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Thursday, October 04, 2007

Sydney Episode #10: The house takes sides in World War III: Parisa vs. Trisha

Last night's episode begun with Cohutta (Sydney) maintaining that he and Kelly Anne (Sydney) didn't do anything. Trisha (Sydney) also tells her boyfriend that she is flirting with the local, Alex. Later that night, Alex is flirting with both Trisha and Parisa.

Alex writes a letter/poem to both Parisa and Trisha. The two compare notes and it creates tension between them. Shauvon (Sydney) says that Parisa is asking for drama, but Trisha should not care. Kelly Anne says that Trisha should back off.

Meanwhile, Parisa gets the feeling that Alex isn't romantically interested in Trisha. At the bar that night, Cohutta (Sydney) saves Kelly Anne from two local drunkards. Cohutta saves the day.

Kelly Anne calls her friends back home and finds out that her boyfriend is seeing other people. Kelly Anne tells Cohutta. Trisha begins flirting with other boys and goes out to Cargo Bar with some of the other locals. Parisa and Alex get closer that night. Trisha says that Parisa doesn't understand "Girl Code" that when a girl hangs out with a guy first, she's marking her territory.

Shauvon claims that even though Trisha has a boyfriend, she has dibs on Alex. Trisha calls Parisa an idiot for going after Alex and tells her to "watch herself". Isaac (Sydney) even weighs in on the conflict, telling her to back off Alex, even if he has a boyfriend.

Later that night, Alex tells Trisha that he doesn't like Parisa. Then, Alex rates Trisha a six, a seven. Shauvon gets rated a six and the two are furious. Cohutta gets extremely annoyed. Parisa tells Shauvon that it is ridiculous that she's hurt over the rating, from two drunk guys who were teasing her.

That night at the house, Alex and Parisa make out. Isaac says that "Team Drunk Girl" will get Alex, that if Dunbar gets drunk, he might get Alex. Parisa feels bad that she made out with Alex. So the house is abuzz that they made out. Then, Trisha takes Alex outside, and makes out with him. Shauvon tells Parisa. Then, Parisa walks out with Alex, gets his number, and makes out with him once again.

Next time: World War III starts as people start taking sides on "Team Parisa" and "Team Trisha". While Kelly Anne seems to side with Parisa and Shauvon seems to side with Trisha, the argument comes to a head as Cohutta and Isaac defend Parisa over a grilled cheese sandwich. Glasses are thrown, words are exchanged. Don't miss it.


Anonymous said...

Team Parisa
-yeah Trisha started hanging out with him first and she's on a break with her boyfriend.. but the point is that she has a boyfriend

Anonymous said...

Agreed! Why is Trisha getting all pissy about it? Plus I never heard of their stupid rules anyways. If you watch the preview, the girls get all upset Parissa talks to Dunbar...why? That strikes me has childish...Parissa hangs out with the that a bad thing? No! The guys seem to be more tolerant and understanding.

Anonymous said...

I am on team nobody! Trisha is clearly very territorial for no reason what so ever. Her having a boyfriend voids the "DIBS" she called on that alex guy who strikingly resembles that guy from backstreet boys! ahaha but then again Parisa after knowing he kissed trisha shouldnt have kissed him again....thats SICK! plus i loved the part where Cohutta sets kelly ann straight when she is talking about her ex bf hooking up with another girl. i love issac and cohutta!

Anonymous said...

cohutta and issac are the only normal people on this show, the other have had half their brains removed or something .. maybe they are rabies idk but they suck at life

Anonymous said...

Trisha doesn't know what to do?? How about remember that you have a boyfriend, or break up with the guy. Then you can go play the field. You can't have your cake and eat it too... selfish ass bitch!!! Parissa lost some points with me when she made out with homeboy after finding out that he made out w/ trisha. Maybe Parissa likes to hang with the guys because the majority of guys tend to have less drama and bickering.
Trisha needs to hurry up and get kicked off already. She's just not a good person, she's really conniving. I thought real world was gonna start casting people with some substance... yet we have two girls who ask to be rated, and when they are... they get their panties in a ruffle when it;s not what they want to hear. fucken shallow...

Anonymous said...

Everything was Dunbar up until this episode. I think my Tivo might have failed me a few ephisodes. Was Dunbar even on the show for episode 10????

Anonymous said...

whens trisha get kicked off?

Anonymous said...

this real world is so stupid w/unattractive people.Dunbar looks funny and not easy to understand. it makes me miss coral!! they all stare at the camera and they all hate eaxh other. to bad parisa doesn`t have 1 girl on her side.

Anonymous said...

4:43... so beyond uncalled for w/ the comment about Parisa.

Absolutely Team Parisa all the way here. Trisha rants and raves about her boyfriend and how she will "never cheat." Well, it looks like she did.

She may be one of the most close-minded, racist, homophobic, worthless, and selfish people to EVER grace the Real World.

Anonymous said...

Trisha ,Shavon,Dunbar ,Isac,and cohaatta are 6`s just their personality alone is boring nothing to give viewers but embarassing the usa

Anonymous said...

I think Alex is a 5 and women that fight over 1 guy is all about how they hate each other.I hope Alex bangs them both 1 after the other.

Anonymous said...

my fav Real Worlders !


SVITZ aka coconut




Anonymous said...






Anonymous said...

THE BEST bitches







VERRRRRONICA!!!! whoooooo

Anonymous said...

Regarding Parisa kissing Alex after Tricia did...

Is Parisa trying to get an STD?

Anonymous said...

TRISHA is cool!
i hate Parisa!

Anonymous said...

Dumb bar sucks. As does TRASHA. Thought Shauvan was cool but her little drunk fits are showing her true personailty.


For those who say "how she could make out with Alex again" I dont think it's a big deal. I think Parissa knows that he's not really that into either of them. So who cares who he makes out with?
Trasha has a boyfriend who she claims she loves. So why the fuck should she care if he flirst with her.

Anonymous said...

If I must chose, Team Parisa, but I don't really like both of them at this point.

Tricia entertains me with her pure ignorance and stupidity

Anonymous said...

ooooh i cant wait for the next episode. I wanna see Parisa tell that bitch off Trasha. Too bad they blipped what Parisa said in the previews, but Shauvon's facial expression says it all =)

Anonymous said...

I HATE PARISA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the most hated out of 19 seasons !

i j cant believe u guys like her???

NO Trisha
but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Parisa either

Anonymous said...

First of all, Alex is not all that!
Second, if it's between Trisha and Parisa, definitely team Parisa.

Still, what the hell was Parisa thinking kissing that Alex guy who is obviously playing her and Trisha. WTF is up with these Sydney girls? The just love to make drama for themselves. They must be THAT bored.

Anonymous said...

this is a site where u can find who wins the Gauntlet 3 very accurate !!!

Anonymous said...

is there nude pics of shavon anywhere on the internet. SUch a 10!!!

Anonymous said...

i am on team parissa. trisha has a boyfriend so she can't call dibs on anyone.trisha is just mad that alex might be interested in parissa. trisha is the kind of girl who wants every cute guy to like her and no one else. but on the other hand alex might be playing it too because what guy doesn't like 2 girls fighting over him. come on girls we all no that!

Anonymous said...