You know a marriage between you and me would never work out, don't you Stephen? Because you're a homosexual. -Irene (Seattle)
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Gauntlet 3
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The Duel II
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Fresh Meat II

Monday, December 04, 2006

Inferno III Master Spoiler Thread: Who's on this Challenge, who's in the finals, and who wins

It's that time of the year again. No, not the holidays. Well before the season will even air, we bring you the details of the fourteenth season of The Real World Road Rules Challenge.

These are major spoilers, so if you don't want to know, stop reading!

These are the teams, under the Good Guys/Bad Asses theme used in the Inferno II:

Team Good Guys

Alton (Las Vegas)
Ace (Paris)
Rachel (Austin)
John (Key West)
Paula (Key West)
Colie (Denver)
Davis (Denver)
Timmy (USA Tour 2)
Susie (Australia)
Cara (South Pacific)
Team Bad Asses

Aneesa (Chicago)
Tonya (Chicago)
CT (Paris)*
Danny (Austin)
Janelle (Key West)
Jenn (Denver)
Tyrie (Denver)
Abram (South Pacific)
Evelyn (Fresh Meat)
Kenny (Fresh Meat)

Now, for the finalists and to find out which team ends up taking the competition. Highlight the small blurb to read who ends up taking the competition.

A small note (*) before we continue. CT (Paris) is kicked off early on for what has only been described as a "fight" so far. He's replaced with Derrick (Extreme). (This is how Derrick was able to drive Katie (The Quest) from LA to Chicago when the cast was flying out to the Challenge.)

The final Good Guys team is Alton, Ace, Johnny, Paula, Susie, and Cara. The final Bad Asses ends up as Aneesa, Tonya, Janelle, Derrick, Abe, Evelyn, and Kenny.

Rectifying their loss on the Inferno II, the Bad Asses pull off a win.

Again, just a quick update for those of you out of the loop. Castmembers left for this Challenge beginning on October 15. The location of the Challenge is in Cape Town, South Africa. There's no official airdate scheduled for this Challenge. But, this Challenge should start airing immediately after the Duel wraps. That would be in Spring 2007.


Anonymous said...

not many good competitors there.Alton,Derrick thats it.
nice to see Derrick finally win a challenge. didnt Timmy retire after the Gauntlet 2 ??

Anonymous said...

Seems like a boring cast and boring concept. Where's the drama going to be? We're all tired of the stuff that comes with Tonya, and the others are just "eh"

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about? You dont think abram is a good competitor? I thanks he's one of the best.

Anonymous said...

this is gonna be awesome, dudes

Anonymous said...

wow this is really the most boring cast!! yawn!! i

Anonymous said...

it's kinda hard to excited about team challenges again. the duel is such a great concept.

Anonymous said...

I agree, the Duel was a long time coming. I always remember castmembers were always assumingthat it would eventually be 1on1. bring another concept in! i don't want to see a gunntlet 3

Anonymous said...

Who's the host for this season? Dave Mirra?

And I'm really glad to see Derrick win one. He's my favorite competitor!

Anonymous said...

I was hoping for Wes vs Abram or Wes and Abram alliance this inferno, but I'm sure it will happen at some point.

Anonymous said...


Cara and Susie again. Yum!

Anonymous said...

How in the hell did Susie and Cara end up on the Good Guys team considering what they did in Gauntlet 2?

Anonymous said...

omggggggggggggg NO WONDERRRRR derrick disappeared everywhere...... he was barely on myspace and barely on buddy tv.
but i thought he wasnt going to do anymore challanges after the duel and he was just going to stick with his movie....?

Anonymous said...

I am happy to see that Danny is on another challenge.

Anonymous said...

Susie and Cara as "good guys" is a total joke. And where are all the old timers?

Anonymous said...

Awesome Derrick finally won!!!

Anonymous said...

Damn. Wes isn't on this challenge! I probably won't watch it religously like I do the duel. Thats a pretty boring cast, hopefully someone will find their inner bitchy-ness and start some drama. :)

Anonymous said...

what a boring cast compared to the last one seriously...and the next fresh meat 2 will be boring to, i hate the team concepts, they need to have another duel with an all star male cast: wes, CT, alton, derrick, brad, darrell, abe, evan....doesnt anyone else think thatd be awesome!

