You are all going to hell. -Cynthia (Miami)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New Orleans
Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Friday, November 23, 2007

BMP sends out a casting call for Real World 21 and Road Rules 15

Although MTV hasn't given its greenlight yet, Bunim-Murray Productions is already accepting applications for The Real World 21 and Road Rules 15. Check out their website, which has a small casting notice.

This would mean that Real World would continue going after its twentieth season and sixteenth year. Also, ever since Viewers' Revenge mostly disappointed fans, there hasn't been much talk about renewing the series. At least not yet. The casting notice suggests that Road Rules may very well be brought back as well.

So far, Hollywood and Gauntlet 3 are the last two productions to be filmed.


Anonymous said...

YAY! I was getting nervous that the Real World would get cancelled after Hollywood.

Anonymous said...

hasn't that always been posted on there?

Anonymous said...

Road Rules?? Better not be Viewers Disaster, I mean Revenge 2.

Anonymous said...

bring back the road rules baby!
they do need to spice things up with real world tho. make it unforgetable!!!

Anonymous said...

bring back road ruels before maxumim velocity tour thatys when it was at its best in the early seasons people like mark dan the man timmy

Anonymous said...

I agree! Road Rules needs to be a series of adventures with no voting off! That was lame! I mean, if they failed a mission because someone was afraid to do something, then they had to work harder the next time around or they didn't get the reward. The personality conflicts are the things that also keep the show running. I'm thinking I would have rather seen Jisela, Adam and Ellen annoying each other for the whole season of The Quest than Katie coming in mid-season, even though I liked her!

Anonymous said...

Oh man. I think I am no longer in the MTV demographic. I'm 34 and both shows have become more and more lame and less real.

The title REAL World no longer is accurate. They should call it RealFAKEDRAMA World.

And they should just open up casting to actors. Now, that would be real of the producers.

Anonymous said...

i love how people who supposedly hate the show.. come on here all the time and take their own time to write how much they think its fake and how much they hate the show

seriously? just do something else

Anonymous said...

to 2:28- really though! its freaking annoying!

to 11:22- dude, ur 34 years old! what are u doing on this blog if u don't even like the show? seriously now, go do something productive!

Anonymous said...

thank you 3:53

Anonymous said...

2:28 - in all fairness, who says the comments have to be positive? This isn't South Korea--people are entitled to their opinions. They're still discussing the show, and you need to just agree to disagree. Ironically, people like you who come on here and post about how much you dislike negative posts can be pretty irritating.

Anonymous said...

I agree 9:38!

Anonymous said...

How are you guys not sick of watching the same thing over and over again on Real World??

I think the producers overthink the casting decisions and end up picking really boring and unrelatable people.

I dont see RW or RR going much further.. just cancel it now and try something else.

Who even wacthes it anymore seriously?? You only have to see one season and you've seen them all.

Anonymous said...

to 9:38- it's NORTH korea.

Anonymous said...

i do admit that Sydney is probably the most boring season that i have ever watched

but you say it irritating that we don't like negative posts.. it's more irritating when your actually a fan of the show and all these people comment on how they hate the show that much.. like i don't have a problem with people not liking a certain part of the show.. but when you say that you hate the whole show.. what's the point of being on here

Anonymous said...

I have to admit, Sydney is way better than the other international seasons they've done. I mean, London was a snooze and Paris wasn't too wasn't great, but it wasn't bad. Sydney just seems to be dragging on and on and I can't imagine a 21st season. I agree with 9:30. As much as I am a fan and as much as I love the sometimes feels like their beating an old dog to death. Just let it end, re-enter syndication and let the show live forever in peace.

Anonymous said...

I would love for the real world an raos ruels to get a sydication deal so I could watch seasons I havn't seen thats means anything beofre san deigop and raod rules form the begining I want to see abe and cara at the beginiing

Anonymous said...

5:56- i would agree with you about just letting it end. but if mtv does that, then what are they gonna show? its only a matter of time before Lauren call its quits with The Hills. They've tried numerous times to get a series started that is strong enough to replace real world but have failed at finding one.

They can't give the Real World the axe just yet. All they need to do is re-format everything. NEW casting directors, would be a start! NEW story editors. and also, 1 HOUR TIME SLOTS! This would give more time to get into the arguments a little deeper as they can show more stuff. thats the reason why those vh1 shows and tila show are doing good! i think they should film for 16 weeks. 1 episode per week. 16, 1-hour episodes. Keeps the season short, yet you still get more footage!

Anonymous said...

The "accepting casting tapes on an ongoing basis" has been up on the BMP site for months.

It sounds like they are going to keep going. Why would they keep that up there if they weren't sure of it?

Anonymous said...

This is 9:30 from above.

I just wanted to say that I think they would get higher ratings if they cancelled RW and RR and started playing re-runs of the old (better and more popular) seasons instead.

Come on, RW: San Diego?? I'd definitely tune in for that again.

Its this simple: the longer the show goes on, the more scripted and un-real it gets. Its losing its steam because there are SO many seasons coming out right after one another and quite frankly, I'm sick of watching dramatic people like Trisha, Parisa, and freakin Dunbar.

