You know a marriage between you and me would never work out, don't you Stephen? Because you're a homosexual. -Irene (Seattle)
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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sydney Episode #16: Post your reactions here

After Ashli (Sydney) had been in the house, and the girls battled it out from there, we now have another castmember who may leave the house. It seems trouble seems to brewing from home, when Isaac (Sydney) gets a sense that something may be off. Dunbar (Sydney) comments that Isaac actually goes home. It isn't unheard of for castmembers to leave for good reasons during the show, then to come back. This is most likely the case for Isaac, who is supposed to make it through the entire show.

Post your reactions to tonight's episode here.


Anonymous said...


jk...havent seen it yet ;)

Anonymous said...

well duh issaac doesn't leave permanently. the answer was given to us in the midseason trailer, as they showed isaac in the hottub during dunbar's "birthday" and him playing with dolls in the confessional.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

trisha and her boyfriend broke up. her myspace says single and hes out of her top friends. who didnt see THAT one coming.

Anonymous said...

all I am excited about is the fact that coral will be hosting a mini marathon on saturday so that means we will get ot her what she thinks of kelly anus trasha and shaovon go I love coral

Anonymous said...

Ashli is really annoying!! And she really is not that cute!!

Anonymous said...

I also thought that Ashli had a weird-shaped head and that she resembled a ferret or something. She has quite a collection of moles--freckle's ugly cousins--as well.

After watching every single episode in Real World history, I have to declare the Sydney cast as the most unlikeable one ever.

Anonymous said...

mtv. it is boring kids in sydney

Anonymous said...

this seasons rocks.. yay!!!

Anonymous said...

pretty lame episode!!! damn, Isaac must've done a lot of acid to be seeing various non-existant birds. lol... he's still a cool dude though. Noirin is one cool chick...

Anonymous said...


that could be the best news ive heard in a while...

its funny how SHE...calls parisa..."unclassy bitch"....haha...kettle, met pot.

Anonymous said...

Ashli's behavior was crazy. It's not the first time she has gone nuts on a slut. Check out her old blog entry where she says she will kill some slut.

Anonymous said...

Ashli really was frightening. And this isn't the first time she's gone nuts on someone. Check out her 2004 blog entry where she says she will kill some slut. It's here

Anonymous said...

I think Ashli is hilarious! I love that she challenged Greer in the bar. It made for some funny TV.

Anonymous said...

They replaced an older girl with another 19 year old oblivious high school girl. Come on. Could they have at least included someone who would spice this up a little bit?

Note to MTV: Casting isn't just finding the biggest slut.

Plus, if we have to deal with someone who says: "I'm single and I'm so ready to mingle," "His penis wants me," "he would tear my clothes off," can she at least not look like she was animated by Tim Burton? Can she at least not be a hunched over, drab-freckled igor to Trisha's Dr. Blondenstein?


Anonymous said...

i can't believe how disrespectful Ashli is being about the fact that Dunbar has a girlfriend. i want Shauvon back!

Unknown said...

Its so crazy on the mtv blogs. Its all this stuff against Parisa like she is the bad guy. I do think the producers are planting stuff this time too. I think that why the other girls get so mad and why Parisa knows how much they are all talking about her. How come she knows they are always talking about her? Someone has to be telling her.

I'm glad Trisha will finally be gone!

Anonymous said...

Its so crazy on the mtv blogs. Its all this stuff against Parisa like she is the bad guy. I do think the producers are planting stuff this time too. I think that why the other girls get so mad and why Parisa knows how much they are all talking about her. How come she knows they are always talking about her? Someone has to be telling her.

I'm glad Trisha will finally be gone!

Anonymous said...

Diddo........for MTV casting the absolute worst cast ever. This cast was horrible, shallow, inept, and other words which the FCC would fine me. Thank you, MTV, by the way,MTV, more diversity, next time. Great role models, outstanding citizens, pillars of society, a bunch of nuts.

Anonymous said...

What happen moderator. I posted something about an hour ago, yet I dont see it. Anyway, just to reiterate my prior point. This is by far the worst RW. This RW makes RW London look like Grey's Anatomy. Great job, MTV for this stellar cast and who thought casting 95% majority and 5%percent minority=great ratings. WRONG............This cast are a bunch of nuts, even better great citizens of the world, great role models, pathetic bunch of people. Shauvon's crazy azz boyfriend, total control freak, is a loser.

Anonymous said...

boorrring episode. Not enough drama. Still love how Trisha talks about being a "Christian" yet is the biggest most unloving and uncaring bitch I have ever seen on the series.

Anonymous said...

Anyone notice how Ashli would SAY that oh Dunbar has a girlfriend and she isn't going to mess with him blah blah blah, but her actions were completely contradicting what public comments she would make. How dumb...

Anonymous said...

Trisha, FYI you're a fat whore. You claim to push a fat girl when meanwhile you're the fattest pig I've ever seen in my entire life. You are ugly, ignorant, and again, fat. Face the facts, loser.

Anonymous said...

"The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians. Who make acknowledgies with their lips, walk out the door and deny it by their lifestyles. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable." - DC Talk
Trisha is on public television claiming herself to be Christian. I as someone who is questioning my own faith, am scared to think that she is the example of christianity on MTV. There is no one in that house that is more ruthless and malicious. How could someone so evil to another claim themselves to be a religion that is about love, peace, kindness and acceptance towards others. She should be ashamed of the example she has set on television. She may claim to be a christian but I have seen no acts of christianity come Trisha.

Anonymous said...

^^ 11.21 well said.

everyone should post these comments on Trisha's myspace. SO SHE CAN GET A F'N CLUE!!!!

Anonymous said...

all her friends on Myspace are fat pigs like herself anyway.

Anonymous said...

Trisha's voice makes me cringe.

Anonymous said...

Trisha calling Parisa fat??

Pot calling the Kettle black...

Anonymous said...

^^okay...this goes to show how intelligent our TRISHA supporters JEALOUS. umm yea.