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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

More news from inside the Real World Hollywood house

News from the house continues to spill out as the Real World Hollywood seems to be well underway. While not of this is 100% verifiable until the season begins to air or MTV releases a press release, there seems to be rumblings of who the seven strangers are.

Here's what a local has told us the cast is made up of:

Greg Halstead - winner of RealWorldCasting.com
Male - Black, with dreadlocks
Male - Gay
Male - Blond, "jock-type"

One of these girls should be Brianna Taylor. Again, this is all speculation.

I'm also told that if you drive by the house on Sunset and Gower, it's actually viewable. However, as of yet, no interior pictures have been snapped since the building looks to have no windows. More to come soon.


Anonymous said...

are they filming it right now??

Anonymous said...

i hear their "job" is to form an improv group. they've been shooting at io west.

Anonymous said...

i hope that, that american idol girl is not apart of the cast

Anonymous said...

hmm i dunno there might be a good chance that the american idol girl might be a cast member. If you look at her myspace, you see alot of "I miss you" and "Good luck" comments. and her fav tv show states "American Idol nooo...REAL WORLD"

Anonymous said...

This should be an entirely different show. As shitty as RW has been the past several seasons, season 20 really doesn't deserve to bear the Real World name in any way, shape, or form.

Anonymous said...

hmm 8:26

how so? have u watched season 20 yet? where are u getting all these hate from?

Anonymous said...

lol only one confirmed castmember and everything else is purely speculation and anon 8:26 is already hating it hahaha

Anonymous said...

i know someone who is really on it!

Anonymous said...

one of the Female's is from Columbia, South Carolina!

Anonymous said...

how weird is it that they are in hollywood near all the 'clubs to go to' and nothing has been heard yet?

Anonymous said...

They put so many restrictionson the people in the house its rediculous... i dont know all of them but i do know they have a cerfew.. that sucks! and no tv/radio.. couldn't do it.

Anonymous said...

I hope they ask kevin federline to join the house.

Anonymous said...

i know for a fact that ivory (road rules viewer revenge) is in that house

Anonymous said...

ivory is not in the house.

Anonymous said...

ivory and kevin federlina sho0ve dild0s up their butts is like a crzy controversy ok like what a crazy real world they have dilfos

Anonymous said...

1 of the cast mates is my old roommate, he went to MSU then to LCC.

Anonymous said...

I am a huge fan of the real world and I just want to say that I am disappointed that the show is losing its meaning. Since when do we VOTE people in? The fun was always to see who MTV chose to put in a house together. and since when did people who have already done the reality tv get a chance to do it again?

maybe im bitter because after 20 seasons i have yet to get asked to cast.

but i do like the idea of the eco-friendly house!

and of course, even though im disappointed its come to all this, I will still watch!

oh and is the rumor true, this will be the last season???

Anonymous said...

Ivory is not in the house she is living with me down here in south beach. she currently in the studio recording her album check her songs out at www.myspace.com/poisonivory007 she is gonna blow up the music scene.

Anonymous said...

Brianna IS a cast member... I've been with them plenty of nights... they party strictly in hollywood and aren't even aloud to clubs outside of "hollywood." About their being a gay guy, I doubt it, I asked Kimberly (Another cast member) and she denied it.

Anonymous said...

I've been with them for the last few days and all I have to say is that this is going to be the best season
EVER! In the couple of days that I've been here, some SERIOUS shit has gone down. This one is going to be worth watching. Nobody could have prepared me for this.

Anonymous said...

There is one guy on the show that will inspire millions,I've hung out with them, I know this guys story and he will inspire millions!! this show is a definite must see!