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Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Sydney Episode #10: Post your reactions here

On tonight's episode, we see more of the Parisa (Sydney) and Trisha (Sydney) tension building up as they vie for the same guy. This time, a local, Alex, comes to visit the girls. When Alex makes out with both Parisa and Trisha in the same night, all hell breaks loose.

It seems like these events are leading up to a breaking down point for Trisha. It is also heavily rumored that Trisha either leaves or gets sent home after a fight with Parisa.

Post your reactions to tonight's episode here.


Anonymous said...

they're burmese tiger traps, the things i boobytrap your mom with when she's sitting on my face.

Anonymous said...

Someone gonna write a post about how Melissa Howard just got married? It's on her blog and her myspace.

Anonymous said...

i agree, no one cares about Melissa, she was way rude to Julie on BOTS when she voted Julie off for personal reasons.. Ever since I stopped caring for her, she is a short midget not to mention ugly.

Anonymous said...

2:35, a classic example of someone trying to be crazy and funny but.... not

Anonymous said...

rofl PWNT

Anonymous said...

does trisha get sent home tonight?

Anonymous said...

I know I should feel sorry for you malwhore because your iq is still only in the double digits like President Bush. You just repeated what I just said. I said i dont have livejournal and you try to explain the other anons as being nonlivejournal people. Are you really that stupid? I told you that everytime you see the phrase kthanx or kthanxbye that's kissy kissy posting on anon. Kissy kissy was the one who copied that dumb phrase and spread it in ftj and yet you apparently are still reaching. I basically just told you you're paranoid so you come back and say it to me. Wow you really are original you know. Did you learn your stuff from watching peewee's playhouse all day when you were in your diapers? You're obviously someone of low intelligence if you throw all logic completely out the window. You assume anyone who thinks kissykissy isnt real must be orgasmic wow paranoia. I told you why the anons are mostly kissy because of how she writes its blatently obvious. But since you worship her mal you wouldnt see this. You probably want her to be your lesbian whore like that one nicole girl on ftj.

Anonymous said...

i've been waiting for this fight
i hope it's tonight

Anonymous said...

where can i watch this shit online

Anonymous said...

Aww when Cohutta was talking to Kelly Anne about riding in on a white horse and all that other stuff and then when he protected her in the bar I was just overcome with emotion. Cohutta has great morals. We didn't see much of Dunbar this episode thankfully. Trisha is dumb. She has a guy yet she is being all competitive with parisa. And then once again we have Isaac who continuous ly proves his points that he has has made at one time or another such as not hooking up with roommates, etc.

Anonymous said...

Trisha is a loser and is self-obsessed about her image. It just shows her insecurity more.

Anonymous said...

Nancy, you're just upset that I pwned you on national television and shits all over youtube.

Anonymous said...

How does Shauvon know Ashli if she leaves before Trisha?

Anonymous said...

Im going in for breast implants on the 28th of this month.
My surgery is at 11am, so everyone light a candle at that time and pray that I dont die thanks so much.
People I've told about it all have mixed opinions but whatever because I'm doing it for me, and for my future as a gold digging trophy wife. :)

Anonymous said...

This is actually the first episode where I didn't care for Shavoun. She is starting to side with Trisha, and she makes it official if you watch the sneak peak for next week.

Trisha needs to learn that the "girl code" is invalidated when a boyfriend is involved.

Anonymous said...

in·val·i·dat·ed, in·val·i·dat·ing, in·val·i·dates
To make invalid; nullify.

Anonymous said...

She is starting to side with Trisha, and she makes it official if you watch the sneak peak for next week....

where in the sneak peak????

Anonymous said...

8:07am...WTF!? lol

Anonymous said...

seriously WTF!

Anonymous said...

So if Shauvon leaves next week, who is taking her place??

Anonymous said...

I dont think Shavoun getting hurt over her being rated a 6 is conceited i think maybe it hurt her self esteem and ego more than anything. First of all thats a stupid STUPID question to ask someone, its a set up question! ahah If he would have said a 10 everything would have been fine and dandy i think she was more hurt by the fact that a guy who was on a DATE with her rated her a 6....which in reality is not a good rating! lol plus it was magnified because she was drunk! Moral of the story, never rate a drunk girl a 6

Anonymous said...

Parisa is so desperate it's pathetic.

Anonymous said...

shavoun wasnt just drunk, she got even more mad thenext day when she was sober and was eating with parisa and was saying every guy in a room would rate me a 10 ive never had someone tell me i was just above average.. her face is weird and small..boobs way too big for her face

Unknown said...

Shauvon is pathetic. With her huge boobs and blonde hair. Cali girl has learned everything she knows from Sex and the City. "I'm going home, you called me a six!" Please. Go Home. For good you vacuous mess. Then I won't have to hear you recap the plot since besides when you screw some aussie, that's the only time you're on camera.

Anonymous said...

To be honest if someone i was dating called me a 6 i would have been like what the Fack? and left too, not that im conceited its just RUDE! But again I would never ask to be rated. I think shes pretty and people who say she isnt are just being haters. I think she acts irrational at times though but to call her ugly....yeah not so much.

by the way aint nothing wrong with a cali girl! :)

Anonymous said...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder you dippy broad.

Anonymous said...

I HATE PARISA !!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

TEAM PARISA. Alex is fair game. I think she understands that he's not gonna date either of them. So who gives a fuck who he hooks up with! That's what I'd be thinking. There is no territory. There is NO GIRL CODE like that. She met him first SO WHAT. Also Shauvon has a right to be upset but she shouldnt have asked. I agree that any moron can go out and buy a fake pair of tits, dye their hair, get a fake tan, and plastic make up on their face. She is not a natural beauty by any means and looks around 35.

Anonymous said...

yeah shauvon looks very plastic. i wonder what she would like in her natural state: i.e. without the 5 lbs of make-up, fake boobs, bleached hair (possibly hair extensions too), and tan. she would probably have an average face, pasty skin, and she would be flat-chested.

for a woman to be a 10, she has to be naturally beautiful and have naturally beautiful skin, hair, face, and body, which she does not have. she has to work way too hard to look good. any woman can look way better by getting fake body parts and changing everything into something artificial.

so the 6 rating sounds right on to me.