He turned psychotic and bit by tongue off. -Neil (London)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New Orleans
Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Duel Episode #1: Fitz picks Tyler, Tyler sends John home, Diem triumphs and Tina hits Beth

The first episode of the Duel just finished airing. The first episode of the season delivered and there was no shortage of drama. As the previews special on MTV showed, Svetlana (Key West) was picked to choosed between John (Key West) and Tyler (Key West). Svetlana picked Tyler who then chose John (with the reasoning that they would eventually send John anyway), who then sent home John in a rather lame Duel.

The real pivitol moment came when the girls were performing at their mission. Diem (Fresh Meat), who had just gone through chemotherapy, hesistantly took off her wig amongst her fellow castmembers, which sent a wave of pride for Diem's courage. (Visit Diem's website.) Diem ended up winning the Challenge, but shortly thereafter, Beth (Los Angeles) went to Tina (South Paciffic), confronting her about being pushed. And then ensued the now infamous clip that was played over and over and the episode ended.

Next week: We find out what girl goes home. (It's not hard to figure it out.)

Derrick is a TV jockey for BuddyTV again for this season of the Duel

Derrick (Extreme) is returning to Buddy TV once again this season, guiding you through all the episodes of The Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Duel.

What is Buddy TV? Buddy TV is an interactive program where you can watch and chat with Derrick while simultaneously watching the Duel. The only thing is: he'll be doing the show on central time. So if you're not on central time, you won't be able to watch the show with him.

Tonight, he'll be doing the Duel premiere episode at 9PM CT. (That's in about half-an-hour.) So don't forget to check Derrick out in BuddyTV.

Update: Derrick's chat is over since the show is now over in Central time. We'll update the site with more information on the latest episode soon. We'll also keep you updated on the appearances that Derrick makes on BuddyTV.

John involved in a road rage incident in Cincinnati where he had gun pointed at him

John (Key West), who is the subject of tonight's Duel episode, was in an incident Wednesday in Oxford, Ohio, where he and his girlfriend were apparently approached by a longtime Miami University professor after a road-rage incident.

Apparently, John and his girlfriend were following the professor and then cut him off by crossing a double-line divider. This set off the professor, who followed John and his girlfriend to her house, flashing his highbeams, honking his horn. And when John got out of his car to approach the professor, the professor pointed a gun at John.

Check out the story here and don't forget to catch John and a couple of his Key West castmembers tonight on the Duel. (Thanks to Megan for this story.)

The Real World/Road Rules Challenge 13: The Duel premieres tonight

Don't forget: MTV has moved the Challenge to Thursday nights and The Duel will air its premiere episode tonight at 10pm ET.

The Challenge, which was filmed in Buzios, Brazil, features twenty castmembers from The Real World and Road Rules fighting it out for a grand prize of $150,000. Only one male and one female will come out victorious in the end, a departure from past seasons.

After the show, check out Overdrive for the latest AfterShow episode hosted by none other than Blair (The Quest). The Overdrive segments will also include "The Sh*& You Didn't See" segments and there will also be episodic sneak peeks on Overdrive.

Be sure to check out the Blog for all the latest information as well!

Duel Spoiler Alert #1: The first-time Challenge blues - Key West in trouble

This is the portion of the site where we will tell you some spoilers on the upcoming episodes. We actually posted the first episode spoilers before, just a little rehashing for tonight. On a side note, these spoilers will be infrequent and most likely there will be a week or two where we don't post them. Thanks for you understanding.

So to find out what happens on the first episode, highlight the following block of text:

If you've seen the preview over on Overdrive, you know that Eric (Fresh Meat) and Robin (San Diego) win the first mission. Key West is actually directly targeted, as Svetlana (Key West) is forced to choose between John (Key West) and Tyler (Key West).

Svetlana chooses Tyler, who then chooses John. This is all a part of the animosity left over from their season, where the two of them had this love-hate relationship. I'd imagine there would be some explanation tonight behind Tyler's choice, as it'd make more sense if he picked one of the Veterans rather than someone from his own season. Tyler sends John home in the Duel.

Northwestern University chronicles the audition process for this season and asks past castmembers advice

Now that Fresh Meat 2 and The Real World 19 are currently casting, Northwestern University has two articles in its newspaper detailing the audition process (MTV recently came to Chicago for casting) and contacted Norman (New York), Danny (New Orleans), Mike (Back to New York), and Tyler (Key West) about their thoughts on their casting process.

