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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sydney Episode #18: Post your reaction here

Eighteen episodes into the season, it's finally what most people have been waiting for: the fight over the phone with Trisha (Sydney) and Parisa (Sydney). While last week showed everything leading up to the push, editors left us hanging, when Parisa has to decide whether or not to send Trisha home.

Tonight will be a good episode and most people are expecting Trisha to leave. It's all up to Parisa. How will she make this decision?

Post your reactions here.


Anonymous said...

GO HOME TRISHA!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

that was the worst "fight" i have ever seen. I was expecting a little more than a push. To bad CT couldn't go there and beat some ass. Now that would be a show.

So after Trisha leaves, who will Parisa have her next feud with? She has to be the Drama in the house.

Anonymous said...

Well I guess we're all pretty sure that Trisha is going home.. I want to know who is going to replace her and then who wins that European vacation.

Anonymous said...

9:33am - I disagree with you. I do not think Parisa has to be the drama in the house.

I think Trasha does. Trasha is so green with jealousy that a boy could like Parisa more than her, that she says some awful things. She didn't need to stoop so low to cause drama, yet she did. She can't help herself. She needs constant flattery or feels inferior.

Trisha is expecting everyone to love her, yet she has failed.

Anonymous said...

I cannot stand Trasha! She always talks about being a good Christian and how her parent are such good Christians, and then swears like a sailor, calls people names, and pushes someone! I've had no tolerance for her ever since the first episode when she said she gave the Asian cashier at McDonalds money for language classes. She is so ignorant! I mostly blame her parents. My father would reach through the phone and slap me upside the head if I told him that I pushed "a fat girl" I am disappointed with MTV for choosing such trash. Don't get me wrong I love the fights, but Trasha is just a whore-ibble person.

Anonymous said...

parisa will send trisha home.
kelly anne gets upset and shows her disdain by spitting.
an unidentified male will replace miss fresno trailer trash.

i see all,
the omniscient one.

Anonymous said...

As much as someone can hate Trisha we can't deny that Parisa vs. Trisha has been the best thing this season has offered.It was so juicy to see them fight.

Anonymous said...

Juicy? I think it was more pathetic.

If seeing the worst side of humanity is "juicy" to you, then have at it.

I'd like to see our tastes and consciousness more elevated.

Anonymous said...

I think youre all stupid and shouldn't judge someone that you don't know.



Anonymous said...

Trisha is Trash!! Face it! However she makes good tv!! I am sure she means well deep down.. We all say mean things at one point or another, doesn't mean we literally mean it.. When she called Parisa Fat, i'm very sure she said it in the head of the moment.. Let's face it, we all have felt or said mean things at one point in our life.

Anonymous said...

hey trisha fan she will be the first girl sne t home on the next challange watch alright I bet the vet women had time to watch and will vote her off right away esp if v and ray do the next challange trasha is screwed. as wev seen before if veronica dons't like you she will vote you off case in point katie and sarah and anglela tonya too

kitkat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Parisa is the only decent human being in that house. trisha, kelly ann and ashley could not be more immature closeminded and evil women. how can they possibly think their actions are appropriate???

Anonymous said...

this is the worst season of the Real World ever....there is one real person in the house and she gets treated like shit because of it..

Anonymous said...

so classless went she left, what loser ty shes gone even dunbar is happy....kelly anne is absolute moron and so is ashili with her opinions about parissa sending her home....cant wait for issac to come back its for sure since he was in the preview...hes goin to happy shes gone...norinin should move in that would be awesome... i believe makes her move on alex the austrailian that trisha liked...lol

Anonymous said...

good riddens you skanky ass, fat bitch fake christain whore. you are a disgrace to women, to christians, to everyone!

Anonymous said...

Wow...how immature are Kelly Anne and Ashlii (however the hell she spells her name) looking right now? You have got to be kidding me.

I have so much respect for Parisa right now. Did you see how calmly she handled all the insults that were being hurled at her? If I were Parisa, I wouldn't have the strength to do that or to stay with such terrible people. I would have to leave. I feel terrible that she has no one on her side.

There's no doubt that was the right decision. I thought maybe, just maybe Trisha was genuinely sorry and had some good in her, but did she really need to come up to Parisa and try to take one last jab at her? She's trash, just like most of you have been calling her. That's for damn sure. Good riddance.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why the other roommates are mad at Parisa. They should thank her. Parisa might be annoying, but Trish is a complete beyotch. She got physical with a roommate, and deserves to go home as a result. It's called consequences for your actions, Trisha. Don't expect to get out of those consequences just b/c you give an insincere apology.

Anonymous said...

I do not care much for thrisha but i have to say that parisa is turning more and more into a self rightious self centered girl on a power trip she could have been asmarter better stronger person by letting her stay in the house in the end you do not have to be friends with every one but it is always better to get along and come on lets be real it was only a little push in a moment of anger and if i where thrisha i'd be pissed off at Parisa too if she can't get passed that and talk about it like grown ups Parisa is going to have a real hard time in the real "real world"
Tineke (Amsterdam, The Netherlands:)

Anonymous said...

issac back next week...hell yeah, looks does care about trisha leaving hes happy ty....

HipHop101 said...

does anyone replace trisha or is it just going o be 6 from now on?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Um, you're saying PARISA doesn't know how to handle things like an adult? I think you might want to watch the episode again.

A little push is still a physical act of violence, and it was enough to make Parisa lose her balance and fall. TRISHA is the one who has impulse control issues if she has to run up and push someone (while telling Parisa about her religiously superior family...).

There is no way you can expect Parisa to be able to live in the house with someone like that. It goes to show you how naive Ashlii is for saying, "Ooh, dur...you can learn from this and be frendzz!" Um, how about no? That's like expecting someone to have dinner with someone who tried to shoot them. Sorry, ain't gonna happen.

Man...anyone who STILL has the nerve to take Trisha's side seriously needs to watch the show a little more carefully.

Anonymous said...

Haha, go Isaac! At least someone has sense in that house. Maybe he'll be able to knock some sense into those airheads.

