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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Sydney Episode #19: Post your reactions

Tonight, Dunbar (Sydney) finally crosses the line: he has sex with Ashli (Sydney). We'll see how he handles the situation and whether he'll tell Julie. Also, we get our sixth roommate back as Isaac (Sydney) returns from his grandfather's funeral.

Isaac is happy to hear that Trisha (Sydney) was kicked out of the house, while the girls start warming up to the idea that it was possible that they had no real reason to hate Parisa (Sydney) for doing what she does. Ashli even admits that all she liked about Trisha was that she was fun to party with.

Parisa will also begin to get more comfortable with her decision as her roommates open up to her again.

Post your reactions to tonight's episode here.


Anonymous said...

This season's reunion will be jucier than Austins...

Anonymous said...

Isaac = most levelheaded of the show.

Anonymous said...

Tonight will be great. I hope Dunbar gets dumped. How long has Ashli been in the house & she's already hooking up with Dunbar? He just couldn't keep it in his pants. What exactly does he see b/c to me she looks like a mut! And hopefully Kelly Anne comes to her senses and apologizes to Parisa for spitting like a disgusting bitch that she is. I say Go Issac & Cohutta!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dunbar's entire focus this season was to get laid. He tried to make it with Kelly Ann but she decided to go with Cuhutta instead. She realized Dunbar was a player and went with the nice guy instead. I hope Julie see his true colors now.

Anonymous said...

is someone replacing Trisha?

Anonymous said...

Trisha does not get replaced, it stays six.

Anonymous said...

And from the looks of Julie's Myspace page it looks like the two are still together! She is one forgiving person....wow!

Anonymous said...

i think they should replace trishas BITCHASS with coral! coral can come and put kellyanne and ashli in there place.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I would love to see coral ann put Parisa in her place as well. Let's just hope this whiny bitch stops playing the victim. Unfortunately, I know she'll find some new cause now that Trisha is gone.

Anonymous said...

Kellyann isn't a slut, she's a flirt. Cut her some slack..

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Parisa will stay in her room for the rest of the season..It would be a welcome break...

Anonymous said...

this season needs tina racheal and veronica iff you want mean girls they were so classic and mean hell even melissa or anessa and coral and trish being friends who tyhats surpirisng

Anonymous said...

What makes you think that Dunbar has sex with Ashli? She says on the phone to her gal pal that they haven't done anything but spoon.

Anonymous said...

"What makes you think that Dunbar has sex with Ashli? She says on the phone to her gal pal that they haven't done anything but spoon."

In the commercial on MTV she emails her friend that she and Dumbutt do the nasty.

Also, someone screwed up on MTV's website and posted this weeks episode summary, and it is confirmed.

On a side note, anyone just completely bothered by the stupid wavy arm thing ashli does in the opening credits? what a frikkin waste of space she is...

Anonymous said...

kelly anne...umm...gross...

Anonymous said...

I had suspected this for a long time but after watching this episode you cann tell there is a lot of sexual tension between Kelly Ann and Parisa. Those girls should just go crazy lez on each other and get it over with.

Anonymous said...

All is well in Sydney. The voice of reason is back, Isaac's the best....

Anonymous said...

I AM TRISHAS FATHER...and yes i do molest her after church on a regular basis!!! get over it people....i love my daughter so much i need to touch her petunia

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the name of the song that is playig when Parisa is running in the fountain?

Anonymous said...

After having viewed nearly all of the seasons of The Real World since season one (not something to be proud of), I would have to say this is one of the better episodes. (Gasp!) There are two reasons for this: Isaac's warm bravado and Parisa's surprising openness to start anew.

Isaac is one of the few Real Worlders that I have ever actually liked and respect. And more of Noirine please! She seems like the kind of person MTV should be casting -- smart, interesting, fun, and, yes . . . stunning to boot.

