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Monday, January 08, 2007

360 or Viewers' Revenge? Launch Special airs on January 23

While MTV released a small press release earlier in December, tentatively titling their new season of Road Rules, Road Rules 360, confusion has ensued as on the MTV's website, they listed the new series as Road Rules: Viewers' Revenge.

Officially, the season is still in pre-production and filming should actually be starting relatively soon. The six castmembers are reportedly confirmed and initial filming should take place soon. The launch special, which will most likely update us on the six alumni who will take the wheel on January 30, will air one week earlier, January 23.

This is good news for every fan out there. The last new episode of Road Rules aired on September 27, 2004. More than two years later, we will finally have Road Rules back. And on January 23, or possibly when MTV officially announces it, we will find out the official title of the new season.


Anonymous said...

I watched a Duel Aftershow on OnDemand and before it they had an ad for the new Road Rules. They said it is indeed called Road Rules: Viewer's Revenge and that the show episodes will be shot each week to allow viewers to vote on who gets kicked off and added on.

Anonymous said...

What's the Launch Special?

Anonymous said...

I thought they aired the trailer after the last Duel. I think it's Road Rules 360: Viewers Revenge

Anonymous said...

It is pretty official Veronica is going to be on it, because I was just looking at her college dropout site and it showed a picture of her and Shane. Under the pic it said "Veronica & Shane and MTV Studios shooting Road Rules Launch"

Anonymous said...

who caressss road rules suckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkks Real World rulesssssss!

Anonymous said...

I'm kind of new to the whole "Real World/Road Rules" drama and have only seen a few seasons - TRW: Key West (Half of it), TRW/RR Challenge: Fresh Meat, and currently TRW: Denver and TRW/RR Challenge: The Duel, and so I would love to get to know some of the older alumni people.

Abram (South Pacific) sounds a lot like me and I would love to see him on a show.

Anonymous said...


I saw the first 5 or 6 episodes and after that it was so boring!

And in Road Rules they actually get to do stunts so it's not boring.

Anonymous said...

I take Road Rules any day, it is always good. Real World is boring sometimes, like Austin and Paris. But I love Denber.

Anonymous said...

real world has gotten so boring, the people are no fun to watch. road rules messed up when they made the people have to vote someone off, that was stupid. i mean you can become new for only one challenge and you get the BIG prize, that's stupid. go back to how road rules was, were they had to do challenges for a meal or a roof over there heads.

Anonymous said...

If only MTV would run a few Road Rules marathons before the new show premieres.

Anonymous said...

yeah im also new to these shows ive never seen road rules before is it good? hopefully ill enjoy this season is it like the real world road rules challenge? how does it work?
thank you my real world road rules experts :)

Anonymous said...

i know it has nothing to do with road rules but i heard that svetlana is going to be on MTVs sweet 16 shes gone celebrate her 21st b-day.... is it true or just a rumor please answer back!