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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Viewers Revenge Episode #2: Abram hits Adam and is sent home saving the Roadies from Elimination this week

The show started with a quick recap and a basic re-run of the Elimination Pit that was supposed to run exclusively on MTV.com.

The cast begins by picking up the two Elimination Pit Crew Members. Abram (South Pacific) makes the comment that it will be between the four of them for the next Elimination Pit. Shane (Campus Crawl) makes the comment that he won't care what the mission is because he think that he'll be targeted.

The cast seems happy to see new castmember Tori (Viewers Revenge). Tori gets their mission clue to get to the Encina Jetty in Carlsbad, CA. They think that they'll get to do white water rafting. They get to do "Swift Water Rescue".

They have to successfully complete an actual rescue. They work with the San Diego Swift Water Rescue team. They first get an introduction to the training that they'll receive for the mission. The cast trains to get into the river and retrieve a body from the river. Tori has a few problems with the training to begin with.

The training scares the cast as Tori could have been seriously hurt. The cast seems happy to have Tori's energy in the RV. Tori explains her background, her dad, and the absence of her mom.

They get their mission from Drew. They have to get a call from dispatch where they have to rescue two victims. Four castmembers have to rescue the two victims. If the victims are washed out to sea, they fail the mission and get nothing. Kina (Extreme) and Adam (The Quest) are the most comfortable with water, so they are chosen to be the victims.

Adam is the first victim and he flows down the channel. Shane jumps in to catch Adam and gets swept downstream, but Shane catches Adam. Kina has to grab the net that Abram and Tori are holding down. They successfully lead Kina out of the channel.

The cast is at the pool, and the group is deciding who is going into the pool. Adam and Susie volunteer themselves, and Abram has a problem with it. Then, all hell breaks loose. Abram and Adam begin to fight over the vote. The situation escalates and the two get in each other's faces. Kina tries to pull them apart. Tori is overwhelmed by the situation and begins to cry. Abram actually throws a punch. He knows that he'll be sent home and he leaves to pack his bags.

The Roadies then have to pick two castmembers to pick up their new castmember. Adam and Susie, who were going to go anyway, are chosen to go. So, this Saturday, two male Pit Crew nominees will be chosen to battle it out for their spot on the RV. Go vote at roadrules.mtv.com.

And for this episode, we have some nice, memorable quotes that pretty much summarizes this episode. The quotes come through really clearly in the raw footage that's available at iFilm. (Check the previous post.)

"Don't you fight... Don't you fight... Don't! You did it the first time, don't you do it again! -Kina (Viewers Revenge)"

"Oh, you motherf$%$er... oh, you as$%ole. -Kina (Viewers Revenge"

"I just want to go home. -Tori (Viewers Revenge)"

"Oh God... Please stop! Please, please, please, please... stop it! -Susie (Viewers Revenge)"

"Adam! Walk away! -Susie (Viewers Revenge)"

"You're still a fuc$%ing punk bi$%h! -Abram (Viewers Revenge)"


Anonymous said...

Anybody get the feeling this fight was a work? By that, I mean it was set up. How convenient that Abe reverts to his old ways (ratings!) and it allows for a new guy to come onto the RV. Hmmmmmmmm.

loring said...

Watching the clip over again makes it seem a bit odd, especially after when Adam is holding Abram down. I think it may have been a set up, but then, that would be giving credit for their acting abilities, which I don't, so who knows.

Anonymous said...

They're not good enough actors to pull that off.

Too bad Kina wasn't accidentally shoved into the pool or something.

Anonymous said...

Beth said specifically in her myspace that nothing on the Real World, Road Rules, or the Challenges are staged. She said it is ALL real.

Anonymous said...

You act like Beth is some sort of reliable source.

Anonymous said...

beth a reliable source.
now thats a joke.
mtv probably paid her to post that.

Anonymous said...

whatever, TORI is beautiful and amazing and i could go on and on about her

Anonymous said...

I agree Tori is a breath of fresh air!

Anonymous said...

Hey i like Tori she is cooler, n i'm startig to like kina not as much as other of the cast member of the road rules or real world, but she is getting there, GO Tori u can kiss some ass


Anonymous said...

This incident seemed really fake. A fight that soon in the show just seems like they're trying to get people to watch. That fight came out of nowhere. I'm done watching road rules!

Anonymous said...

Did they advertise the fight? I don't remember seeing any advertisments much less one about a fight. I didn't know about it until I read it here. If they had staged it they would of advertised the hell out of it. Abram needs some anger managment classes.

Anonymous said...

No question that it was real, having looked at it frame by frame. At least four punches connect.

What is wrong at Bunim/Murray? In the last three taped "challenges " someone is sent packing for fighting. Bunim/Murray's Bad Girls Club on Oxygen now includes similar evictions... In RR: Viewers' Revenge, BMP cast someone previously removed from one of their shows for fighting. This is how they reward theat behavior, they bring him back and "allow" him to pummel Adam who won't fight back becasue he actually read the contract he signed?

How much longer will it be before someone, or several people, decide that the producers and MTV are guilty of negligence over the failure to provide a "safe and secure" work environment?

Anonymous said...

Since Beth talks to Adam, Susie and Kina, she certainly is likely to know something of what is going on with RRs. Susie responded so quickly to Beth's recent myspace blog that it also seems likely that they two talked about what happened.

Re the comment about Beth being out of shape. Get a clue. She is one of the few people who actually hit the gym. My GF and I saw her on the street in (Beverly Drive) in Hollywood. She was with some woman that my GF also recognized from TV. At 37, Beth looked exactly like her myspace pic (from The Duel). Given what I had read about her online, I expected to see "Miss Piggy."

Anonymous said...

I think personaly that Kina needs to GROW up and act like a ADULT! Shes soo busy worried about who likes her and not Angel and from the other side of the screen it just makes her look like a stuck up B****! I think she knows angel is better at it "Game Wise" or she would LET IT BE all ready. It's so childish!
I think as long as Kina can keep EVERYONE from not likeing someone on that RV she thinks she safe. *L* Other R.R.'s Watch out! Send her to the PIT and let her stay! When shes around it's always NEGITIVE. Bring in someone else and keep them there!
Oh yeah, Kina you do wear a GRIP of Make-up... You can put on a whole bag of make-up and it still wouldn't help.. Your Attitude alone makes you UGLY, then add the Make-up......