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Thursday, August 09, 2007

Sydney Episode #1/2: Catfight sets off fireworks in Sydney

Last night's episode began with Cohutta (Sydney) and KellyAnne (Sydney) being the first to arrive in the house. Cohutta had never lived in more than two places, while KellyAnne was looking to have a party while in Sydney. The two arrive at the house and begin to check everything out. Soon, Trisha (Sydney) comes and joins the twosome. Meanwhile, Isaac (Sydney) and Shauvon (Sydney) get to know each other a little better than the rest of the roommates, to join the group.

Somewhere else in Sydney, Dunbar (Sydney) and Parisa (Sydney) have a first awkward meeting, mostly propelled by Parisa being mesmorized by Dunbar. The two go to the house to complete the sevensome.

The guys pretty much easily decide to share the room with three beds. Trisha and KellyAnne seem to develop a quick friendship, while Parisa makes a bad first impression on the two because she's not overally friendly with the two.

The group decides to go out and have dinner. They're interrupted midway by fireworks, to which Dunbar responds that Sydney is pretty amazing. That night at the club, Parisa is immediately turned off by the atmosphere and decides to go home rather than spend the night to "fit in".

The next morning, Parisa and Shauvon talk about KellyAnne's behavior. While KellyAnne is a staunch partygirl, Parisa had seemed turned off the night before by KellyAnne's attraction to Dunbar in the hot tub. KellyAnne actually hears the two talking about her and confronts them. Parisa dosen't appreciate the dose of attitude and the two are on bad terms. KellyAnne vents to Trisha, who seems to share her dislike of Parisa.

Shauvon and Isaac, meanwhile, turn up the heat, as the two are heavily flirtacious, especially after feeling they are the closest in the house after being introduced to each other first. The two make out in the confessional room, momentarily interrupted by Dunbar and Parisa.

At the end, KellyAnne isn't sure about her relationship with Parisa and Shauvon. Shauvon seems to be approachable and seems to want to mend the friendships in the house, so she suggests that KellyAnne approach Parisa to explain and talk the situation out. The two have a talk about what's going on and they decide to set their differences aside and start anew.


Anonymous said...

I thought from the previews that Kelly Anne would be the bitch of the house, but I can see why she was pissed about Shavaun and Parisa talking about her.

Trisha, though, is trash. Typical Fresno white, ignorant traaaaaaaaash.

Anonymous said...

Go Trisha, go Trisha! She's soo cute and funny! Too bad she doesn't make it through the whole season =(, but luckily she takes care of some business first!

Anonymous said...

This is Trisha. I am not leaving comments about myself.

And to all the haters out there: I will be redeemed.

Anonymous said...

i like sydney

Anonymous said...

Parisa is totally BEAUTIFUL.

And I love how she thinks.

Anonymous said...

I posted this on the other entry. So I'm going to post it here also.

I HATE TRISHA and KELLY ANNE! They act like they are still fresh out of high school. They are immature and conceited. I really think that MTV is trying to draw young viewers (viewers who watch Laguna Beach) by having these two bimbos around and thinking that they are so cute. Think about it, would these two girls fit in Real world Boston, or Seattle, or how about New Orleans. Shoot, I bet if they were in Back to New York, Coral would be cussing them out. What the hell is happening with real world cast members. Kelly Anne seems like shes all about the attention and doesn't seem real at all. I'm all for Parisa!! She's mature, smart, and can stand up for herself. My heart went out to her when Trisha was making fun of the lady with the accent. She cries to her mom, while her mom comforts her with her cute Persian accent sounding so humble and sincere =)

Anonymous said...

I agree! Trisha and KellyAnne would't stand a chance in other Real World. Other cast members from previous RW seemed so much more mature. These two girls belong in Laguna Beach or sweet sixteen...A show which revolves around stuck up high school kids!! It doesn't have the Real World feel to it having these two girls around. They totally killed it! Atleast with Parisa, there's a depth to her and her story, which is real and believable. Trisha must have felt like an ass when she saw Parisa crying to her mom and finding out that her mom has an accent too.

Anonymous said...

Top quotes (or close enough) of the episode?
Dunbar - the problems in this house will be centered around "vaginal insecurity"

Parisa (in response to Trisha's comment about being irritated) - Oh, should I get you some ointment for that irritation?

Love it!

Anonymous said...

i dont know what it is but something about the way kelly ann looks reminds me of lily allen ... which is not attractive at all to me

Anonymous said...