Anonymous said...

I actually like the Inferno the best usually, but not this cast. The first one was a good one in my opinion

Anonymous said...

wait the eliminations r weird. only 7 people went home. there r 20 people and usually there r 8 infernos which means 8 people go home. so i counted and there is 13 people in the finals. hmm i wonder y. well anyway, i cant believe timmy goes home. i didnt expect that, i wonder who sent him home

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why CT was replaced though. Jo left the Gauntlet 2, no replacement. Tina was kicked off The Duel, no replacement. Steven was kicked off BOTS2, no replacement. I just don't get why they would do it this time too.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, yey, Abram! :)

Anonymous said...

CT was replaced because no competitions had started where as Steven/Jo/Tina had atleast one competition before they were kicked off

yeah 13 people in the final? Paula or Cara goes home dont they?

Anonymous said...

I was just searching pics of Abram, because I forgot what he looked like, and he and wes could soooooo be brothers. :P

Anonymous said...

my memory fails me...who did stephen (LV) hit?

Anonymous said...

steven hit shane during a challenge on BOTS2 when they weren't allowed to talk. shane tried to shush him i think by putting his hand over steven's mouth so steven smacked him.

Anonymous said...

ummm. this doesn't make too much sense.theres not an even number of guys and girls kicked off. who's in the finals that's not supposed to be there?

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with everyone who said this is a boring cast:

Not only do you have the Denver people, who will be kicked out immediately, but there are a lot of other rookies this year such as Janelle and Rachel.

I guess we are just too used to the Duel cast, and the Duel concept, so it will be weird to get used to a lot of new faces.

I don't like the good guys vs. bad guys concept because what really classifies each one? Like why is Janelle, Tyrie, and Jenn on Bad Asses, just because they have tempers?

Anonymous said...

are you sure this is legit information? last I heard Kenny was the second to last guy gone. I hope this is true cause I love Kenny! people from speakreality say ur info is wrong. I hope its right though.

Anonymous said...

Kenny does not make it to the finals. He goes home 5th. He is sent home by Ace (Real World Paris).

Also, this challenge will not air right after The Duel, due to the fact that Denver will be mid-season and they wouldn't have Jenn/Colie/Ty/Davis on two shows at once for so long. I know they had Landon/Karamo/Shavonda on two for one week but that was because things go mixed up due to a week where no shows aired.

Anonymous said...

Stop stealing information from Montana Lives of Tubescan posted this way before you, so please give credit where credit is due.

Anonymous said...

for all you jerks out there... i think this information is right on the dot except for the fact that the final groups seem to have one guy included who obviously shouldn't be there (kenny) stop tyring to promote your boards by criticizing this information. by the way, i have yet to see this info in detailed form on either SR or TS.

Anonymous said...

i just looked at the info on the thread. it's not the same. they haven't even got a complete list of who's on what team. and their list of finalists isn't complete either.

Anonymous said...

The issue is that this website needs to credit Tubescan for the information. Just look at the dates of the posts, idiots. Who provided the information first? Obviously Montana Lives of Tubescan.

Anonymous said...

wow some of you are pretty cool. read every blog out there about this entire show, and compair the times of the posts to see whos right?@#4 cool guys. cool.

Anonymous said...

yeah, but there's obviously some new info goign on here besides the tubescan stuff. montana doesn't have all the information that this does. so i can see where they don't need to give credit. even if what you said made the tiniest bit of sense, no one owns the information anyway

Anonymous said...

Montana Lives is a trusted source who was 99% accurate about the Gauntlet 2 and The Duel. For the record, Kenny was voted off. Credits needs to be given or else Montana Lives will press charges.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

OK, my last comment on this one. Hahah..... um, ok? I for one, would have rather had this information than not. so im not complaining either way

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

OMG YAY! Abe and Timmy are back!

Lol Danny a badass? Nahh.

Cara is no good guy...Susie maybe passable, but c'mon. Cara!?

And Glad that Kenny's on another challenge. He's so entertaining.

Anonymous said...

