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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Sydney Episode #17: Post your reactions here

Tonight is the night. This episode actually has already aired on MTV and if you were lucky to catch it on Monday or Tuesday, you were able to watch Trisha (Sydney) and Parisa (Sydney) finally go at it. After seventeen weeks of speculation, it has happened: Trisha pushes Parisa.

The argument was really a conglomeration of tension between the two, but it culminates in a fight over: the telephone. After Parisa's parents call when Trisha is on the phone with Jared, Trisha hurls insults at Parisa. Parisa pretty much responds by treating Trisha like crap, then the push.

If you're expecting to see the fallout from the push, don't hold your breath. Tonight really just showcases the fight leading up to the push and Dunbar (Sydney) fighting with Julie, while warming up to Ashli (Sydney).

Next week we'll see how this actually plays out. I've heard any number of things. It seems that Trisha does go home. But I've heard that she voluntarily leaves. I've heard that Parisa forces her out. I've heard that it comes down to a 2-2 vote with the Ashli and Kelly Anne (Sydney) supporting Trisha, Cohutta (Sydney) and Dunbar supporting Parisa, and then Parisa decides to send her home. It might very well be that the producers just decided to send Parisa home.

Post your reactions here.


Anonymous said...

I think the producers menat for parisa to be casted by chance for the challange type of enviroment with older castmebers and akumni she might have had more frinds if they put her around a melissa or coral type of chracter not catty high school girls

Anonymous said...



truly is a GREAT thanks giving =)

Anonymous said...

one of the milestone episodes.. I can not stand any of the girls anymore, except Parisa

Anonymous said...

I doubt Parisa is the one going home. First, she's in the final promotion shot on MTV.com, and wasn't their a scene in the "here's what's coming up" of Parisa in the hot-tub with someone?

I wouldn't mind if Parisa was the only girl in the house. Kelly Anus is a ho, and Ashli is just a slut that wants Dunbar's cock.

Anonymous said...

Trisha does go home, but not on this episode. Alex confirmed it to me that Trisha does go home because of a vote that came down to Parisa.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Are they going to replace Trisha?

Anonymous said...

No, Alex said they do not replace Trisha, it remains six. And I am not Katiedid, just a friend of Alex.

Anonymous said...

I have become EXTREMELY turned off this season because of the horrible girls they picked. I have stopped watching because of Trisha and Kelly Ann...as they RUIN this season.

Having Parisa in this season was a TOTAL waste...I feel like she embodies a lot of the "old school" memberbs mentalities. She's NORMAL.
They should have saved her for a better season, because she's WAYYYYY better than all the people in this cast.

Fuck Trisha...she's a ho. I really hope she's embarrassed with herself as she watches the season. She's a waste of sperm.

Kelly Anne should be shot. Stop riding Trisha's jock.

And that new girl needs to choke on Dunbar's cock.

Great job BMP on picking 3 HORRIBLE girls when I'm sure there were probably thousands of cooler girls who could have been on this season.

Anonymous said...

Didn't they show a preview of Trisha and some other girl, I don't know if it was another roomate, spitting at Parisa while Parisa's on the phone? Maybe that's when Trisha gets kicked off.

Anonymous said...

to everyone hating on Trisha, MTV edited the show to make her look bad, your not seeing the full version of what happened... Parisa was instigating her SOO bad even kellyanne says it... and your all just jealous of her beauty

Anonymous said...

How can anyone be jealous of Trisha's beauty when everything on the outside and inside is so FAKE! I mean she sure can preach but she sure cant practice it!

Anonymous said...

Here's the truth about the girls.

Shauvon: She only wanted to get back together with her fiance. She was a horrible drunk, and she went back to a man who is way too controlling.

Kelly Anne: She is 19. She isn't mature enough to really handle the situation in the house. She takes the side of whoever is talking to her. She has no backbone, and she has no loyalties.

Trisha: She is the biggest hypocrite. She wants all the respect in the world, but isn't willing to dish any out herself. She has a bitchy attitude and is so stubborn that she will never be able to be sorry for her actions. In the previews she says that she is scared. Funny, might that be because the person you shoved has the power to kick you out of the house? She claims to be a strong Christian yet she doesn't show Any of the traits that go with that. She doesn't have a serving spirit, she hasn't gone to church, and she hasn't shown any compassion in the house; she cheated on her boyfriend with a manwhore, the then lied to him about it, and now she wants to play the martyr. Well wake the fuck up-- it's not going to happen.

Ashli: She is a slut. A big whore who is going to sleep with Dunbar before the end of the season.

Parisa: She thinks that she is better than the people there, which may be true, however, she is from New York and has been put in a situation where the majority of people have yelled at her. That doesn't seem to invoke feelings of hospitality... more like hostility.

The truth is that out of the group Parisa is the one that most people will side with because she is an intelligent (book-wise) girl who is more relatable than Trisha.

Anonymous said...

I'm SO SICK of people pulling the "edit" card!
Its you b*tch, deal with it!
And no one is TRYING to take her beauty away from her, she does that just fine by herself...
Everyone has flaws but only a precious few actually own up to them... Call me crazy but I don't think I've seen Trisha ever own up to hers (on the show).
She's always got an excuse or blames someone else.
She CLAIMS christianity but lacks the reverence and humility to LIVE it.
P E A C E,

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said (4:02pm)....
...'the truth about the girls.....'


And WHY, for the love of God, couldn't they've brought on a decent, non-slutty/trashy girl to replace Shauvon?! There were ALREADY THREE too many.