I'm not here to hate, just to state the facts. :o)

happy holidays

Anonymous said...

to 2:58 from 10:01 (i love how this thing is anonymous and we all recognize each other by time posts! haha)

Showing other seasons is a very good idea. but that will only get old like ANTM they need to have newer seasons also! noticed that they stopped showing reruns after san diego (i might be wrong but it was around that time), thats when the show started going downhill. the reruns will encourage people to watch the new seasons.

also, instead of showcasing the fighting, cast people with "aspirations" like they say they are and showcase them pursuing those goals. For example, I wouldn't mind seeing wannabe models and actors on this show if they showcase their effort in going on casting calls or taking acting classes. Then the show would seem more 'real.' That, in fact, should be their job. They should cann the whole group job and make them focus on their career goals.

Anonymous said...

if the real world does get cancelled, they should put a Complete Series on DVD

Anonymous said...

i know most of the real world houses are re-done and no longer owned by mtv but i liked Reunited:Las Vegas, i think it would be great to see other seasons do that, and with road rules, put the old format back in and throw some alumni from a handful of rr seasons and put them on the rv, no voting off, no viewer iteraction, i hate that shit, just the way it was when people actually watched.

I kinda want to see alumni (the good ones) do more then just challanges, maybe put rw alumni in an rv (with the oringal rr format)and put some rr alumni in a fancy house??

Anonymous said...

they should do that with road rules as well the challanges also Im sure mtv would make money off that puuting the complete series on dvd

Anonymous said...

i think viewers revenge would have been good if all the alumni were on the show the whole time. well i hate susie and kina they should of had holly from latin america and emily from timmys season - even though her and veronica hated each other on the challenges. it would of been better. i would like to see road rules come back it was my fav show back in the day. the best seasons were europe, semester at sea, and campus crawl (sarah should have stayed)

Anonymous said...

I used to tape all the seasons of RW and RR. I still watch old ones from time to time on vhs haha who does that anymore. I have the San Fran, LA, Boston, Miami (not the full season), NY (the first 1), some of London.. I have the first ever challenge with Eric, Cynthia, Sean, Rachel (San Fran), and Jon... I have Battle of the Seasons and Sexes. RR Europe, 1 and 2, Australia, S@S, latin America... I'm starting to think maybe I can make copies and sell them!! I just know that some are on like 4 diff tapes and not all episodes are there.

Anonymous said...

I would be devastated if they cancelled Real World. I've been watching the Real World since 8th grade and since the 8th grade it's been my favorite show. It all started with New Orleans for me. Keep it going.

Anonymous said...

mtv has a link for real world 21 under their casting call section on it's not just the BMP thing.

Anonymous said...

What was everyone's favorite season of RW and RR?

Real World - Boston
Road Rules - The Quest

Anonymous said...

My favorite season of Real World is Key West.
And I haven't watched much Road Rules, so I couldn't say.
But... the best challenge EVER was The Duel!!

Anonymous said...

why am i not seeing the Road Rules casting. i can only see the Real World one?

My favorites

Real World-Chicago
Road Rules- Campus Crawl
Challenge- Battle of the Sexes 1

Anonymous said...

Fav RW - Chitown
Fav RR - didn't see too many but would say Campus Crawl
Fav challenge - Inferno 1
(Is Veronica done with the challenges?????)

Anonymous said...

Any word on where RR21 is going to be?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What did you think of how they treated Tyler on Real World/Road Rules Gauntlet 3? Sickening?
I was getting more and more disgusted as I watched yesterday's The Real World/Road Rules Challenge. I couldn't believe how they were treating Tyler, especially his so-called friends. The people that were the biggest jerks to him were his fellow housemates from his season and his the other guy he said he felt a connection with romantically. Even though I sort of understood why Johnny was unhappy, he went way too far in the way he made fun of Tyler when he chose him. And then you have the ugly winch Janelle chiming in when Tyler is simply telling them that they hurt his feelings. That winch butts in telling him 'its just a game' when that's really what she should be telling Johnny because he is the one who took it personal the way he made fun of Tyler. I was hoping Tyler would bodyslam Janelle. And don't even get me started on two-faced Ryan who spent the Challenge talking s hit about Tyler in all of his confessionals while Tyler is talking about what a great guy he is. Poor Tyler! :(

Anonymous said...

PLEASE HAVE TYLER ON THE REUNION SPECIAL SO HE CAN HAVE HIS SAY ABOUT THESE A-HOLES. I especially think Tyler has a right to be unhappy with Janelle Casanave. She acted really hypcoritical on The Real World Reunion Special of her season like she had been a princess all of her season when she was one of the worst ones. I can't stand Janelle. Take her off the challenges and Ryan too. What a coward to talk a bunch of smack about your friends behind their back in confessionals and all that. Ryan stop making a mockery of the gay community. You're self-admitted slut and control freak. Grow the f up. Can't wait for Tyler to be on those Reunion Specials. You and Janelle need to get slapped

braakie said...

I have been watching the Gauntlet this season. I was wondering if anyone knows if Danny and Melinda are still together. According to the show they were, but I thought I heard that they were not. Does anyone know any info