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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sydney Preview: Does Shauvon go home? Will she be replaced with Ashli?


    Anonymous said...

    On MTV.com they always have a 7 min video of the beginning of the next weeks episodes. I watch it every week and the one for this, Contiki Tours sends the group to another part of Australia. Needless to say her bf is not happy to hear of the trip and wants her home NOW. So she is forced to make a decision before they are to leave. She decides to pack and leave while the rest of the roomates go on there trip. So she is definitly leaving.

    Like I said every week after the episode airs you can go to Mtv.com and watch and 7 min sneek peak of the following weeks episode. I love it that they offer this!!

    Also looking at Ashli's myspace page a couple weeks ago it pretty much already gave it away that she was gonna be on the show. I liked Shavoun alot, gonna miss her, but hope she's happy :)

    Anonymous said...

    yes, she does leave...she doesn't go on the contiki tour with the group, but goes home instead

    Anonymous said...

    I noticed realited to complaints about the cast the reason I feel they chosse only parisa as the minortiy is becasue aussies are racist and hate black people I also thin shavon comes back to the shoe danny from austin did

    Anonymous said...

    Danny's mom died... noone is dying in Shauvon's life... She's chosing her fiance over the "real world experience". She probably won't be back.

    Anonymous said...

    person above me, could you please speak english next time??

    Unknown said...

    i thought Trisha gets kicked off. Didn't someone post about how she gets in a fight with parisa or something like that.

    Anonymous said...

    thank God comments are moderated. it was getting way too crazy here.

    Anonymous said...

    I think Shauvon should really start thinking for herself and not let a man tell her how to think. Her bf sounds controlling and abusive. She should get out now before it gets too bad.

    Patricia said...

    i would imagine that if shauvon decides to leave (which apparently, she does), she effectively terminates her contract with mtv in terms of the real world. i think danny was given the opportunity to come back because he had a death in the family. he didn't choose for his mother to die, but shauvon did choose to go home to be with her boyfriend.

    i hope the parisa/trisha blow up happens soon...this season has been relatively boring. theyre really milking the shauvon thing for all its worth, its time to move on now. i hope ashli is somewhat entertaining. remember how amazingly boring charlie was in san diego? worst replacement cast member EVER.

    Anonymous said...

    I agree with 4:19...it seems Shauvon doesn't have a mind of her own.

    Anonymous said...

    Patricia (9:02) - I don't think it was that Charlie was boring, I think he got hosed by the circumstances. I read somewhere that Frankie actually left half-way through the season, and they were both there for equal amounts of time, but MTV edited it so he was only in a few episodes. From what I remember, a lot of that (the editing) had to do with the whole rape accusation in the house.

    Anyway, I am really surprised that Shauvon left - I can't imagine being in a relationship like that.

    Patricia said...

    6:55 --
    youre right about the time spent in the house between frankie and charlie, and about the rape situation. i had forgotten about the circumstances, he did kind of get screwed over. thanks for reminding me about that. (=