You know a marriage between you and me would never work out, don't you Stephen? Because you're a homosexual. -Irene (Seattle)
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Sydney Episode #4: Post your reactions here

Tonight is another episode of our seven favorite Americans living Down Under. Parisa (Sydney) and Dunbar's (Sydney) relationship is tonight's central focus, as the relationship between the two is explored a bit further, while KellyAnne (Sydney) seems to somehow also figure into this tryst between the two flirtatious friends.

Meanwhile, Isaac (Sydney) meets a new "friend" on the streets of Sydney and may take that relationship to the next level.

Post your reactions to tonight's episode here.


Anonymous said...

well some people may think that tonight's episode is going to be boring.. i think that every episode is really good

i'm excitied to start seeing fighting (of course) and i'm looking forward to them starting their new job at contiki tours

Anonymous said...

im hoping no camera time for Trasha

Anonymous said...

Hey ... you know what I just realized? The RW people are sunblocking. They're so health conscious, aren't they?

Oh, I'm hoping for some Cohutta magic tonight. Seriously, let's see him build a hut on the beach like robinson crusoe. Some lucky Aussie babe is getting a one way trip back to the backwoods of Georgia with that boy.

Anonymous said...

1:16, I second that.
lol thejives

the exploits of lucinda and sebastain said...

round 3...lets go..

Anonymous said...

This may be the last time we hear an Irish Brogue on Real World until RW Dublin.

Anonymous said...

LOL @ no Trasha...unless I got her mixed up with Shauvon. I can't tell those two whores apart.

Anonymous said...

does anyone know the name of the song that was played during the epic letter writing session of tonight show?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Dumbar misinterpreted the letter. And is it just me or is Dumbar NOT HOT? ALL?

the exploits of lucinda and sebastain said...

poor parisa...i haaaate when girls try too hard to get attention from guys..i felt so embarrassed for her like 80% of this episode...dunbar is not one bit attractive and has bad skin, sorry ew, no.

Anonymous said...

i believe the song was "sewn" by the feeling.

Anonymous said...

all i have to say is......parisa is annoying. i don't have enough time to list all the reasons why but she really needs to quit taking everything dunbar says so seriously, clearly she's doing that because she's insecure and loves attention... maybe to help her take a load off she can get drunk off another 2 glasses of wine, jesus the 6 year old i babysit can drink more than that and stay sober...also while she's at it, she should back the fuck off dunbar he's taken!!! (and maybe back the fuck off the computer since in every scene she's using it or fighting someone for it). i can see why she's always mistaken for being "one of the guys" she's got a fucking manly voice!! hahhaha when she was writing the letter the second she got home she was like hiding it as if the camera man was gonna zoom up on her words or something, honey NO ONE wants to hear you talk about wanting to shower with dunbar or hear you say any sexual innuendos for that matter because it's just GROSS coming from you!! you definitely don't make heads turn in new york or anywhere else for that matter!!!!!

i just watched next week's preview and may i just say it looks HILARIOUS dunbar is so funny when he's dissing parisa i almost peed my pants!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow 8:45, that was a book lol. Actually, I think Parisa is sooo gorgeous. I guess "to each his/her own". But I agree, she should definitely back off of Dunbar. He has a gf and is obviously not into her. Aside from that, his arrogance just makes him so unattractive. THE END lol.

Anonymous said...

What's with Dumbar always wearing that dumb hat? He reminds me of Danny from RW Austin , always wearing a ball hat.. is he going bald or something?

Anonymous said...

Dunbar is a hypocrite. Why does he flirt so much with Kelly Ann? Is he suddenly single when she enters the room?

Anonymous said...

Is it possible that Parisa is more annoying than Colie from RW Denver? Seriously, can't she see that Dunbar is not the least bit interested in her? As much as I want to like her, there is no defending her behavior last night.

Anonymous said...

next episode is about Cohutta trying to find a woman


Anonymous said...

Yeah once again I couldn't tell the two blond ones apart. So, I have no clue if Trasha was in the episode or not. I just love Cohutta. He is funny and doesn't get caught up in anything

Anonymous said...

Oh Parisa... I feel bad for her. She doesn't fit in and Dunbar is being pretty obnoxious to her. She doesn't know what she's got herself into...

