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Monday, October 15, 2007

Tori is Miss Virginia 2008, she will compete in the Miss USA pageant next Spring

Tori (Viewers Revenge) won the Miss Virginia 2008 competition. The event, which was broadcast yesterday, was covered by the local news station.

Tori actually has the chance to compete in the national pageant in the Spring, where she will be vying for the title of Miss USA. If you're a pageant fan, you know that the current titleholders for Miss USA, Miss Teen USA, and Miss Universe all have their own reality show on MTV called Pageant Place.

Tori will also be making an appearance in the upcoming Gauntlet 3. Congratulations to Tori!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i guess personality wasn't considered.

Anonymous said...

i live in virginia, is this the best we could do?

Anonymous said...

you bloggers make me sick honstly good for tori she is actually competing in another pagent and was on road rules who cares aht she did on road rules to david honstly you people just sit here trashing others for behoiver I bet you all aren't striving to do things with your lives I mknow I am

Anonymous said...

2:24, learn how to spell!

Anonymous said...

If Tori can win this gives Kina hope.
Ugly Hoe.
How can she win anything.
If this is what America is coming to, then I am moving to CUBA.

Anonymous said...

2:24, it all starts with education. Seriously, get it.

Anonymous said...

I am education advocate! But what does that have to do with this blog?

I didn't watch Viewer's Revenge so I do not know who Tori is, but keep in mind Donald Trump is owner of Miss Universe which oversees Miss USA , and Miss Teen USA, and to get those titles you have to be Miss _________ (insert state). But anyways, yeah with Donald Trump overseeing it, what do you expect? But I still give the girl props for winning!

Anonymous said...

Well not many people saw that RR season and she did win Miss Teen VA. Plus people do consider personalites of pangent queen as questionable. Congrats Tori and stay away from Miss Teen USA's boyfriend otherwise, she tell on you to the Donald about how you have a drug problem.

Anonymous said...

People in the pageant world knew Tori way before RR. She was top ten at Miss Teen USA in 2005 and was a favorite to win that year. She was expected to win Virginia USA and is a front-runner for the national pageant. I actually liked her in RR, and I wish she didn't get so much flack. But...maybe she'll redeem herself in the gauntlet? haha...we'll see!

Patricia said...

But...maybe she'll redeem herself in the gauntlet? haha...we'll see!

for some reason, i highly doubt it, but who knows...we shall see!

Anonymous said...

Wasn't she the boobless cocktease from Road Rules last season? If she was a virgin before, she sure ain't one now. Another notch on the headboard for our resident RW bad boy, Brad. Brad dumped that hot model for this ?

Anonymous said...

i like tori!

Anonymous said...

Tori Hall does NOT deserve the ugly criticism that she is receiving just because she is gorgeous and CLEAN. Leave the ugliness and jealousy behind. Tori stood her ground because of her faith. Get used to it. There will be more who follow in her footsteps. Go, Tori!

Anonymous said...

Tori is a good competitor but was not the best on this night. She was heavily favored to win just because former teens in VA typically win as a Miss. The 1st and 2nd runner-up ladies were much better and classier choices that should have been made. While she is a good pageant competitor, she is not the best choice for VA.

Anonymous said...

Tori is NOT clean. Everyone knows about the blowjob she gave Brad on the last challenge...

Anonymous said...

ireelvent who cares if she blew brad she is competing in a pagent bet your jelous cause you arent' getting any

Anonymous said...

she did WHAT to Brad? If that's true, I say good for her...I'm a little jealous! haha. Every other 21 year old (or however old she is) has done it, why not her?

Anonymous said...

The only reason why she won is because they are making an MTV show out of the winners of the next pageant. Trump just wants her for viewers on his show.

Anonymous said...

what does blowjobs have to do with winning Miss Virginia USA? I really dont know that much about pageants, nor am I going to fake like I know, but Im guessing not all of the girls vying for the crown are virgins. Just look at Tara Connor.

Anonymous said...

Brad said Tori's BJ was sloppy and it was like she was teething.

Anonymous said...

i heard tori sucked CT off too.

Anonymous said...

I wish tori would suck me off, what does your sucking anyone have to do with your winning the pageant. They obviously saw something in her.

Anonymous said...

Tori got a boob job!


LOL they look so fake.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS TORI!!! she is going to amazing at the national pageant. such an amazing girl!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 5:31

She has not yet had a "boob job." It may well be in her future though.

Anonymous said...

I think all you "haters" are jealous of her.. Get over yourselves!!!