They should strictly do a Challenge with only the early seasons. Say Real Worlds 1-9 and Road Rules 1-6! Or maybe that's how they should split up "Rookie" and "Veteran" teams instead of how many Challenges they've been on. Real Worlds 1-9/Road Rules 1-6 versus Real Worlds 10-18/Road Rules 7-13&Fresh Meat THAT WOULD BE BETTER

Anonymous said...

you guys r so stupid! aviously its gone be a good season! danver casts will make it the best season! im so happy that there are so many casts from the newst real world seasons! austins keywests and denvers i love these ppl!
btw im so happy rachel will be on this challenge Gosh i missed her!!!!!!!!!!!
cant waitttttttttt!!

Anonymous said...

luv Danny he is so hot!!!!

Anonymous said...

People do not know what they want first they are tired of seeing the old veterans and then they say the newbies are boring. Make up your mind people. I want to see johanna, melinda, danny and wes.

Anonymous said...

Soo happy Danny is back. I hope he wins

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

why is the racist gay dude a member of the good guys?

Anonymous said...

For those of you tired of reading the immature posts of where we got what information and how, I think we should just be happy we got any.

Here's my opinion of why the teams are separated the way that they are:

Good Guys= people who like to keep some sort of civility. Who are generally liked by everyone.

Susie and Cara=Good Guys (maybe)
Well i happen to like both of them and some are confused as to why they are "Good Guys" this season because of there ways on Gauntlet 2. I happen to think that a lot more blame was placed on them than there should have been. Let's not forget that somehow Brad was involved in it as well. And i think that the whole situation was completely blown out of proportion. I do believe that Cara may have approached Jillian and Susie with an "idea" but i dont think they would have gone through with it. Look at how the supposed "alliance" was set up. It would have left more girls on the rookie team and more boys on the veteran. I don't think they are that stupid. And Kina who i also happen to like took it a bit too far.

Bad Asses=people who have quick tempers, bring/cause drama, and speak there minds because they don't care what others think.

Aneesa- speaks her mind at all costs
Tonya- brings/causes drama
Jannelle- speaks her mind
Abe, CT, and Derrick- perfect fits for the team; they all have been on it before

As for a boring cast, Yes there are a lot of new/one challenge people on this one. However I don't think MTV would air it if it didn't match up to some sort of standards.

Half of the cast are newbies/ one challengers: Rachel, Colie, Davis, Janelle, Jenn, Tyrie.
One Challenge: John, Paula, Danny, Evelyn.
Two Challenges:Alton, Susie, Cara, and Kenny.
3 or more: Ace, Timmy, Aneesa, Tonya, CT/Derrick, and Abe.

As for a final thought: I wish Colie and Rachel would have made it to the finals 1) I like Rachel 2)I live in New Orleans and I'm felling Colie and it would have been nice to see a Denverite make it to the end.

SORRY for the long comment, but isn't that what this is for. To post our opinions and thoughts. Peace.

Anonymous said...

I think it's great to see Janelle in action. Who knows, she can be the next Coral. I would love to see both of them on the same challenge.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know who CT hit to get sent home and why he hit them?

Anonymous said...

**Thanks for taking the village idiots posts off! :)**

Anonymous said...

Hey yall look at this. it show all the names of the upcoming challenges. all the way to challenge 20!

Anonymous said...

CT hit Davis he asked "Can you take a punch" and before Davis answers CT hit him...this was all drunk

This list still doesnt make since to me but whatever

A talking penguin is more reliable then Wikipedia....just for everyones information

Anonymous said...

They weren't cast on the right teams.

Rachel- She started so much drama with Nehemiah on the RW. plus she's not known for being the "good guy".

John- way to intoxicated to be a good guy

Cara- she was on playboy do i need to go on...

Danny- COME ON!!! any of those badasses can eat him alive!

Kenny- he's no badass he's just italian. he's the loveable loser and now all of a sudden he's on the badass team? w/e badass or not gotta love him

another thing where the crap is all the old people? coral, veronic and rachel, tina, u kno the original mean girls. what about all the fellow duelers like wes, jodi, fitz, kina, evan...we need these people! half of this cast is boring. except for derrick, kenny, the denver kids, tonya, and the key west kids the rest of them suck! they're all boring.


Anonymous said...

They weren't cast on the right teams.

Rachel- She started so much drama with Nehemiah on the RW. plus she's not known for being the "good guy".

John- way to intoxicated to be a good guy

Cara- she was on playboy do i need to go on...

Danny- COME ON!!! any of those badasses can eat him alive!

