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Thursday, September 06, 2007

Sydney Episode #6: Kelly Anne crushes on Cohutta and Shauvon yells at Isaac

The episode began with Kelly Anne (Sydney) flirting with Cohutta (Sydney). It was innocent enough, as Kelly Anne was in bed with him, just scratching his back. Later on, Kelly Anne debates whether or not to tell her boyfriend back home, Sutton, about her flirtation with Cohutta. While Trisha (Sydney) advises against it, Kelly Anne lets it out.

During the phone call, Sutton gets angry with her and this crushes Kelly Anne. Trying to put on a brave face, Trisha and Shauvon (Sydney) comfort her while she gets off the phone. She's worried that Sutton may be the one and she doesn't want to be with him. She also doesn't know that if she can't be faithful or he to her.

Later on, Trisha starts flirting with Cohutta, which sends an alert to Kelly Anne, proving her crush is a little more than she anticipated. Meanwhile, Shauvon tells Parisa (Sydney) that she's been avoiding talking about her ex to avoid a depression. She's worried she's going to take her aggression on someone in the house.

Then the fight: The roommates are playing twister and then Shauvon screams. It seems that Shauvon tried to sit on Isaac's (Sydney) lap and fell. She calls him names, he calls her names, she throws stuff at him, he throws stuff at her. It gets out of hand. Isaac walks out to cool down.

Kelly Anne comfors him, but for some reason, lets it spill out that she likes Cohutta and is worried about Trisha. Isaac tells her not to worry about Trisha, that Cohutta doesn't like her. Isaac then half-apologizes to Shauvon and she does the same. She cries later on, and she misses her ex.

Meanwhile, it looks like the rest of the house is abuzz with news of Kelly Anne's crush. Maybe Dunbar's (Sydney) prediction of mountain babies will come to fruition.


Anonymous said...

How come they never have overweight people on these shows?? I can only really think of that dude from freah meat... there might be a couple that I;m missing. there's not even a gay person (that we know of) or any other minority for that matter, except for Parissa this season. I thought mtv said they were trying to be more conscious about the people they allow on the real world. how "real" is this world??

Anonymous said...

Kellyanne is so sloppy, and on top of that... she doesn't have any rhythm.

Anonymous said...

kellyanne is your typical immature 20 yr old with her fake drunkiness.

Anonymous said...

10:15 AM: I guess their perception of reality is immature, ignorant, boring hill-billies. Seriously...because of the promos, I thought this season was going to be really good...but so far...NOPE! I want real drama...not some petty little things they are going through...

Anonymous said...

Trisha: Cannot stand her.
Shauvon: I thought she was going to be some blonde dumbass bimbo with huge breasts...but i've grown to like her (with the exception of this episode).
Dunbar: What did they find in him?? Huge douchebag. Swears he's big shit when he isn't.
Cohutta: Funny little dude
Other dude: (can't remember his name) he's ok so far...can be uninteresting at times.
KellyAnne: Mix feelings...there are times where I like her, but than most of time she makes it hard for me.
Parisa: My favorite, but DEFINITELY needs to chill a little more often, let loose and have (but that doesn't mean she has to act like idiot roommates)
I hope the show gets better...cuz the way its going right now :/

Anonymous said...

Isaac Is so cute. Hes got that funny sarcastic attitude. Did anyone catch when Shauvon was yelling at Isaac and shes like "A A A" and Isaac was like "Thats something you say when your car breaks down". Freaking Hilarious.
Can I marry that guy?

Anonymous said...

hahah that was so funny when isaac was apologizing to shauvon and she was crying and then isaac was like this was a great talk im glad we had it.

Anonymous said...

I can't tell if the people who post here are serious or what. Like 2:03 for instance. Seriously? WOW.

Anonymous said...

Issac is the greatest! You have to listen closely to what he says but when you do, he is hilarious. Def has the best personality out of everyone. My fav by far.

Anonymous said...

Funniest part about 2:03...you wouldn't say it to either of their faces.

Anonymous said...

I gotta agree that Isaac's "this was a good talk, this was a good talk" line was one of the funniest things I've ever seen on RW. Well played.

Anonymous said...

Cannot believe nobody is mentioning the KellyAnne crotch shot. When she gets out of bed with Cohutta she is completely exposed. Im sure after she sees that at the end of the season, she will be pissed

Anonymous said...

kind of reminds me of Charlie's (RW San Diego) dick shot when he got out of bed to shut the door after Brad was spying on him and his gf. Can't believe the editors didn't notice that!

Anonymous said...

lets not forget about Isaac's cock shot during the first episode

Anonymous said...

I wished hard that Parissa wouldn't say the name "Dunbar" every 5 seconds this episodes... and I got my wish! :)

Anonymous said...

isaac is the dreamiest.

"a a a is what you say when your car breaks down."

Anonymous said...

anyone remember that Irish girl's name that Isaac hooked up with.....

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

I just cant wait to see DUNBAR in the GAUNTLET/INFERNO challenges since he thinks he is the ish...his ego is gonna get so cracked by the veterans..especially with the other dominating males! lol

Anonymous said...

They can only cast whoever auditions. If no overweight people audition, don't expect to find any on the show.

dan said...

kellyanne is so hot. all of you girls are just jealous.