With Lisa's information at hand, the latest information for the participants on the Challenge are:
Girls Team: Cameran (San Diego) Robin (San Diego) Arissa (Las Vegas) Tonya (Chicago) Aneesa (Chicago) Coral (Back to New York) Ruthie (Hawaii) Genesis (Boston) Beth S. (Los Angeles) Rachel (Campus Crawl) Jisela (The Quest) Sophia (The Quest) Katie (The Quest) Tina (South Pacific) Ayanna (Semester At Sea) Veronica (Semester At Sea) Remaining Road Ruler Remaining Road Ruler | Boys Team: Brad (San Diego) Jacquese (San Diego) Randy (San Diego) Ace (Paris) Adam (Paris) Frank (Las Vegas) Steven (Las Vegas) Mike (Back to New York) Eric (New York) Derrick (Xtreme) Patrick (Xtreme) Abram (South Pacific) Chris (South Pacific) Shane (Campus Crawl) Darrell (Campus Crawl) Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour) Dan (Northern Trail) Mark (USA Tour 1) |
This obviously completes the boys' team and the remaining two Road Rules girls are most likely, definitely from Xtreme... Lisa from NM (much Blog love to ya!) also confirms that she saw Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour), Ruthie (Hawaii) and Derrick (Xtreme). There is also a mission with punching bags hanging over a river. Castmembers have to hold on the punching bags and the person who holds on to them the longest wins. Once again, thanks to Lisa and remember you heard it first on the Blog!
Some additional added info: The pictures were taken at a local rodeo on Sunday. Randy, Eric, and Shane were said to be the nicest of the group. And, if the picture is enlarged enough, it's noticable that Eric (New York) had a ring on his fourth finger on his left hand...
If you're in the New Mexico area and happen to snap pictures, send them over to us at newrwroad@hotmail.com.
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