Kenny- he's no badass he's just italian. he's the loveable loser and now all of a sudden he's on the badass team? w/e badass or not gotta love him

another thing where the crap is all the old people? coral, veronic and rachel, tina, u kno the original mean girls. what about all the fellow duelers like wes, jodi, fitz, kina, evan...we need these people! half of this cast is boring. except for derrick, kenny, the denver kids, tonya, and the key west kids the rest of them suck! they're all boring.


Anonymous said...

Hey guys you should scroll down to the posts about Wes beating Derrivk and Evan, and Diem winning the challenge. The last commrnt makes alot of sense and i didn't wonna answer it because I dont like getting into arguments with Wes Loooovers, but you guys should answer.

Anonymous said...

Coral (RW10) should be on this challenge

Anonymous said...

Any word on the host yet?

Anonymous said...

Hey guys isn.t it great that Derrick finally wins a challenge because he deserves out of anyone who has ever been in RW/RR challenges. Snd he has finally peoved that he is the smallest guy, but probaly the best veteran in RW/RR challenge history. He has also proven that he is also someone to be reckoned with. I'm also surprised that Evelyn made it to the finals and won because in FM2 she said that she was probaly the best girl there but her and Danny got screwed and iI thought that it was all talk. What do you gus think about this. Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnswerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Bbbbaaaaccccccccccccccccccckkkkkkk.

Greg McElhatton said...

This isn't the first time someone left a big challenge and got replaced, of course. Piggy left the original Inferno before it actually began and got replaced by Cameran at the last second, if I remember correctly.

Anonymous said...

Looking at this cast reminds me as if it was RW vs. RR and i want to know who do you guys think are better in the challenges. I personally think that Road Rules has better people. Here is a list of the people I think are the best.

Real World Road Rules

Girls Girls
Coral Jodi (sad to say it but) Kina
Osama Beth Laden Tina Aneesa Veronica
p.s. I don't really
know alot of their

Boys Boys

Alton Derrick
Landon Darrel
The Miz( I hate him) Mark
Wes(I hate him more) Timmy
Brad Theo
Syrus (HES OKAY) Abram
Total=11 ppl
Total=10 people

P.S. This is what I think. And I wonna know what yyyyyyooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu guys think. You guys should make your own list to see what you whether you guys agree with me or not. Answerrrrrrr

Anonymous said...

Ignore the last comment because the computer messed it up. What I meant to say was this.

Real World

The Miz (I hate him)
Wes (I hate him more)
(sad to say it but) beth

Total 10 ppl

Road Rules

Derrick ( of course)
Darrel (never lost a challenge)
Kina (she's okay too)

Total= 11 people

Like I said that's what I think and I want to know what you guys think by making yyyyyyyyyyooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrown lists to see if you agree or disagree with me. So aaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnasssssssssswwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Anonymous said...

OMG!Derrick did 6 challenges back to back

The Battle of the sexes 2,The Inferno 2,The Gaunlet 2,Fresh Meat,The Duel,The Inferno 3!!!

hope he does Fresh Meat 2 so he have 7 challenges which is the record set by Veronica!!!

Anonymous said...

Where are Diem and Melinda? Surprised that CT and Danny would be on the challenge without them.

Alton is the man. Wonder which chick will try to hook up with him....LOL

Anonymous said...

Hey guys I think road rules is better then the real wotld in the challenges too, bu I am to lazy to make a list. You Guys SSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHOULD MAAAAKKKKKEEEEEE ONE.

Anonymous said...

Who do you guys rhink is better in the challenges because I don't know who is better and I want to see if you guys can convince me.

Anonymous said...

Hey I was looking at the challenge comments where wes beat Derrick and there is alot of comments about Derrick being weak and wes being a P**y . There is also alot of talk about one being better than the other. So I was thinking of people putting their names(real or fake) and posting who do you think is better (you can put why or ehy noy) so I can count the votes to see who has more fans. At the end I will post who has more votes. So who's your choice. Just scroll down to those posts and tell me WWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS



Anonymous said...

now that aneesa, tonya, and derrick, have finally won a challenge, will they finally retire? probably not (but one can hope).

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see they gave Evelyn a second chance after she gots screwed over in Fresh meat by Danny.