It is pretty amazing that Isaac was able to change the entire dynamic of the house from cruel and petty to magnanimous and fun. Just by being open and thinking for himself. It was cool to watch how his total lack of BS actually liberated everyone in the house and even got them questioning their own behavior.

I loved how he embraced Parisa with no judgement and how she was open to trust again. No matter how many people say she acts like a victim, she remained strong and straight-forward through both the last two episodes. In the end, those immature girls realized they couldn't destroy her and that maybe (with the Isaac stamp of approval) they had to accept her.

Ashli was interesting in this situation. On the one hand she is weak -- a follower first of Trisha/KellyAnne then of Isaac and the guys. That said, I will give her a little credit. She DID rethink her position and it was she, NOT KellyAnne who introduced the idea that they may have been wrong about punishing Parisa for the fact a crazy girl pushed her.

Unfortunately, KellyAnne came out looking the worst. Her insufficient apologies did not feel sincere, but like an effort at social survial. Parisa reluctantly accepted them and even tried to be empathetic to KellyAnne for losing Trisha. I hope Parisa doesn't trust KA too much after this. That would be a mistake.

In conclusion, the episode proved the healing benefits of honesty and empathy paried with confidence and a good sense of fun. Afterall, sometimes a man's just got to swim with the fishes!

Anonymous said...

What about the preview for next week?!?!? I was a little shocked that Kelly Anne and Cohetta are doing it...hmmm.. That's crazy!

Anonymous said...

Well said, swim with the fishes!

The first intelligent and thought provoking comment on here.

After the barrage of name-calling and cursing, it was refreshing to read your spell-checked and grammar friendly thoughts!

Thanks and keep posting!

Anonymous said...

swim with the fishes, tulip..
so refreshing to see some intelligent life on here.

Anonymous said...

I am convinced Kelly Ann has no mind of her own. As far as Ashley, I see some hope. She made a little sense last night. I wish she would stay away from Dunbar, though, he's pyshcotic. Next week's preview shows him being nasty to her. I guess he got what he wanted and now he's blaming her, who knows. As far as Cohutta and Kelly Ann, what the hell is he thinking. I have to admit though, his country bumpkin shit gets on my nerves after awhile. Parisa was in a better mood last night, thanks to Isaac's return. He was hysterical. He's definitely my favorite housemate, hands down. It definitely wasn't boreing with Trisha gone, all that drama was getting ridiculous. All in all, it was a great episode.

Anonymous said...

To Swim with the Fishes, as they say on Jerry Springer-"GO TO OPRAH, GO TO OPRAH"!!!!

But seriously I think the reunion show is going to be really interesting to watch. Trisha who has now seen everything that went on after she left and realizes that the guys all hated HER, and HER two "BFF" turned their backs on HER faster then the French in World War Two. Trisha will really be fired up and the reunion will be her last chance to turn the public tide back to HER. But I'm sure Trisha will say that she is praying for them all as we all know she is the best Christian out there.

It mus make Trisha so mad that Parisa has won the support of HER housemates and former BFFs. It will be a great reunion show.

By the way, Ashli is still a cunt. Ha Ha Ha-And I hear all of you reading this screaming at your computers "GO TO OPRAH, GO TO OPRAH".

Anonymous said...

If Ashli was still willing to be mad at Parisa, Kelly Ann would be right on her bandwagon. She's pathetic. I have to admit, Parisa made the right decision sending Trisha home. If she stayed Kelly Ann and her would have teamed up together. As it stands now, we get to know more about the other housemates, especially Isaac. Too much time was wasted on the Trisha/Parisa feud. I was glad to see that Isaac's presence and attitude had a positive effect on the ohter housemates.

Anonymous said...

As far as Trasha is concerned, I think Issac defintely summed it up. She indeed was a bitch that caused nothing but pain & drama in the house. It's just so sad that Kelly Anne & Ashli had to wait for Isaac to say something before they really started thinking that they were in the wrong. Well Dunbar has really fucked himself up now. Sleeping with Ashli, eeewwww!!!! You could defintely see a change in Parisa. Now maybe with the BITCH gone, everyone can relax & enjoy the roomates.

