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Monday, July 15, 2002

Wanda posts the extended list of the Battle of the Sexes; Shane's number is cracked

The beautiful Wanda at E-online has released an extended list of participants on the Challenge. Here they are:

Road Rules Guys:
Jake Bronstein (Islands)
Yes Duffy (Semester At Sea)
Antione de Bouverie (Europe)
James Orlando (Maximum Velocity Tour)
Laterrian Wallace (Maximum Velocity Tour)
Blair (The Quest)
Shane Landrum (The Campus Crawl)
Eric (The Campus Crawl)
Mark Long (USA -- Tour 1)

Road Rules Girls:
Emily Bailey (USA -- Tour 2)
Gladys Sanabria (Latin America)
Veronica Portillo (Semester At Sea)
Ellen Cho (The Quest)
Rachel (The Campus Crawl)
Ayanna Mackins (Semester At Sea)
Jisela Delgado (The Quest)
Christina Patsiksky (Australia)
Anne Wharton (Northern Trail)

Real World Guys
Eric Nies (New York)
David Edwards (Los Angeles)
Dan Renzi (Miami)
David Broom (New Orleans)
Theo Gannt (Chicago)
Colin Mortensen (Hawaii)
Jamie Murra (New Orleans)
Puck Rainey (San Francisco)

Real World Girls:
Beth Stolarczyk (Los Angeles)
Genesis Moss (Boston)
Amaya Brecher (Hawaii)
Ruthie Alcalade (Hawaii)
Melissa Howard (New Orleans)
Julie Stoffer (New Orleans)
Lori Trespicio (Back to New York)
Keri Evans (Chicago)
Tonya Cooley (Chicago)

I doubt the total accuracy of the list... but I believe most of it is good to go! (I thought Jisela said she didn't want nothing to do with BMP anymore...) WOW! Veronica, Ayanna, and Puck in the same place?. Hahah. She also commented on Tonya's attendance, saying that they all hate the show until a Jamaican vacation and $4,000 comes rolling along... ($4,000 for story rights????) Thank you to Wanda! Also, she handed out two clues about who will get the boot on Road Rules: (NOTE: This is a semi-spoiler!!)

Q: Wanda darling, could you please find it in you heart to tell us who gets
the boot on Road Rules or at least give us some helpful hints?
A: Sure. Here's a hint: *I* wouldn't boot em.

Q:Wanda, love ya! Give us another clue about who gets the boot on Road Rules! Please tell me its Sarah!
A: What about the SUSPENSE?! I'll just tell you that you won't be disappointed. They will make it SEEM like it is someone else than it really is, but don't be fooled!

What the hell does this mean? I don't know. Does the first one mean that she wouldn't pick this guy because she likes him. Or that "I" significance mean that it's someone who is all about themselves. I have NO idea. And secondly, she gives a big hint that it's not Sarah who gets voted off. (Because it seems that she is being voted off already.) However, they are also have been concentrating on Shane's lazy/goofing off attitude lately and how they think he's slacking... But they might start focusing on someone else too... Who will it be? (NOTE: We know that a lot of sites out there are saying it is Sarah, but hopefully it isn't... because Rachel commented on the first episode that Sarah WOULD be the one to go if it ever came down to that. Hopefully, the story editors wouldn't be that moronic!) Stay tuned and find out!

NOTE: We had learned that someone actually cracked Shane's phone number, but it has recently been disconnected. (Read the previous post to get more!)

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