C'mon be my baby tonight... -David (New Orleans)
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Gauntlet 3
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The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Real World may go international for the third time with its nineteenth season

The rumors are starting. According to this posting, BMP is considering moving the nineteenth season of the series all the way to Sydney, Australia. Recently, the Fresh Meat Challenge was filmed in Byron Bay, Australia, and of course, Road Rules: Down Under was filmed in Australia as well.

They list the top five cities that season 19 is rumored to be considering. If you remember, many people believed Detroit was the site of the 18th season, then a surprise announcement came from BMP announcing Denver would host to the seven strangers. Atlanta was heavily rumored to be the location for the 17th season, but producers threw a curveball and opted for Key West. And way back when, there were a lot of rumors that Real World was headed for Washington DC and even decked out a loft in the Adams Morgan section of the city, which turned out just to be a renovation of an old building.

They also report that the finalists for season 19 are all being asked if they have their passport.

Are we ready for The Real World: Sydney?

1) Sydney, Australia
2) Detroit, Michigan USA
3) Atlanta, Georgia USA
4) Washington DC USA
5) Montreal, Quebec Canada


Anonymous said...

Yes!!!!!!!!!!! i really hope it will be filmed outside of US Australia is amazingggg i reallly hope theyll film it there!!!! and if not i think Atlanta is also a good place consider its big population...... DONT GO ON WIKAPEDIA!!!!!! ppl post lies! dont believe!


Anonymous said...

I think the ATL would be a great place for the Real World. Its a great city.

Detroit just doesn't excite me AT ALL!

Anonymous said...

Interseting locations for sure, I put my two cents of a vote in for a city that is not listed on the top 5. INDIANAPOLIS, The Broad Ripple and downtown area bars are in great shape and it would be a great work related job if they timed it for the Indianapolis 500 season

Anonymous said...

I don't care what city or country it is in. i just love the real world haha

Anonymous said...

Well they usually go out of the country for their trip anyways so that might be why they need their passports. I wish they'd do Atlanta!

Anonymous said...

my votes on Australia just because its new and would be a change.

Anonymous said...

regarding the passport requirement for next season's cast...passports are alway required for each season as they travel out of the country for their trip. nevertheless, i'm thinking canada.

Anonymous said...

Montreal? Another French-speaking city? Why not Vancouver or Toronto?

Anonymous said...

Montreal is a Billingual city, they speak English and French Fluently.. its not a french speaking city.. and its also the biggest party city on this continent so it makes perfect sense for them to have the real world there.

Anonymous said...

vancouver??? yeah maybe if you want to have the most BORING real world ever.. toronto.. same thing its a business city more than anything

Anonymous said...

wikipedia lists atl as the next one with the names of the peeps. not sure how accurate that isssssssssssssssss

Anonymous said...

ive been to sydney twice and each time it has amazed me...beautiful beaches, clubs, and especially people...why wouldnt MTV pick Sydney?

Anonymous said...

Sydney is the best city in the world. It's amazing. If they do it, I hope they pick an Aussie to be on there. They should do DC in time for the prez campaign... do 8 people, 4 dems and 4 repubs and then have the dems work for the repub campaign and vice versa. It'd be great. I know, I'm a genius. I'd work for Bunim-Murray but who wants to live in LA?


Anonymous said...

idk y it is in sydney. they have already have 2 shoes there. next year it should be in the ATL. we have only had i show here. Yo Momma. we have a major population groth and we r the crukest city on earth. the only reason the real world didn't come here becase they werent ready for it!

Anonymous said...

umm first of all the comment above mine..well looks like they dont know how to spell...

but anyway i think sydney would be the perfect city for the next real world. like others have commented..it has wonderful beaches..and its someplace out of the u.s..the real world isnt only inside of the North American continent.

Anonymous said...

Check me out at http://www.myspace.com/iamalldat I am one of the finalist being considered for season 20 of the real world. I cannot make it on there without the support of the people out there so if you feel like you want to know my story vote for me. I wont let you down.