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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving 2006

Yet another Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving 2006!

Thank YOU for coming day after day!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Real World Denver premiere day news chatter round-up

There's a lot of small chatter of The Real World premiering tonight. Here's a look at a couple of articles:

New York Times

What's On Tonight
By Kathryn Shattuck

In this 18th -- count 'em -- season premiere, seven strangers take up residence in the LoDo (for Lower Downtown) section of Denver, where during the day they work as Outward Bound counselors for adolescents affected by Hurricane Katrina while tearing up the Mile High City at night.


Newsday (Nassau and Suffolk NY Edition)

Wednesday TV: Tonight


The Real World (10 p.m., MTV) - In the 18th edition of the granddaddy of all reality shows, a new group of housemates hang out in Denver.


Entertainment Weekly

What to Watch
Alynda Wheat

Season Premiere
The Real World: Denver
I know, 18 seasons, but at higher altitudes they get drunk and slutty even faster.


The Rocky Mountain News

Probably the most interesting articles are coming from this paper. In this exclusive, they detail several events in the first episode. (Highlight to read) They drink a lot. Some girl-on-girl action happens when they get in the hot tub. (This is not the Jenn/Brooke clip we saw.) "Stephen proves that African-American frat boys can be bigots too." And then, Alex hooks up with both Jenn and Colie and then you see Jenn apologizing to Colie.

They also have an article that interviews Jon Murray, creator of The Real World and he addresses several things. It went to press today, so it's on the website yet. He mentions how Alex ends up with Jenn and Colie. Brooke hates the Outward Bound job, but then goes through the most profound change during the sesason. Tyrie's passionate side gets him into trouble. And Brooke has a problem about how Davis still makes out with women and the Stephen/Davis friendship expands rapidly rather than deteriorates.

Then he addresses the notion that the show has focused increasingly on alcohol. He actually says that they try to stay away from the heavy drinkers and he attributes the difference to kids using "alcohol differently than they did in 1992."

The Real World XVIII: Denver airs its season premiere tonight only on MTV

It has come.

Ever since Denver began filming early this summer, we have been waiting in anticipation for the cast of The Real World: Denver to hit our television screens.

Now, tonight at 8PM, 9PM, and 10PM Alex, Brooke, Colie, Davis, Jenn, Stephen and Tyrie will descend upon their house on Market Street and move onto MTV for the next couple months.

Check back here for the latest updates and news.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Curious to know about how you would fit in the Denver cast? Take these two quizzes

The following are two pretty sweet quizzes that asks your preferences and will match you up with the Denver roommates who'll be your friend, your enemy, and your hook-up. It's pretty evident by some of the questions who they're referring to, but it's a fun little quiz to take before you watch the season premiere tomorrow:

Friend, Enemy, Hook-Up

This second quiz asks who were your favorite Real Worlders of seasons past and then it will match you to who you'll end up liking most this coming season.

If You Like, Then You'll Love

There are both fun little quizzes. Watch the Real World: Denver tomorrow on MTV airing at 8p, 9p, and 10pm!

Denver premieres tomorrow and we have a special treat for you in anticipation

The Real World's 18th season premieres tomorrow night and in celebration, we're bringing you two very special videos that show you some of the casting tapes of your favorite alumni and the current Denver kids.

Check them out:

Enjoy the clips! Remember, The Real world: Denver premieres tomorrow night at 8, 9, and 10PM!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Tyrie will be hosting a viewing party at LoDo's in Denver on Wednesday

Tyrie (Denver) will be in Denver on Wednesday, hosting the premiere party of the Real World Denver at the infamous LoDo's Bar & Grill, the hangout where the seven strangers used to go, across the street from the house.

Lodo's is at 1946 Market Street, so once you are done watching the premiere, you can go check out the outside of the house . The premiere party starts at 7pm, with the three airings at 8, 9, and 10pm.

So, go ahead, get down to Lodo's, and party it up with Ty, much like the seven strangers did last summer.

And if not, remember, Denver premieres on screens across the nation on Wednesday night at 8, 9, and 10PM!

The Inferno III is done filming and all its castmembers have returned home

The Inferno III has recently wrapped up filming and all of it castmembers have now returned home.

Although filming has wrapped, there is still no word on how the teams were split up, who stayed, and who won the competition. More information will undoubtely be revealed as time goes by.

Also, MM Agency reveals that at least one castmember from Denver had survived until the end.

