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Friday, October 26, 2007

Greg Halstead, winner of RealWorldCasting.com, might have gotten the boot

Greg (Hollywood) who was selected out of thousand online applicants and an online vote may have possibly gotten kicked out of the house.

There are rumors that Greg may have left because he was fired from the job the castmates have. If you remember, back in Season 10, Back to New York, producers instituted a rule in which, if you got fired, you would automatically leave the house. Surprisingly, it has never happened until now.

Rumor has it, that the group are a part of a comedy improv group in Hollywood. Sort of a niche market for 7 strangers brought together, some of which probably don't want to be comedians. Anyway, Greg was supposedly not into it, and was pursuing modeling work elsewhere. He apparently was let go from the comedy troupe and was kicked of out the house.

More on this info as the story develops.


Anonymous said...

lmao. so much for all that work gettin votes. that pretty much sux

Anonymous said...

Damn that sucks he got kicked out the house. Does he get a replacement?

Anonymous said...

Hmm very interesting!!!

Anonymous said...

i'll bet the second highest vote scorer is his replacement

Anonymous said...

its annoying that like someone gets these votes to be in the house and shit and then they just throw it all away. i mean someone else who really wanted it could be there but of course the person everyone voted for is the one who probably leaves or gets kicked out. i guess he really didnt wanna be on the show that much like he said if he got kicked out

Anonymous said...

thats why they shouldn't have chosen greg. i didnt want him 2 win....i was voting 4 ricky!!!

Anonymous said...

o well i think greg was really cool and so wat if he got voted off...they should have never made up such a stupid rule...they should let them choose an alternative job...and he obviously wanted to be on it if he worked so hard to get voted...but be serious would you want to stay with a bunch of people who you dont like and dont even try to like you...maybe thats why he called them "hellmates". juz look at the previous seasons and the one now...its not all fun and games...sometimes people just get pushed to there limits and dont care anymore...maybe thats wat happened to him

Anonymous said...

This is Greg, and I got fired from my job........Was at a fashion show..Doing what I was supposed to be out there for, which is pursuing modeling....

Anonymous said...

He was the only "character" on this season who was the least bit interesting. Hell, he called people around him "peasants" and women "associates" which is at the very least funny.

Anonymous said...

LOL the two that said they like Greg..yall probably two white chicks who are..."oh my god he's so hot" type of girls..lol he's UGLY..how the hell is he going to model..ugly duck looking dude.

Anonymous said...

Greg is the illest.

Anonymous said...

I know for a fact Greg "cheated" his way to get onto the show. His votes on Mtv.com were rigged!!!