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Monday, March 05, 2007

Brooke posts a comment on her MySpace that presumably attacks either Colie or Jenn, but uses no names

In a world where reality doesn't stop after the cameras stop filming, it seems that Brooke (Denver) may still have a bone to pick with one of her old roommates. The recent episodes have focused around Brooke's struggle to feel comfortable in the house and the frustrations that come with that.

Recently, she posted a blog on her MySpace in response to someone saying Brooke has "deep-seated mental issues":

Thanks, friend. I'm not even going to try to defend myself. Now see, this is why I laughed inside every time you got wasted/high and told me how much you "love me" and consider me a "friend for life." Fuck you a thousand times.

We all know the real issue here: You were a mean-spirited, jealous, competitive, immature girl from Day 1. You never gave me a chance because of that. Well I have news for you: there is no competition. You know it, I know it, we all know it.

I don't care if you like me or not, but you pretty much blew me off as a waste of a human being. You have hurt me so much. And what's worse is that you are so dellusional and self-absorbed you could never see that or even care. You would be lucky to have a friend like me.

I am no longer going to try to win you over or figure out why, oh why, you just have to be so hateful to me for no good reason. I don't give a shit anymore.

So stop using the "f" word-- you and I are not friends. We never were and never will be.

I will be civil because I care about being professional, and I expect you to do the same. But please spare me the fakeness of pretending you give a shit if I were alive or dead.


Was it for Colie (Denver) or Jenn (Denver)? You decide.


Anonymous said...

It is definitely Colie. I read this blog last night..she must of just changed the title of it today. Last night the title was "to you, C.E."

Anonymous said...

SHE cares about being professional?

Does she mean while she's skipping work for a day at the spa?

Anonymous said...

well i think that brooke is talking about jenn because from watching the episodes i can tell that she doesn't give a shit what colie thinks about her and that jenn was the only girl in the house whom she considered somewhat of a friend. so to post a whole blog about it makes me think that it is about jenn.

Anonymous said...

It's not about Jenn. It's about Colie. On this week's After Show, Colie specifically says that Brooke has "deep-seated mental issues." Go see for yourself. Damn straight, Brooke! Amen to that!

Anonymous said...

I think Brooke is completely off her rocker! The way she went off on Colie about the dirty dishes is proof that she is not a stable individual. She acts all holier than thou (ex. explaining getting lost in the "ghetto" to Tyrie; not being able to work with a "sprained" foot, yet able to walk in heels to a spa day) and puts herself above the roomates. If I were living with her, punching her in her pretty little nose would SO be worht getting kicked out of the house!

Anonymous said...

Brooke definitely has "deep-seated mental isssues"!

Anonymous said...

it's definitely about Colie.

Anonymous said...

ugh eff colie. brooke all the way!

Anonymous said...

Isn't Davis a possibility?

Anonymous said...

but what i like about brooke is yeah she's psycho, but at least she knows she's not right in the head. now colie, acts like she has no faults what-so-ever but has the audacity to point out everyone elses flaws which can be very annoying.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, about the dirty dishes situation well Brooke is right about Colie confronting just her while everyone else leaves out dirty dishes. Plus Brooke didn't go off on Colie like she did with Jenn later on the episode. I can't wait for the episode where she make it rain on Davis except with a water bottle filled with water instead of stacks of cash.

Anonymous said...

Colie may be an idiot, but cleaning after yourself isn't very hard. But I guess if you can't even go hiking and get paid for it, or even find a spa in Denver... it may be too hard. Brooke is a prissy, high maintenance ass psycho chick that needs to be evaluated. What's worse is that this show ended a while ago and she's still going on and not over it. You would think that after seeing yourself act like a total nut case on TV would open your eyes, but I guess not everyone is normal and mature enough to do that.

Anonymous said...

Well Brooke erased the To You blog. Maybe after that blog got attention, she erased it. Well I can't wait for the reunion to see if it gets mentioned. Remember she's not the only one to do this. Remember Ev after when Danny on Blair's aftershow about Fresh Meat talking smack about her. She wrote a blog about Danny.

Anonymous said...

I'm so upset that she got rid of it. I didn't want her to back out like that. For me, it was like she was standing up for the people out there with anxiety. Now that it's gone, it's like she and everyone else with this condition has been defeated once again. No one will EVER understand what it is like living with it, but I wish she would have at least kept the entry up.

Anonymous said...

Brooke is messed up. Why doesn't she get help, It justs sucks that sher has to live like that because of something she can't control.

Anonymous said...

ok i think everyones main problem with Brooke is she is high maintenance, which everyone knows so its not a surprise.

I'm guessing she got over all the drama but seeing it again and and hearing all of the confession stuff pissed her off.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or are these three the LEAST attractive females EVER in a Real World house. Whore, Whorer, and Whoriest. Not attractive.

Anonymous said...

The best thing about this season is how delusional Colie is and how much fun Alex is having with it.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, who said that Colie looks like she has Down Syndrome?! That is so friggin offensive- and so TRUE!!!! She keeps putting that mop of hair up in a lopsided, top of the head ponytail and then giving everyone these "love me" looks and she actually does look developmentally disabled.

Down Syndrome. That is so true.

Anonymous said...

hey, you never know. anythings possible ^^^.

mop of hair up in a lopsided, top of the head ponytail

made me laugh :)

Anonymous said...

definitely jenn

Anonymous said...

All right, finally some intelligent (or not) bickering on this blog. I am cracking up about these anonymous arguments about dumb bitches.
These girls are in it for the fame.
Tyler Duckworth's blog is Hilarious.

Anonymous said...

her blog may have been just another one of Brooke's rant-except in written form. Shes insane. I don't like any of the rw girls this season; all of them are vapid, but they are amusing.