Trishelle stars in a new reality series and has a part in the Dukes of Hazzard 2

Trishelle is keeping busy these days. She's recently been cast as a part of a new reality show that is syndicated on FOX Networks.

The show is called VIP Passport and no, it's not a reality version of Pamela Anderson's old syndicated show. This show follows five Americans who go around the world, partaking in life's grandest and finest luxuries. Other reality vets are on it, but it's not a former reality TV thing. The show, which has aired three episodes, is syndicated, so check your local listings. Also, the show will give away a few cars, so it's worth checking out. Here's the MySpace page.

She'll also be starring in the Dukes of Hazzard 2 which is a prequel to the first film. She plays the part of "Ally Handy." Congratulations to Trishelle!

Eric Nies will be the next alumni to be a part of the Celebrity Paranormal Project

The last we heard of Eric Nies (New York) was that he was training a sumo wrestler in preparation for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. That was shortly after Battle of the Sexes 2 aired, which he won.

Yesterday, to our surprise, he showed up on the promo for Celebrity Paranormal Project, the Fear-like series which brings together celebrities to investigate paranormal sites around the United States. Tonya (Chicago) recently filmed an episode of the show.

Eric will be joining celebrities like Nicole Eggert and Ernie Hudson to investigate paranormal activity next Sund

ay only on VH1's Celebreality. If you're a fan of Eric, don't miss it.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Jeep product places the hell out of its new SUV, will be the center of a Real World trivia contest

In last night's Las Vegas marathon, we saw promos and promos and promos for the new Denver season.

We also saw new promos for the 2007 Jeep Compass Contest. Jeep is running ads all over MTV asking you to tune in on Wednesday night, for a chance to answer some questions about the new season, and possibly win a 2007 Jeep Compass. They have a website listed here, but it is currently not working.

This marks a product placement blitz by Jeep, because you'll see the Jeep everywhere in Denver. The bar in the living room is made out of a Jeep. The car that the cast will be given is a Jeep Compass. And I'm pretty sure you'll hear Jeep a couple of times uttered by some of the roommates.

Maybe you can win a car out of it. Stay tuned for Wednesday.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

MTV is promoting a 3-way premiere for Wednesday night; Las Vegas is airing now

The Real World: Las Vegas is currently hitting television screens across the nation. (The marathon ends Sunday morning at 5:30am)

So, while re-living a season since passed, we've become inundated with promos for the Denver season. Among other things, MTV is advertising a 3-way season premiere. This might be code for some questionable activity that may occur later on in the season, but it also says to tune in on Wednesday at 8, 9, and 10pm.

On the schedule, they show three one-hour episodes airing back to back. More than likely, what they'll end up doing, is airing the first episode at 8pm and repeat it twice, back-to-back.

Don't forget to check it out! Denver season on Wednesday at 8!

Dan's Denver House Tour is up on Overdrive; He will be booked to host the finale in January

So, every season since Chicago, there's been a reunion in the MTV studios, usually where they host TRL, usually hosted by a VJ.

(Trivia Note: They used to do reunions every couple of years. They did one four seasons into the series and another one ten seasons into the series. After the cast almost staged a revolt during the tenth season reunion, demanding more money, they stopped doing those.)

So, the last few reunions have been hosted by Susie Castillo. She even recently hosted the similar Laguna Beach finale. However, this season, it looks like an alumni will be hosting.

Dan, recently hosted the House Tour which was an On Demand video that has been available to cable subscribers with DVRs for quite awhile. (It is now available on Overdrive.) However, Dan (Miami) recently announced over at his TypePad that he will be hosting the reunion in much of a "talk show" format that they always do. Should be interesting having an alumni interview the cast.

The reunion tapes in January.

In anticipation of the new season, MTV releases On Demand clips onto Overdrive

Since this is the last weekend that you will go "Real World-less" for a considerable amount of time, MTV is releasing a couple of videos that will satiate your appetite. Check them out on Overdrive.