And he's ugly. (WTF is with the obsession with him? He's not hot. at all) I love how he thinks its okay to be flirty with Kelly Ann, regardless of if it's going anywhere or not, it's still dumb. I'm surprised the girlfriend hasn't dumped him.

Anonymous said...

8:45 PM...this sounds like yet another post by trisha...

Anonymous said...

dunbsr looks 13 years old...NOT hot unless you're into jailbait.

Anonymous said...

on the next episode Parisa and KellyAnne get over Dunbar and wonder what they ever saw in him

Anonymous said...

2:46 They actually come to their senses?! YAY! I can't wait. Maybe when they stop feeding his ridiculous, elephant-size ego, he can finally get over himself. MAYBE. HOPEFULLY--even though it's probably a long shot.

Anonymous said...

I'm not the biggest Parisa fan, she's incredibly, but the wanting to shower with Dunbar thing threw me off. It really doesn't sound like something she would write...idk, she just seems too. . . classy for it.

I can however, see Dunbar saying it said that when it really didn't. It just seems like something he would do. . . he's such a sleeze.

Anonymous said...

Parisa is incredibly annoying, one word got cut out of my post.

Anonymous said...

I almost think Dumbar may not like Parisa because she is a woman of color. I mean the dude is from the South.. Hey may have some racism in him.. Only into whites .. Who knows.. just a thought!

Anonymous said...

You know ... it would be really cool if Parisa and Kelly Ann ended up being really good friends. I think they could learn a lot from each other.

Kelly Ann could get Parisa to lighten up and have fun ... and Parisa could open Kelly Ann's mind to other cultures and a world of wider possibilities than a Texas trailer park.

Here's hoping they're crying and hugging the most in the last episode.

Anonymous said...

Hmm @ 6:02. You might have something there. He MIGHT only be attracted to white girls. But I don't think that's an instance of racism. That's just his type. A lot like how Parisa's so into him and I'm like "ewww, WTF? WHY?"

Anonymous said...

Dumbar reminds me of that one guy Powder--except with hair.

Anonymous said...

I think kelly ann and shavoun should hook up!

Anonymous said...

i would like to c parisa eat out shavoun's snatch.

Anonymous said...

u know whats funny is dunbars girlfriend is mad ugly and hes telling all the girls in the house they arent good looking.. hes in denial..

Anonymous said...

after reading all the other comments i have come to realize that most of the world just loves drunks and drama. my God, RW people are not only annoying, but just so insecure and ridiculous it is pathetic. as for the job they were given, help us all....can the dudes be a little more full of themselves and as for the "ladies" and i do use that term loosely, the whole REAL WORLD is laughing at you, skank is just another word for RW chicks.

Anonymous said...

^^calm down...just a show lol

whats up w/ trasha mentioning god all the time...

Anonymous said...

1:29 i totally agree with you

finally someone who is not all dumb about the show

Anonymous said...

@ 6:02:

that's a fair conclusion. but, i doubt it. because he was kind of checking out and asking isaac about noirin, who is obviously a person of color herself. i think he's just not attracted to parisa. i personally think she's cute sometimes, but not as pretty as noirin. and though kellyanus is no better looking than paris, the fact that she's white probably gives her some sort of upperhand, as he may be one of those guys who'll go for any type of white girl who's thin with boobs, but in order for them to go for an ethnic girl that ethnic girl must be halle berry-esque, or in other words, stunning.

Anonymous said...

MY thing is this. I've read most of the comments, and only one I saw mentioned how Dunbar's story is completely different from Parisa's version of her letter! I was surprised at how different their stories were. I think Dunbar is lying on his part of the story. She doesnt seem to have it in her, plus, that would be just stupid. Why write a sexual letter if you wouldnt even do it in the first place without the letter? Cause the cameras will catch them with or without the help of a memoirs of, lets be real, he is taken. Contradictions! BUT MOST OF ALL, I must give it up to Shauvon aka Ms Sex Columist (which makes sense she can call it out so early), that Dunbar is really messing with Parisa and KellyAnn.. He's wack and Is Parisa annoying? Sometimes. I like her though. And she does make some valid points while in the house. She's obviously got more brains than some others roommates, and she's not the typical MTV reality-cast member.. which somehow makes her have no personality...