Anonymous said...

ohh shit! i thought i was the only one on TEAM PARISA! fu trisha, youre a detriment to society and to all californians.

is cahutta and kellyanne still going at it?

Anonymous said...

Parisa, well done. Way to hold your ground. Her comment after that gal Trisha's comment at the end was classy. You made the right move.

Where did they pull Kelly Anne and Ashli from? 5th grade?

Are these casting people just pointing in a phone book to get these kids?

Anonymous said...

bpI have so much respect for Parisa how she kept her cool throughout the whole ordeal. Trisha is such a horrible person and the one with the ugly heart. Parisa showed she had class after Trisha came in and told her she was nothing and she just said "enjoy your flight" and kept reading, loved how she handle it.
Dumbar was happy Trisha went home and then Isaac was like nobody liked trisha that was hilarious...

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I'm not suprised that those tricks didn't want Trisha to leave and made Parisa out to be the bad guy. I agreed wtih her...if she let her stay, what would that say to Trisha? That no matter what she does, she won't be punished? That sorry ass apology got her right where it should have...on a plane back home. "Have
a nice flight. Take care."

Anonymous said...

I have to say that i have never felt the need to post a comment on a blog until now. Trisha is possibly the worst person i have ever seen on the real world. She is a nasty, fake, judgmental, close-minded, ignorant, stupid girl. She completely ruined Parisa's time on the real world by starting some high school click in the house, and bringing them to her side to hurt Parisa. It all comes down to her low self esteem and she claims to have a good heart. She has the hardest, coldest heart i have ever seen. She hides behind "Christianity" when shes really the furthest thing from a Christian i have ever seen. She made a comment to Parisa about how there's someone who loves her and that Parisa is jeslous. She needs a serious wake up call, i can't see how anyone could love her, shes heartless. I am totally disgusted that MTV chose her to represent an American female in another country.
argh im so mad right now, if i was Parisa i would have made her feel sorry! haha
i hope Trisha learns from watching herself.

Anonymous said...

for everything that parisa put up with bc of tricia... she had every right to send her home. and i see in an above comment, tricia may be on a challenge???? she isnt physically fit to be good on them. and i hope coral, shane, dan, rachel and other gay/lesbian cast members are on that challenge bc im sure they loved tricias spill on their 'way of life.'

Anonymous said...

i actually agree with what parisa did who wants to live with ta psyco high school bitch if any of you watched rr south pacific remeber abe got booted cause donell was a cause of his anger same viloated rule trisha is by far the worst castmeber in real world history she is aslap in the face to all good christians and people in this country im glad she left as for the other two girls there big attention whores they all become friends anyway

Anonymous said...

Wow. I hope these girls realize how stupid and hurtful they are. How can Kelly Anne and Ashley be such bad judge of character? They are crying over this "great person" who throws her "Christianity" in everyone's face when she's backed in a corner...when all it does is makes her the biggest hypocrite ever. And I think Parisa is very strong in standing up for what was clearly the right thing to do in her case. I mean, if those girls were in Parisa's shoes, they would have already crumbled. And spitting on the glass like that is SOOOOOO classy ladies. I have to wonder if their parents are watching and cringing...wondering to themselves "how did I raise my child so wrong?"

Go Parisa!

Even Issac and Dunbar are happy that Trasha is gone...and I really hope these girls are watching this and calling Parisa and apologizing for being such bitches to her through all this!

Anonymous said...

Those girls were horrible to Parisa. True colors, true colors, no matter what excuses they put on their skanky myspaces.

Parisa had every right in the world. Period.

Anonymous said...

first off i am so happy the parisa sent trisha's ass home. it's about time some did something productive in that house.

ashli and kelly anne are so immature. they should be lucky that they're still on the show. they think they're tough with threatening parisa when in reality everyone is going to think that they're complete bitches. for the guys out there that think kelly anne of ashli are hot, i hope that they saw them spitting tonite. that just shows how unclassy and trashy they really are.

Have a good flight- Parisa

Anonymous said...

ain't nobody fault that trisha left the house but trisha. She did not have to push her. And guys if parisa would of pushed Trisha first do you think she would of let her stay?

Anonymous said...

I agree Trasha sucks...the only reason she apologized was because her "religious" family told her it was the "right" thing to do. In reality she is just bitter because her enemy has all the power and is sending her ass home. She is also flabby and shouldn't be calling anyone fat! And Kelly Ann...she needs to get over herself, does she really think that Parisha gives a shit if stops talking to her? No because Kelly Ann is a dumb ass, shallow girl and she needs to remember her friend went home because she broke the rules. Ashli got in a fight at the bar day one...I think she just likes to cause drama...she has been there what 2 weeks?

Anonymous said...

I just finished watching the episode. Thank gawd Trasha went home. Sadly, Cohutta and Dunbar come out looking the best out of all of the roommates. Cohutta did say that Parisa would have no choice but to send Trasha home, for she was either going to look spineless (for letting her stay) or gain no respect from her housemates from letting her stay. Cohutta and Dunbar were also smart for staying out of the house meeting, for they knew that they already had no say anyways. Also, notice that Dunbar couldn't even hide his happiness with Trasha's leaving. At the end of the episode, notice that Dunbar was the first person to say that Parisa was right in what she did and he has respect for her in doing it. Plus, the entire season we have seen Dunbar fly into rages where we thought he was about to go off the handle and didn't. Trasha had really no excuse, so if it had gone to a house vote, Dunbar would have had to vote against her.
However, KellyAnne and Ashli look like two petty school girl biatches for choosing to not talk to Parisa over sending Trasha home. They are like the biggest bunch of freaking hypocrites because everyone knows that if the situation had happened in vice versa, with Parisa attacking Trasha, they would have threw her stuff out within five minutes. If KellyAnne and Ashli are smart enough to even watch themselves they should realize that they acted totally wrongly. I think Parisa orchistrated the entire situation, but Trasha was still dumb enough to fall into it. KellyAnne and Ashli are so stupid though, thinking that Trasha should have stayed for bad behavior and Parisa should have left; it is not a right to stay in the house, but rather a priviledge, as there is a waiting list of ten people waiting to get on-like Ashli did to take Shavoun's place. And Trisha's attempt was on the same level as Tina's attempt on Beth during one of the challenges...weak but there's an strong level of intent.

