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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Sydney Episode #6: Post your reactions here

The honeymoon is over tonight as the roommates get down and dirty, leaving all reservations at the door. After a night when the roommates get wasted, Isaac (Sydney) and Shauvon (Sydney) get into a screaming, glass-breaking, food throwing match over who knows what.

This is probably as a result of the tension between the two after Shauvon hooked up with Ky and Isaac hooked up with Noiri. Will the two ever be friends again after tonight?

Post your reactions here.


Anonymous said...

It's probably not that big of a deal, the previews are always blown up, only for the episode to disappoint.

Anonymous said...

i can't wait for the fight!
i love kellyanne

Anonymous said...

stupid cast. im embarrassed for most of them. especially kelly anne and the other brunette.

Anonymous said...

AUS has the most irritating, immature, dramatic, senseless cast in history. kelly annes the camera concious annoying slut. dunbar is just as bad as kelly anne talk about a bitch. the arabic girl cant sing for crap and she is far over dramatic stfu. only likeable cast members are cohutta and issac

Anonymous said...

1.) kelly anne's crying scene on the phone was almost as hilarious as Colie's overdramatic "iiiiii waaaaaaan my mooommmmmmmy" IV scene 2.) Only Shauvon would apply a big ass surgical band-aid for a tiny scratch. Whore.
3.) Parisa reminds me of one of those "seat fillers" at all the big award shows. She's pretty much useless.

Anonymous said...

These folks are mentally insane. Kelly Anne says it's a bad idea to call her bf who she is on a break with to tell him about kissing a guy/rubbing his back, so what does she do? Calls him of course and then has a crying jag all night and is totally pathetic. I think Real World has "jumped the shark". Put it and us out of our misery...there are real problems in this world, not the "problems" of these self absorbed, immature "adults".

Anonymous said...

Anyone know the name of the song playing when KellyAnne was stressing about her "break up" with her boy?

Anonymous said...

best line of the night:

isaac (to shauvon's drunken whining): "AAA is when you get your car stuck." hahahaha. likes him best so far.

big ern said...

8:17... it was Imogen Heap - Hide and Seek

Anonymous said...

Was anyone else reminded of Jenn when Shauvon was being a drunken idiot? Trying to fight guys, ex-boyfriend issues, blatant alcoholism...

Kristin Weaver said...

I found it hilarious when Isaac was trying to apologize and was still using the words that got the water thrown on him to begin with. Good thing Shauvon didn't have another bottle of water. Isaac should be counting his blessing.

Anonymous said...

they really only needed 6 beds in the house since kelly anne seems to always be in someone elses.

Anonymous said...

srry but i jus cant take it, all u people who are sayin bullcrap bout this show... ive got two words, "DONT WATCH!" seriously, therez someppl who actually watch n enjoys this season, so why wont yall haterz stfu n watch another tv show. im sure itz not that hard findin a tv show "better" than the rw sydney, so shut up!

Anonymous said...



t33nage sp3ak lollerskates y'all

Anonymous said...

im tired of the ex at home drama. With shauvon, trisha, and kellyanne's ex''s getting old. Usually with other seasons you only get one cast members with that kind of story line..but to have 3 of them is ridiculous. There's waayy too many relationship issues/storyline in this season which is getting really annoying. I wanna see real life mature issues, none of this high school drama crap. I really believe that these casts can't bring anything to the show so they have their ex's as a safety net to draw a story line. That whole kellyanne phone call is all for show, so that she can get some camera time. It seems all fake to me...fake crush, fake drama, fake hook ups, and fake people!

Anonymous said...

Why does BMP hardly show anything? Do they always conveniently "miss" the action?!

-Brynn throwing the fork at Steven
-Tonya throwing the glass at Theo
-Susie punching Ace out

They have shown some things...but nothing worth seeing (example - Tina's shit "punch" on Beth)

Anonymous said...

my mistake...Properly instead of probably.

Anonymous said...

I agree. If someone here doesn't like the show then please stop watching it and stop wasting your time. Next time the show is on simply change the channel or turn off the TV. Watching it and then posting about it here only shows how into the season people really are. It's definitely not what someone who hates the show would do.

Anonymous said...

so when do these fukers start working????