Anonymous said...

MY thing is this. I've read most of the comments, and only one I saw mentioned how Dunbar's story is completely different from Parisa's version of her letter! I was surprised at how different their stories were. I think Dunbar is lying on his part of the story. She doesnt seem to have it in her, plus, that would be just stupid. Why write a sexual letter if you wouldnt even do it in the first place without the letter? Cause the cameras will catch them with or without the help of a memoirs of, lets be real, he is taken. Contradictions! BUT MOST OF ALL, I must give it up to Shauvon aka Ms Sex Columist (which makes sense she can call it out so early), that Dunbar is really messing with Parisa and KellyAnn.. He's wack and Is Parisa annoying? Sometimes. I like her though. And she does make some valid points while in the house. She's obviously got more brains than some others roommates, and she's not the typical MTV reality-cast member.. which somehow makes her have no personality...

Anonymous said...

1.) What guy in a "SERIOUS" relationship tells a close female friend/room mate that they would be having sex if he wasn't single (and if you actually condone this, your relationship can't be half as serious as you pretend is...)


2.) What respectable female has no problem with her boyfriend making such a dickhead comment?!?!

Anonymous said...

3:46 is prob one of their cousins/gf/bf. prob sittin on a hay barrel playin a banjo. hahaha. had to hitch into town to use the public library computer. or maybe they rode a horse up the one dirt road into town. haha.

Anonymous said...

3:46 is prob one of their cousins/gf/bf. prob sittin on a hay barrel playin a banjo. hahaha. had to hitch into town to use the public library computer. or maybe they rode a horse up the one dirt road into town. haha.

Anonymous said...

i love how mtv thinks its their duty to put these hick herbs on a tv show like this so that theyll "change" PLEASE... its redic. theres so many hick freaks out there down in texas and all those weird southern places . these people wont change. i agree the cast should be way more diverse. its like 4 of the same thing. and then 2 of the same thing. ie. trashy and shauvon.

Anonymous said...

Ewww KellyAnus, I'm gonna count how many guys she flirts with, we already have what, 3 or 3? and ugh actually 10:19, he kinda is.

Anonymous said...

oops i meant 2 or 3**

Anonymous said...

LMAO...last time I checked, Bush wasn't the primary breadwinner in my household...not that he actually gives a fuck about Middle America.

Anonymous said...

I heard Susie from Inferno 3 is getting divorced! Her husband probably finally wised up and realized what a pyscho she is! She is right up there with Beth and Tonya. Poor sassy susie queen.

Anonymous said...

3:11...what does this have to do with the RW Sydney

Anonymous said...

I think maybe they are editing these episodes too much. We must be missing something. Dumbar is acting waaay too confident. Parisa is acting like there are no other men in Australia or the house for that matter. I want to like her but she is acting desperate and clingy, a bad role model for girls everywhere. He is being just mean, treating her like crap because he can. He has obviously noticed that she has self esteem issues.

Anonymous said...

3:34 ... why do you care that much about miscategorized posts?

Anonymous said...

if u look on Parisa's myspace u can see that trisha left a nice little comment...could this mean the 2 end up friends?

Anonymous said...

does anyone know the artist & name of the rap song that plays when Isaac is hookin up with the Irish chick in the club? that song is hott....its like "little lady let me see lookin alright"

Anonymous said...

This is just another reason that women should never let men know they like them until they are sure it's returned. The average man's ego can not will push him into becoming the biggest a$$ in the world if you like him and he doesn't feel the same way

Anonymous said...

Dunbar is very unatractive both physically and personality wise. I cant get over how disrespectgul he was tp Parisa(athough she needs to learn how to take a hint).

Starting with lying to her and the whole double standard with flirting with the other girl. Then being an ass about the letter(and you know he was lying) when she was just trying to come to some understand. Theres the commenting on her music... which even pissed me off. The music wasnt for him. Then he maid the semi rasist blues comment and had the NERVE to put HIS hands on HER and yell at her some mre for breaking free of his grip and walking away.

I wanted to punch him in the face. The other 2 guys in the house are alot more attractive and cohutta has a wonderful personality in my opinion.