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone who knows Trisha in real life are so disgusted by her that they never talk to her again! and i hope her boyfriend dumps her because nobody deserves to spend there life with someone like her. She literally makes me feel sick!

Anonymous said...

So glad Trisha is gone!!!

Anonymous said...

kellyanne and ashli are stupid bitches. first of all, ashli is def the ugliest girl on the show. and not only that, she likes to sleep with other ppls boyfriends... ummm can you say WHORE? kellyanne is trailor park trash. and ashli is just so stupid she should be happy to be on parisa's team with the job. parisa is prob the smartest one there. ugghhhh i just hate the girls that were casted for this season. like seriously how did these girls get picked? (with the exception of parisa) no diversity on this season. def one of if not the worst real world ever

Anonymous said...

I am proud of Parisa for sticking to her guns and kicking off Trisha. I hope the other girls are ashamed of themselves when they see their disgusting behavior on television. Thank you Parisa, you have shown strength and integrity in times where you could have stooped to their level.

Anonymous said...


Trisha is a bitch and im glad she is gone. She appears to be giving her "christian community" a real bad rep. She has no class what so ever. She even felt the need to tell Parisia that she is "nothing" wtf are you serious??? HElllllo. Anyone who needs to even speak those words to another person obviously has the issues. I don't always like Parisia but I give her a LOT OF credit. I would have beat that girl to a pulp. AND PARISIA IS NOT FAT!!!!! Kellie Anne and that other chick that is even more embaressing should grow up. Spitting on windows. wow. thats mature. ANYWAYS.... adios trisha....trash bag. haaha.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I can't stand Parisa, and I totally think she brought all of this drama upon herself. But I am definitely not on "Team Trisha". Trisha is the biggest hypocrit ever, and this whole Christian act.... ummmm hello, can you say repentence. She is so fake and all the girls who cried on her shoulder are too afraid to think for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Parisa is the ONLY house-member of substance. I am so tired of seeing mindless party girls on these shows.

Anonymous said...

how happy is everyone that trisha is gone??? i'm like celebrating right now no joke! and as for those trashy slutbags kellyanne and ashley theyre playing childish games that 12 yr old girls do. dumb whores!! and does anyone else think kellyanne and ashley are but ugly? like seriously theyre not even cute like at all! all they have going for them is that trashy take me home from the bar look going for them.

Anonymous said...

I can't figure out why Kelly Ann is so upset. Anyhow, I'm glad Parisa stood up for herself and kicked the bitch to the curb. I heart Issac more than ever for his reaction to the situation. I really hope Ashlii and Kelly Ann abandon this childish idea of making Parisa's life a living hell. Ridiculous. You made your point already, now stop. The girls on this season are unbearably boring (minus Parisa).

Anonymous said...

I'm SO on Team Parisa! I love her! And am so happy that she stood up for herself and sent that dbag packing!

Anonymous said...

I hate trisha with a passion. I really dont like any of the girls in the house, but i hate trisha the most . although parisa is a bitch i like her the most because she isnt nearly as immature as the rest of them. now back to trisha i hate how this bitch acts like she is such a perfect little christian girl. bitch please any one that claims to be a good christian girl doesnt use the language and act the way she does. good christian girls dont cheat on their boyfriends and then act like you arent cheating just because u know he like parisa more. im sorry to rant so much about trisha but have faithfully watched all the season of real world no matter how good or bad they are and i can honestly say i hate that girl the most out of anyone to ever be on that show. i think mtv should focus a lil more next season on finding girls that dont act like they are still in high school. once again I HATE TRISHA

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see KellyAnne and Ashlii on a challenge... I hope the older female castmembers play the childish games of making their lives a living hell. I hope Corcal, Veronica and Rachel get put on a challenge with these girls!

Anonymous said...

CHRISTIAN? Tricia is the most un-christ like individual. Her parents should be ashamed by the way she has acted since the show started. She should look in the mirrow at herself and realize she is the one who is "nothing."

MTV- where do you find these people? Putting people like Tricia on television is just bad for society. For a show called the Real World you found the fakest person in America.

Anonymous said...

Trisha on a challenge? HAHAHAHHA That's the funniest thing I've heard all week! Trisha will be the first one sent home and I can't wait to see it

Anonymous said...

In RESPONSE to: "I cannot stand Trasha! She always talks about being a good Christian and how her parent are such good Christians, and then swears like a sailor, calls people names, and pushes someone! I've had no tolerance for her ever since the first episode when she said she gave the Asian cashier at McDonalds money for language classes. She is so ignorant! I mostly blame her parents. My father would reach through the phone and slap me upside the head if I told him that I pushed "a fat girl" I am disappointed with MTV for choosing such trash. Don't get me wrong I love the fights, but Trasha is just a whore-ibble person."

you pretty much wrote everything i was thinking. Trisha is a hypocrite and her ass deserved to be sent home. and whoa what was up with Kellyanne? how disappointing is that? i thought she was sane and understanding up until the whole spitting on the glass thing. what an immature little girl along with her little buddy Ashli. i can't stand so-called "grown up" people like them.

And Parisa..wow! to be calm and collected in that situation. that is one strong woman right there. i'm not the confrontational type but i would've started crying out of anger and frustration. but Parisa maintaned her cool...wow...yOu gO giRL!

Anonymous said...

OK seriously KellyAnne and Ashlii need to settle down on acting like they're 5 years old. I'm very happy to see Trisha go home; she deserved it more than anything. And let me just say that her final words to Parisa just showed how much of an immature little baby she is. And I loved Parisa's reponse to her. "Enjoy your flight. Take care." Classic!Go Team Parisa!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

this is the worst season of the Real World ever....there is one real person in the house and she gets treated like shit because of it..

