Real World Hollywood
Brianna Taylor, 20, Warminster, PA - MySpace
Kimberly Alexander, 25, Columbia, SC - MySpace
Sarah Ralston, 21, Tempe, AZ - MySpace
William Gilbert, 25, Oak Park, MI - MySpace
Greg Halstead, 20, Daytona Beach, FL
David Malinosky, 22, Hagerstown, MD - MySpace
Joey Kovar, 24, Evergreen Park, IL - MySpace
Nick Smith, 23, New Rochelle, NY - MySpace
Brittany Sherrod, 22, Tempe, AZ - MySpace
I appreciate this, Jessica! God bless.
finally, its about time there has been an update. its been a month since anything has been posted, especially since guantlet starst again on the 23rd.
The guy who ran this site passed away. And no, I'm not kidding. Hopefully the new mods will post a front page story to let everyone know. The news got buried in the last thread.
i actually like this cast, they look like they will argue but overall be there for a career.
I heard from someone who knows one of the cast members on this coming season that this season will premire somewhere around May.
it looks like the big brother house.
It DOES look like the Big Brother house! Joey is scary dark. In the black and white photo I thought he was a black man, and I'm black myself so I'm pretty good at spotting us.
okay so the post says Sarah and Brittany are both from Tempe, AZ.... so what if they already sort of knew each other? wouldn't that kind of throw off the whole "7strangers" thing?? or is that just a typo??
hopefully there wont be any gays or arabs on this season...... THAT would be perfect real world :)
This is a really, REALLY good looking cast lol...
"hopefully there wont be any gays or arabs on this season...... THAT would be perfect real world :)"
SERIOUSLY?! SERIOUSLY?! There are only two excuses for that kind of comment. Either you are under the age of twelve and have been heavily influenced by the ignorant thoughts of your parents and haven't had enough time to actually process thoughts yourself OR you have an extreme mental disability and/or are extremely inbred.
If neither of those things apply to you; then go out into the world and educate yourself you inbred shit.
"hopefully there wont be any gays or arabs on this season...... THAT would be perfect real world :)"
No, the PERFECT real world would be a world WITHOUT comments like these. Thank you.
im confused.. why are there 9 castmembers?? can someone explain
why there's 9 people? I thought it was only 7?? and for once when they going to put more different race rather than being all white except for one black person or a different race smh is funny how things don't change in America
Joey is hot hopefully he wont have sex with lots of girls
There are 9 because 2 of the cast members (from what I've read Joe and Greg) end up leaving or getting kicked off and are replaced with Brittini and Nick.
Joey's definitely gay. Straight men don't wear Coco Chanel earrings
I think this season will be as fake as Sydney. Real World needs to stop making new seasons and just do one huge marathon of every season that has passed.
(I'll stop watching after San Diego.)
the only good looking guy is David, joey looks like a demented gotti brother
Why not introduce an anonymous 6'0 220 pound 40 yr old guy in the next challenge to keep suspicions up and bring up the ratings and let me show that an unknown will come out on top! An unknown that has not been on the show that will shake things up a bit with all of them..Keep in touch!!!!
Ratings will soarrrr!!!!
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