Cohutta, Isaac, and Parisa are the ONLY 'real' people, on the 'Real World/Sydney'....

The rest of em'...are 'real' psycho/trash/bastard/losers! ;)


Anonymous said...

I like Parisa a lot. You can only push a person so far before she snaps. She's been pushed around by this girls time and time again. These other girls are nothing but a bunch of sluts. I can't believe how boring this years RW is. How many times can we see some skanky bitch talk about how great she is and how she's going to get the man by the end of the show? COME ON!! It's been done already. I'm so over it. They actually need to start casting some thirty somethings to make this a bit more interesting. These twentyish people act like they're 17. Parisa has class, is sweet and is definately someone I'd love to hang aroudn with! Isaac and Cohutta are the best guys in the house..They have morals and are genuine!! I PRAY the bitch gets booted out next week PLEASE!!!!!!!!! I can't stand her!

Anonymous said...

Dunbar is crazy. I'd vote him most likely to commit domestic violence. He's emotionally abusive, and really on the cusp of physical abuse. Don't they do a psychiatric evaluation of these people before they let them on the show.

Anonymous said...

I think all the girls in the house really have their issues.

I'm really over Trisha, and her "I'm a Christian this and that thing." Despite going to church most weekends, I don't consider myself a hardcore Christian, and don't talk about how I live my life by Christian principles. Trisha is a huge hypocrite. The way she treats others is so not Christian. She needs to quit her proselytizing and just realize she's not a good person.

Parisa is not as much of a victim as the cameras would like us to believe. Really to have one girl not like you, understandable, but to have 3 to 4 girls have negative to lukewarm feelings about you is a pattern. She's not as loopy as the other ladies, but she definitely has her issues.

Anonymous said...

Question is...if ALL seven of the cast members weren't so phony is was laughable, didn't fight with each other, and didn't have any issues of their own...would anybody watch? I doubt it. Trisha does deserve to go home but at the same time but after she does, the rest of the season will be a bore. Then again, maybe not, with Kelly Anne and Ashli being upset with Parisa for sending Trisha home...

Anonymous said...

Ok, as much as I would like to defend Parisa in this situation, even the editing did not help making her 'the right' one this time. She was completely wrong. When she needed to talk to her mom, even though Trisha complained, she still let her use the phone. When Trisha wanted to talk to her parents for 10 minutes because they were going out of town, all of the sudden Parisa's parents were also leaving and she had to stay on the phone with them for a whole hour. She talks all this things about how all you have is your family, but still fails to respect that same concept when Trisha needs to use the phone. In this situation, Parisa acted out as a selfish and a hypoctritical person, which makes me realize that maybe she is the problem of most of her problems.

Anonymous said...

if watch preview of next weeks ep;isode first segemnt, parisa talked to hersister and she tell her about the situation and tell Parissa tos end her home, Parissa can house meeting, so looks like Trisha is out thank you....also if looked at previews u never see trisha in them....glad issac was not there he did not have to go thourgh this situation....maybe they rrplace trisha for norinin that would be sweet!

Anonymous said...

this is so ridiculous. i agree with some of the points that trisha makes but then she loses me because she's so unbelievably tacky in the way she goes about it. i don't even like trisha, i just understand where she's coming from SOMETIMES. on the other hand, parisa - i feel sorry for her but i really think she asks for most of this shit. it really pisses me off when people either instigate or involve themselves in things then try and act all innocent and victimized. as IF. who stands there laughing and playing it all up then going and whining about it to your family? if you don't wanna be at the center of all of this then learn to communicate with others how you do with your family or don't at all. as for trisha? don't even bother speaking because everyone knows, and can already see, that it doesn't matter what the hell you say... you're a hypocrite trashbag who needs to fuck up. oh and most importantly, no one cares and you're embarrassing to female kind.

Jessica said...

I don't really like any of the girls. Kelly Ann doesn't really bother me but the rest are annoying. But I have HATED Parisa since day one cause she was already talking her shit and being a b*tch when she didn't know anyone. Overall if she does send Trisha home...which is pretty likely, its a pathetic move. When they get out of the house...you know back in the real world...you don't send people home for shoving you...if she had actually hit her then I would definitely understand but using shoving seems like you just want to get rid of someone you don't get along with. Parisa is from New York , there are all kinds of people there so is this how she deals with everyone she doesn't get along with. And Trisha is just a child...if she were older I would actually expect her to act like an adult...unfortunately most of the girls picked this season are pretty much fresh out of high school.

Anonymous said...

^^ that was really poorly said. Please learn some grammar and communications skills before posting. thx.

Anonymous said...

^^ that was really poorly said. Please learn some grammar and communications skills before posting. thx.

Anonymous said...


oh and...


Anonymous said...

Trisha does get sent home
if you watch the previews for the next few episodes it shows ashli and kellyanne spitting on parisa when she is on the phone...probably because they are mad that trisha got sent home.

Anonymous said...

Jessica, did you read your comment before you post, you just tried to say certain types of domestic violence as ok! Would you want to live with someone who would treat you like that and be physically agressive towards you in anyway (hitting or pushing I don't think either should be tolerated). As for Trisha I would say she is going to leave, if she had done that to me I would have asked her to. Parisa did provoke her, but they each have been going after each other for weeks (although I think Trisha pushed Parisa to a point where she fianlly decided to give it back). Trisha seems to not be able to take what she gives out to others, if I had to guess I would say she has confidence issues and hence has to make people fell bad to life herself up.

Anonymous said...

