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Thursday, November 01, 2007

Sydney Episode #14: Shauvon leaves the house, the roommates go on vacation, Kelly Anne settles

This episode primarily focused on Kelly Anne (Sydney) and Shauvon (Sydney). The group gets news that they will be visiting Cairins, Australia, which is where the Great Barrier Reef lies. Shauvon returns home, calls David, and tells him. David is clearly upset that she would even think about going on vacation while the two were at this stage in their lives. Eventually, Shauvon musters the courage up to say that she will not be going with the roommates to Cairins and she will indeed be leaving the house. Shauvon has left the Real World.

The rest of the roommates go on the trip to Cairins. The episode is really about Kelly Anne. Kelly Anne is trying to get over Sutton, her boyfriend back home, but she's only finally starting to realize that. She has Cohutta (Sydney) here in Sydney, but the relationship with Cohutta is still very unclear to Kelly Anne.

The group does any number of things while in Cairins, from lying out in boats, snorkeling in the reef, going to the beach, bungee jumping. Most prominently, Kelly Anne gets jealous when Cohutta starts talking to girls. Kelly Anne not wanting to be outdone, goes and finds a boy at a bar. Except, Parisa (Sydney) cuts in while Kelly Anne is dancing with a boy and this infuriates Kelly Anne.

Kelly Anne and Trisha (Sydney) break off to talk crap about Parisa and call her an "undercover slut." The two eventually are able to reconcile with Kelly Anne apologizing for her behavior. The roommates return home, and Kelly Anne eventually warms up to Cohutta. They decide that Kelly Anne needs a male presence in her life, a fatherly figure, and she seems to be okay with letting go of Sutton.

Most importantly, next week, Ashli (Sydney) comes into town. What's the first thing she does? Rips down all of Shauvon's pictures.


Anonymous said...

seeing parisa butt in on kelly ann's boytoy almost makes me sympathize with trisha. which sickens me. damn parisa!

shauvon's 'fiance' is a controlling freak. there is seriously something wrong with a man who would make a woman leave midway through an experience just b/c he thinks she should be with him. four months is not that long of a time in the grand scheme of things. what a douche.

Anonymous said...

Boy is she going to regret that one...

Anonymous said...

does anyone else not like the new roomate? im still going to give her a chance because shes still new, but ripping down shauvons pictures was really obnoxious and immature, what is she 12? you can tell that shes all about getting non stop attention. not to mention she isnt very cute, her face looks like a square box.

Anonymous said...

I hope Shauvon marries the fool because it will mean two losers have found each other. How much time was really left that he needed her to come home immediately? And if he doesn't trust her to stay, what does that say about their relationship? Wasn't part of her problem with the boyfriend was that he ALSO didn't want her to have a career? Is she going to give that up too? Wimpy ass chicks like her make me sick. Go home, make babies and get rid of those ridiculous implants.

Anonymous said...

What I think is funny is that Parisa thinks that a guy would be attracted to her over Trisha and Kelly Ann. Girl, get a grip - you're not that cute!

Anonymous said...

Let's do a sum up of everyone in the house at this point in the show.

Isaac- the coolest guy, never on camera
Cohutta- mountain baby maker
Dunbar- psycho gorilla man
Parisa- coming to grips with red staters
Kelly Ann- mountain baby maker
Trisha- Jesus' best friend who ignores him

Anonymous said...

She is the most annoying biatch i have ever watched on tv. whiny pain in the butt.....i hope her "relationship" doesn't work!

Anonymous said...

i dunno about this ashli girl, i hope my girl trisha put that bee in her place

Anonymous said...

does anyone know if they reshoot the beginning of the real world? like the part where they are like this is the true story.. because shauvon will be in it the rest of the season and that new girl ashli wont

Anonymous said...

Why did Shauvon leave with all her pictures still up?

No wonder Ashli had to rip them to get them off. It would have taken her a long time to carefully pull them all down. If they were so important, Shauvon should have taken them. She should have had respect for the new girl. Why would she want to stare at the girl she replaced the whole time she was there?!

Anonymous said...

is that why she left? her boyfriend told her to? why would she mmiss a once in a lifetime thing b/c he told her to. she should learn to think for herself if thats why she left

Anonymous said...

it will surelly air on december like gauntlet 2 !!! that will be like in the 20 th episode of sydney !!!

Anonymous said...

kelly Ann's boytoy? Which one? Cohutta? Sutton? Random guy on the streets who she happens to want to fuck at the moment?

Anonymous said...

i dont get a good vibe from this ashli girl. im dissapointed in the choice mtv made. i feel as if they could have found a better person to put in as the new roomate.

Anonymous said...

She is going to totally regret this decision, and in the long run the regret will ruin the relationship. Very unwise decision on her part.

Anonymous said...

I think that when Ashli came in and ripped down the pictures was messed up. I wonder how she will fit in with all the other girls. And why would Shauvon have even gone on the real world if her fiancee didn't want her too, was she just doing it to be on tv?

Anonymous said...

I think that Shauvon was rushed out of the house to get her flight, thats why she didn't take the pictures down. Also, Ashli should respect Shauvon. After all, she is the reason why she is in the house.

Anonymous said...

I love how so many people can get a whole picture of the new girl from a very short clip of next week's episode - from the looks of the myspace pages of the cast the new girl must fit in very well and become good friends with the cast. The jives - pretty funny.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Shauvon is gone, now we don't have to see her fake ass crying all of the time. She has no spine, and I bet her relationship eventually gets worse because she doesn't stand up for herself.

If I were new to the house, I would take down those pix too. Why the hell would I want to look at those pix everyday... put them somewhere else or something. I bet MTV is just trying to portray Ashli in a negative light in the beginning, then they'll eventually start reversing it.

As far as why someone would choose Parissa over the other girls... to each their own. Everyone has their own taste and preference, not everyone likes white girls. Believe it or not, there are some who do like people of ethnicity.

Kelly Anne shouldn't be talking about someone being a slut... especially when she was grinding and kissing some random guy earlier in the episode. Then she goes back to Cohutta and is all over him, what a hypocrite...

Anonymous said...

OK did anyone notice some bad editing in this episode??? When you watch the end of the episode Kelly Anne is talking to Cohutta on the bench in the front yard and they are playing what she is saying loud and clear but they don't show her talking...when they do cut to a different angle its far back and if you look at her mouth is TOTALLY doesn't match the words coming out of her mouth.

Anonymous said...

Why would ashli want to sleep with shauvon's pictures over her bed? lets be practical here. no matter how she took the pictures down, it would look bad.

Anonymous said...

3:08---i noticed that too! it was totally staged.. looks like real world is pulling a "hills"

Anonymous said...

and the funny thing is: after all that trouble Shauvon isn't even with that guy anymore

Anonymous said...

I gotta check that next time...

When Dunbar and Issac were telling Cohutta to cut his ties with KellyAnne on the couch...did anyone notice Dunbar was completely grabbing his balls through that whole convo?? Right in the camera while sitting on the couch, legs sitting up......I'm surprised MTV didnt catch it...

I like Parisa WAY better than any other chick in the house!! Second..KellyAnne.. Trisha and Shauvon belong together.. KellyAnne is fickle too tho.... she always blends in wit the opinions of whoever is her friend at that moment.