The clips are opened up by Blair (The Quest) who introduces Dan (Miami) and the rest of the clips:

Dan's House Tour: He starts in the living room. He sits in the chairlifts in the living room. Goes over to the "guest bedroom." He checks out the phone room. He checks out the Jeep/converted bar in the living room. The fireplace has a fish tank. He checks out the kitchen. Then he goes up to the bedrooms. The house has an interesting "changing area" behind the beds which you'll see once the season starts. He lays shuffleboard upstairs on the shuffleboard court. He then rolls around the C-couch. He looks at the office and ridicules its use and the books behind the desk. He then goes to the bathroom, which has four sinks, two toilets and two huge open showers with six showerheads. He also says this is the first house to have a gym, which is untrue, a couple of houses have had gyms including San Diego and Hawaii. Then he goes to the confessional and it's potential to hook-up. Then he checks out the basketball court/courtyard which has an endless pool and the hot tub.

Mile High Clubbin': The tour begins in front of Coors Field, which is front of the house. He then checks out LoDo's and they basically say they were loud and drunk. He interviews the Tavern and they say they ordered six shots in two minutes. Next, he's over to Tryst, which ridiculed them for not tipping, breaking things, throwing glass at servers, etc., He's then over to the Rock Bottom Brewery where the waitress seemed out of it, but she did mention that they drank.

High Altitude, Bad Attitude: This is a odd video. It starts of with sweeping shots of the Rocky Mountains, intertwined with the castmembers fighting. Then slowly, they begin introudcing a storm over the mountains, with some footage of castmembers fighting and yelling at each other.

Two local papers detail the upcoming Denver season which premieres on Wednesday

We're less than a couple days away from the premiere of The Real World: Denver. Local newspapers are busy publicizing the new season.

The Rocky Mountain news has a pretty extensive section on the Real World. They also published four new articles yesterday, detailing the places the Denver cast went, an overview of the past fourteen years of the Real World, biographies of each of the castmembers and a look at the Denver house. they also list older articles for you to enjoy.

The Denver Post also posts in their style section, a wonderful expose on the house itself. Complete with pictures.

In other news, yet unpublished news, I'm being told that Entertainment Weekly is doing a short blurb on the Denver season that ridicules the "slutty, drunkness" of the series in mad libs form. It's a bit comical. That issue comes out next Friday.

Don't forget, Alex, Brooke, Colie, Davis, Jenn, Stephen and Tyrie will be gracing your television screens this upcoming Wednesday night. Also, The Las Vegas marathon starts tonight.

Overdrive posts a new video detailing the most criminally insane moments of the series

Randy (San Diego) and Leah (Paris) are back as the countdown hosts, with a brand new countdown, detailing the castmembers brush with the law. Here's a lowdown of the countdown:

5) Nehemiah (Austin) is arrested for a fight. Johanna (Austin) is arrested for stealing a rose.

4) Karamo (Philadelphia) is patted down by the Philadelphia police for suspected of having a gun.

3) Jo (San Francisco) calling the police in the Gauntlet II because she freaks out after she sees what gos on in th Challenges.

2) Derrick (Extreme) is taken into custody for hitting a tree with the RV in Chile.

1) Robin (San Diego) is arrested for assault against a marine. Brad (San Diego) is arrested for public intoxication.

Go and check it out at Overdrive.

Friday, November 17, 2006

The Real World: Las Vegas marathon airs tomorrow in the wee hours of the morning

So, if you're a die hard Las Vegas fan, you can check out the entire season tomorrow. MTV will play the season, in its entirety, beginning at 7PM. The only thing is that it will play the season well into the wee hours in the morning, so get out your VHS tapes or DVRs if you want to record it. This brings out memories of the MTV of yesteryear which used to air multiple seasons whenever a new season premiered. Probably in fear of being called "The Real World" network, because they no longer air music videos, they don't do that anymore.

So, catch your Las Vegas seven as they live it up in the Palms Hotel/Casino. Just a little side note, this is probably the first sensationalized season of The Real World, where the focus really changed to the partying instead of the dynamics between the seven roommates. That being said, it's probably the best season of the "partying" Real Worlds. I remember it being a little drawn out because this was the first season with an extended amount of episodes. However, there are some great moments in there: the threesome between Trishelle, Steven, and Brynn, the "fork" incident, the creepy boss who tries to hook up with all the girls, the Alton/Irulan relationship, the Arissa/Frank fight while Frank is hooking up in the confessional, the Alton/Irulan confrontation about him having a threesome. There's just some great moments in this season. Plus, it's in Vegas!

Also, this is one of the only seasons which you can actually purchase, so if you really end up liking it, you can buy it. It begins at 7PM on Saturay. The season finale will air on Sunday morning at 5:30AM.