I have to agree with this, and It's funny that I'm even bothering to post on a site like this, I'm not really that big of a fan or anything, but the only thing that has kept me from bothering to catch an episode once in a while is Parisa. The other girls on the show are so incredibly childish, it's almost saddening. (Then again I don't expect much from, "The Real World" as it's been mostly centered around drunk college kids looking for sex, stereotype or not, it ends up degrading into that, but you hope to find someone that actually has a personality besides the beer and rampant thrusting)

As a New Yorker, Parisa gives me some hope for my state, cause christ there's a lot of sheep and retards here. Yeah, she may be "quiet" and not get along with the other people there, but look at what she was given, boring robotic morons who want to play 5th grade-esque power struggle games. I'm not saying Parisa is a genius, but she seems to be the ONLY one with some semblance of intelligence.

This show is mostly shit though. Waste of time to watch.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad Trisha went home. All she talked about was being a Christian girl and it's makes me laugh when she says it. She's the least Christian person I have ever seen, she's a sad and pathetic person. Oh and the new girl, does she say anything worth listening too? How old is she 12?

Anonymous said...

For everyone saying that we shouldn't pass judgement on Tricia because we don't know her...

She came on the real world so that everyone in america could get to know her. Isn't that what the show is supposed to be about? I think we've seen enough


Anonymous said...

parisia is naturally annoying in her own way but all the housemates are messed up a little bit. she only acts super extreme because the girls bully her to act that way because they all conform together. exspecially ashli who is like an echo of kelly anne. so annoying.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ok LikE hOw caN sum1 lIke TriSha be sO reLigIouS LOL moRe likE SatAniC!! I lIkeD KeLlyaNe beForE tHis epiSodE bUt shEz aCtiNg sO stUpId ab0Ut tHis bC ParIsA hAd evEry riGhT to sEnd heR h0Me sHez beeN sO mEan to hEr i fEel sRy foR PaRisA sHe haD to dEal w. TriShA nOw KelLyaNe -Nd AsHliI aRe bEin MeaN 2 hEr.. i kNow iDe g0 crAzy!!!

~~ JeSs iN pHiLlY ~~

Anonymous said...

anonymous 8:09 - I am calling her Kellyanus from now on. Thanks for the nickname! ;)

Patricia said...

isaac really needs to come back. hes truly the only reason this season is the least bit watchable.

man, tonights episode was my least favorite of the season. trisha is a joke and i cant believe how childish ashili and kelly ann were acting. ashili.

how disappointing. i thought ashili would have been cool. shes a little brat. kelly ann sucks too...and i had really liked her earlier this season.


they should just kick everyone off and make it isaac's world. id watch that.

Anonymous said...

If there had been a house vote, Trisha would have been voted out 4 to 2 (were giving everyone but Trisha a vote and assuming Issac is there). All of the males (Cohutta, Issac, Dunbar) would have voted against her along with Parisa, with Dunbar and Issac leading the charge. Additionally, I think that Cohutta would have voted with the other males because of the Cohutta v. Shavoun fight over the grilled cheese-it didn't get physical didn't it. And additionally, the producers would have had to remove her, because they cannot allow for that to happen, because if Trasha says something stupid to Parisa again, they would have to allow for her to smack the hell out of her. I can't wait for KellyAnne and Ashli to get on a challenge so real Head Bitches like a Coral, a Tina, a Aneesa, a Katie, a Rachel/Veronica put these two in their places. And who is KellyAnne to say that what is it going to be like if everyone else in the house hates you for 2½ months and Ashli to see if they can find itching powder. The spitting thing is so immature, but I see that they're so used to it...getting ready for their gonzo porn careers I see. Grow up you stupid whores. And Trasha's last stand with that stupid send off was pathetic.
P.S.-Is Ashli vying for super slut award like Tonya, Trishelle or Jodi? Oh my gawd, that girl is pathetic. I wish she was on a challenge with Coral so that Coral could bitch her out like Coral did to Trishelle when she was kicking it to Mike the Miz.

Anonymous said...

so is BMP going cast people with characters and personality ever again????? or are we just looking for young, dumb and full of cum bitches????

My how real world cast members have changed since season 1...

I sincerley hope the casting directors read this forum...and revaluate when wanting to cast people like TRISHA, KELLY ANN, ASHLI...and SHAVOUN for the matter...

if you would have put Parisa with some mature females, we would have seen a very different show...ENJOYABLE NOT HATEFULL

Anonymous said...

pHurray Parisa...you made the right decision. What is wrong with Kellyann and Ashli ...Team Trasha...come on grow up.
Parisa has more class and maturity in her little finger than they do. AND what is wrong with Dunbar has he any balls. Why couldn't he stand up for Parisa Oh that's right he has the hots for Ashli.That's mature. Don't stand up for your roomate in a bad situation because you might not get in someone's elses pants.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that I am not the only who is repulsed by Trisha. Who can go on TV and talk about the purity ring that her daddy gave her...then in the next sentence talk about having sex with her boyfriend? She is the reason people don't embrace Christianity. The religion teaches love, acceptance, and living in way that shows others God's love. In the first episodes she made a comment about the lady at McDonald's not speaking English, she cried about the gay pride parade...then, she goes out and drinks, curses, hits someone, and cheats on her boyfriend. No one is perfect, but it you are going to put yourself out there to the whole world as this spiritual, loving human being...at least live up to for the 5 months you are there. The best thing that has happened this season is sending the hypocrite home. As for Kelly Anne and the other unimportant girl on the show...grow up. Spitting...how ridiculous. Trisha was a bitch, she got sent home, and she deserved it. If the show send people home for being dumb bitches, Mary Anne and other girl would have been on a plane right behind Trisha.

Anonymous said...

OK so I love how everyone is talking about Trisha leaving because she is awful, but does anyone even pay attention to the other girls in the house. I thought the whole Mean Girls thing ended in high school. Now I knew Ashley was immature from the moment she talked about how she wanted to get Dunbar because "she gets what she wants" but I actually liked Kelly Anne before tonight. What a jackass. "I can show my maturity by spitting on a wall." The whole getting mad at the girl who was pushed, but defending the girl who did the pushing is ridiculous, and absurd.

Anonymous said...

^^oh and....

Instead of producing a show that means something and people can learn from...you cast DUMB TWATS...that have shit for brains...that we all can stand.

With such big hits, great shows, and being the pioneers of reality tv...this season is a BIG let down for the show and its viewers.

