trailer

9:35 AM
Anonymous Ryan Seacrest said...

Deal then Paula. Meet me at the Saddle Ranch in west hollywood. We can have some Lemon Drop Martini's and Vicodin then I will do you like a I mean, good looking lady.

8:44 PM
Anonymous Diane Krauss (moderator's mother) said...

Hello all of you. Alan was eaten by a bear two weeks ago. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news (pun intended) but I felt that all of you should know. He is leaving behind a wife, forty three children, and a stupid blog. The blog will be going up for auction on ebay by the end of the week.

10:50 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:22 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

21st season of real world will be in D.C.
is the first known cast member

8:24 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have a source?

2:36 PM
Anonymous Diane Krauss (moderator's mother) said...

I do have a source. The bear actually called me on the phone and told me himself. Then he sent me Alan's head in a box. It was really reminiscent of the movie Seven.

4:58 PM
Anonymous Grizzly Bear said...


9:55 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've always enjoyed this site. I stopped checking in as often when it started to become mostly episode updates and viewer reactions. I like new info and spoilers!! But I still have you bookmarked and I will check back, Thank you for your hard work!

4:13 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why waste your money paying for this site? You obviously couldn't care less about it.

2:31 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, whoever is pretending to be his mother is REAL mature. and FYI blogger is FREE you dont have to pay for it.

2:06 PM
Anonymous Paula Abdul said...

The owner of the blog is still paying for the shortcut "" which I still use to access this website.

5:54 PM
Anonymous Ryan Seacrest said...

PAULA! Hey girl! That outfit you had on during the Wednesday night results show was FIERCE.

7:11 AM
Anonymous paula abdul said...

thanks! you were looking pretty hot yourself ryan!

5:12 PM
Anonymous Grizzly Bear said...


2:26 PM
Anonymous Paula Abdul said...

*Kills the bear*

6:44 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow did anyone ever notice that nick jonas is like really hot?!&tit=Nick%20Jonas&hurl=

8:12 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the post above says

wow did anyone ever notice that nick jonas is like relly hot?

if u coodnt tell

8:14 PM
Anonymous Zombie Grizzly Bear said...


9:04 AM
Anonymous Zombie Grizzly Bear said...


9:04 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone know anything about the next challenge?

3:41 PM
Anonymous Diane Krauss (moderator's mother) said...

Yes. The next challenge is going to be filmed on a desterted island and every single real world and road rules participant ever is going to be on it. Each episode the losing team has to send someone to the firing squad. At the end of 193 episodes there will be two teams of eight remaining alive and they will compete in an obstacle course with some puzzles, a race, and some sort of endurance thing. The losing team gets fed to pack of grizzly bears.

SPOILER: Judd, Cory, Charlie (RW SD), and Simon are batshit crazy on this challenge.

5:58 PM
Anonymous AidsHasYetToFindMe said...

A follow along review of last night's real world episode.

10:22 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG they are having a lot of people on that challenge! They aren't really killing them tho right? That is crazy.

2:52 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The next challenge is still in pre-production, which means they are still getting the cast together. An MTV insider leaked that it would be the third installment of Battle of the Sexes.

10:07 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The next challenge is still in pre-production, which means they are still getting the cast together. An MTV insider leaked that it would be the third installment of Battle of the Sexes. The insider has also confirmed that cast-members from both Hollywood and Sydney would be on this challenge, as well.

10:09 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Diane Krauss" has been having so much fun playing with the comments here since January. GET A LIFE.

7:58 PM
Anonymous Diane Krauss (moderator's mother) said...

The next season of the Real World is going to be set underwater in the Gulf of Mexico. It will be called Real World: Atlantis. The roomates job will be to operate a fishing trawler. Three people get kicked off for smoking crack on the job and two people hook up and have quintuplets. The names of the roomates are Gargamel, Linda Sue Jo, Encyclopediabulous, Tito Marie, Geeesus, Gaseundheit, and Bob.

9:04 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dianne, bless you through your struggle. Not all of us can cope with the loss of a child being eaten by a bear.

11:09 PM
Anonymous Diane Krauss (moderator's mother) said...

Thanks honey. It was hard, but to get a little bit of closure I tracked down the bear and killed it with a hatchet. Now I wear its head like a big, bloody hat. It makes me feel better.

Road rules spoiler: It's coming back! This season the cast will all be male to female transgendered individuals. Because of the theme, Kina has been invited back to host. It is going to take place in space with the cast planet hopping in a neon pink spaceship.

11:16 AM
OpenID bigbadmarkus said...

Real World is coming to my home turf of Brooklyn, NY! WTF?!

4:51 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Real World Brooklyn

8:26 AM
Anonymous Diane Krauss (moderator's mother) said...

The roomates are going to live in the men's armory in Bensonhurst and work as crack dealers. I got that information from a very reliable source.

3:00 PM
Anonymous alan krauss (moderator's mother's son) said...

They finally have wifi in heaven! More updates to come.

9:32 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Diane," shut the fuck up. Nobody reads this or thinks its funny anymore. Get a life.

8:11 PM
Anonymous Diane Krauss (moderator's mother) said...

The cast members for the Real World Brooklyn have just been revealed. There is a pair of transgendered siamese twins named Pat and Chris. Also there is a nine foot tall woman named Peebo, a man with tentacles for arms named Squidley, a former prostitute with a prosthetic face named Geesus, a narcoleptic named Tula, and a little tiny woman named Neener.

7:04 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are the twins men or women? Those names can be unisex.

8:31 PM
Anonymous Diane Krauss (moderator's mother) said...

The twins are male to female transgendered individuals. Formerly they were named Patrick and Christopher but they have legally changed it to Patricia and Christine.

