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Friday, December 08, 2006

Aftershow: Aneesa joins Blair in a very revealing showing this week in the Aftershow

Aneesa said this Challenge is the first in which she had to rely on herself to get through it. She liked the team concept better than individual. They talk about Beth (Los Angeles) and how she couldn't hold any ill feelings toward her. She called Nehemiah (Austin) and Beth "slim pickings."

She talks about the fight that she had with Robin (San Diego). She couldn't believe what was coming out of Robin's mouth. The talk they had goes nowhere, but she gets to pull Robin into the Duel. She says that she needs to be the female Derrick (Extreme) to pull off a win.

The Basket Game:

Svetlana (Key West): "I wish you were a lesbian. I hate her douchebag boyfriend Martin, but they broke up, I think."

Casey (Fresh Meat): "I love Casey. She gives great blowjobs."

Evan (Fresh Meat): He was playing Jodi (Extreme) and Robin. "They definitely had sex on the Challenge."

Jodi (Extreme): She tried to make out with her. Cries a lot when she's drunk.

Kenny (Fresh Meat): The funniest, most uncoordinated person she's ever met. But he's fabulous.

The Sh$* You Didn't See: CT (Paris) and Evan playing with the food. The cast singing/scatting in the car. CT puts fart powder in coffee and gives it to Aneesa.


Anonymous said...

did I hear Aneesa correctly??? did she said that ROBIN and JODI had sex together???

Anonymous said...

oh yes you definitely heard her correct!! i wish blair had explored the jodi & robin comment more...i guess we will have to wait til they are on.

Anonymous said...

the shit you didn't see was so funny when ct made that coffee.

Anonymous said...

The last few shows had been sort of lame. Thank you Aneesa! For making this After Show so interesting!

Anonymous said...

I don't think Robin will be coming on the aftershow this season-- else she would have to defend her reprehensible comment. I hope I'm wrong, though.

Did anyone else find it interesting that she was not on this week's Real World aftershow? Perhaps the producers felt she was the wrong person to discuss racist comments. She should be permanantly replaced.

Anonymous said...

umm i think he was saying that both jodi and robin had sex with evan.

Anonymous said...

Robin's been a pain in the a$$ since the beginning, I don't know who she thinks she is, but she is full of drama and full of $#!t...

Anonymous said...

no he was saying robin and jodi slept together

Anonymous said...

When i saw this i thought Aneesa went home!Robin sucks and the only reason she won the first challenge as Beth helped to loosen the pull

Anonymous said...

Please do a new blog entry about why CASEY from Fresh Meat has deleted her mySpace page. Doesn't make sense. This broad was babilicious and now our only access to her is gone. What gives? Is she bowing out of the celeb scene to live with the Amish? Inquiring minds want to know what Casey and her new twins are up to!!

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to see some lesbo action on the show. They need to spice it up some!!!!

Anonymous said...

I really like Aneesa more than ever now. She seems like such a mature and understanding person. Enough of that trash she used to present herself as. Good for her.

Anonymous said...

the comments are o.k! I liked aneesa & stetlana the most.On the duel challenge when aneesa took out diem I was so happy. nothing was wrong with that even though diem put up a big fight, be for real though if aneesa wouldn't have picked diem @ the end jodi @ diem would've totally double teamed her. so good choice aneesa.

Anonymous said...

the comments are o.k! I liked aneesa & stetlana the most.On the duel challenge when aneesa took out diem I was so happy. nothing was wrong with that even though diem put up a big fight, be for real though if aneesa wouldn't have picked diem @ the end jodi @ diem would've totally double teamed her. so good choice aneesa.