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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Tonight - RW Denver Episode #4: Will the drama continue this week or slow down now that the honeymoon is over?

Every season, we're usually presented with a situation in which there's a lot of action/drama/controversy. It's pretty much a rite of passage for each season of The Real World. (Anyone remember Ruthie (Hawaii) having alcohol poisoning? Steven (Las Vegas) and Trishelle (Las Vegas) hooking up in Frank's (Las Vegas) lap? Danny (Austin) getting punched in the face by a local at a bar?)

Well, it's also been somewhat tradition that the cast settles in and begins that awkward phase of getting to know each other. Then we get a couple of episodes where someone temporarily gains a conscience or finds themselves in a 30-minute episode. Well, this season, the fourth of the series, doesn't seem to let up.

After the fiasco that was Alex (Denver), Colie (Denver) and Jenn (Denver), Davis (Denver) and Tyrie (Denver) will be getting a lot more airtime tonight, as an altercation between Davis and Tyrie (that almost seems to be the same one that Nehemiah (Austin) and Danny (Austin) got into...), leads to heated tension between the two. While the preview doesn't show much in terms of a coherent storyline, Tyrie gets angry at a presumably drunk Davis and the two may have hit each other or one hit the other. It's not entirely clear.

However, we see Davis on the phone, crying because he may have to go home because of Tyrie. (He didn't use those words either.) It's a good episode. Don't forget to catch it tonight only on MTV.

Update: So, here's a brief synopsis of tonight's show. Tyrie explodes when Davis leaves Stephen at a club. Davis gets really upset and calls Tyrie the n-word, which also causes Davis to announce he's leaving the house. The next day, Davis sobers up and still makes the same announcement and also says that he's going to seek treatment for his alcohol abuse.


Anonymous said...

I've heard a rumor that the producers end up stepping in at some point this season (again --- flashback to Ruthie in Hawaii). Wonder if it's over this controversy or something else later on??

Anonymous said...

davis should go home from what he said on the phone. that was disgusting. i always say the true person comes out when someone is drunk.

Anonymous said...

Because Davis was attacked and he is talking about it to someone on the phone means he should have to go home? Interesting.

Anonymous said...

BTW, I dont think Davis is going home cause they wouldn't show this stuff about him going home (on the phone, walking out the door with a bag). The marketers of reality shows don't like to do that cause it would turn people off from watching. For example: they made it seem like Jeffery on Project Runway was going to get disqualified and all the previews pointed to it, but he wasn't. They like to fuck with you like that.

Anonymous said...

Why do all the black people in the real world/road rules have attitudes? They can get in your face but when you do the same they freak out. Idiots.

Anonymous said...

oMG, when he said that on the phone, the "n" word, I literally cupped my hand over my mouth and gasped.

Wow, he has serious drinking problems. And Tyrie has serious anger problems. The whole thing wouldn't have started if Tyrie would have just minded his own business.

Anonymous said...

Tyrie is the one that come at Davis. That act like Davis is the bad one on the show but Tyrie is the one that started at him first.

Anonymous said...

Tyrie didn't need to raise his voice to talk to davis for a misunderstanding!!!! 'cause davis was pretty much gone at that point..

Anonymous said...

Tyrie didn't need to raise his voice to Davis for a misunderstanding!!!! cause davis was pretty much gone at that point so he wasn't fully aware of the situation.. it was tyrie's fault for starting it but i dont agree on davis using the n word at the end.

Anonymous said...

Davis was out of control, but Tyrie had no reason to say anything to him in the first place. Davis did not do anything, except leave the bar to call his boyfriend. Davis should not have said a racial comment, but Tyrie call Davis a nsync, backstreet boy wana be first. Also, Tyrie use to be in a gang, so when he tells Davis he will get him in 18 weeks, who can blame the scrony white kid for believing him.

Anonymous said...

davis is the man im behind him 100% in everything he said!

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with Davis saying the word but I don't think Tyrie had the right to approach Davis like that. Tyrie knew that Davis was drunk and if he didn't, it was clear that Davis was. Stephen should have been the one to approach Davis if he was so concerned as to why Davis left when the word was said to Stephen. People tend to say things when drunk and angry that they later regret so I wasn't surprised that Davis said the word on the phone in reference to Tyrie, especially when he knew it would have upset him from the earlier incident. I was surprised that Davis wanted Tyrie to hit him.

Anonymous said...

to Anonymous : 10:05 PM

when did I say that was a racist remark, dumbfuck? it's just ignorant and incorrect

Anonymous said...

I think that the whole fight was a drunken misunderstanding... until David used the N-Word. Everyone was just drunk and wasn't making sense. Tyrie was mad because Davis wasn't answering his question, Stephen was mad because he THOUGHT Davis 'left him', and Davis was mad because he was being yelled at for no reason.

I don't blame Tyrie for trying to get to the bottom of the situation, but he escalated the tension.

Then, Davis could have ended the whole situation by saying he didn't hear Stephen called the N-Word and would never have walked away from it. Instead, Davis kept instigating Tyrie and following him.

This was some good Drama, but like all other Real world fights, they are resolved by the end of the episode. When is the last time there has been a fight where the people didn't apolgize and resolve it immediately?

geoff hmarks said...

This season is sooo awesome. Great TV! Tyrie totes started the whole thing. Of course, no one should name call, but Tyrie began the entire thing.

I've been inspired to blog about the entire season. I hope it stays this good!

Anonymous said...

tyrie was just asking Davis a question and Tyrie was getting pist off at him for not answering him amd like he said " I try to come you like a man and you come to me like a boy." Anyway Colie calmed down Tyrie so he walked away from Davis and Davis just kept coming back. Davis wanted to get punched by Tyrie so Tyrie could go home.

Anonymous said...

I have the perfect name for Colie. You take the e off the end, and put it on the front. E. coli. that girl is nasty.