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Thursday, May 03, 2007

Denver Episode #25: The group gets their trip, Colie gets what she wants, Davis gets his mom

The episode begins with the group coming back from their Outward Bound trip. They're excited to be back home and finally be done with it. It looks like they're excited to get the results of their labor by getting their trip.

Colie (Denver) meanwhile fully admits to being lonely. She calls up Adam, one of her male friends in Denver and she flirts with him a bit. After a night of making out though, Colie feels like the relationship isn't going anywhere.

The group finally gets their trip. They're going to Thailand. They all seem to be excited about going on a trip to the beaches of Thailand, so they're happy.

Later on, Colie begins to gravitate towards Alex (Denver). The two eventually hook-up later on and Colie doesn't get attached much like Alex think she will.

Davis (Denver) is getting a visit from his mother and his sister. Davis is at odds with his mother because his mother is having difficulty in accepting his homosexuality. His mother seems to be weary of the whole situation that Davis is living in, but the two seem to be getting closer.

That night, Davis decides to party it up on his birthday and stays out late. The same night, Colie meets up with her friend "hot Justin" and takes him back to the house. Although there's question as whether or not it was intended to make Alex jealous, it just seems like Colie wants to hook up with someone, which she does: with "hot Justin".

The next morning, Davis was supposed to meet his family for breakfast at 9am, but they show him passed out at the computer on the night before. He calls his mother at 11am and she expresses his disappointment in him. He takes them to the airport and the episode ends.


Anonymous said...

Davis has a drinking problem. So do most of the cast members of RW and RR for the last few years.

That's his major issue, not being gay. Maybe his pain and rejection is part of why he drinks, but that's best addressed in therapy while SOBER which, apparently, is something that these kids never can be.

Anonymous said...

I have never seem a gay guy kiss so many woman in my life.I think he straight :)

Anonymous said...

9:04am What a HORRIBLE thing to say!!! Maybe you should spend more time making yourself a better person, than judgeing others.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, why was Davis past out at the computer with his boxers off at his ankles. If I lived there and saw that I would make his ass clean that computer chair.

Anonymous said...

9:30, let me think about it....NO THANKS. I hope Alex and Colie get AIDs.

Anonymous said...

maybe 9:30 should spend more time in a remedial english class rather than on a blog bitching about what other's say. yeah, i think that's a good idea.

Anonymous said...

because obviously spelling "judging" wrong is worse than wishing AIDS upon two people who you've never met... good call

Anonymous said...

regarding davis naked at the computer: colie was performing her talent on davis as a bday present.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I hope Colie and Alex get AIDS. Davis too. And Tyrie and Jenn for that matter.

Anonymous said...

People stop wishing colie get AID.
While I don't agree with her sleep around. I do not wish her any ill will so stop doing that

Anonymous said...

Are you going to show up at their doorstep lovely???
AID? sleep around?
you must be foreign, I'll give you a pass

Anonymous said...

"sleep around" sounds like some really diseased, sexual slumber party