5:32 - kellyanus

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

this is the most boring, undiverse cast i have ever seen. kelly anne and trisha are typical college white girls who are average at best but still get attention anyway. i do look forward to seeing how the season unfolds though, and if trisha is going home (which i'm sure she is, since i believe i saw her attacking parisa in the previes), i can't wait to see how kellyanne fares on her own.

and, oh yea, dunbar's not that cute. get a grip, girls on the show.

Anonymous said...

6:44, a new girl named Ashli gets brought onto the show in Trisha's place, maybe KellyAnne teams with her.

the exploits of lucinda and sebastain said...

Kelly Anne and Parisa end up becoming really good friends as well as shavoun and trisha so im sure a lot changes

Anonymous said...

parisa is without a doubt, the most unfriendly, stuck-up person on the show this season

Anonymous said...

hahaha i saw Isaac's dick too! haha if you go to mtv overdrive and rewatch the episode you can see it. It's when they go to the beach. look for isaac in the back at around 2:55 OR -3:27. haha

Anonymous said...

i am kellyanus

Anonymous said...

kelly anne reminds me of trailer trash that got mocked all through high school, then bought a bunch of slutty clothes and moved to somewhere no one knew her and just whored herself out. shes hot but wow she is trashy.

trisha looks horrible without her make up on. watch that part where she wakes up.

parissa is probably best looking naturally of the 4 girls so for trisha and kelly anne to be asking "why she is even there" i just had to laugh like crazy. im not a huge fan of her attitude either, but at least she has depth.

the exploits of lucinda and sebastain said...

10:11 haha agreed...the part where she wakes up she looks trisha dearly but in that same scene she looked awful...really puffy..but i mean whatevs

Anonymous said...

trisha goes home??? does anyone know when and why she leaves? im glad to hear she does, i cant believe MTV would put anyone that stereotypical on their show. she is just like every other girl in the country with no identity other than to brag about how hot she thinks she is and spend all her money on the same chanel sunglasses 50 million other girls have. please i like seeing different people on tv, if i wanted to see people like Trisha i would go back to high school

Anonymous said...

i love parisa, cohutta seems really cute and funny but prob wont get alot of screen time because trisha and kellyanne and probably going to whore themselves out every damn episode. dunbar is definately not cute enough to be as conceided as he is. issac seems nice but kind of like a player and shavoun seems sweet

Anonymous said...

does trisha get sent home? or does she choose to leave

the exploits of lucinda and sebastain said...

she chooses to go home apparently

Anonymous said...

do you know why? does she not like the castmembers or house

Anonymous said...

She doesn't choose to go home, she hits Parisa and gets sent home, then a girl named Ashli is brought in as her replacement.

And also, I can't remember Trisha EVER saying a word about herself being pretty or calling any of the other girls ugly, she never said a word about anybody's looks.

Plus Trisha is 19, just got out of High School so what do you expect from her? Maybe she applied for the Real World to try and get out of her "high school mode" and into "real world mode"

Remember you're judging these people from one episode, so you don't know exactly all there is to know about them. And now you'll give some superficial remark like "I already know what Trisha is, a slut who thinks she's still in high school!"

Anonymous said...

Oops sorry, just remembered Trisha talking about her friends in her home tape, but she called her friend hot, not exactly her,

Anonymous said...

uh, she called parisa a teacher after kellyanus was talking about parisa's looks, insinuating that teachers are ugly.

Anonymous said...

trisha said all her friends are exactly like her and if you "took all of the hot girls" those are her friends implying that she thinks shes wicked hot. and please i know your trying to defend her but anyone who wears that much makeup and dyes their hair and like does it wicked done up everyday .. its pretty obvious from looking at her she is a person obsessed with looks

the exploits of lucinda and sebastain said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
the exploits of lucinda and sebastain said...

hitting parisa may be related to but isnt the sole reason she goes home...i read something somewhere that it said its more to the story and she makes a i could be wrong but thats what I heard.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, maybe since Parisa calls Trisha Ms. Piggy and fat maybe Trisha has to choose to punch Parisa or not? lol, or maybe that is just part of it. Maybe her throwing a glass or drink at Cohutta has something to do with it too.

I'm gonna miss Trisha =(

Anonymous said...

Hmm, some people are saying not only Trisha gets kicked off/leaves, but Shauvon also does. Then a girl named Ashli is one of the replacements, and the black girl kissing Isaac is the other replacement. Believe me or not, I'm not even sure if it's true, but something does go on with both blondes.