I could not strand Trashy Trisha from the first episode. She was rude, judgemental, ignorant, and one of the most self centered people I've ever seen on reality T.V. Oh, did I mention she is STUPID! Every time she opens her mouth I cringe and feel embarrassed for her. She reminds me of a 7th grade prepubesent girl immature.
All I have to say is..ADIOS!

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling that if trisha does a challange women like veroica and rachael will give trasha nd kell anus the real type of mean girls treatment they gave parisa ironinc part is theare asking for it.

Anonymous said...

I also just looked at the sneak peak video...

Just by the four seconds I heard Trisha's Dad speaking to her I can see that he truly is a good and even wise father when he told Trisha to apologize to Parisa because she should be sorry if she was indeed a good person. Now I really don't understand how Trisha came out to be such a hypocrite and malicious person.

It looks like Parisa really will send Trisha home. Judging by the preview of what is left on the season this is why Kelly Anne and Ashli spit on the phone room’s glass since they are mocking Parisa for feeling “threatened”. Notice how they are wearing the same clothes, so maybe the spitting scene will also be coming up next episode as well.

I can't wait for the challenge after the Gauntlet III when the Sydney season cast are the new people. I’m pretty sure we’ll be seeing Dunbar and Parisa there, the remaining spots are pretty tricky since both Cohutta and Isaac stand even on the season and Kelly Anne and Trisha are also pretty even.

Anonymous said...

i HATE SOOO much PARISa ewww
i j can not stand the girl
and hopefully PArisa goes home and she will TRUST me
Trisha might not go home 50% chance
and thats a fact !

Anonymous said...

WHy dont u liek Trisha?
that is soo fucke dup
why do u liek Parisa more?
She is annoying hangs out with guys ONly ...
i mean come on
i cannot stand the girl
at ALL

Anonymous said...

I wish both Trisha and Parisa would leave. Parisa is gross, she has a foul mouth, especially for a young woman. She is so desperate for guys attention, that she constantly goes after guys that some other girl is hanging out with. She's no better than the other girls. I think she's also pretty slutty -she would be more of a slut if more of the guys showed any interest. She has very low self esteem. I can't stand anyone in this cast, really, yet I watch. Why?! I miss the old days, now all the kids think of this as some acting stepping stone.

Anonymous said...

does anyone know who the new roomate is?

Anonymous said...

I truly want to like Parisa, but her palpably low self-esteem and desparation with boys make it difficult. However, Trisha had absolutely No right to push her! I am pissed that MTV put trashy bitches like this on the show. Slutty behaviour is a personal decision, and there have been several noteworthy RW sluts. (ex: Becky season 1, Flora season 3*, Amaya, RObin...) These girls are fun and make the show worth watching! But it is another thing altogether to be a nasty, lying, hypocritical skank. Not fun, funny, or cute. Trisha needs to go home.

Also, Dunbar is very disturbing to watch. He seems like the type to hack a bitch into tiny pieces, frightening. That new girl needs to watch out.

*Or was Flora just crazy?

Anonymous said...

On Isaacs myspace, there is a comment from trisha on one of his pics and it said "how i miss my roommate" the comment was left in april, and the taping went through the end of May. so that pretty much tells you that she was sent home. i also read that the real world season 20 is going to be in Hollywood.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Trisha is a bad person when she talks to Parisa. But Parisa isn't as great as God either. She is stuck up, bitchy, and ugly by the way. The way she provoked Trisha in this episode makes me feel sick. Parisa also dramatized the push. Trisha barely put a finger on her. Send Parisa home please!

Anonymous said...

I think that Paula said it best on "CoralVision", that this season is playing like Mean Girls. I'm not a HUGE Parisa fan, but I feel for her. The girls in that house have treated her like crap. And then, as in the whole Shauvon-Cohutta-sandwich incident, they wonder why Parisa doesn't like them! Parisa's loyalties don't necessarily lean toward a gender, just toward those who treat her with respect. Trisha (AKA "Rocky", with her two black eyes and two fat lips) really should practice what she preaches ... isn't the cardinal Christian rule "Do unto others as you'd have done to you"??

Anonymous said...

to everyone hating on Trisha, MTV edited the show to make her look bad, your not seeing the full version of what happened... Parisa was instigating her SOO bad even kellyanne says it... and your all just jealous of her beauty

So what is Parisa instigated it? Look at how badly she has been treated by all the girls in the house already. Fuck that editing shit.

And beauty? I wouldn't go that far. Her AND Kelli Anus need to be shot dead in the street!

Anonymous said...

Do any of you people defending Parisa here have any respect for yourselfs? If any one of you needed to use the phone for an emergency and some girl would go out of her way to make sure you don't get to use that phone, would you still defend her? WOW!!!!! All you dumases are even dumber than Trisha...WOW!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think you guys should stop being mean to KellyAnne and Ashli cause they're not mean,but you guys can be mean to Trisha and Parissa all you want. I hate them both. Trisha is a Bitch she 19 years old and she still acts like shes my age(15)she needsd to grow up.Parissa acts like she 50 years old thats why she can't get along with anyone,and shes really annoying, and( anonymous at 9:00) how the hell would she be able to get along with girls like Coral and Mellissa. They'll make her cry. That would be entertaining though.

Anonymous said...

But talking to your parents for an hour about nothing is more important?

Anonymous said...

you guys are morons for arguing over this matter...its not a matter of whos wrong or right IN THIS PARTICULAR SITUATION.

TRISHA has been a bitch from day 1. She started running her annoying mouth the second PARISA walked in the bedroom, with kelly ann and her on the bed, remember???