Anonymous said...

dude i am so happy Timmy is doing another challenge. the dude cracked me up on the aftershow the last time...and BTW it was Mark who retired after the Gauntlet 2.

Anonymous said...

How is Janelle a bad ass and John and Paula good guys. This si janelles first challenge.

Anonymous said...

My God, this cast sucks. I hope everyone who won goes bankrupt.

Anonymous said...

derrick is BACKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The fact that this is Janelle's first challenge does not change the fact that she is bad-ass. C'mon u can't expect someone with that body and that big mouth to be an "angel" or good guy or w/e.

Anonymous said...

Where'd you guys find spoiler at? I also can't believe RR is coming back, but I think it's gonna suck because we're seeing people we already seen before.

Anonymous said...

what blurb do u highlight??

Anonymous said...

nvrm i found it

Anonymous said...

OMG DANNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My life is now complete, I get to see Danny on another challenge hopefully for more than 1 episode this time too!

Anonymous said...

I have some insider info saying that CT gets kicked off for kicking the $h!t out of Davis. Derrick is brought into replace CT Abe (Road Rules 2007 Viewers Revenge) is on and Wins! Note: Not Derrick

Anonymous said...

is anyone aware that 99% of the interesting "drama" that surrounds derrickis because he has sex with almost every single one of the girls on the challenge?

well news flash - that has all changed for his appearence on the inferno III.

derrick and his best friend and fellow road rules extreme alumni jodi are now together.

even though he is still a hot-head he will not make the show that much more interesting now that he has a girlfriend at home that many other challenge alumni say he is in love with.

however i could be wrong because cara is on this challenge and after their extremely brief hook-up on the gauntlet II the longtime veterans have jokingly called her derrick's stalker due to the fact that she supposedly never leaves him alone.

apparently he was really good in bed.

Anonymous said...

it air on april 10

Anonymous said...

it will AIRING ON APRIL 10TH! 9PM!

Anonymous said...

Wasn't one Denver person supposed to make it to the end, according to a previous post.

Anonymous said...

derrick is so hott

too bad he already has a girl

Anonymous said...

derrick's has a girl??

is it jodi??

i always thought they weren't just "good friend"

Anonymous said...


i thoght so too

go to konw i'm not alone

Anonymous said...


i thought so too

Anonymous said...

Check me out at I am one of the finalist being considered for season 20 of the real world. I cannot make it on there without the support of the people out there so if you feel like you want to know my story vote for me. I wont let you down.

Anonymous said...

i would have to agree with alot of ya like ya said its kinda boring...and i think so too....thought i love the bad asses, just some members (derrick, jenn love her,tonya,abram and evelyn) CT should of stayed...that way there would of been some drama....from the good guys i only like Ace...they should of put Coral,Katie,Veronica,Wes,Svetlana,Kina, Jodi,Tina,Adam,Brad, and BIG BETH!!! NoW ThErEs SoMe DRAMA!!!

Anonymous said...

I'd have to agree with the person who said about the cast. I also think that the other person that put as her dream
Veronica (Semester at Sea)
Rachel (Campus Crawl)
Coral (Back to New York)
Tina (South Pacific)
Svetlana (Key West)
Beth (L.A., just for drama)
Tonya (Chicago)
Johanna (Austin)
Katie(Road Rules)
Aneesa (Chicago)

Abram (Road Rules)
Wes (Real World)
Alton *(Real World)
The Miz (Real World)
Dan (Miami)
CT (Paris)
Mark (road rules 1)
Brad (Real World)
Eric (Real World)

I give whoever it is for this team.
I think this team would have a shit of drama. STill I think Jenn should be there and derrick by the way also Jodi big fan! I will also have to say this BIG BETH MUST be there she has too much drama!!!

Anonymous said...

Cara and Susie again!!!! YAWN...Ther drama gets so damn boaring...its old already give the shit up....Susie is a mad scary shes always trying to win a life shield when its her turn to go in the damn Inferno...I hope at least 1 of them or both DONT make it to the end!! Im really hoping that Tonya sends Susie home so he can stop talking shit about her and fucking realize that Tonya dont play and she mean what the fuck she say :) LMFAO...And as for Timmy thank godness this was his least one he dont needa be on reality tv anymore anyways...

Anonymous said...

ok this spoiler is wrong because according to the show there is one more inferno left n one girl has to go home !!!