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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Inferno Episode #14: Kenny and John win the LifeShield, Derrick sends Davis home

Last night's episode of the Inferno marked the first time that Derrick (Extreme) was able to break his own personal curse of losing in the final elimination round before the final Challenge. In the Gauntlet 2, Derrick lost to Timmy (USA Tour 1). In Fresh Meat, he and Diem (Fresh Meat) lost to Darrell (Campus Crawl) and Aviv (Fresh Meat). And in The Duel, Derrick lost to Wes (Austin).

So, now, much to his chagrin, he's voted into the last Inferno. This undoubtedly sends Derrick into panic mode as he wants to break his losing streak. He feels that he has to win this Inferno to prove himself to the team.

The cast gets their mission and they find out that they will be "reeling" the other team in. The guys will be reeling in the girls from a fishing boat, while the girls try to swim away. The team with the fastest average time receives $10,000.

The teams struggle with the Challenge initially, while some pull it off easily. Alton (Las Vegas) fails to reel in Evelyn (Fresh Meat) who seems to be pulling far ahead of the competition. Davis (Denver) seems to pull off an excellent time, as well as Derrick (Extreme). However, Kenny (Fresh Meat) and John (Key West) each win LifeShields, guaranteeing them a spot in the finale.

Derrick and Davis meet in the Inferno, playing "Corner Ball". The two of them have to get a ball at an apex of two walls. Each has to run alongside their side of the wall, grab the ball, and run down their opponents wall to cross the finish line. Derrick easily beats Davis, as the fire and tenacity prove too much for Davis to handle.

The guys are ecstatic that they are going into the final mission. The girls, on the other hand, are both pissed and nervous about the next day's events.


Anonymous said...

Yes! Derrick finally wins. Totally destroyed Davis as I knew he would if it was a physical challenge.

As for the "good" girls, Cara and Suzie are pathetic. They're so selfish, only looking out for themselves, at the risk of the team. The only one that's worth anything on their side is Paula, surprisingly enough.

Anonymous said...

Susie acts like the world revolves around her. I'm glad she breaks down in the next episode. No one from her team, or the bad asses like her!

I wonder her throws her dumb ass into the pool???

Anonymous said...

If he wants to drop the chump label, Derrick needs to do a lot more than beat a clearly overmatched Davis. But at least he's making progress. If the Bad Asses do in fact win, hopefully he'll see it as the approriate time to finally retire from these Challenges because he is really, really getting old.

Anonymous said...

So is your mom

Anonymous said...

So is your mom

Wow, did you think of that all by yourself? I'm guessing your mom is NOT old, considering you're only about 10 years old. Loser.

Anonymous said...

Derrick's getting old!? He's 22, he's only older than 2 of the other castmates on the Inferno III, Colie and Jenn. Timmy is 33. Beth's 37. Hopefully Derrick ends up like Timmy and keeps doing challenges! Keep it up D!

Anonymous said...

Oops, e's 23, but still younger than everyone except Jenn and Colie.

Anonymous said...

So is your mom

Wow, did you think of that all by yourself? I'm guessing your mom is NOT old, considering you're only about 10 years old. Loser.

Yep I did think of that all by myself. Aren't you proud?

Anonymous said...

LOL somebody has problems against Alton, haha beaten to death, wow somebody really doesnt like alton, what has he done to you?!

Anonymous said...

Derrick isn't "old" literally, just old in the sense that he's on these Challenges pretty much all the time.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Kenny won another life shield. I think that kid totally cruises under the radar, but he's proven to be a competitor.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree Derrick has been on the last 579 challenges. I liked him at first, but now he's just annoying to watch over and over.

Anonymous said...

Derrick was SET UP to win!!!
It's not just a coincidence that his Inferno involved a football-like challenge.
In Gauntlet 2, Derrick never lost "Name that Coconut" or "Beach Brawl". They put him in his element and that pisses me off!!!!!

Anonymous said...

they did give derrick the perfect inferno for him!

Anonymous said...

Oh please, anonymous 6:41, you're pathetic. That Inferno was in Davis' favor. He's a little bigger than Derrick, but Derrick has a hell of alot more heart and will and he wanted it more. That's how Derrick wins, he uses his will and it works, thats how he takes out bigger guys. He doesn't say "Okay, I'm smaller than these guys so I'm not even gonna try because I know I'll lose." He says "Ok, I'm smaller bu I want this more so I'm gonna do my best and come out on top." If Davis had as much will to win, then he would have had a better chance. But you could see the fear in his eyes when TJ was explaining the rules, he was afraid of Derrick and you could easily tell.