Anonymous said...

I really don't think Ashli is a cunt. She may have the morals of an alley cat, but a cunt, no. She's definitely immature, but I was glad to see her take her own stand on the trisha matter. As far as sleeping with Dunbar, that was a big mistake and it looked like she was starting to regret it already. He's the one with the girlfriend back home, so I blame him more. Ashli never met Julie. But, I'm sure Ashli will pay the price for this mishap, we all know how mean Dunbar can be and it looks like next week he'll be true to form.

Anonymous said...

In the beginning I liked Kelly Ann but now she is my least favorite. I never liked Parisa or Trisha. From day one there was too much tension there and I'm really disappointed that RealWorld wasted so much time on their feud. It's nice to know that there are other housemates living in the house and the viewers really wanted to get to see them. Last night, was the most we saw of Isaac, and it was worth the wait.

Anonymous said...

The best thing that happened this season was the departure of Trisha and Shavon. Those two shoud have never been casted to begin with. I'm glad that Trisha is not going to be replaced, two new roommates would be just too much at this point. Ashli is causing enough drama for two people anyway.

Anonymous said...

I lost all respect for Cohutta. Sleeping with Kellyanne, is just nasty...

Anonymous said...

I'm really over everyone in that house except for Isaac and Cohutta. The former because he is cool and the latter because he isnt really on camera very much. I just had to post that I could not BELIEVE that Dunbar actually said to Isaac: "Dude, you're so lucky you got to go home...." aside from all the really obvious self ceteredness that goes on in that house, I found that to be one of the most oblivious and awful comments on RW in a while

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone doesn't turn on Ashli for sleeping with Dunbar, especially the girls. She was definitely wrong, but I hope they all realize what a scumbag he is. He's another one who likes to play the victim. He's already said he's used to having alot of sex at home with Julie, so I guess we're supposed to feel sorry for him when he's not getting it. As far as Ashli is concerned, I know she's at fault here too, but somehow I feel sorry for her. She allowed herself to be used by Dunbar. Parisa should count her blessings that when she was interested in him, he wasn't.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else find it odd that Trisha was still on the opening credits last night? That annoying, hypocritical heffer is gone and it's time for MTV to edit her out of the credits and erase her from the RW for good!

That is until the reunion show which, I must agree with many of you, should be the best ever. Unless they get some softie like Suzy to host it and ask nothing but Kumbayah "I love my roomates and learned so much from them" questions like the Denver reunion.

Can't wait until next week. A Kelly Ann/Cohutta love child...what a scary thought!

Anonymous said...

Please stop calling people sluts, or at least using that word so freely with the girls. Maybe with Dunbar of the anger management issues, it applies a little more.

Ashli will pay for it and hopefully learn.

Anonymous said...

yeah-going with the flow of everyones opinion of Ashli realizing that "trisha was cool to party with" should be the dumbass quote of the season, that and Trasha gettin all huffy with Parisa and Alex even though she had a man.

MTV has really gone down hill with casting..Kellyanne has been wanting Dunbar and here Ashli nearly jumps his bone like a dog in heat. (Within weeks) Wonder if their still friends..

Still glad that Trasha is gone, even though we all know Parisa really didnt feel threatened by her, She obviously didnt understand the consequences of her choice and Im glad how Parisa calmly stated "have a nice flight"

Isacc RoX! He is the most grounded of them all..

Ashli once a whore nothing more, sorry that will never change..LOL!!

Anonymous said...

I do give immature Ashli at little credit for realizing she was wrong to believe everything Trisha and Kelly Anne said about Parisa. She's a baby and a follower, but give credit where it is due.

Kelly Anne doesn't deserve much from the last episode.

Where is Cohutta? I guess his time to shine is next week.

Anonymous said...

Do you guys agree we need to see more with Norin and Isaac. She is one of the best parts of the show during her brief appearances.