The first article talks about the audition process that day in Chicago and even details what the actual audition process is like. (You sit around in a circle with other applicants and talk about yourself.)

The second article asks the former castmembers what their audition process was like and asks their advice on potential castmembers wanting to go through the audition process.

Check out the articles. They give a pretty interesting view of what's going on in the casting world of BMP. They also give the Blog a mention too.

Extended promo/trailer of Denver says that season will begin airing November 7th

I have been told from several people that The Real World: Denver has begun airing a full 2-minute trailer on the channel. This comes after they released that short promo clip that we posted on the site a few days back.

I haven't personally seen the trailer myself, nor has it shown up on YouTube yet. However, it shows potential cast hook-ups and love triangles that will occur this season. I'm also told that it shows Davis (Denver) threatening to leave the house. It also confirms castmember names: Alex, Brooke, Colie, Davis, Jen, Stephen and Tyrie.

It also gives a premiere date: November 7th. Which is a month earlier than anticipated. TVGuide had originally given the premiere date as airing in December. It just looks like we only have to wait a month until Denver shows up on MTV. We'll keep you updated if they post a promo to YouTube.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Duel episodes to launch on iTunes, Video-On-Demand and your Mobile

For the first time, MTV will make episodes of The Duel available via iTunes, which allows you to download episodes of your favorite television shows for $1.99 and make them accessible to watch on your desktop and iPod.

This new service comes to fruition, after MTV also decides to continue their Video-On-Demand program, providing episodes, the Aftershow (which will be coming back this season) and special sneak peeks that you have never seen before. You'll also be able to download episodes on your mobile phone (provided your phone has the capability to store video), although I have not heard further details about this.

If you miss an episode of The Duel or if you want to take it on your iPod video, now is your chance! Check out the iTunes website.

MTV posts Duel videos in an attempt to "shamelessly promote" The Duel

MTV makes no qualms about it's shameless promotion of tomorrow's upcoming Duel. (They released these videos under the user name "shamelesspromotion".) I guess there's fear in switching the Challenge to a new night (Thursday), there will be a dip in ratings. So, in an effort to promote The Duel, four very short videos have been leaked on YouTube:

Diem (Fresh Meat) and CT (Paris) making out. Wes (Austin) then makes fun of Diem:

Nehemiah (Austin) and Beth (Los Angeles) playing on the bed and CT makes an accusation about the two of them:

A nineteen second clip of Wes fighting with CT during one of his Duels:

The 30-seconds leading up to the Beth and Tina (South Pacific) fight:

Appearance in Lubbock hosted by RxLive, will be a Duel premiere party with Duel castmembers attending

So a couple of days ago, we posted information on how Mark (USA Tour 1) would be in Lubbock, Texas for an appearance in conjunction with a casting call. Well, we have more information about the appearance and who's scheduled to show up.

The day in question is Saturday, October 21st. The casting call will be held at the Beer Garden & Daiquiri Lounge from 10AM to 5PM in Lubbock, TX.

They are holding two meet and greets simulatneously in Lubbock at the Johnlisa Exchange (local boutique clothing store) and Red Raider Outfitters (clothing retailer specializing in Texas Tech apparel), then holding a "Fall Bash" meet and greet and "Press Conference" with Fox Reality's Reality Remix show. Five cast members will be on hand to answer questions from the fans about this seasons latest challenge, The Duel.

Diem (Fresh Meat)
Casey (Fresh Meat)
Evan (Fresh Meat)
Robin (San Diego)

The event will be hosted by Mark. Red carpet arrival is at 9:30PM. The party begins at 10:00PM. Officially, it's a Duel premiere/after party. So, if you're in Lubbock, TX, be sure to check it out.

Katie will leave to Chicago within the next week because Derrick has appearances until November

So, Katie (The Quest), who talked about moving to Chicago two weeks ago, over at MySpace, has recently mentioned that she will move out sooner than expected.