How in the world can you guys defend someone like trisha...not in just this incidence, in the whole season??? who gives a shit about whose call was more important??lol TRISHA has been a looser from the beginning.

Parisa may not be the best person either, but i think much of her hostility towards these girls comes from the way she has been treated by them. Im mean...look what she's working with people???

The majority of these girls are a waste of space, with hardly a brain cell in them.

Very weak casting of girls.

But for anyone defending trisha??? come on...PALEEZE...u guys belong in the LOT B TRAILER where she resides.

Anonymous said...

good riddens to trisha. she has been on this season 17 episodes to long. The should have kelly ann her little follower accompany her back on the 14 hr flight.

Anonymous said...

10:52--I AGREE!!

The very first episode, Parisa walks by KellyAnn's and Trisha's room, says hi, and walks off....The first thing out of Trisha and KellyAnn' mouth were nothing but foulness! It made me think immediately of Mean Girls...
Parisa has some self esteem issues, and is the most normal of the girls. And THINK ABOUT IT. She's Muslim! In their country, men are ALLOWED to BEAT their wives, and it is a controversial topic in their culture...she has grandma and grandad in the house i.e. extended fam, that whole lifestyle... to go to the RW House where people are drunk and fight on a daily basis is a lil out of her element..

AND I dont think EDITING has much to do with it. Like Heather said on a Reunion special..."If you come in everyday and act like a bitch that is what they are gonna show you as!" ....And for myself, I have a degree in Mass Media Arts (Radio/Tv/Film)...I edit. What you GIVE is what they USE. I can't make you say something. I can show more or less of you, because SHIT I HAVE ONLY AN HOUR TO GET TO THE POINT. But what you give is what I'll use! As it goes for Trisha, I know she has good qualities about her, but her BAD FLAWS outweigh in this situation. I can't imagine what she was like in highschool...

OH YEA! THEY ARE ALL 19!! OR from what people keep typing on this blog!!! Maybe THATS why there's a weak casting of girls!! THEY AREN'T EVEN 21 YET!!!!!

This getting drunk and chasing guys/falling in love with my roommate IS GETTING OLD MTV!!!!

Anonymous said...

Jeez...if she's so normal, why is she on the show in the first place? I don't think any normal person would like to make an ass out of him/herself on TV.

Anonymous said...

Parisa is awesome. Trisha is just jealous of her good looks, talent, and intelligence. I hope that blonde ditz Trisha goes home. She's stupid and annoying.

Anonymous said...

vBut if you all remember on the first episode, Parisa was the shallow bitch who didn't welcome herself with Trisha and Kellyanne. So it's all her fault why they don't like her. Trisha is way hotter than Parisa anyway. Go Trisha!

Anonymous said...

i dont like nobody really, the girls are all 2 faced and shi*. Parisa is cool tho. The new girl (Ashley), was alright in the beginning but then it seemed like she was trying to part Dunbar from Julie, and she was grinding on him at the club. I mean he has a gf, so she needs to back off a little.

Anonymous said...

Team Parisa!! thank god trisha goes home. I can't stand her

Anonymous said...

Na, Parisa is the MOST NORMAL. That is what I said... TO KEEP IT REAL...EVEYRONE HAS ISSUES!! EVEN ME AND YOU...

I just like Parisa ethics and morals more than Trisha's...

Anonymous said...

to 2:29 although robin observes slutty behaoiver I felt she was never eally that bad a s trash or kellyanus and honslty had robin been on this season Im sure trish would be quit as far as parisa I fell realy bad for her yes she is as bad as the other girls but hell she is more real and moramal than the other girls and like ruthie and paula will do better things with her life

Anonymous said...

this is ridiculous! Obviously, Parisa is more mature than then rest of the house guests, but this episode or fight or whatever you'd like to call it, was her fault. Even though Trisha was a bitch to her when she got off the phone, the fact still remains, Trisha did get off the phone and let Parisa use it to call her parents. The next day, same situation except backwards, and Parisa is rude and stays on the phone when she knows that Trishas family is leaving and she should be considerate and polite to her and let her call her parents. But no, she talks on the phone for an hour, despite Trisha and kelly-anne trying to clue her in that she should wrap up the convo. Parisa deserved this, she brought it upon herself, and although Trisha can be catty and bitchy, she was not the cause of this!

Anonymous said...

What it really comes down to is the no touching rule. Trisha pushed Parisa. Their contract says no physical violence towards other castmembers- no matter how small the act might be. Trisha did not have to shove Parisa but she did. Now she must go. End of story. It has happened before. Remember on one of the challenges when Steven slapped Shane- it was stupid and not even meant to be mean but Steven was sent home.

HipHop101 said...

it wouldnt make sense if trisha went home..all she did was push parisa...no slap, no punch, no nothing....it was a girly push. remember on the las vegas season? brynn threw a fork at stephen and she didnt go home...i think it is going to come down to a house vote and they are going to keep trisha and parisa is voluntary gonna go home. i feel that the cast likes trisha more than they do parisa cuz all parisa does in that house is complain..i dont like her at all and in fact, i feel that she deserved that push. treating someone like the way she treated trisha was wrong and the only reason that trisha every dissed parisa was cuz of her own ignorance.

Anonymous said...

once again...u stoopid F's defending Trisha, need real psychological evalution.

Its people like you guys, that have made this county the most hated in the world.

u guys will always have a void and issues in ur life due to ur fakeness.

Anonymous said...


this is trasha...lol

Anonymous said...

Trisha sure gives Christians a bad name...