Anonymous said...

Does the "GO TO OPRAH" comment mean I am taking it too seriously? I'm not really. Just a guilty pleasure and a little procrastination going on while I write this.

Hopefully, I'd be talking about something much more important on Oprah!

Anonymous said...

Ashlisucks said...

On a side note, anyone just completely bothered by the stupid wavy arm thing ashli does in the opening credits? what a frikkin waste of space she is...

YES!!!!! I'm glad someone else was bothered by that.

Anonymous said...

As bad and hated as Trasha is, I think KellyAnne is worse. Trasha was a world-class byotch, but KA is just a pathetic follower.

Anonymous said...


if anyone doesn't have facebook and can't see it, it's a "Ashli from the Real World Sydney is the worst Real World castmember ever!!!" group. there's 335 members, and one of them is julie!

Anonymous said...

oh yeah, ashli's also a member. and she made her own group about how she's awesome.. what a loser

Anonymous said...

Julie is still with Dunbar, so I guess there should be a facebook site she could join for dumb girlfriends who put up with their scumbag boyfriends.

Anonymous said...

swimwiththefishes-I was just joking. I mean none of us could really take this crap seriously. Thats why we watch it, just like like people who watch springer, its time away from REAL life. Peace out G

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see next week's episode. It looks as if it's more than a pregnancy scare, because kelly's on the phone talking about getting married. I hope this isn't the case. If so it will be the first baby conceived on the RW.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that Trisha is off the show. It was painful to watch her speak so much about her Christianity, yet behave like she did a huge majority of the time. I know we can all get upset and lose our cool sometimes, but it seemed to be a daily thing for her. Also, Dunbar worries me. I think he can be very abusive and needs help with that.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Ashli Robson (Orange County, CA) wrote
at 7:59pm yesterday
Hey Julie,

it takes two to tango. so as much as you want to believe it was all me...."

-Ashli's message to Julie on the above facebook group...DRAMA

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Where's all of the Trisha supporters/followers now?!? I guess there's nothing they can say now to try and make Trisha not look as horrible as she is... Bottomline, both Dunbar and Ashli are in the wrong for the actions they took. Isaac is the realist mafucker on the show... and Noirin is tha BOMB!!!

Anonymous said...

yall all judge too much. first of all, don't judge people if you don't know them.. you can think that ashli is a slut or trisha is a stuckup bitch. second of all, yall are too focused on the reunion.. there is still more episodes! third, yall shouldn't be contacting any realworld members on facebook, myspace, ect.. if you dont know them. its one thing to ask them to be your friend but its retarted to write on their wall. they are on reality tv.. im sure if you watched yourself on tv, you would be proud either. just a thought..

Anonymous said...

Trisha and Parisa were like oil and vinegar, they just didn't mix.
I am glad Trisha is gone, and I still don't like Parisa. The only reason she is in a better mood is because Trisha is gone. This does not excuse her earlier behavior, she was a bitch. It is good, however, to see Parisa without that pouty face and holier than thou attitude. I hope she doesn't go back to the old Parisa.

Anonymous said...

real world fanatic, you're judging people who watch this show too much.

Anonymous said...

no one said anything about writing on people's walls...

Anonymous said...

You know what'd be awesome? If Trisha and Donnell from Road Rules South Pacific co-hosted a morning talk show. I'd tune in.

Anonymous said...

Technically, it doesn't really roll off the tongue, since it begins and ends with a plosive consonant.

Now, 'labia,' that rolls.


Anonymous said...

Yes, cunt is a sexist word, especially in a context like this. It is degrading in a way much worse than calling some "selfish," or "superficial" or "Rude" or even an "a-hole."

Honestly, as a woman it makes me cringe, because even if a specific woman has a weak brain, it is nice cool at all, and not really synonymous to calling someone a "dick." Not that I do that often. See women get objectified and quite frankly raped a lot more than men, so it is a pretty loaded.

