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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Favorite Moment: Dan and Melissa's Fight on the Real World Miami

Here's a blast from the past, The Real World: Miami. In 1996, Cynthia, Dan, Flora, Joe, Melissa, Mike, and Sarah lived in a million-dollar mansion on the Florida coast. 

"Was it fucking yours to open up, you stupid bitch?!"
One of the stand-out moments from the season was Dan and Melissa's fight on the stairs. After Melissa had irritated the housemates by going through other people's things, Dan confronted Melissa. Apparently, Melissa had found projection slides in an envelope. The envelope was unmarked, but they were two slides from the Birdcage, the Robin Williams/Nathan Lane movie. Supposedly, they were hundred-dollar slides from Dan's job.

Dan found the slides conspicuously lying around, outside the envelope. He waited the entire day for Melissa to come home, stewing in his juices, ready to confront her. What resulted was one of the shortest, yet most epic Real World fights.

In 2007, Jezebel covered the fight. The fight erupted into a grotesque confrontation, with both Melissa and Dan lobbing horrible insults toward the other in less than two minutes. Jezebel has the full video, complete with uncensored language and commentary from Dan, Flora, and Nathan (Seattle).

Plenty has changed since Miami aired 16 years ago. The Miami house actually had a television, which producers found created hours of footage with the roommates sitting on the couch. Melissa was also a Miami native. Producers would later avoid casting locals in the cities they would film. Melissa would often escape the house to find refuge with family and friends, and moved out before the season wrapped.

However, even with the sensationalized nature of recent seasons, this fight stands out as one of the best Real World fights in the 20-year history of the series.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

nice post..
Educational Publishing

Graphic Design / Illustration / Animation

Illustration makes information instantly accessible and understandable. Similar to photography, Illustration can be used to tell a story or convey a message.

We can adapt to various styles of Illustration, from realistic to cartoonish, and those styles can be applied to any subject matter.
Our illustrators work closely with you, from initial concept to final output, to help realize project requirements quickly and efficiently.

Depending on the nature and style of the illustration, images can be provided in a variety of different digital formats. A line drawing can be completed in a clean and infinitely scaleable vector format, while detailed digital paintings can be provided in the highest resolution possible in a TIFF file to ensure a high-quality print.

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In addition to traditional Graphic Design and Illustration services, we also offer 2D animation.
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A walk cycle

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