Anonymous said...

omg did anyone notice how fat trisha's arms look when she first gets into the car at the airport... honestly watch episode 1 again and look at how fat her arms are omg she needs a diet asap!!!!! and while shes at it hopesully she can kill herself too

Anonymous said...

who wants to have a contest where we guess how many guys kellyanus has banged and how many STDS she has.. i bet shes banged 28 guys and prob have herpes, Gonorrhea and genital warts.. anyone elsE?

panicsnap said...

k, omg, most of ya'll are so fucking mean!n ALL of these people "just got out of highschool"!!! hello???
and why why why in the hell is anybody with 1/2 a brain cell telling(commenting) on someone so small being fat???? how in the hell do you think these girls-and guys even- feel when they hear that shit? like purging! just to fit somebody else's idea of an industry standerd??? thank god the days of ally mcbeal are gone!!!
brownie points to everyone who said this is the first show, giv'em a chance.
however it may come off on the telli, wise the fuck up people and remember there's such a wicked tool as "editing"????? talk about sounding stupid, but you are playing right into mtv's demographic hands with such statements...
p.s. you also might want to remember, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS BAD PUBLICITY!

on a personal note, i loved it, i was so proud of cohutta and thought he looked and sounded just gorgeousness,FINALLY! A real GUY on THE REAL WORLD!

Anonymous said...

Learn how to spell you fucking ignorant asshole. Parisa is the only one in the house WITH a personality. Your stupid ass just doesn't get it because you'd rather watch a bunch of loose skanks and frat boys get drunk and gangbang each other. I'm going to track you down and rip your guts out of your mouth with my bare hands.


Anonymous said...

I really think people need to stop hating on each other, everyone's just posting their oppinions. I dislike Parisa, and actually like the other three girls, I like Shauvon the most though, she seems the least dramatic of the house, but she seems like she might be a little uneasy to live with until you get to know her. Trisha and KellyAnne I do like, but they are kinda immature, though they did just get out of HS, I think the person who said they might be doing the RW is to try and get to know what the real world is really like.

Anonymous said...

I am going to track you down and rip your pussy hair out with pliers and then stick my dirty ballsac in your mouth and skullfuck you.

Anonymous said...

so i take it everyone likes trisha, huh

the exploits of lucinda and sebastain said...

um.. no? thanks. bye

Anonymous said...

lol at you checking this to see if anyone replies. LOSER.

Anonymous said...

These people honestly have no lives, coming onto a blog to post hate comments about people they don't even know? You're way more immature than TrIsha and KellyAnNE.

Anonymous said...

shut up kellyanus

Anonymous said...

wtf are you two babbling on about? Trisha neve said anything about being religious! Woo her parents gave her a promise ring, NOT RELIGIOUS, it was just so she'd keep her PROMISE to her parents to not have sex until marraige. Some look at it as a religious way, but it's not meant to be one. Oh and to 10:50, umm, they're in Australia, not America.

AND Trisha never treated the lady badly, she didn't say anything about her race or culture, all she said was that she spoke little english and the only reason Trisha brought it up was to get the fact over that the lady took Trisha's money, put it in the register, then told her there was no oreo left.

Anonymous said...

whatever trasha

Anonymous said...

7:51- Are you crazy? Trisha's ponied out her religious beliefs repeatedly. Go watch the episode and the casting special and count how many times she mentions morality, and the way her parents raised her. Then watch the preview for the next episode where she says the only one who has a right to judge anyone is god. She's a complete hypocrite.

All this big talk and absolutely no ability to walk a mile in anyone else's shoes, turn the other cheek, or remain true to her word. Granted, its early in the season, but so far she's a disgrace. And if she leaves early, I can only suppose that means she continues to be a disgrace.

Anonymous said...

sorry not Trasha or Trisha, w/e ya wanna call her, I actually live in a small as town called Cheshire, Massachusetts, go look it up if you don't believe me, I'm sure trisha wouldn't even know a city in MA besides the larger cities because MA is so lameeee.

anyways, you just sound really jealous and IMMATURE!!! honestly, is this all you do is sit online and post on a blog hating on some girl you don't even know? and hide your identity at that. you're just plain pathetic. yeah, trisha could have acted a little more mature with Parisa standing right there, but Trisha just got out of high school and she's just entering the real world, wonder why she's on this show? oh, maybe to see how the real world actually is, interacting with new people, working at a job with these people you just met, and exploring a different country?

my advise to you 10:00 is get your jealous, lazy, superficial, phony ass off the computer, go out and get a life, and stop hating on people just because you know your safe because you hide behind the name anonymous you stupid inconsiderate prick!