The again if you and your lady get off on it in private, that's cool with me. But I think it is pretty low in a public forum.

Hey, you asked.

Anonymous said...

I'm a female and the word cunt doesn't offend me. Is something wrong with me?

Anonymous said...

do you prefer to put the emphasis on clitoris at the beginning or the end?


Anonymous said...

I will admit that i dont have any other life besides watching the real world. No job, No Friends, No Kids, No house. I actually am frozen in a cryogenics chamber every week and i only come out for a half hour to watch the real world. watching Assli hook up with STD ridden guys after knowing them for one week is the highlight of my existence.

Anonymous said...

Hello children.....mainly boys.... i am dunbars grandfather and i want to set the record straight....Dunbar wanted me to molest him when he was a young boy....it was part of our church ceremony!!!!

Anonymous said...

Actually, I'm not personally offended, but unless joking between good friends where there is no confusion about intent, it is obviously derogatory. So if your goal is to demean someone, then that is a good word for you! If you are a woman who doesn't mind it, well I can't judge you, but surely recognize its negative connotations?

The clitoris joke was cute. But clitoris and its shorter version aren't tossed around as freely to demean women. It is a correct anatomical word, not a slurr (even if some make it one.) So you can pronounce it anyway you like. Although I'd say your first option is probably right. But do your thing!

Anonymous said...

Parisa is happy again! Yay! That fountain was probably pretty nasty though. It was heroic of Isaac to accept that wet sloppy hug. You could tell he wanted to be nice to Parisa, but with all that fountain water, his face was like, "Ewwww..."

Anonymous said...

Parisa did look the happiest she has ever looked so far, but let's see how long that lasts. Afterall, a tiger can't change its stripes.

Anonymous said...

But a tiger definitely prefers to be out of a little cage being prodded by sticks and with shrill kids screaching in its ear.

Anonymous said...

I miss Trisha..............

Anonymous said...

nooooo this seasons reunion cant be jucier then austins... austin= best season b/c of wes!! hola is u <3 austin

Anonymous said...

Do you really miss Trisha? Seriously and nonmaliciously...why? I can not think of a persona less missable than her.

Anonymous said...

I love Issac, nough said.

Ashli crossed "the line" by flirting and spooning with a guy who she knew had a girlfriend. The line was crossed long, looonnngg before they had sex.

Anonymous said...

One might argue that "spooning" is an even more intimate act than sex, at least the slam/bam/thank you mam type.

Anonymous said...

It takes two to cheat. Dunbar didn't exactly tell Ashli to fuck off when she got in his bed. Why do women insist on hating each other?

Anonymous said...

I agree. This wasn't actually kind-hearted or mature of Ashli, but it was not she, but Dunbar, who cheated.

I really feel for Julie, Dunbar's girlfriend, and she seemed likable during her brief appearance on the show. But by focusing her hate on Ashli in the Facebook links above, she is just fooling herself.

It would be nice if Ashli was a little empathetic and could offer a "I was very wrong and am sorry for your pain" post. That would be good and show growth. But it is also a little beside the point.

Julie, Dunbar cheated on you, knowingly. He built up to it and behaved as if some siren rid him of his free will. He had plenty of free will and had plenty of opportunities to kick her out of bed. He is your boyfriend and he is the one who betrayed you.

I'd also like to say that the way he spoke to you on the phone was very disrespectful and throughout the program he has shown serious anger-management issues and an amazing ability to lie to himself about his actions.

Only you know what goes on between the two of you, but to me it looks like you are being manipulated and mistreated by a guy who isn't worthy. Is he sticking up for you on that Facebook site? Maybe he is, but I didn't see it.

I hope you realize that your anger is misplaced while you are young. Some people change, but most do not. Dunbar is not only a cheater, but worse -- someone who can not even be honest with himself.

Sure, Ashli is a brat, but this is Dunbar's doing. By seemingly letting him off the hook, it justifies his excuses.

