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Monday, December 10, 2007

Blogger reveals names of the Real World cast; they are interns at ioWest

A blogger over at The Josh Place has revealed the names of the new cast of The Real World which is currently filming in Hollywood.

Brittini, Brianna, Dave, Kimberly, Nick, Sarah and Will are supposedly the cast of the Real World Hollywood. This matches up with information we received on one of the castmembers, Brianna, who has a MySpace and was once a contestant on American Idol.

Conspicuously missing from this list is Greg, who won the MTV online casting round. Greg, reportedly unhappy with his roommates and job, was kicked off the show after he missed a performance to attend a runway show at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week. Apparently, he was fired by ioWest, a local comedy troupe in Hollywood, after he failed to appear in the show. It looks like he has since been replaced.


Anonymous said...

Whoa, things are heating up! That website, www.thejoshplace.com is pretty good...thanks!

Anonymous said...

At least they all have relatively normal names this go-around.

Anonymous said...

Oh GREAT another sydney season with brittanys and bethanys. og brotherrrrrrrrrr

Anonymous said...

glad this blog had to go to another blog to get breaking information. way to go guys.

Anonymous said...

hahahah greg is a douch this season is I bet brings back memoires of none other than the la season with beth

Anonymous said...

That's pretty cool, I found Kimberly's myspace here: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=60555697

It's set to private though.

Anonymous said...


more info about real world hollywood

Anonymous said...

it is spelled dOuche.

Anonymous said...

I doubt that's the real cast. Read the last posts on, http://vevmo.com/f56/real-world-hollywood-spoilers-833/

It is very likely to have 3 African-American on Real World.... BMP is never that diverse.

Anonymous said...

8:00 a.m. - HA HA HA! best comment yet.. and so true!

Anonymous said...

i hope that this is not right.. that american idol girl already got her 15 minutes

Anonymous said...

guys i heard that BMP has already chosen a site for the next season of the real world. are you guys ready, its "the Real world: trisha cummings vagina'! i heard that this is gonna be the biggest house yet. loaded with herpies and all sorts of stds.

Anonymous said...

1:14...sad but true (although RW10 Back to New York had four minorities and three whites.)

Anonymous said...

they should cast one black, one white, one asian, one hispanic, one middle eastern, one native american, and one pacific islander..now thats what I called a diversed cast. I would totally watch that!

Anonymous said...

11:57...Unfortunatly that will never happen. Real world above all else is all about ratings and they wouldnt do that. Sad but true.

About Greg, this dumbass is chosen out of how many people and blows his chance. This shot reminds me of Viewer revenge, and we all know how that ended.

Anonymous said...

Whoa? I don't know anyone that notice, Not to sound all mean or nothing,But there is 1 caucasan white guy in this season?? wasnt their 3 girls and 4 guys? now at the josh place, its 4 girls and 3 guys? i am confused about this season cast? maybe when everything is gonna clear up and whos who and whats what, :)

Anonymous said...

I know that Greg got kicked off, which would mean the people in the poster at www.thejoshplace.com are the final people.

I too saw the show and they were HORRIBLE. On top of that, "the famous actress" who is very talented was equally horrible. She must have had an off night.

Regardless, it's the same damn cast, just a different city. Jon & Mary, the shows creators should be ashamed of themselves.

Anonymous said...

The guy on that forum said he has confirmed all of the roommates for Real World: Hollywood through close sources of the cast and production...there are apparently a total of 9 roommates because 2 leave/get kicked out and are replaced. He posted all of their photos and names here:


Anonymous said...

I heard that a girl named ashli was going to be on it the hollywood show. Maybe they meant the ashli that is on the sydney cast. She was on the casting site, her myspace is
myspace.com/ashleysgreenmartin, isnt that the ashli that is on the season now? or someone else. Also another person I heard that was on the site named kanik and his myspace is www.myspace.com/chriskanik he was that funny dude. they were and are both on the site and i think that they r on hollywood too. anyone else heard that? they were also on mtv or their video was.

Anonymous said...

Where are the asians? 20 years and not one asian male. This show has alot of white power in it.

Anonymous said...

I found this interested post-Real World (but pre- Real World airing) interview with Greg at http://www.blacklistedmagazine.org/

it's pretty telling about his personality.