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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sydney Episode #9: Post your reactions here

Tonight, the tide turns against Trisha (Sydney), as Dunbar (Sydney) explodes when Trisha apparently tries to turn Parisa (Sydney) against him. While the focus around Trisha seems to be elevated, especially with her protest against the Sydney Gay Pride Parade and her fight with Cohutta (Sydney) last week, everyone is expecting Trisha to leave the Real World house. Rumor has it that she will butt heads with Parisa.

Discuss tonight's episode here. Post your reactions.


Anonymous said...

good i hope she does leave

Anonymous said...

yeah. trisha leaves!!! haha. i feel bad because the show is making her look like an ass.

1) mcdonalds
2) catty with girls
3) fight with cohutta
4) against gay pride
5) fight with parisa/dunbar

and it seems like there's more to come!

Anonymous said...

i can't wait until they start their new job at Contiki tonight!
i hope the rumors come true and Trisha gets kickekd out of the house after a fight with Parisa

Anonymous said...

is tonight the episode that she gets kicked off???

Anonymous said...

I think Trisha is just largely misunderstood. I think this whole experience is getting way over her head and she doesn’t really think what she is saying or doing. I’m not trying to justify her errors but they are just that, mistakes. People should give her a second chance now that she is out of the house and able to see herself in TV because I’m sure she has learned something out of this. She seems like a nice person deep down inside, I just believe she has been portrayed a bit differently in the show.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you

Anonymous said...

this isnt the episode where trisha leaves... SHAUVON leaves two to three weeks before trisha. so it wont be until atleast 5 more episodes before she gets kicked off. shauvon should be leaving within the next 2 to 4 episodes.

Anonymous said...

shavaun leaves????????????????? i have never heard anything about that, why does she leave?

Anonymous said...

Trisha has some nerve trying to turn Parisa against Dunbar. Saying that Dunbar called her a Christina Aguilera wannable, etc. when really that is what Trisha thinks of her. And the ignorant Dunbar is back this episode and has problems with Parisa again. It's like he hates everything about her. What is wrong with him?

Anonymous said...

Dunbar is a dumdass! He is so full of hate whhy would producers pick him ? He needs subtitles w/that accent and Paris shouldn`t trust Dunbar or Trisha. This has got to be the lamest cast of people ever!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dunbar is so gross! Who would wnt to get close to all that rage? Get a life coach!

Anonymous said...

I think Dunbar and Trisha both have severe emotional problems:

Dunbar: being molested by his grandfather

Trisha: the contradiction between life at home (church) and life with her friends (the dark side)

But it surprises me how balanced Parisa, Cohutta and Issac are.

Kelly Anne straddles the line here. She speaks so eloquently sometimes, but her choices are questionable.

Anonymous said...

why oh why did they have 2 southern boys on the show! where is the angry black man to confront Dunbar?where is the gay person to confront Trisha? I did laugh when Paris said that comment about getting stoned for going to the gay parade.

Anonymous said...

from what i've heard, she leaves on her own terms. however, its a possibility she gets sent home for violence from the fight with cohutta shown in the previews.

Anonymous said...

by she, i mean shauvon! sorry.

Anonymous said...

Its seems like the last couple episodes are all adding up to something extreme (like parisa fighting and getting kicked out) hopefully that does happen!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

woops! sorry i ment trisha! on 12:32AM!

Anonymous said...

is Dunbar supposed to be the "goodlooking male" of the house???? because he definitely is not

Anonymous said...

who is this Ashli girl, and how do we know she replaces anyone?

Anonymous said...

I don't like Trisha, and although she has brought a lot of this stuff on herself... MTV does edit a lot of what is actually taped. This doesn't mean she's not a bitch, but she's probaly not as bad as they portray her.

Is there a replacement for Shauvon like there is for Trisha??

Anonymous said...

i need solid confirmation that Shauvon leaves before I can actually believe it. Does anyone remember the rumor about Arissa getting kicked off RW Las Vegas? Yeah, how did that turn out??

Anonymous said...

Trisha gets kicked off and Ashili takes her spot.

Shavoun does NOT get kicked off, she just has to leave the show early.

They are both confirmed.

Anonymous said...

and by early, she leaves almost two months before before production ended.

Anonymous said...

"Ashili" lol o wow she's so original.

Anonymous said...

Without drama real world wouldnt be as interesting. Trisha is probably better off leaving before she embarasses herself even more, yes im sure they edit A LOT but you cant edit in ignorance. Hopefully she has learned by watching herself. That comment about Dunbar and his grandfather was unneccessary, although it seems to be true, its unfortunate and hopefully he finds himself too, isnt it the point of the show. :) Everyone else in the house i like! isaac and parisa being my favorite!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else notice that Shavoun was RAVING about Contiki Travel saying that they're HUGE and she's "heard of them" etc then in the back ground you here her say "Did I say that right?" referencing her pronunciation of Contiki. It made me giggle because parts like that are OBVIOUSLY scripted!