The impetus behind a quick move? Derrick (Extreme) will be unavailable to drive her from Los Angeles to Chicago because he'll have appearance booked from this next week to November. I know what many people are thinking... Doesn't that mysteriously line up with the Challenge film date of October 16? Well, yes. However, technically, Katie mentioned that the move itself would happen on the 15th, so Derrick may or may not be on this next Challenge.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Beth is up for an award as "The Most Memorable Reality Performer"

Reality Remix, which is a show that Mark (USA Tour I) reports for, is holding an awards show this year. Aired exclusively on Fox Reality, the awards show would be the first telecast of its kind.

Anyway, Beth (Los Angeles) is up for the only award you can vote on. She's up for "Most Memorable Reality Performer". She has pretty stiff competition in the likes of Mike Boogie, B.J. Averell, Omarosa, Jonny Fairplay, Janice Dickinson, Evan Marriott, Toni Ferrari, Dr. Will Kirby and Flavor Flav.

Anyway, check out Reality Remix's website and vote for Beth!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Denver promos already begin airing three months before season is scheduled to start

So after the unedited video surfaced on YouTube last week, it seems fitting that the Denver promo also surfaces on YouTube as well. Don't fret. They are actually airing this promo on MTV as well. But it doesn't even have a premiere date on it (which we know to be around the beginning of December).

Anyway, quick synopsis of the video, the cast is set up in a circle, playing spin the bottle. It's not footage, it's a staged promo. Eventually, at the end of the promo, what looks to be like Jenn (Denver) and Alex (Denver) end up kissing. Supposedly, these two hooked up during filming, but no word on if they're still an item. Here's the clip:

And for those of you who still are not so technologically inclined and for those of you who just like them, here's some screenshots. Hopefully, ImageShack can handle the large image with the bandwidth:

Top to Bottom: Brooke, Alex, Colie, Jenn, Jenn and Davis, Jenn kissing Alex.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Sneak peek of the Duel's first episode is now up on Overdrive

Just a quick announcement: Overdrive has posted a sneak peek for the Duel's first episode. If you have a broadband connection and don't want to wait until Thursday, be sure to catch it.

We'll also have screencaps and a review up here relatively soon for those of you that don't have a broadband connection. We'll also include any spoiler warnings for those of you who don't want to have the first episode spoiled.

So, what are you waiting for? Go see the first episode.

Update: The following contains a brief synopsis of the first half of the episode, now up on Overdrive. If you do not want to know what will happen on Thursday night, please stop reading now.

Clockwise from top: Diem (Fresh Meat) and Nehemiah (Austin) arrive in Brazil. The cast goes up to the Duel area. The cast assembles to hear the rules. Eric (Fresh Meat), Evan (Fresh Meat), CT (Paris) and Derrick (Extreme) conspire, The girls compete, The boys compete, Kenny (Fresh Meat) makes Svetlana (Key West) choose.

The episode starts out with the cast arriving in Brazil at the airport. This is probably the first time since the Gauntlet that the cast met up at the airport and then they board a bus to where they are staying. Everyone's talking in the bus and everyone is commenting on their whereabouts. If you read the Blog, you probably know all this information.

They go into the house and they see "The Duel" emblazoned across a wall. No one knows what it means, but the team question is already thrown into the air. TJ Lavin informs them on their first night of the rules: It basically amounts to a schoolyard picking game at the end of each mission. The winning guy or girl (dependent on which Duel day it is), will choose a member of the opposite sex to be safe. The person they chose, will then choose the next person, until one castmember is left. That one castmember goes into the Duel. That castmember also gets to choose their opponent.

It's a little mindboggling for the castmembers. But on their return home, Key West quickly recognizes the conspiring that is going on around them. Principally, Derrick (Extreme), CT (Paris), Evan (Fresh Meat) and Kenny (Fresh Meat) all decide to let John (Key West) go to the Duel. Derrick cites how it's been tradition.

So, mission day comes up and it's basically a group reverse tug-of-war. I won't tell you who wins, just to keep a little suspense. However, the group gets a surprise when they realize that there's NO deliberation time and they must pick who is going into the Duel at that exact moment. The interesting thing here is that castmembers were first choosing other castmembers from their own seasons (San Diego chose San Diego, Extreme chose Extreme, Fresh Meat chose Fresh Meat). Also, two seasons are deliberately left at the end: Fresh Meat and Key West. The manner of choosing the Duelers each week, explicitly draws lines between castmembers according to their alliances. Which sorta makes them accountable for their actions.