Throughout the season, I've been unsure of whose side I was on in all these arguments, but if you pay attention, Parisa never raises her voice until someone pokes and prods her enough. She keeps calm until someone pushes her overboard, and Trisha certainly did. I don't know how Parisa doesn't just explode. I would definitely like to see Trisha go home.

Anonymous said...

there is so much hate in that house. I think when parisa pointed out that trisha thinks she has better religion than her that says alot. trisha keeps calling parisa a fat girl, I mean come on get real. Parisha should have walked out of that house after trisha pushed her instead being passive aggressive or just plain aggressive and yelling insults.

I've been watching real world since the begining and i don't know if its that i'm older or what but the cast seem to be getting lamer and lamer. part of it i think is that ALLL they do at night is drink. The 1st new york cast some of the people were from the city and had friends and they hung out separatly and together. Their is Australia why has anyone not been like let take a road trip to melboure...i mean are the not allowed. Do the producers make them stay together so they'll fight more???

Back to Trisha when parisa asked to use the phone when she was on it w/ her bf, she lied and said she wouldn't be able to talk to him. Even her bf asked why are you lieing. When trisha is acting like a brat i think she throws the chistian card in people's faces. like I'm good because i'm this...that's retarded. if you are a good person and loving and caring people would be able to tell....

Oh and i thought shavon was really fake looking and obviously ghetto in a bad way since she was always throw bottles. she is a 6 because you can't even tell if she has any nature beauty.

oh and Dunhar is scarey, his angry issues ouch.

Anonymous said...

You embody everything that is NOT Christian. You are intentionally cruel, you lie for your own benefit, you seek pity, you gossip about others, you are vain, you indulge in your jealousies, you criticize others for not being like you ("learn to speak English") and you are not compassionate. Hope your church has a long sit down discussion with you.

You are so young. You seek attention in the wrong ways. Were you abused as a child? The whole cocktease thing, um, not classy. You say and do whatever is convenient to you at the moment. I would not say you hold fast to your beliefs. You are quick to jump to conclusions (ie Parisa saying hi on day one) and you expect others to clean up your messes (when you get drunk).
You follow whatever is popular or seems cool at the moment. You must be a gemini. You change the truth to suit your desire in the moment.

You have alcohol problems. Drinking makes you even uglier. You turn mean and want to fight. At 22 that is funny, at 32, annoying, at 42, just plain sad. Stop now. You also like to be controlled by men, as shown by indulging your boyfriends control issues. Dude, just tell him, I love you and I will see you in 3 months. If you can't handle that, then we were not meant to be. I have to agree with the 6 rating. Too fake and ugly behavior and up to ugly person.

Sigh. I won't watch the rest of the season. LAME.

Anonymous said...


If you're on facebook, leave Dummy Bear some love on his group.

Anonymous said...



beautifully SAID u r AMAZING!

get real people u r not seeing the whole version plz
PARISA is not GOD!

Anonymous said...

i LOVE TRISHA !!! and Kelly ANN!!!

love u guyz

Anonymous said...

11:32 GROW UP ! plz

Anonymous said...

TEAM TRISHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

all d way bitcheees

Anonymous said...

Trisha's five fans can't even put together coherent sentences...have fun on that lonely island all by yourselves!

Anonymous said...

Trisha (or trasha's friend) is that you?

In 10 years, you will all see this season MUCH differently than you do now. And then, you will see how awful Trisha behaved. And Shavon, and Kelly Anne.

Those 3 girls exhibited classic insecurities toward Parisa because they were threatened by her. Therefore, they ganged up on her.

If you don't see that now, you will later in life.

Anonymous said...

Um, I hope everyone realizes that all of those comments supporting Trisha are from the same person pretending to be different people so they don't look as stupid. You know, all the "plz"s. Not fooling anyone, hon.

Anonymous said...

I am going to have to agree with the comments about TRISHA!! She is so annoying and clearly insecure. She only got off the phone because her boyfriend put her in her place. She told Paris that she wasn't going to talk to him for 3 days and he stopped her and said not true.
Trisha....you are not fun to watch! I seriously would have kicked your ass....and it would have been worth it to go home. Lucky for you Parisa has more class than you. And for what you pushed her for.....made you look like a NUT!! Fresno..is that where your from? You keep preaching about your christian values...I don't see them. You are a HUGE HYPCRYTE!!!!! Your a pretty girl...and I won't take that away....but with your attitude you are UGLY! Grow up sweetie..

Anonymous said...

off topic who wants too see diem and trisha on a challange with racheal and veronica know that would be fun since we all know v is a bog bitch she would get rid of both girls

Anonymous said...

I'm sure they put Parisa in the show for drama, but all its done is degrate her...she sunk down to Tricia's level with the phone thing and it seems from previous episodes that she is so much better than that... and it looks like her self-esteem has been murdered. Good job Real World casting crew...

Whoever said this season needs Coral, I completely agree. I think Coral would take more of a Parisa approach - fuck these bitches, I'll do what I want... only unlike Parisa she would put them in their places and not let herself sink to their level... bring her in to replace Tricia ;)

I think Julie needs to dump Dunbar ASAP. He was really mean to her on the phone . . .she was just kidding around. And he's probably slept with Ashslut already...

Anonymous said...

You can tell by the number of comments favoring parisa over trisha, that parisa is CLEARLY and UNDOUBTEDLY favored among viewers the most.

listen...there is an "exception" to every rule. "exeptions" proove the rule. the 1 person that keeps defending trisha on the board is the "exeption", therfore prooving the rule.


its the truth people, suck it up.

Anonymous said...