Aftershow: "Tenderoni" visits Blair and is teased for his relationship with Beth

Nehemiah (Austin) said the Challenge was pretty overwhelming, having all the outlandish personalities, knowing your names, and ready to battle it out. Wes (Austin) tried to help out telling him not to get people angry.
Unlike, Fresh Meat, Nehemiah didn't feel that he was targeted, because Key West was targeted. Until they were voted out. Blair also makes fun of how Beth and him met before the show for the Reality TV Calendar. He aligned up with Beth because of what he knew of her. He didn't want to hate her because he didn't like the "high school" vibe. He admits to cuddling with Beth, while Blair is laughing while Nehemiah compares Beth to warm apple pie. Beth was one of the only people he could talk to.

Nehemiah learns that "money is the root of all evil." When there's that much money at stake, he invokes the snake analogy again.

Then the basket game:

Wes: is his "boy", he deserves to win because of his work ethic, they'll be friends forever especially if he wins.

John (Key West): his name says it all. He doesn't seem like he's very fond of him. He takes a shot at him. He doesn't like him and he tells him to his face. "Too loud for his own good." Doesn't have anything intelligent to say. He got play more than everyone in the short time he was there.

Svetlana (Key West): She was cute. People are underestimating her because people thought she was stupid, but she was playing the game well. Then they talk about Fitz wearing a bikini and get all excited.

Eric (Fresh Meat): They're friends. He's a really cool guy, happy guy, enjoys life.

Evan (Fresh Meat): He likes Evan. They had a conservation with Wes and Evan where they shoot him down.

Diem (Fresh Meat): He related to Diem because his cousin passed away from cancer.

Beth (Los Angeles): "Sweet irony", he draws himself into a corner and says that he saw her naked, and was pleasantly surprised.

Nehemiah gets a XBOX360, which is kinda weird since everyone else got a free plane ticket for two wherever they wanted in the continental United States.

The Sh*^ You Didn't See: Wes making fun of Eric's high fives, Nehemiah criticizes Kenny, Nehemiah, Kenny, Evan, Eric and CT sidestepping in a bar.

Duel Episode #6: Let the scrambling begin, the girls partner with the boys, Diem doesn't save Eric, "Tenderoni" goes home

So now that the newest alumni are gone (aka Key West) everyone is getting a bit worried as to which alliance will be targeted next. If you're paying attention, there's three alliances: 1) the "tenderoni" alliance (Beth (Los Angeles), Nehemiah (Austin), Wes (Austin), Aneesa (Chicago), Svetlana (Key West))); 2) the "drama mafia" (CT (Paris), Diem (Fresh Meat), Derrick (Extreme), Kina (Extreme), Jodi (Extreme), Robin (San Diego), and to some extent Brad (San Diego)); and there's 3) the "Fresh Meat" alliance (Evan (Fresh Meat), Eric (Fresh Meat)) It's readily apparent that the Fresh Meat alliance, being the smallest, will be targeted first. But there's varying degrees of loyalty between the alliances: Diem is a part of the "Fresh Meaters", Brad is more of a floater and Robin pulls him into the "Drama Mafia" (same thing with Derrick and Kina, Svetlana is more of an outsider as well.)

So with the strategy lesson posted above, it becomes evident that since there isn't really any smaller groups to target, it's likely that the alliances will implode on themselves and people will start going home. This sends everyone into a tizzy. Because there are less people to choose to go into the Duel, it becomes apparent that the alliances will have to battle it out against each other.

When the mission comes up, the guys are mega-critical of the girls, namely because the girls performances heavily affect the guys. Evan picks Kina, who after he doesn't express the greatest amount of confidence in because she is a "lot of talk", propels him to victory with her quick time. Eric interestingly chose Beth. Anyway, the pecking order is set off with the "drama mafia" being picked first as Evan chooses Kina. The last guy chosen was Wes. Diem makes this choice, which she presumes pisses Eric off because they are in an alliance together. The last two guys are Nehemiah and Eric, with Beth having to make the decision. Beth says that she doesn't like Eric, and of course, she can't leave out her "tenderoni", she picks Nehemiah. Eric picks Nehemiah, because he's 80% talk.

The two compete in "I Can" and Eric is challened to lift 165 logs. (They max out on the number of logs they can lift, which is kinda weak.) Anyway, Eric pulls through and sends "tenderoni" home. Next week, the "tenderoni" alliance will be faced with dwindling numbers, especially since there is only one guy left on that alliance.