Anyway, at the very end, Kenny (Fresh Meat) must make a crucial choice, because after him, there are only two men left: John (Key West) and Tyler (Key West). One of them must be sent to the Duel, but Kenny must make the decision about who will get to make that decision: Is it Svetlana (Key West), Paula (Key West) or Casey (Fresh Meat), the last three remaining women? Kenny immediately goes for Svetlana wanting to make it "interesting". So, the episode ends with Svetlana torn to make a decision between her two "guardians" at the Challenge: John and Tyler.

To find out what happens, highlight the following text: Svetlana chooses Tyler, who oddly enough, chooses John. John is sent home in the first Duel.

Don't miss a post: Subscribe to our feeds with our FeedBurner service

Just a quick weekend announcement. You can sign up for a feed-reader service for the Blog using FeedBurner. If you read your news through a feed reader, we can now be included in that feed.

Go on over to our FeedBurner page to sign up for the service. FeedBurner includes My Yahoo!, Newsgator, Pluck, My AOL, Rojo, Bloglines, Netvibes, Google feeds, Pageflakes and a ton of other services.

So go check it out.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Real World Denver lesbian hot tub footage leaked over the internet

This is the first time this has happened if memory serves correct. Someone over at BMP has leaked footage of Denver. Get Real Denver was the first to post this. It's a hot tub scene supposedly between Brooke (Denver), Jenn (Denver) and Ty (Denver). "Supposedly" because we only have pictures of the castmembers and this is the first footage that's come out. It's of Brooke and Jenn making out in the hot tub and Ty asking to join in. And yes, it's real. The interior of the house matches what we've seen before.

And for those of you who don't have high speed internet and don't want to wait forever to see the clip, check out the following screencaps:

Brooke says she wants to liven things up and asks Jenn what she wants to drink.

Jenn asks Brooke if she's drunk.

Jenn goes to hug Brooke.

Brooke and Jenn make out for the rest of the video.

Ty asks if he can join in. After getting no response, he says he'll just sit back and watch.

Melinda and Landon are on tour with Nick Lachey promoting yFly.com

Yes, Melinda (Austin) and Landon (Philadelphia) are on tour with Nick Lachey. Nick Lachey has a partial stake in a new online community called yFly. So, in an effort to promote the new website, which is a bit like MySpace, he's bringing along several people to help promote it (Melinda and Landon being two of them).

The upcoming dates that they'll be there are:

10-10 - DC
10-17 - Tampa
10-19 - Orlando
10-20 - Atlanta
10-21 - Nashville
10-23 - Louisville

yFly is almost exactly like MySpace. It's actually a pretty good service that actually confirms if members are celebrities. A couple of castmembers are already on it. Svetlana (Key West), John (Key West), Paula (Key West), Casey (Fresh Meat) and Aviv (Fresh Meat) are just a couple who've signed up already. Check out Landon's website for more information.

Andre's band, The Andre Comeau Band, has album available at iTunes

Andre (New York), who is part of that group of alumni that we don't hear much, is in a band called none other that the Andre Comeau Band. They've been together for about two years and they recently released their latest album on iTunes. So, if you were a fan on Andre (New York) in his Real World years, check out his new stuff.

Also, his band is on MySpace. You can preview the music there and check out his latest appearances in the Los Angeles area. Good luck to Andre and his band.

Timmy opens up his own website apart from RealitySpot

Timmy (USA Tour 2) and Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour) have had a long standing partnership in the form of a website together. They've released a couple of DVD together even. Well, Timmy, who's had success has a hosting personality on television, has opened up his own website at www.timbeggy.com.

The website will feature his resume, photos, contact, links and stuff to generally help out his career. He'll also post his schedule so you'll be able to catch his appearances wherever he might be around the country.

Danny and Melinda have not broken up; The two are still engaged and a date has been set

There was some news over the summer that Danny (Austin) and Melinda (Austin) has possibly broken off their engagement and were no longer living together. According to TMZ.com, the two are still very much engaged and living in Boston.

There was some question as to whether the two would have their marriage air on MTV after Danny proposed to Melinda on the reunion show. It looks like Danny told TMZ that he's not looking to broadcast his nupitals over the airwaves, especially since most MTV couples don't have the best track record.

I'm also being told that the two have set a date for Spring/Summer 2007.