Parisa is one of the more reasonable, considerate, & sane individuals in that house!--Why Coral didn't like her still baffles me, but this episode is proof of how immature/FAKE Trisha & most of the other chicks in the house was from the start. It's so funny how white women automatically fall into this "helpless victim" role. Trisha charges at Parisa like a raving, expletive-spitting lunatic, shoves Parisa to the floor, then she starts crying and talking about her Christianity after realizing that her actions could get her kicked off the show. Ha! Her only reason to apologize now would be a selfish one.--And how "Christian" would that be? I hope they send that fake ass Tara Reid back to Laguna Beach, The Hills or wherever the hell she came from. Good riddens to Shauvon too! Parisa is one of the most genuine & REAL personalities on this show in a long time. Handle your business, girl. YOU'RE the victim here no matter how much they try to flip it! Had the situation been the other way around, you could best believe they would've made Parisa look like the villain to end all villains in reality TV history.

P.S. I couldn't agree more with the person that said Parisa is a throwback to the "older", more mature RW castmembers like Coral or Melissa. I hope they cast more people like her next season. Enough with these bar-crawling, high school-minded, barbie dolls! The Vegas season ended 5yrs. ago. Let's get back to the essence of this show as it was intended!

Anonymous said...

"Ur an idiot.

Parisa has "sunk" to Trisha's level because of how she has been treated by these no class hookers."

How exactly am I an idiot? I said sunk (meaning gone DOWN) and I think my post pretty clearly says that she was/is so above Tricia...

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen Trisha's lame apology on her myspace blog? IF you try to comment negatively she doesnt even except it.

Anonymous said...

its good to see this blog love parisa I do on the remotye control blog on mtv .com htye are all trisha or third party team whatever alos to whoever said why coral dons't limke parisa I think corals special wasn't meant to judge parisa or trisha it was for coral to make fun off both off them and lets bring the real world back before the vegas season hell before Miami when it was people like the pedros beth eric nies norman people with real goals hell even the miz did something fun wreslting

Anonymous said...

On another topic,

Hi Dummibear! The whole world knows your nickname now and I hope you suffer. You are an ogre who will turn into a wifebeater and you don't deserve a beautiful woman like Julie. Julie, wherever you are, you deserve better.

Anonymous said...

I tried to leave a comment on Trisha's latest blog on her Myspace, and it doesn't appear on her comments.

I was honest and factual, not mean, however, I definitely pointed out her shortcomings. Wonder if she will post it. That would take true courage and honesty and integrity.....3 things Trisha appears to lack.

I am praying for you Trisha. James 1:19

Anonymous said...

To all the people who say that Parisa got what was coming to her, or that Trisha was justified in physically attacking someone else: You are no better than any spouse/lover/companion who physically abuse their partners. That's the excuse they use dummies. "Well you were asking for it." "You left me no choice." Seriously, think about what you say before you say it.

On another note. Don't blame the editing. Trisha says on her blog that she didn't make fun of someone who couldn't speak english correctly and that it was edited to make it sound like she did. We all heard her say it. She also claims that she didn't say anything against gay people. Go back and watch that episode, she did. She also says they edited it to make it look like she made out with Eric or whatever his name was. Okay well if you didn't make out with him, why does Shauvon go and tell Parisa that she saw you making out with him? The only reason you claim to be Christian is cause you think it gives you an excuse to be a bigot.

Now to the person who said that it was only a push and not really violence, intent to harm was there. In the case of Brynn and Steven in Las Vegas, Steven agreed to let her stay and that's why she was allowed to. Haven't any of you seen the wrestling match the guys have on the challenges? How come those guys aren't sent home for physically attacking someone? The answer is because the person they are wrestling didn't complain about it and didn't mind.

Honestly, some of you just need to think before you post. Think.

Anonymous said...

TRASHA - PARISA SHOULD HAVE PRESSED CHARGES AGAINST YOU!!!!!!! You don't even acknowledge that YOU HIT HER --- YOU UGLY ANIMAL. ARen't you the same one that said "i'm not genuinely apologizing" in the beginning of phone-gate???? or was that editing too??? JUST BECAUSE UR stupid doesn't mean the rest of us are too. NICE TRY. Your blog (http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=4058580&blogID=326603219ONLY ) ONLY FURTHER SHOWS YOUR ILL-WITTED ATTEMPT @ GAINING SYMPATHY --- YOU MUST BE FEELING THE HEAT OF YOUR ACTIONS... I've got bad news 4 u, THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING...

I wish they would SEND YOU TO IRAQ, and bring my cousin who's kids are 2 and 4 yeards old. YOU are the WORTHLESS one!!!

PS... WHAT CLAIM do YOU have to this country to think you're better than ANYONE... ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? There's SO M UCH BEAUTY out there that YOU'RE INVISIBLE dude. Wake up.

Besides the fact that u don't have a mirror at home, you NEED TO SEE A SHRINK to work out UR ISSUES ABOUT BEING ADOPTED otherwise YOU'RE GOING TO END UP IN JAIL ... HOPEFULLY.

I HAVE NEVER SEEN SO MUCH HATE in ONE PERSON... especially one that knows her actions are to be broadcasted to millions. You couldn't be any UGLIER IF YOU TRIED.

Anonymous said...

To leave a comment on Trisha's Myspace blog, go here:


Anonymous said...

Trisha Cummings was adopted so she CLEARLY she has major issues the rage she has.. that's where it comes from - she a walking contradiction, Drunk-hooker one day and wanna'-be-jesus-follower the other - which one are you Trisha??? Her face is just average just like her MUFFIN-top. STOP EATING SO MUCH ICE CREAM... you FAT PIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.