Sometimes standing by your man is not the best thing if you want to stand tall as a woman. I think any one watching the show would want you to be happy. I hope you find your way through this and try to see the forest through the trees.

Anonymous said...

Well said 2:49 p.m.

And I'll add that the I think a lot the hate we're seeing here for both Dunbar and Ashli is because those two and their behavior leading up to having sex opens a lot of wounds for viewers. For all of us who have been cheated on, and had to endure the gut-wrenching imagination of "what happened," "who did what" "how did happen," those two played it all out for us to see. It made me want to vomit. Dunbar is so moody, I honestly wasn't sure if he would cheat, or explode (with anger)on Ashli when he remembered he was being FILMED.

If Ashli hasn't been in love, and cheated on yet, her full circle moment is going to be more painful now, b/c she'll remember this for the rest of her life. If she has been cheated on, then perhaps that explains why she has no self-respect for herself and had no respect for Julie.

Anonymous said...

Go here... Dunbar apologies (but blames producers too.)


Anonymous said...

Julie should be mad at all the castmembers. Why didn't any of cast slap Dunbar in the head or explain how awesome Julie was to Ashli? (I know we saw Isaac trying hard to convince all of his room mates to get a grip) If the rest of the cast did why didn't the editors show that... It is important for young people to see that kind of friendship, and moral fiber. If Parisa wasn't being treated so crappy, I bet she would have helped Ashli figure it all out. God help them all, if they were coached by the producers, or the film crew, to just let things happen. This probably really destroyed Julie, in ways she will take years to fully understand.

Anonymous said...

With any luck, when Dunbar tells her, she went out and got the biggest jollies of her life. All though if that happened, then she's turning into Ashli... eewwwww.

Anonymous said...

Young people shouldn't be watching this show. If they are, then that explains why our young generations continue to get sicker and sicker with Narcissism. MTV should be a paid cable station, and parents need to seriously get a grip on what crap is being shown to our kids.

Anonymous said...

^^Well said.

And this is also why the rest of the world hates us.

Anonymous said...




isaac is just plain awesome.

Anonymous said...

Go here - while Dunbar is ordering Tacos.

"Scum bar." You're lucky, lucky, lucky to have all the luck, you've had.

Anonymous said...

I was cheated on and it sucks but I can honestly say that dumping the bastard when I found out was the best thing that ever happened to me. My college boyfriend of 14 months cheated with his ex-girlfriend when he was home. I was totally devastated. He pleaded with me to give him another chance and i wouldn't. It hurt like hell because I was in love, but I felt i had no other choice. Julie should do the same, it's called respecting yourself and having self esteem. I knew if we stayed together it would never be the same. A relationship without trust is not a relationship, but hell on earth. In the end, it worked out for the better, 6 months later i met my fiancee. As for my ex, he called me over the summer and was telling me how he still cared for me. It seems the bastard respects me. You see if i took him back when he cheated, in the end he probably would have lost all respect for me. As it stands, I'm the one he will always remember for not taking his shit. I'm the one that got away......

Anonymous said...

The only one Julie should be mad at is Dunbar. Dunbar is the only one who cheated on her, nobody else. Ashli is just a name, as far as Julie should be concerned. It could have been anyone. The other castmates are not there to babysit Dunbar. Dunbar is a big boy who is going to make mistakes, and will have to deal with the consequences.

Anonymous said...

I love 7:59 PM's comment about Muslim and Jews getting along, a la Parisa and Isaac. That little playful scene is one of the best moments in this show in years. Kind, fun and genuine gestures make for good TV too. Hear that producers? Thanks for (finally) letting us see two decent people be happy... and decent. Given all the ugliness in this world, little moments like that are more valuable than you know.

Anonymous said...

Also, 10:00 PM, thanks for sharing your story. There is wisdom in there. I hope Julie is reading and realizes these are not disses.