Anonymous said...

I'm really good with computers and even though all these names come up anonymous I can still find out IP addresses and it's funny how the same IP add's from CA keep comming up defending Trasha.. ironic? I think not. go kill yourself TRASHA

Anonymous said...

ok 12:04, obviously you're not so great with computers, or else you'd know I'm from MASSACHUSETTS. Want to look up the high hschool I went to? Hoosac Valley High School, home of the Hurricanes.

If you want some more proof ask me some more questions, go ahead and I'll prove to you that I'm not TrIsha, just a mature person who doesn't harrass people behind their backs over the internet.

Anonymous said...

Did I say someone cared where I love? Umm, noo, I'm saying it so this idiot will get over himself and just deal wit hthe fact that, heavy forbid, someone actually likes Trisha.

Anonymous said...

Hey "Candace Emery"- You sound like a really nice person who's willing to give people the benefit of the doubt. I'd love to have friends like you. But this is reality television. These people signed up to be judged by millions of people. And they're getting it. Trisha may turn out OK when she grows up, but based on this, she's a mess. Maybe 100+ people criticizing her on a message board (and getting kicked off a show) will be a wakeup call for her to reevaluate her attitude.

Anonymous said...

I see what you mean by 8:20, but everyone's judging Trisha by the FIRST episode, if it was the whole seaso nthe nyeah I would be too, or even a few episodes, but right after the first one is far too early to tell how any of these 7 strangers really are.

Anonymous said...

Trisha herself judged Parisa within the first 5 seconds of meeeting her. at least we're waiting a whole two episodes to comment on her.

Anonymous said...

9:50- I'm not saying my judgment of Trisha won't change. Last season I thought Colie was OK until she became all needy/loony. But the nature of the beast is that we get to judge these people immediately and harshly. That said, if Trisha makes nice with Parisa, makes up with her boyfriend, and makes out with Kelly Anne ... I could come around to liking her. Bu I doubt it will happen.

Anonymous said...

I'm completely watching this season for Parisa . . .and I love her enough that I might actually watch the entire thing this time.

She's beautiful, mature, incredibly talented, and about a million times deeper than any of the other girls

Anonymous said...

Another instance of Trasha being a hyptocrite: She looked down on Parisa for leaving the bar because it wasn't her scene.

She left the beach because it wasn't her scene...

I guess the only difference here is Parisa is strong enough to leave by herself, but Trasha needs her little follower, Kelly Anne to come with her.

Anonymous said...

"parisa is without a doubt, the most unfriendly, stuck-up person on the show this season"

I think she just really doesn't fit in with the other girls. They're all typical college party girls (Shauvan's a bit more deep than the other two, but still). . . and she's incredibly mature and is so beyond all of that. Which I personally enjoy watching more...

"I Fucking HATE PARISSA, That Bitch Need A Fucking Personalty !!!"

You mean she needs a lame stereotypical college party girl personality like the rest of the girls?

Oh, okay, a real world with 4 girls who are incredibly similar. That would be good TV...

"AND Trisha never treated the lady badly,"

So saying "Go get some English lessons" isn't treating someone badly. Hokay...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I feel terrible for Parisa. I wonder if these people are actually watching the show and seeing how stupid they looked. It's ridiculous how Trisha lies and always makes herself look like a victim. The day Parisa puts her foot down everyone freaks out. It's also funny that the only minority in the house is getting shit from everyone. Parisa has had a hard enough time; this house is not helping. I think Isaac Cohutta and Parisa are the smartest people in the house. I don't approve of Cohutta hooking up with KellyAnne, but then again pussy is pussy. I just really hope Trisha's parents are watching this and seeing their "Christian" daughter engage in drinking and hooking up with/ fighting for boys that she met there when she has a bf at home. I hope her bf sees this and dumps her. Same with Shauvon. It was such a mistake to let such a controlling man back in her life. I realized the house was stupid when they actually thought what she was doing was the right thing. As soon as he finds out she hooked up with Isaac, she's out. What a waste of a relationship for her. I also feel that Ashli is a terrible addition to the house. There definitely should have been another minority to put these ignorant girls in check. They would not have tried that shot with a black girl, lol. I don't understand why Dunbar cant just lay down the line and tell Ashli to back off. What he's doing now is cheating. He gives his gf shit for not answering the phone immediately but then he cuddles that night (or what we're led to assume is the same night but we can never know with the editing) with Ashli. I also think she is a terrible person for trying to hook up with someone who is already taken. Her behavior and her attitude is a true shame.