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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Coral returns to MTV when she talks about the Sydney cast this weekend

Coral (Back to New York) is coming back to MTV after a short hiatus, giving us her opinion on what she thinks of this new Sydney cast.

Coral will be on the upcoming Gauntlet 3, but she will make a brief appearance as the host of a Real World Sydney marathon this Saturday beginning at 11a/10c.

Sydney is now coming to a head now that we have Ashli (Sydney) in the house and now that Parisa (Sydney) and Trisha (Sydney) will have their penultimate scene which leads to the finale in which presumably Trisha goes home.


Anonymous said...

Doesn't *everybody* go home in the finale? Isn't that why it's called a finale?

Anonymous said...

evan, kenny and paula are co-hosts

Anonymous said...

So, since Coral is hosting this marathon saturday, do you think since she is on Gauntlet 3 that they will start showing commercials for the Gauntlet 3 during the marathon? Sounds probable to me, so I hope so!

Anonymous said...

finale...penultimate? is this season really almost over already?

Anonymous said...

i love marathons

Patricia said...

paula! this has been pleasantly surprising so far, paula and coral together = gold

Anonymous said...

I am watching The Real World: Sydney in Coral-vision and it is too funny. Paula was one of the guest hosts and they are hilarious!! If you aren't watching it you should check it out :)

Anonymous said...

thank mtv for doing something right with sydney get coral to trash talk the cali twins hahaha love paula evan and kenny

Anonymous said...

coral is so hilarious on this marathon

Anonymous said...

the Real World is so much better in Coral Vision!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who had trouble telling Trasha and Shauvon apart.

Anonymous said...

I loved Coral vision. I love hearing commentary over an episode. The fact is, there was some truth in what Coral was saying.

Anonymous said...

I hope Trisha goes home, even though Parissa can be annoying, Trisha has been mean just because. She is so disrespectful, I wish someone would have really stood up and told her how rude she is at times.

Anonymous said...

i wish Wes co hosted!!!!

Anonymous said...

my favoirte coral line was im on team drunk girl

Anonymous said...

I just wanna say I hope Trisha goes me. She seems like a horrible human being. She is suppose to be such a christia and I see nothing to show that any any episodes except the one she cried during the song she heard (FAKE!)She is a very ugly person to me she talks about everyone and NO ONE seems to be as wonderfuly as her. and I don't mean ugly as in her looks (except for those eyebrows).

Anonymous said...

I'm not really liking Trisha.
I mean she's supposed to be
a real Christian;
but she goes and cusses
and cheats on her b/f,
and then pushes Parisa.
Parisa is actually my fav.

Anonymous said...

not sure if you guys caught it, but the played the episode right after The Hills on monday night! Not as exciting as they made it out to be and of course it's a "To Be Continued..." episode as well!

Anonymous said...

Good riddance to Trisha! It is unbelievable how UGLY people can be. She thinks she's all that but with her fake ass personality and penciled in eyebrows, I cannot wait to see her off! And, with the way she disrespects Parisa and her family, I cannot believe she hasn't been bitch slapped yet! She acts like she does no wrong but everything that comes out of her mouth is CRAP. How ironic it is that she calls Parisa an unclassy *itch, and in a split second results to physically pushing her. Ha - and even says that Parisa is a fat girl... uhh.. look in the mirror! I'm so happy that she's leaving. I would have not been able to stand another episode with her fake ass, trailer park having, wannabe diva self. Oh, and don't get me started on KellyAnne - how does she even have the balls to tell Parisa to get off the phone. Beeeotch please... Time to celebrate!!! Go Parisa! Show the world who the real idiots are. You go girl.

Anonymous said...

they have the whole episode up already of trisha pushing parisa! hell yeah! watch it on mtv.com!

Anonymous said...

u know wut i guys i HATE Perisa soooo much

Trisha is alot better than Parisa 100%

AN by the way Trisha is NOT going hoem!!!!! whooohoooo

Watch and you'll see

Anonymous said...

If some of you think that Trisha is better that Parisa, then you i think you need to re-evaluate your own values. I don't care who leaves whether it is Trisha or Parisa. I hope that Trisha leaves and if she doesn't i hope the Parisa will take it upon herself to leave. Someone like Parisa does not need to be in the whore-frat house.

Anonymous said...

Trisha calling Parisa fat??

Pot, meet Kettle.

Anonymous said...

Trisha needs to get a single-tone weave and quit doing her eyebrows with a damn potato peeler...

Anonymous said...

trisha does not go home..and everyone needs to shut up, whether or not your dissing Trisha or Parisa, the end. They both have plently of issues so you will not get anywhere if you all keep trashing them. Personally, however, I like Trisha better!

Anonymous said...

I guess some of Trisha's pawns come here often to stand up for her lol. There is really nothing to see in her.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, who ever is standing up for Trisha's childish actions has some serious problems themselves. Trisha is incredibly rude and probably the biggest hypocrite I have ever seen in my life. Now, I know Parisa isn’t the most likeable person in the world and I can bet she might be very irritating at times but no one should ever do the things Trisha has done and said. I cannot believe someone can be so inconsiderate and full of hate like the way Trisha is. That doesn’t mean Trisha cannot be a good person, she looks like she cares a lot of those she loves. Hopefully she has learned something from this whole experience by looking at her flaws in national television.

I just wish they would have more stuff shown about Cohutta’s time there and Issac. Those two seem to be the only sane people in the house, which is ironic as Isaac sees birds and I cannot understand half the words Cohutta says sometimes. Nonetheless, actions speak louder than words and both have proven themselves to be very good-hearted individuals.

HipHop101 said...

trisha goes home everyone!!!!! they said it in the commercial preview!!

Anonymous said...

LOL at 5:58 trying to come off as being objective and then showing some love for Trasha at the end. We all know what you're really upset about, so don't try and hide it with that fake partiality bullshit.

Anonymous said...

trisha is SUCH a biyattchhh

Anonymous said...

i think its safe to say EVERYONE hates trisha.

what do u expect, she's from sac town, trailer trash loosers...

Anonymous said...

Trisha is the same size if not fatter than Parissa, so her comment made me laugh and her look foolish. She also does not act like a christian so she should really stop saying she is.

She dresses nice to cover up the ugly person she is both inside and out.

Anonymous said...

6:57 PM,

LMAO! Poor Cohutta! Don't knock him.
No wonder he stays so drunk all the time! And Isaac prob WON'T come back.
They both live w/psychos!
Surely Parisa won't leave.
Beat Trisha's ass first!!!!!===

Anonymous said...

Parisa is soo annoying anyways. Most boring person on real world! She definately needs a personality.

Anonymous said...

luv u PAULA!

Anonymous said...

You know what's ironic about Trisha's fans? They can't speak English.

Anonymous said...

Trisha is awful. I hate the way she treats Parissa. She seems so narcissistic and selfish. I hope that being able to watch herself helps her realize how mean and terrible she can be.

Anonymous said...

trasha is a beeeeeeoooootchhhh!