Also, I have just learned from my source that Neener is a three foot tall hermaphrodite.

6:47 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Diane, let's shack up and make a new Alan. Are your eggs scrambled yet?

12:17 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this blog closed forever? I miss the updates!

5:48 PM
Anonymous Alan said...

No, it's not closed forever. I have been really under the weather after my anal reconstruction surgery and rhinoplasty. I will be ready and updating as soon as I can be.

7:57 AM
Anonymous Jenna Jameson said...

If you give a dead man head, is he still capable of ejaculation? Or is he an eternal fuck? Mmmmm....

6:22 PM
Anonymous kate said...

why does the same stuf from january keep being reposted at new?
i used to be a faithful reader, but now with the neglect, one reader will never come back

7:58 AM
Anonymous Diane Krauss' BFF said...

It's because the asshole hasn't posted anything since January but still wants people to come to the site

6:37 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you leaving forever? I need this website. It's not fair that because of the actions of some people we all have to suffer for it. I know you'll say life isn't fair but it would be if we all just tried a little harder.

8:35 PM
Anonymous daddy issues said...

YES! Don't leave! I don't know how I will keep going if you walk out that door! We will try harder! Please don't leave because of us person.

6:23 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess what The Real World sucks and the blogger here obviously had other commitments and fucking moved on with his life and realized that he doesn't have time to blog about shitty reality shows anymore. This was a great blog but please, move on.

7:16 PM
Anonymous Wilmer V. said...

Back to regular scheduled programming such as "YO MOMMA"...

8:15 AM
Anonymous Natalie Leggero said...

Ohhh don't forget classics like 'That seventies house".

11:31 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:36 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So much for being informative! LOL GUess I can take this site off my bookmarks.

10:50 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what has happened to this site? It used to be very useful when it came down to spoilers, alum news etc, and I miss that.=( Oh well. I guess all good things really do come to an end.

8:59 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You just fucking quit this site!!! You could have atleast offered it for sale so some one else could pick up the slack. If you really died, i'm sorry to hear that and retract my previous statement.

5:35 PM
Anonymous Hank said...

He's been dead since February :-(

12:45 AM
OpenID whattheywant said...

C'mon at least let us know you are alive

4:37 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeezus, send this site to the Internet graveyard already.......

11:18 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Island Discussion and Spoilers

1:52 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A better site for discussion than the PC, censored garbage above

fall back, crapmo.

12:29 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speak Reality is an Idiot haven and about as dead as this blog.

5:20 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know, SpeakReality is okay if you are twelve, have bad grammar, might be racist, and use the word "like" a whole lot.

9:58 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

vevmo is pretty much the same five nerds with no lives posting all day on their miserable board to make that dump look more active. not to mention, the board is completely subjective and they get all butthurt when someone insults one of their beloved RW/RR cast members. losers.

8:38 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@9:58 AM

Look, there's one now! ^^^

Probably a racist...

10:15 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:26 PM
Anonymous Diane Krauss (moderator's mother) said...

You heard it here first guys! Road Rules is back! This new upcoming season has just finished casting and the new Roadies have already finished their first couple missions. They were spotted at a plushie convention where they had to dress up in costumes given to them by production and dry hump as many convention goers as possible.
Soozin, a 22 year model/actress was the first one kicked off when she abstained from the mission because they would not allow her to wear her own penguin costume. She has been replaced by Tootie, a 21 year old model/actress from Baltimore.

8:27 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did go? HAHAAAAA. Bunch of losers.

11:22 PM
Anonymous Alan Krauss (moderator's mother's deceased son) said...

Mom, I appreciate the updates on this upcoming Road Rules season while I remain dead. Love you.

12:51 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If anybody is interested of I have most of the past seasons of Real World/Road rules and the Challenges on DVD. I cold make you a copy. Email me at

11:10 PM

Welcome back to the blog.

First, an explanation is in order. In a month without updating, several posters had taken over the comments section and had "announced" that I was dead. In an unfortunate series of events, they managed to convince some people of an imaginary family grieving over the loss of their father. Let me assure you, this is not true. The comments section is entirely out of hand at times and I am seriously considering permanently shutting it down. There seems to be one or two posters who ruin it for everyone, but Blogger has yet to introduce features to ban these troublemakers.

Over the past few weeks, I have been inundated with work in real life and it has become increasingly difficult to keep up regular postings on the Blog. Some have even commented that in the past few months before that, the quality of posts had gone down anyway. There a lot of reasons for this, not only personal. But the "spoiler environment" has quickly dissipated in the past few years. Production is more sporadic than it has been in the past. There is usually more than one season filming at a time, but it has been almost a full month since Hollywood stopped filming and six months since the Gauntlet finished production. In addition, a lot of the information that castmembers share with their fans is now relegated to MySpace, making it difficult to centralize information.

Nevertheless, I know people still enjoy reading this site, so I'm opening up the author duties to anyone who wants to come into a collaborative effort to join the blog. You will most likely be a part of a team of bloggers who will post regular updates on the internet. Before I post a detailed list of instructions and expectations, I want to gauge what kind of interest is out there. If you think that you will be interested in posting to the blog, email me at Further instructions will follow.

As for the future of the site, it's not closing anytime soon. I will be posting as updates come and go, so keep on checking in. Thanks for being a loyal reader to the site and have a wonderful day.

posted by Mr. Real World at 7:35 AM on Jan 16, 2008
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Anonymous said...

Seems like the author of the blog really did die this time.

dishnetwork said...

I agree with you completely. You do a great job with your blog. Hope you continue it. Thanks.

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hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

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