Anonymous said...

i love how the Bad Asses were rooting for Derrick with 110% spirit and yelling and jumping around and they were all pumped, and the Good Guys weren't saying anything lol, Susie barely even watched it.

Anonymous said...

Good riddance to the Good Guys. I'm glad they lost the whole challenge.

"WAAAAAAHHH, WHERE'S THE SPOILER ALERT?" If you didn't know they lost by now, you're living under a fucking rock.

Anonymous said...

the inferno was in davis favor.The people in BMP feel bad for derrick because he done every challenege since 2004. I would of destroyed him in that inferno. He didnt really prove anything in beating a gay guy in a physical inferno. Wes sent home half of the competitor on fresh meat and he beat derrick in the duel in a game where derrick had the advantage. Becasue wes competted in the challenge before the duel and still beat the living crap out of him. Derrick hasnt proved anything yet and never will

Anonymous said...

sorr y the 1st sentence is suppose to say " in derricks favor"

Anonymous said...

thank god derrick finally wins one. now hopefully he'll go away now. i'm getting sick of seeing him on every challenge.

Anonymous said...

The last Inferno was in Derrick's favor.... He played Football in college. Davis played Football in Middle School yet sat on the bench. It didn’t matter if Davis was bigger and stronger, Derrick knew how to play and that is all he needed to win. It was a ‘set up.’

But so was the fishing challenge in Ace’s, Davis’ and Abram’s favor. They knew how to fish well while the other guys didn’t. Which brings to the point- How in the world did Kenny beat Abram and Derrick? Abram looks like he completed the challenge a lot faster than any of the Bad Asses, just like how fast Davis and Johnny did theirs. It wouldn’t surprise me if they just wanted to keep Kenny in the final because he is the one person that has stood out in the entire challenge, and they wanted to keep him and make sure he stayed by giving him the lifeshield. He's cool though so he can stay.

Anonymous said...

ever hear of editing

Anonymous said...

If Davis actually tried against Derrick a little harder, he could have won. Football you dont steal the ball right out of someones hands like Derrick did, Davis just was scared of him, you could see he was afraid. Derrick would have beaten Davis in any of those Infernos except for maybe Watch Your Back, but only because Davis is fast.

The Inferno wasn't in anybodys favor, but Tonya against Susie in it, Tonya will win, why? Becuase she wants to kill Susie and wants to be there more, Susie could play pro football and Tonya would still kick her ass in that Inferno because she wants it more. You're all just being ignorant little bitches because you don't like Derrick, well, hopefully they keep calling him back just to piss you all off!

Anonymous said...

Paula goes into the next Inferno! Here's proof:


copy the link and put it into the address bar, but you need to delete the space between morsecode and 191. You'll go to a page with a picture of Paula in the last Inferno. This means Susie wins the lifeshield and throws in Paula.

Anonymous said...

does paula win

Anonymous said...

The last Inferno was in Derrick's favor.... He played Football in college.

Whaa?? Derrick went to college?

Anonymous said...

Derrick did not play football in college...he went to community college for a year (and played baseball) before going on the Road Rules. He did play football in high school, though.

Anonymous said...

Derrick did NOT go to college. As a matter of fact, that's why some of these clowns do challenges for 10 years - to give them an excuse to avoid college and the work world and just basically hit the snooze button on real life!

Anonymous said...

Derrick went to college, he went ot a community college and played baseball, then he went onto Road Rules.

Anonymous said...

Abe looks like a nazi w/no hair.where are the hook -up`s?put more gay boys on so they have a chance to flirt.

Anonymous said...

I don't think age really matters...I'm 31, and I think I'd be GREAT on these shows!! Anyhow, Derrik's o.k. I'm glad he won that challenge, for he kicked a$$ against Davis!! I don't know...the only people I feel deserve any winnings on the Good Guys' team is Johnny Bananas, and Paula...I mean, c'mon--Alton & Ace wouldn't wear a bikini for that one challenge??!!! HUGE MISTAKE on their part...The rest of his team SUCKS!!!!!!