Real World is what put MTV on the map...so be true to IT and the people that watch.

We want substance, not immature absurdity.

Anonymous said...

Wow I never post on things like that, but I have to say:

1) I can't wait for the reunion episode!!!

2) I also would love to see any of those 3 hoes, especially Trasha, on a challenge with Coral present, cuz if they tried even a little of this shit with her, she would "beat bitches up" as she said herself one challenge. (CORAL'S AWESOME!!!)

Anonymous said...

I'm a person that see's things on both sides. For one both of them are at fault for having such an agurment this intense. You have Parisia on one hand being the smart girl and trying to get on Trisha's nerves in a smart way by creating a conflict that would piss any person off that was not mature as well. Then you have a girl like Trisha. You do understand that she did tell Parisia ahead of time to get off the phone but Parisia did know how to push her buttons and did. It is Trisha's fault for handling the manner the way she did. In the end Parisia had every right to get Trisha off the show. I could understand kellyanne's faithfullness to her friend and how she would side with the person she was closest to on the show. But What the hell is the new girl ashli have to complain about. she's only been there for a short time and she pretty much has sided with Trisha on this one. I'm pretty glad she's showing her true colors and that is, a homewrecker. She did say she had respect for Dumbar's gf but yet she's still hitting on him like a female dog in heat. Dumbar is no angel either. He knows what he's doing is wrong so there is no right. Just imangine if they were no cameras around, i'm sure they would have slept with eachother about 10 times by now. He just looks like a dog, and she looks like a slut. Oh dumbar is acutally cute but we all know ashli is not... so they should hook up because two people that are so foul, deserve eachother.

Anonymous said...

KELLYANUS AND TRASHA!!! we need a nickname for Ashlii ... I was thinking maybe Smashly; referring to her gapped vagina - but I think we can come up with something better! I wish her name rymed with whore, slut, cunt, bitch, douchebag, ugly, fake, or something of that subject matter. Let's start with some idea's people! And if any of you have Facebook there's a group dedicated to hating Ashlii you should all join!!!

Anonymous said...

trisha's eyebrows were starting to remind me of hitlers mustache. good thing that is the last we will be seeing of her.

Anonymous said...

Finally, Trisha went home. She, along with Kelly Anne and Ashli are the fakest bitches I've ever seen. I feel hella sorry for Parisa cause she's so real and actually NORMAL.

Anyway, does anyone know the SONG THAT IS PLAYING AT THE END OF THE EPISODE??

"Not today, not tomorrow, I don't want someone to follow."

Please email me if you know! =]


Anonymous said...

well... the reunion show is going to interesting....

Anonymous said...

Everyone this season irritates me, except for sexy ass Isaac. I can't believe the roommates didn't THANK Parisa for sending that bitch home. She was of no value to anyone; even worse, she's by far, the most repulsive, hypocritical hot mess I've seen on TV in awhile. GOOD RIDDANCE. Someone needs to slap some sense into that girl QUICK.

I wished they kicked off EVERYONE and just made it an Isaac/Noirin + friends show...
Def would have made for better tv

Anonymous said...

Leave some messages for the mean girls...let them know what cunts they are:




Anonymous said...

Trashli sounds better than Assli

Anonymous said...

"Everyone this season irritates me, except for sexy ass Isaac. I can't believe the roommates didn't THANK Parisa for sending that bitch home. She was of no value to anyone; even worse, she's by far, the most repulsive, hypocritical hot mess I've seen on TV in awhile. GOOD RIDDANCE. Someone needs to slap some sense into that girl QUICK.

I wished they kicked off EVERYONE and just made it an Isaac/Noirin + friends show...
Def would have made for better tv"

actually Dunbar thanked Parisa at the end. also remember during Dunbar's confession, he called Trisha manipulative and whatnot. the clip for next week's episode, Isaac says "nobody likes Trisha" lol..so funny and true.

Anonymous said...





wow. that felt good. =)

Anonymous said...

I am embarrassed to be a human being after watching tonight's episode.

I don't feel the need to throw stones, since I myself am not perfect. I think that the way that these people feel when they watch themselves on television- and the way that their loved ones react to their behavior- will be enough to teach them a valuable life lesson. No one is without fault here.

The whole purpose behind the show is lost, and it is humiliating to not only our country, but our generation. I've always been a huge fan, but now I wish the creators would put us all our of our misery and just let the Real World fade away.

jlipp215 said...

wow i think that kellyanne and trisha need to grow the hell up, and ashli u need to stay the fuck away from them cause you'll be acting like them too.

jlipp215 said...

wow i think that kellyanne and trisha need to grow the hell up, and ashli u need to stay the fuck away from them cause you'll be acting like them too.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I would highly recommend that you all take a minute of your time to share your thoughts with each of these ladies. It may help them see how the world views them and make them visualize themselves beyond their little "real" house in Sydney. Very, very sad that this is our generation.




Unknown said...

this was probably the saddest RW episode ever. The level of taste that these girls have, the respect they show for the differences that make us all unique, the DISrepsect they give to each other as well as themselves... this sickening episode just shows how much more growing Americans have to do when it comes to tolerance of people from different backgrounds.


I've lost respect for this show and BM casting should reassess how they choose these castmates because this is getting pathetic.

lets see diversity, maturity, and real issues that once made this series a classic.

Anonymous said...

i hurt for parisia... :(

watching Trisha and even the other girls sort of makes me sick. I think that in a house where the other girls behaved at a social level greater than that of jr. high school...parisia would maybe make a friend or two. GEEZE....girls can be SO evil!

Anonymous said...

First of all, don't critize those who judge any cast members of a reality television show - they all know what they signed up for, and you can't blame editing - no amount of editing could portray someone as horrible as Trisha. I don't have much personal preference for one religion or another, but what I do hate is people who talk about it NON-STOP but don't live it. Trisha has done nothing but hurt people, that is not a good person regardless of beliefs. In the end you can only hope that she will see the episode and learn and grow after watching herself - we all must have that humbling moment in our lives.

Anonymous said...