Anonymous said...

what's the name of the song when parrissa is in the fountain right after she was talking to Isaac..it's goes like "it's gunna be alright baby" or something like that...i've been looking for it FOREVER..HELP!!


Anonymous said...

Julie can hate Ashli all she wants, but the blame should be directed at Dunbar. Women make the mistake of re-directing their hurt toward the other woman, instead of taking it out on the real culprit. Do yourself a favor and dump the bum. You'll get over him. Time heals all wounds.

Anonymous said...

4:22 PM is right, it takes two to tango but the blame should be put on Dunbar, who is the man in the relationship with Julie. Although Ashli obviously has no respect for Julie, what does she owe her?
Dunbar is the one who fucked up.

Anonymous said...

swimwiththefishes, I AGREE! :)

Anonymous said...

Its so bizarre...according to the Facebook group (address mentioned a few posts up), there are numerous posts from Julie where puts ALL the blame on Ashli and hates HER for it, and no blame on Dunbar whatsoever. Jeesh. They are still together. Must be nice Dunbar! You are the world's luckiest guy. I had this one girlfriend, she was so immature and ridiculous, she gave me a lot of sh-- for having pictures of a couple other girls (who were just friends) on my desk, alleged I was interested in them and cheating on her. Our 18 month relationship probably lasted about 16 or so months too long. Must be nice Dunbar, must be nice! Truth is stranger than fiction, I guess...

Anonymous said...

Well I guess we all know what Cohutta's stance on abortion is. At the risk of turning this into a discussion about the abortion issue (no worries, this board will go dead in a couple days), how can he just tell Kelly Anne what to do like that? Ultimately it is her choice - and I'm not just talking about the moving to Georgia part.

Anonymous said...

Parisa is the best, and the only one with a logical train of thought- keep repping NY to the fullest!!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone sniff anything out about how the reunion show went last week?

Anonymous said...

Ashli is a *itch of all *itches... She clearly makes it a point that the game and catch are the most fun... She should not have been in bed with Dunbar... If Dunbar is no angel but that HO need to get slapped...

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Ashley regrets sleeping with Dunbar, but Ashley did not cheat on julie, dunbar did.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, no doubt Ashli regrets sleeping with Dunbar. She's not stupid, she's young and learning.

Dunbar is a Dumb Bar-barian. Perhaps his parents' intent when they named him?

Ashli isn't to blame for Julie's pain. But Ashli did hurt the "girl code" more than Trasha's interpretation of what Parisa did: In really harmful ways for inexperienced girls and young women who watch the show.

Why don't these girls/woman get that they are about to go on national TV and set an example? It's because young girls like Ashli are too busy trying to prove their worth, identity and power in a world that screams at them everyday - DEFINE YOURSELF SEXY GIRL.

Shame on MTV for preying on them, and embarassing them, and for showing young men and woman all the wrong things.

It's the Truman Show, backward, upside down, and fast forwarded.

Yet we adults watch. Let's hope we're learning how to change it.

Anonymous said...

If the people who join these casts are all about wanting to meet: Jesus Christ, Oprah, Jessica Simpson, according to their facebook, myspace pages: Then why would they want their drunk photos, crotch shots, who got to fuc* who argument and "LOOK WHO I GOT MEET?" photos posted all over the internet?

You want to meet your heros? Then start acting like them.


Anonymous said...

9:12, great post. I agree. What I don't understand is how these young people don't realize that they are being filmed. It seems that they have no pride.

Anonymous said...

check out this interview I just found with Parisa - I CAN'T BELIEVE THE THINGS SHE SAYS!!!!!! http://www.iranian.com/main/2007/mtvs-own-persian-princess

Anonymous said...













Anonymous said...

You know who I miss? That other drunken Blonde- the one with the huge knockers and the rather sizable ass- the one that used to get drunk and then violent...Now SHE was unpredictable. Disgusting, too. But she lacked the judgemental stupidity of Trasha. Ahhh...Trasha. What a steaming pile of shite she is. We shall miss her...