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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sydney Episode #14: Post your reactions here

It looks like this will be the episode where one of the roommates actually moves out. Talk about new developments as Shauvon (Sydney) moves home to be with her boyfriend David. Will Ashli (Sydney) replace her? Will Trisha (Sydney) go crazy without Shauvon in the house? Will Trisha even go home? Are the boys even part of the show anymore?

Post your reactions here.


Anonymous said...

Aren't Trisha and Shauvon living together in LA? Wonder if she and David are even still together if that's the case. Shauvon needs to grow a backbone!

Anonymous said...

the new roomate is HOTTTT though i think shes gone be annoying it seems like shes there for the cameras

Anonymous said...

i hope Trisha does go home...

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the name of the song that was playing while Shauvon was saying good-bye and while she was getting on the taxi?

Anonymous said...

I AM SOOO SICK OF SEEING PEOPLE FROM CALIFORNIA TRY TO MAKE IT ON T.V. i really wanted someone to come on (like parissa) and be opinionated....from the previews it looks like this chick is just gonna be a brunette version of shauvon with smaller tits....

when/if trisha goes home im sure we'll see another dumb california twat try to make a name for herself and then move to LA and try to act....

god when is this show gonna live up to its name.....THE REAL WORLD.... not the world where drunken twenty somethings make asses of themselves for three months then go off and do challenges or move to LA and try to live off of there false sense of celebrity....

im over this season......although season 20 is set in hollywood so im guessing another day of "The Hills" is in store

ill be watching I Love New least she's interesting (and on the new season of Nip/Tuck)

Anonymous said...

Honslty I think shaovon is dumb to leave an experince like this but its her choice and I bet in 4 0r five years she will regret it hope she makes up for this by doing acouple challanges

Anonymous said...

judging by her Myspace, Shauvon and David are still together.

Trisha is living in LA but not with Shauvon

Anonymous said...

First Trisha and Shauvon and now kellyann. Just because parisa was dancing with a guy kellyanne had danced with she is now calling parisa a slut. What is going on in these girls head? KellyAnne has two guys she already claims and now she is claiming a third, who's the slut. Cohutta needs to run and run fast.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean Trisha isn't going to leave? Dammit, that's why I watch every week. Sigh. Well if that's how it's gotta be ...

Anyway, Shauvon's man was driving her crazy. She started out all smart and enlightened and then kept getting trashed, making out with ugly short Aussie dudes, and throwing stuff at Cohutta (of all the innocent people). Seriously, she's a lunatic without David. Hurry home Shauvon, I'm sure you'll be shrieking at stewardesses on the 14 hour plane ride.

Anonymous said...

does kelly-ann seem like a 10yr. old calling paris a slut when she selpt w/cohutta and flirting w/ the guy @ the bar and dunbar she just seems slow in the mind.air head