Anonymous said...

Kellyanne went to my hs. she was a FILTHY slut then & from the looks of it she's only gotten worse. It was rumored that she had 6 abortions I know she had 3 but I don't know about 6 then again this is "teaser" we're talking about.

Anonymous said...

Trisha is a very shallow, inconsiderate, vain & hurtful person. She thrives on Parisa's pain and that is just wrong. Why would you televise yourself, revealing to the whole world what an idiot you are. She's not even that good looking. Her personality takes all of that away from her. I wish I could've been in the house with her, things would have gone much differently and she would've figured out a thing or 2 about herself. I hope her boyfriend "Jared" dumped her ass for cheating which will all know was not an editing error. Anyways, hope to see her get kicked off on Wed night. That would be so great!!!

Anonymous said...

To leave a comment on Trisha's Myspace blog, go here, you dont have to be her friend to leave a comment:


Anonymous said...

hey 3:34 just cause you knew her dosn't mean she is like that as afilm major in collage I realize that the prodcuers amke decisions on characters they want to show people like parisa as a victum it isn't right but hey you gotta a problem woth her what about veronica or melissa or coral the calssic bitches look I feel parisa is better off anyway MTv pays there real world castmebers for us bashing them on message boards read johnasnnas priemer interview articlue they are making abnk for us trashing there egos I think they care less

rockmonster said...

iziInteresting that Trisha claims to be a Christian, that is, having, or constantly trying to display, a Christ-like personality and yet she is immoral, has a filthy mouth, is a pathological liar (jared exposed that yet again) and has obviously never cracked open a bible or tried to re-adjust herself to what she thinks the bible might say (since her ability to read is questionable). If she ever had looked beyond the mirror she may have been able to read Matthew 7:16,17 Be on the watch for the false prophets that come to you in sheeps covering but inside they are ravenous wolves. By their fruits you will recognize them.

Anonymous said...

When I first started watching this season, I was pissed off that MTV seemed to continue to lose the entire flavor of showing the world what it meant - or what is 'real' to be a part of the current 20-something generation. I pretty much thought I was watching a bunch of punk kids putting on a horrific performance. (A marketing fact that could be very true, I know...)

But after watching this last episode - and more curiously, reading all these posts... I'm starting to turn the corner on BMP's intentions. (Unless someone tells me they are feeding these posts.) If they are - do tell us all.

If this is really what our 20-somethings have to offer, then here are my anonymous thoughts.

Yahoo for the Cohuttas and Isaacs of the world. They're honest and true to themselves - in their 20-something sort-of-way, and in our 20-something, sort-of-memory. For whatever trials and tribulations they've been through - those two are clearly finding their way- in admirable fashion.

Dunbar - if the edits were supposed to show the true him - then God help any girl who comes his way for a couple more years. I think his girlfriend is really smart, and loving and caring. But she should stop putting so much faith in his potential and give what she's got to give to who's got it to give back to her fully. She deserves it. If you ever read this blog junk - Julie - you deserve to be loved more than you love. (Here's hoping for a big, personal ah-hah, or serious counseling for Dunbar.)

Shauvon, Kelly Ann - clearly followers. Shallow - about to get deeper (I TRULY believe that.) They both seem to have a lot of good intentions which they are about to make happen. Those two are hopefully on their way to being leaders in their own way. For those two - this season was an embarassing tape for them to hide from their children.

Ashli's in the same boat as S, and K - but from what we've seen so far - she just needs to stop thinking and acting out on the concept that sex is a method of controlling herself, and men. You've got a ton more to offer girlfriend. RE-Evaluate.

Trisha and Parisa both need to come to terms with some stuff (all though it is a stretch to put them in the same boat, I know.)

Trisha was in complete denial about her on-camera 'expressive' version of being a Christian. Her parents were lucky have her on this show. No doubt, by now she's probably talked to them up one side and down the other, been to church and on the phone with Parisa a gazillion times trying to figure out all the fall out of being on this show, and which direction she is going in, in life. That's a good thing.

Parisa - hopefully she has sinced learned, since filming, that she doesn't have to conform to everyone else's insecurities, anger, and lack of life lessons to try and fit in (which she appears to have tried to stretch herself to do so far on the show.)

Parisa put herself in a lose-lose situation by going on this show. But she is/and will be (everyone just watch and see) in a win-win situation.

Anonymous said...

Trasha go into hiding cause ur no longer welcome in the usa u disgusting fat bigot. Stop posting on here too, we know its U shouldn't u be at the gym? U are truly the ugliest girlever on rw. Fresno is no laguna beach, laguna is for fashionfaceoffs not gang fights. Dont get it twisted.

Kellyanus ur str8 up homless-trash... i'm surprised u werent jailed in Sydney 4 spreading so many STDs. I see a fucked-up-life induced buzzcut, ala Britney spears, in ur near future... right after u realize u have AIDS.
Ash-ho what a joke u r i dont care how old u are. Boring Loser.
btw why these 3 look like theyre in their late 30s ...
Dummybear is so butt and average at best (for his kind) and he's unimportant, plus at least we know we'll be able to visit him in jail.

Parisa giiiiiiiiiirl u have the patience of a saint, given trasha exposed herself despite ur unmatched self restraint, i admire u for ur beauty, tact, wisdom, n classy approach. Power to parisa.

Anonymous said...