If Trasha represented a good Christian, would he/she act the way she did? Is that "what Jesus would do?" Thank GOD she's gone! TEAM PARISA! And how long has Ashley been there to really be almost best friends with Trasha? Did anyone hear Isaac's comment about Trisha leaving...yeah suck on that one Kelly Anne!

Anonymous said...

I cannot stand how fake Trisha is and how immature the other two girls are. I would say that I'm pretty immature but, damn they are like me when I was in middle school! Come on, Trisha is ridiculous, you harm someone you go home, everyone knows that.. I just don't know why she even got mad about her choice.

Anonymous said...

Trisha was the worst excuse for a "Christian" imaginable...the reason that some have negative concepts of religion is due to people like her. How can anyone claim to be God-loving and act like her...cussing every other word, physically assaulting someone without feeling one ounce of remorse, and to top it off...not understanding that the reason you were sent home was YOUR OWN fault due to YOUR OWN ACTIONS! She obviously does not know the meaning of accountability and taking responsibility for your actions. What an idiot to blame the fact that she was sent home on Parisa (who just carried out the rules)! And even worse, Kelly Anne and Ashli. I actually liked Kelly Anne in the beginning of the show. But, I was actually embarrassed for her as a woman that she was so pathetic as to SPIT on the window of the phone booth (with dumb ass Ashli giggling like an idiot in back of her)!! WOW, those three little wenches (Trisha, Kelly Anne, and Ashli) seriously give women a bad name and they aired it all on national TV for the world to see! I would definitely be ashamed to face my family and friends after that!

Anonymous said...

isaac returns next week :)
something worth watching again

oh yah, trisha= pathetic

Anonymous said...

This season is so unfair. it's almost like they particularly picked Parisa to be picked on by a bunch of white people.. Not that I'm racist towards white people but its obvious that she is the ONLY minority in the house. What happened to casting the black male or female? Gay or Lesbian? Or a strong headed bitch to put these girls in their spot. MTV really did a screw up by putting a person in a house prone to take lots of bs!

I feel for Parisa.. I am glad that unlike Trisha , she stays strong and sheds no tears.. My heart goes out to them..

I used to hate Veronica, Rachel, Tina, and Coral.. but now looking at Ashli, Kelly Ann, and TRISHA.. I would love nothing than to have Coral and the other mean girls give them what they deserve..

Anonymous said...

Trisha = bi-shour (ignorant in persian) kelly-goh (shit in persian, suiting right?) = jendeh (slut) ash-slut = ki? (Who?) ........ parisa = khaanum (lady) and that concludes ur language lesson for the day. Piss out. Enjoy your flight. Take care. LOVE it!

Anonymous said...


It's a gloomy day in Sydney when prodigal son Isaac returns to the house, eager to let loose and party after attending his grandfather's funeral. The roommates welcome him back and fill him in on Trisha's exile. To KellyAnne's surprise, Isaac is happy to see Trisha go and not buying into the house hatred of Parisa.

Meanwhile in couple-land, Ashli talks to a friend about her burgeoning non-romance with Dunbar. She admits that she's been sleeping in his bed every night, but suspects he's growing more and more uncomfortable with the situation.

Isaac gives Parisa some much needed support, reminding her that not only is he happy that Trisha's gone, but so are Dunbar, Cohutta and deep down, KellyAnne too. Parisa feels a lot better but warns him that Ashli's become the new KellyAnne and KellyAnne's taken over Trisha's role.

Ashli and Dunbar continue to fill Isaac in on the less dramatic happenings in the house, including Ashli's appointment as the new team leader for Isaac's Contiki team. Knowing that Ashli hates Parisa for making Trisha leave, Isaac decides to stir things up, questioning why Ashli liked Trisha in the first place. The best Ashli can come up with: Trisha was fun to party with.

KellyAnne claims she wants to try and be civil with Parisa. When Parisa confuses this civility with an attempt to pretend nothing ever happened with them, the girls again butt heads because KellyAnne refuses to apologize for her actions.

Dunbar worries about people thinking he's trying to have sex with Ashli and vice versa. Ashli finally gets frustrated with his constant complaining and reminders of how much he loves his girlfriend and heads out for the night without him. Dunbar admits to Isaac that he's worried about getting messed up and taking things with Ashli too far.

Over drinks and dinner, Ashli and KellyAnne chit chat about Isaac's return and his feelings on Trisha's exit. The girls fess up that Trisha had a lot of qualities they didn't admire and may even understand Parisa's decision to make Trisha leave.

Inspired by a drunken stroll to the fish tank, Isaac decides naked snorkeling is the best way to keep the night going. The roommates all gather to watch. If they weren't happy to have Isaac back before, they are now. As Cohutta put it, "sometimes a man just feels the need to get naked and swim with goldfish".

The party continues as Isaac demands everyone take shots in honor of Dunbar's birthday (which it indeed is not). Clearly, a drunken roommate hot tub is in order. And what better place for KellyAnne and Parisa to have a heart to heart about everything that's happened? Kelly Ann apologizes but Parisa warns her it's going to take more than an "I'm sorry".

On the other end of the hot tub, Ashli and Dunbar hash things out about their non-relationship. Ashli is annoyed with how paranoid he gets, even though she's never tried anything sexual with him. Dunbar whispers in her ear that he just doesn't want to make her mad at him and they come to some kind of peace. Another sleepover ensues and both Dunbar and Ashli stress over how much the other tempts them. They claim they'll just spoon again that night, but the covers are pulled up and it sounds like more than just spooning's going on.

Sure enough, the next day Ashli emails her friend and informs her that she and Dunbar had sex and it meant something to her. Dunbar calls Julie but decides he doesn't want to tell her for fear of her sleeping with someone else.

KellyAnne and Parisa again talk about what's happened between them. Both girls feel the friendship is going in a better place now that they both understand where the other is coming from.

Isaac opens up some to Parisa about his grandfather's death. Before things can get too serious, Isaac prompts Parisa to run through a fountain and go swimming in it. Parisa feels Isaac's return has offered them all a new start and gives him a big wet hug in appreciation.

Anonymous said...

