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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Sydney Episode #13: Dunbar's girlfriend comes to Sydney and accuses Dunbar of being mean

Tonight's episode was centered around Julie, Dunbar's (Sydney) serious girlfriend. Dunbar is excited about her impending arrival, so he's a little on edge. He wants to clean house, but he gets frustrated with all the filth that everyone leaves around.

Later on, Shauvon (Sydney) is still wrestling with what to do with her ex-fiance David. He's pretty much unrelenting in her coming home. Kelly Anne (Sydney) tells Shauvon that if she's sure that she's going to marry David, she should just go home and be with him.

The next day, the group gets their next assignment. They get their next assignment of going out to different restaurants. While Parisa (Sydney) tries to help, she gets in Dunbar's way. Later on, when Dunbar wants to go out to do their job, he has issues with getting the group together at a certain time. Dunbar explodes when Parisa tells Dunbar she won't put a blanket back that she took into the computer room. A screaming match ensues.

Julie makes into Sydney and of course, Dunbar is ecstatic. The group ends up going to a Thai restaurant, which is an ordeal in itself. Later on, Julie tells Dunbar in relation to how he acts with Parisa, that Dunbar can definitely be mean. Parisa is overjoyed that his girlfriend would agree with her.

It all comes to a head in the meeting at work. Parisa realizes that she didn't have the receipt for the Thai restaurant, so the cast won't be reimbursed for the dinner. Dunbar starts to flip, but Parisa seeks out mediation from their boss. The episode ends with the two of them trying to work their differences out with their boss. They either have to get along or lose their jobs.


Anonymous said...

Shavoun goes home next week!

Anonymous said...

That guy Dunbar has got some issues. You talk about a guy that needs to learn to relax.

Things could be worse than living in a huge house with free stuff in Australia.

Anonymous said...

Viva la revolucion! No more stupid porn comments

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one that thinks Dunbar is on roids??

Anonymous said...

yes!!! finally no more nasty incest comments, and no your not the only one who thinks that, it would explain the angry testosterone fueled outburts, the bulging veins and his huge muscles, although he could just work out alot

Anonymous said...

Dunbar is abusive to women...even his girlfriend hinted to it. She's probably scared of him which is why she dances around the issue; poor girl, she seems sweet too.

Anonymous said...

so i saw previews of the next episode and Shauvon does indeed go home...but does Trisha still goes home or not? If she does then who is the other replacement besides Ashli??

Anonymous said...

Its getting pretty boring! i dont know how long i can take shavoun crying on the phone with her boyfriend. and poor parisa shouldnt do shit anymore for anyone! she just gets shitted on all the time. oh but next week looks interesting kelly ann being a big ol slut in front of poor cohutta! girls are weird!

Anonymous said...

Omg it does seem like he takes steriods lol. He is very disrespectful to all of the girls. Even trisha said it at the beginiing of the episode it's just Parisa's the only one to tell him about it.

Parisa's like a super health freak she wants to work out for two hours! I wont stay in a gym for more than 20 mins lol.

And shavoun her boyfriend is trying to control her. I get it she loves him but two months shouldn't make him fall out of love with her and obviosly their relationship isnt very strong since she's hooked up twice already.

Did she ever mention what this career she's giving up for him is?

Anonymous said...

who was that new girl?
"isaac's friend"
she like went to that thai resturaunt for their job with them

Anonymous said...

I wish Shavoun would forget about David but it ain't going to happen, I wish she had more self-control and yes I think Dunbar on roids though you seen some of the episodes, he's had a rough past as well.

Anonymous said...

I thought Trisha was going home next week, I guess it's Shavoun

Anonymous said...

Dunbar is on something. I wouldn't want to live in a house with him. I don't know why he went off on parisa she seemed to be the only one concerned with cleaning the house outside himself. I bet he feels stupid looking at the footage now.

Anonymous said...

good for paris on complaining about dunbar rage at work- he should get fired next!

Anonymous said...

that girl was issacs friend from home, not a girlfriend or anything just a friend from ohio. i think she was just visiting. i have a feeling trisha doesnt go home and that shauvon is the only one who does. its sad i would rather see shauvon there than trisha. i was starting to not like shauvon but when i saw the thing on mtv.com of her leaving it was pretty sad

Anonymous said...

WORST episode yet...

Anonymous said...

Yeah I'm also getting the feeling Trisha doesn't go home too. It has been goning around for awhile, the rumors started once the first pictures were released of the cast and house that Trisha goes home, but Shauvon goes home next week and Ashli has been the only replacement mentioned.

I know this sounds VERY, VERY random and I know it's not a real great guess, but just a possible explanation, but maybe when those rumors of Trisha having to leave were maybe that she just needed to be taken out of the house to try and calm down like Davis didn't want to stay at the house after his fight with Tyrie so he was taken out.

Anonymous said...

trisha still gets sent home. there doesnt neccessarily need to be a replacement for trisha. even the blog posted that some seasons have ended with 6 people. so there might not be a replacement for her. but she definitely gets kicked off.

Anonymous said...

HAHA, Dunbar deleted his facebook today. Probably couldn't handle being called a douchebag by millions of people.

Anonymous said...

yeah i also think people assumed she was the one to go because they showed her almost hitting parisa in those previews and then everyone knew that ashli was a replacement for someone so i think people automatically assumed it was trisha to go. oh well.

Anonymous said...

10:21- where you friends with on facebook? what did people say?

Anonymous said...

At one point Dunbar had a myspace but deleted around the 2eps. Also Cohutta took pictures of him and kellyann together off his myspace and week ago had a song play called "I'm over you" (well at least that was the chorus)