Trisha is a christian that needs some serious saving. she needs to go home and be sent to a christian boot camp or stop calling herself a christian so much. you dont use violence adultry alchol judgement and ect if you are a christian. She didnt like parisa the day she saw her and found out she was muslium. Parish is the true spirt of Islam of the goodness it can bring to ones life including control. She had taken alot on that show and most would snap. but she works it out. good for you

Anonymous said...

I saw the previous on MTV.com and it was obvious to say that Trisha thinks that she is better than Parisa because of her race and religion. She even said it "I know I'm better." Get over the whole white sepremacy notion Trisha! You're so ignorant. Im assuming that she has to approve her comments on her blog before it can be posted. She makes it seem like people are on her side, when I bet she gets more hateful comments.

Anonymous said...

WHITE GIRLS can't help being so trashy their "culture" consists of hamburgers, fake-boobs, and flashing their tits.

CLASS and WHITE just don't go together.

White supremacy??? That's an OXYMORON -- especially in MAJOR CITIES or any place that matters.

TRASHA your efforts on myspace as aforementioned are WORTHLESS AND USELESS, I bet you sit there and make profiles for yourself and post ONLY POSITIVE THINGS ABOUT YOURSELF cause right about now YOU'RE the ONLY ONE WHO LIKES YOU.

SUCKS 2 B U I wish you had been shot instead of RedSkin player Sean Taylor.

Anonymous said...

I am ashamed of being a Christian because of TRASH(A) aka Trisha Cummings. You are heartless and lack higher education. The only thing that comes to mind is "YOU CAN PUT ALL THE MAKEUP YOU WANT ON A PIG, BUT ONCE A PIG YOU ARE ALWAYS A PIG." No amount of wealth, materials or physically altering medical procedures can make you appealing.

Parisa: As much as the singing in the shower was annoying, I have to give her a lot of credit for being overall a better person. She has a great heart and handled that situation with a severe amount of composure, class and integrity. In my opinion she also LOOKS MUCH BETTER than TRASH(A). I think TRASH(A) is extremely insecure about her own body that she had to constantly try to make herself feel better.


Anonymous said...

Trisha is by far the most disgusting personality I have ever seen on TV. The only thing I got out of her being in the house is that I'm glad I have never met anyone as superficial or malicious as her. Furthermore, I'm disgusted by the other girls' reaction to Parisa after she made that decision. I don't understand how no one in the house was slightly supportive of her. If anyone ever laid a hand on me, not to mention someone like Trisha, I wouldn't have thought twice about sending that bitch home.

Trisha-you trashy girl, get yourself some class
Parisa- I'm impressed by the amount of shit you tolerated from ALL your roommates (SEXY ISAAC EXCLUDED) Much props.

Anonymous said...

this fight is way more than a petty fight. Trisha calls parisa nothing it RELIGION listen closely to the episode parisa points out the better than her kind comment and trisha talks it over with her dad and he tell her that they are better but they totally blurr it out and he corrects his wording. and everyone talks about it without parisa around and they openly say it was wrong and they all know they would do the same parisa did. but to save face they all say parisa is wrong though and they dont even know why trisha truely hates her till her confessional she has no respect for the girl she looks upon her as nothing very twisted way in portraying chritianity the church should question there own before they have their sick people judging them. PARISA is a beutiful strong woman i have a ton of respect for her. Real world next season will have to ban religion talk period its as bad as physical fighting it can become a very nasty issue. cool to see dunbar back parisa for once out loud at least. lot of people intimadated by parisas beauty, inner strength, and inteligance. Team Parisa

Anonymous said...

lot more than fight big religion issue. Trisha you and your family are the worst people to represent chritianity.The mtv producers edit a word trishas dad says after the climax and truth of the fight comes out he says (Better people) it sounds scratched out and he later says bigger person, how random. listen carefully. Next season mtv better rule out religious battles on air it can get nasty and political in this day an age very fast. this was clearly a deep issue. people have toremember they live togther 24 hours a day they probablly have had some intense conversations. being how smart parisa is and nasty and maliputave trisha is and hoe dumb kellyann and new girl are this got to be a heated house hold. Dunbar knows whats up too he may be strange but hes smart. watch the episode closely !!!!!!!!!!!! PARISA you are a strong beautiful person i commend you for all you have delt with. you represent yourself with pride and people should have the upmost respect for you. dont fellbad for being smart and confident they are ugly hateful people. YOU SHOULD GO ON TYRA TELL YOUR STRY ITS WORTH MORE WITH RESPECT NOT ON REALITY TV.TRISHA SHOULD BE PUBLICALY CALLED OUT>

Anonymous said...

PARISA AND TRISHA go on tyra show talk about the true undercover unedited scenes. This is a good issue to discuss during this war.TEAM PARISA

Anonymous said...

I'm SOOOOO happy Trisha is gone! She is a true B!TCH! And her dumb girl roommate followers are a$$holes too.
They are so narrow-minded. They only see things from their very small way of life. I truly hope they can grow and change. Hopefully they will realize what horrible-evil mistakes they made.

Anonymous said...

well...i have to say i cant stand parisa, or dunbar in this episode first of all if you watched the first episode parisa came in with a bad attitude and the only reason why she was shavons friend because shavon (however its spelt) was being really talkative and freindly to her she approached her...Parissa said that she didnt get along with girls and blah blah blah she is stupid she seems to be jealous and competitive with the other girls without being it....like she does no wrong i would have punched her along time ago. Dunbar has anger issues he needs help and he is cocky and thinks everyone wants to do him. Hes mean to his girlfriend he has signs of abusive!! I hope kellyanne and the other girl make parisa go home she should have gone home and put someone better in