Have y'all read Trisha's blog on MySpace where she apologizes and blames the "editing" for her portrayal? You said the things you said and acted the way you acted...you have no one to blame but yourself. The reason your conscious hurts isn't because you're sorry. It's because your true character was shown and you're afraid of public backlash. Have fun tomorrow when you have to face everyone who watches the show.

Anonymous said...

I wish that they replace Trasha with someone substantial. Like bringing back a castmate from the previous seasons...my ideas include
1-Coral...."she'd go home on a gurney and I'd go home in handcuffs."
2-Melissa from RW New Orleans
3-Arissa or Irulan from RW Las Vegas
4-Johanna, Rachel or Danny from RW Austin
5-Aneesa from RW Chicago
6-Colin or Ruthie from RW Hawaii
7-Flora or Sarah from RW Miami
8-Tina from RR South Pacific
9-Veronica from RR Semester at Sea
10-Rachel from RR Campus Crawl
11-Kameelah from RR Boston
These are all people who have shown serious backbone and would take pleasure in taking on the Mean Girl tandem.

Anonymous said...

Trisha is a very sad individual. She is a hypocrite. She is very ignorant and a liar. She states that she is sorry and then goes on and insults Parisa again. Parisa is a wonderful and strong individual. She really has been true to herself. Now the other two followers (spitting on the window), very childish and immature. They lag ten years behind Parisa. Finally,I also admire Parisa's parents for the wonderful advice they give to their daughter. Trisha is totally unbelievable and I am glad that she displayed what a horrible person she is to the world .

Anonymous said...

Kellyanne has this on her myspace:

I didn't actualy spit on parisa, at first i didn't even know she was in there.. 2. i was drunk, angry and had fights with her multiple times before that. I shouldn't have been like that, i know that, i messed up. 3. As much as you may think I want to know your opinion on this subject, I really don't, but thanks ps. trisha isn't that bad, she was a good friend to me so stop telling me how much you dislike her, or anyone else, they are my friends!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm..It's nice how Trisha yelled about being a Christian right before she pushed Parisia and swore at her. I've met real Christians and they are NOTHING like Trisha. It's clear that she's a bigot and racist.

I really really do not like Ashli... she does all sort of wrong social not acceptable things. She is simply a slut.

Anonymous said...

Well. I have mad respect for Parisa for not reacting with violence. Cause if I was in Parisa's shoes and Trisha put my hands on me I would have immediately knocked that bitch out.

Anonymous said...

Trisha brings a bad name to Christians all over. She did nothing but judge and bully Parisa the entire time she was there and yet she claimed that "No one can judge but God himself." She was such a hypocrite. It was very clear that her parents were Christians when they told her that she should apologize. Instead, she basically tells Parisa she is sorry that she does not have as good as a life as her.

She is full of crap for thinking that she is the bigger person. Parisa did the right thing and stood up for herself, there is no way that Trisha would have changed had she stayed.

What the hell is with the other girl roomates? They are like 10 year old girls shunning the girl who does not look like them and who is different. Spitting on the window and calling her a bitch for standing up for herself......yeah, that's fair. Neither one of them would have been strong enough to handle the treatment that they gave Parisa.

Anonymous said...

I know I'm showing my age here but I remember when the Real World had interesting people on the show - people with JOBS, people in school, people with personalities. WTF happened? It seems like each season's castmates get dumber and duller by the year. Trisha is a prime example of this. I can't recall a more offensive, stupid, callous, bigoted, hypocritical, shallow, cretinous, loathsome person on any Real World (or possibly on any other reality show in the history of TV). Her parents should be deeply ashamed to have reared such a repulsive daughter...does she have even one redeeming quality?
Ashli and Kellyanne are complete morons too. They should both be flogged. This season is so depressing. Shauvon was totally vain and foolish (going home to her domineering boyfriend - my mom would have smacked me silly if I ever let a man control me like that), Kelyanne is also amazingly vain and as STUPID as a box of rocks, Ashli is an immature, shallow slut. Ugh...
I remember when the Real World featured people with interesting lives. Just look at RW San Francisco vs. Sydney. SF had a castmate in med school (Pam), an aspiring cartoonist (Judd), an AIDS activist (RIP Pedro), hell, even Puck had a job - he was a bike messenger. Now the losers on this show just drink, hook up in hot tubs, and whine about having to do even the little, cushy jobs they are assigned on the show. If next season's castmates aren't more accomplished or interesting I'm going to have to give up on the show forever...my heart can't take much more of this!

Anonymous said...

I hate kelly ann too learn how to make better friends. ya go team Trasha!

Anonymous said...

I was absolutely appalled watching that episode last night. Trisha gives Christianity a bad name. I am sincerely hoping that young people watching that show learn a lesson-how vile it is to treat people disrespectfully. Kelli Ann and Ashli should be ashamed of themselves-spitting on windows while she is on the phone? Disgusting and trashy. Pure harrassment, and a really ugly display. I really admire Parisa for sticking to her guns and staying with the show, because if it were me I may not be able to remain in that house while a bunch of 4th graders tortured me. A truly ugly display of cattiness at its finest. I hope they have all grown up since then, and conversely, hope that Kelli Ann, Trisha, and Ashli someday know the pain they caused-eye for an eye (Trisha should know that quote well)

Anonymous said...

Just finished watching the show on TV- MADE MY DAY!!! Thanks PARISSA! You are awesome... I was so hoping you would send Trasha home.. I cant stand her!!!!! I'm a mother of 2 small kids, and my hubbys a college professor- and I have a secret addiction to this show...and I support Parissa 100%, just so you know Parissa that girls like that are dime a dozen, and wont matter in other aspect of your life, except for this time on the Real World- good for you for sticking to your guns, and screw the skanks who are left in the house- at least the guys (Dunbar) can tell it like it is... Trasha was a instigating, mouthy, ugly, spoiled brat who they were glad to see go- and SO WAS I!!!

Anonymous said...

I was appalled when I saw Kelly Anne and the other girl (she doesn't warrant me knowing her name) spit on the window. That not only was classless but immature. I think when they watch the episode they will see how bad their behavior was towards Parisa. I am proud of Parisa because I wouldn't have been able to hold it together like she did. Spitting is the most degrading thing a person can do. It is obvious that these 19 year-olds haven't matured much past highschool, especially Trisha.

