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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Post your reactions here: Brooke and Davis finally have a spat

It's a double dose of the shows tonight as The Real World: Denver airs at 10PM, followed by its sister show, Road Rules: Viewers Revenge at 10:30PM.

This week on Denver, it looks like Brooke (Denver) and Davis (Denver) have finally reached the breaking point of tension and the two explode at each other. It wouldn't be right unless it was during an Outward Bound trip either.

Discuss in the comments section what you think about the episode, the fight, and anything else related to the episode.


Anonymous said...

Brooke is competey phsycho and thinks the world revolves around her.. she needs to grow up, fast! GO COLIE.. even though she is slightly a slut. :)

Anonymous said...

brooke is PSYCHO!!!

she NEEDS to seek attention

why would see want to be on the show if she couldn't get along with people?! the guys on the show just laugh at her and go along with the show that the girls put on...

Anonymous said...

I would like to see what would happen if Brooke and Tyler from the Key West season lived together as long as Brooke and Davis did and Tyler is worse. Thought unlike Davis, Tyler decide to leave the show like Davis, no one would want Tyler to stay.

Anonymous said...

completely unrelated to the spat, but did anyone watch the road rules viewers challenge afterward with brooke and davis as guests? looks like brooke gone and got some huge breast implants, does NOT look attractve...haha

Anonymous said...

did brroke get breast implants??? on the road rules show...they looked larger than usual!!!

Anonymous said...

The whole thing of Davis hitting on Brooke is rather bizarre. Why would any guy, straight or gay, want to be with her? It's as strange as Nehemiah and Beth.

Anonymous said...

Brooke's boobs now match the size of her opinion of herself!

Reality TV News Blog said...

Brooke is a complete mess. I agree that she must have had some surgery since the show.

Anonymous said...

she got them so she could feel better about herself...

too bad nothing can make her look better...

Anonymous said...

I missed the end because MTV.com has the last section of the show a preview of the upcoming one!!
(I don't have cable for the record.)

What went down after she threw the water at him?

Anonymous said...

I think everyone is being a little hard on Brooke... I personally think she is a very pretty girl and seems to be a good person.. Lets face it everybody has their own personality flaws... Remember...MTV shows are pure editing.

Anonymous said...

I don't think any amount of editing could have made those puppies look that BIG! Her titties are huge and weird looking on her body frame! YECH!

Anonymous said...

its not my fault that brooke and steven keep hooking up. people keep blaming me