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Fresh Meat II

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Susie is married and is a stand-up comic, working on a pilot for FOX

Remember Susie (Australia)? Well, several people have emailed me about an update on her in the Pittsburgh area. This particular bit comes from a fan, Karen. Well, Susie is now working the comedy circuit as she is working on her career as a stand-up comedienne. Susie, a comedienne? Well, yeah. It's been a while since Australia days. (Susie is now 23 years of age...) Shortly after her return home from Australia, Susie visited Timmy (USA Tour 2) in Los Angeles. After her trip out there, she was engaged to Timmy... But since then they have broken up. Word is that Susie is actually married and may have a child. She is also working on a pilot for FOX. Good luck to Susie!

Here are the links from yesterday:

Ace Space
Ace Space offers up a fan homage to Ace, including pictures, news, and interesting facts.

Brain's Reviews
Brian, an avid fan of the shows, expresses his viewpoint on each aired episode.

Rachel RR Fansite
A fansite for Rachel of Campus Crawl featuring interview, pictures, and news.

RW/RR Fansite
Very detailed and informative page about all shows.

[BUMP] If you are a webmaster or a fan of another Real World or Road Rules site and want to put your link on the Blog, submit your request to newrwroad@hotmail.com. The links are on the left side of the page, below the cast member websites. We already included the above links. Because of limited space, we are going to ask that only sites with sizeable, pertinent content be submitted. This means that sites that are no longer updated will NOT be accepted. NOTE: If it is a site that is not intended to be updated, that is OK. Any websites with any inappropriate, unprofessional, or offensive material will NOT be accepted. Don't get scared... You're website doesn't have to be perfect, but it does have to have some sort of quality to it. Meaning: If your site only has one page or several pages with very little information, it will NOT be posted. Any website that offends or put downs castmembers, viewers, or visitors will also NOT be accepted. Submit your URL and website title to newrwroad@hotmail.com. AND ANOTHER VERY IMPORTANT PIECE OF INFORMATION... Keep your website titles down to 19 letters or less (including spaces). Otherwise, the title will be shortened by us. I will try to keep reminding people of this all week! Thank you!

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