Oh, and does "the other girl" even have a mind of her own? She's been there maybe 2 weeks and all she does is follow behind Kelly Anne and Trisha. She is what they call a "yes man".

As far as Trisha, she showed exactly who she is with her last comment to Parisa before she left. How can you say you're a Christian and then turn around and say someone is nothing? She needs to go home so she can read her Bible. I hope on the reunion show that she apologizes to the whole house for having to put up with her behavior and for them being sucked into her ridiculousness.

Anonymous said...

Good for Parisa, I think she made the right decision. Trasha was just apologizing b/c she knew that she was going to be kicked out, and she needed to kiss Parisa'a ass to stay in...TEAM PARISA!!!I think Ashli is just a follower of Kellyanne, Ashli hasn't even been there for the long amount of time of Kellyanne and is claiming to hate Parisa (b/c Kellyanne does).I think they need to get a life, and realize that Trasha resorted to violence and in the contract it states violence can't be involved, she crossed the line..BOOM YOU OUT BITCH! I think Parisa did the right thing by putting her foot down and letting them all know she isn't taking that shit..I had to laugh though when Dunbar said it wasn't going to be any sweat off his back that Trasha is gone..LOL...He got brownie points last night..TEAM PARISA

Anonymous said...

Trisha, honey:

Please put your time back at home to good use and get your ASS to CHURCH! Jesus had a special message for people like you who claim him with their mouths while denying him with their works:

"Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." (Matthew 7:21-23)

Hateful, venomous words and physical violence are NOT the way of Christ. REPENT before you end up like all the rest of the hypocrites and false prophets.

P.S. Aaaand your hair makes the baby Jesus cry!

Anonymous said...

Wow, look at all these people who "never felt the need to comment on this blog until now." There you go, Trisha, you upset people so much that they had to say something. You made people sick, including me. I don't think viewers have ever been so outraged.

I seriously hope she reads all of this; she needs to. We don't want her to go kill herself or anything, but she needs this reality check desperately.

Anonymous said...

I've never felt the need to post about a Real World episode until after last night.
Why in all the 18 or 19 seasons of Real World did the producers give a castmember the decision to send someone home? I guess they did it on Seattle, but in all of the MANY seasons that someone got sent home for being violent, usually a producer comes on camera and tells the person that they have to go. That really irks me (and probably Parisa too). It seems that the producers knew that Trisha, KellyAnne, and Ashli would be super-pissed at Parisa if she made her leave, which equals drama which equals ratings. That's not right. To the producers: you should be ashamed of that decision you made because you alienated a girl who did NOTHING wrong.
And I think Kellyanne and Ashli are unbelievably immature and cannot think for themselves by the way they got upset with Parisa. TRISHA PUSHED SOMEONE AND DESERVED TO BE SENT HOME! And by the way, I LOVED the way Dunbar and Isaac reacted to Trisha leaving. The guys and Parisa are the only people with class and maturity in the house.

Miss Kitty said...

I am disgusted in RW production for leaving Trisha's fate in Parisa's hands. It is in the roomates' contract that MTV and RW have a ZERO tolerance policy for violence and physically aggressive behavior. Trisha very clearly violated that and should of been sent home for violating her contract, regardless of Parisa's position on whether Trisha should stay or go. MTV and RW did not follow through on their violence policy in an effort to perpetuate more drama and increase viewership. In doing this they let down viwers--like me--and most likely Parisa too, by failing to send the message that physically violent and aggressive behavior has no place in the RW house and is a completely inappropriate way to deal with feelings, thoughts and situations.

Anonymous said...

I am disgusted in RW production for leaving Trisha's fate in Parisa's hands. It is in the roomates' contract that MTV and RW have a ZERO tolerance policy for violence and physically aggressive behavior. Trisha very clearly violated that and should of been sent home for violating her contract, regardless of Parisa's position on whether Trisha should stay or go. MTV and RW did not follow through on their violence policy in an effort to perpetuate more drama and increase viewership. In doing this they let down viwers--like me--and most likely Parisa too, by failing to send the message that physically violent and aggressive behavior has no place in the RW house and is a completely inappropriate way to deal with feelings, thoughts and situations.

Anonymous said...







bring back the OLD generation of REAL WORLD.

Anonymous said...



















Anonymous said...









Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kellyann is so spineless. She should have showed more guts and spit on Parisa instead of the window.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think the producers did a disservice to Parisa by placing the burden on her shoulders to go home. When Tina punched Beth on the last challenge, they sent her home - no question.

It is upsetting that the other roomies didn't realize that Trisha was responsible for her own actions and she sent herself home - not Parisa! If Parisa had let her stay, then Trisha would have truly lost respect for her and treated her even worst. Trisha is pure evil.

Anonymous said...

Parisa did nothing to initiate the lesson Trisha tried to deal to her.

Trisha did not like Parissa from the beginning, because Trisha subconsciously knew Parissa was a more godly person, and thus exposed her shallow/quasi-evilness.

Trisha's simpleminded lesson was not evident to herself, but we can deduce that it was a lesson in how to be the smaller person.

Unfortunately this lesson is much easier to learn the how to be the bigger person.

Parissa's parents have invested time and effort to rear a thoughtful, beautiful person.

Parrisa's parents efforts have been rewarded with an adroit reasoning daughter.

Trisha, in my estimation is unlikely to discover her erroneous path until much later in her life.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully now that trisha is gone there will peace in the house and more emphasis is put on the rest of the housemates. I really hope the drama queen calms down and stays out of the spotlight. It would be nice to see more of the other roommates.

Anonymous said...

Actually, now that Trisha's gone, won't the show get kind of boring? Without all the fighting, would anybody want to watch?

Then again, with Dunbar's upcoming screwup and/or KellyAnne's possible pregnancy, who knows...

BrianLaesch.com said...

My reaction was this:

I punched myself in the face, slit my wrists, and passed out in a bathtub full of ice, after witnessing another moment in the lowly state of American entertainment...

Just kidding! I went out and partied at Vanguard! It was so sick!

-So Sick Tony