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Saturday, November 03, 2007

Weekend Update: Who goes home?

This weekend, we want your opinion on the game of musicial chairs that is playing over at the Real World Sydney house.

Shauvon (Sydney) just permanently said adieu to the house when her boyfriend asked her to leave. Ashli (Sydney) has just moved in and now there's the question of Trisha (Sydney). The girls seem to still be at odds with Parisa (Sydney) and if the previews are any indication, Trisha pushes Parisa, and according to the zero tolerance policy, will be sent home.

Talk about the Real World Sydney girls. The predictions for when it will happen, if it will even happen. Do you agree with Shauvon's decision to leave the house? What about Ashli? Do you like her?

Opinions here!


Anonymous said...

Well.. I hope that Trisha does go home, because she's the "mean person" and it'd be like another L.A. if there were 9 roomates, and of course I want to see that fight.

I haven't seen Ashli enough on the show to know if I like her yet.. but, she seems like she is portrayed as the "annoying 19 y/o"

Anonymous said...

How in gods name are we going to know if we like ashli from a 3 second commercial? this is stupid.

Anonymous said...

well we havent even really seen ashli yet, so how do we know if we like her? shavoun shoudnt have even signed up if she wasnt 100% sure of staying. i hate the way parisha is always getting ganged up on.

Anonymous said...

trisha is replaced by a male castmenber

Anonymous said...

Yea, once again, The Blog was wrong by saying Ashli replaces Trisha. What else is not correct?

Anonymous said...

The girls are dumb, it would've been funny if they casted a black or an Asian girl instead of another white girl lol.

Anonymous said...

what about casting a lipstick lesbian somebody that looks similar to kelly anne or a gay pretty boy. that will be fun

Anonymous said...

another white person enterin the house... go figure. i wonder why the cast couldnt pick the new roomate lyk san fran or san diego... that wouldve been better than havin mtv choose.
i hav a feelin that wen trisha gets kicked out of the house, shauvon would return bak to sydney bcuz her relationship waznt goin well... but i dunno

Anonymous said...

i think shavouns move was risky but in the long run will work out in her favor. i think the trisha and parisa fight should be comign up within the next few weeks and cant wait for it. this ashli girl seems annyoing but again ive only seen a 5 second preview.

Anonymous said...

The Blog says Ashli replaces Shavoun or whatever her name is. It amazes me that from the little I have watched this season that Shavoun seemed educatated and successful in her job and she lets a BOY dicate what she does.

Anonymous said...

I can already say that I don't/won't like Ashli. Ripping the girls pictures down that they took with Shauvon? yeah she's a sweetheart, dumb bitch already and she hasen't even been on an episode yet.

Anonymous said...

anonymous:I really think this season is soo boring i think they should cast a gay guy..because i see Dunbar being a total homophobic and it will add a little bit of entertainment to the season....

Anonymous said...

why would that have been funny?

Anonymous said...

To 12:12 PM

They go on rumors and what people have told them. They never once said there 100 percent right, calm your ass down.

Oh and to 9:07 AM

who be surprised on how many people judge someone based on a picture, or in this case a 3 sec commercial

Anonymous said...

Who Goes Home?
Isn't that what this blog is supposed to do, answer questions like that?

...or is it just easier to have other people write the blog for you?

Anonymous said...

i think that if trisha gets kcked out of the house they will call shauvon back !!! they will not get another replacement !!!

Anonymous said...

I think Shauvon is a freakin' idiot for letting her boyfriend run her life like that. If I were her I would have told him to screw off. Nobody deserves to be treated that way by their loved one!

Anonymous said...

Trisha is just mean. Couple that with selfish immaturity and you have a recipe for cat fights. I can't believe she calls herself a christian and acts the way she does!

KellyAnn - goes whichever way the wind blows. She's young and has a lot to learn.

Shavoun - Kinda fugly. Especially when she gets ANGRY at being called a 6. Wow. She displays the opposite of class.

Parisa - the easy target for the mean girls. She doesn't play their game, and they have to hang her for that. Too bad. They could really learn from Parisa.

Anonymous said...

Probably will have to watch a episode or two to really say if I like her or not. I think it's good to have a fresh face on there though.

Anonymous said...

Trisha actually attacks Parisa with a butcher knife and gets arrested, then sent home.

They bring in a new castmember - the first of this kind ever - a transvestite. His/her name is Genoshea - 21 yr. old back man becoming a woman from Chicago, Il.

He/she pretends to be a full woman for a few days until Dunbar hooks up with him/her and finds out he/she has a penis.

Anonymous said...

Worst cast of Real World ever! BORING.....NEXT

Anonymous said...

How is Dunbar a homophobe? He went to that gay parade and looked like he was having fun to me.

As for Shauvon leaving to be with her boyfriend, she posted this on Myspace a couple of days ago:

"This is a Thank You but also to clear the air... referring The last episode everyone is messaging me about!!

No, I'am not with David...and I'am Single.

I had to make a decision at that time in my life (on the show) which was actually several months back even though you are just seeing it air now.

He is an amazing person and if you truley know what it is like to love someone then you can understand hardships within relationships.

But i have been single and for now will continue to stay that way till i find the right person for me!

I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you for the love, support, and amazingly nice things you message me! It truley puts a smile on my face every day!! I cant thank you enough!!

Love all of you!!"

Soooo she's not with him anymore. And I think Ashli is going to be cool...she has a funny sense of humor if you read her myspace/facebook. Only time will tell!

Anonymous said...

Trisha actually attacks Parisa with a butcher knife and gets arrested, then sent home.

They bring in a new castmember - the first of this kind ever - a transvestite. His/her name is Genoshea - 21 yr. old back man becoming a woman from Chicago, Il.

He/she pretends to be a full woman for a few days until Dunbar hooks up with him/her and finds out he/she has a penis.

is that true or made up

officesaurus said...

I can't believe the lack of diversity this season. Even for real world it's pretty bad.

Anonymous said...

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Real World Fans Please Read
Current mood: guilty
Category: Life

All I have to say is that I am truly ashamed of what came out of my mouth on the previews for "Coming up on the Real World". There are so many things that I've been distraught about on the show, but so far anything I'm ashamed of happening have been things portrayed in a false manner (i.e. MTV making it look like I cussed out someone for not speaking English, making it look like I'm AGAINST GAYS ((are you kidding me??)), and TRYING to make it seem like I made out with someone on the show), done by editing. I will be posting a blog within the next couple weeks to elaborate on all of these events, but for now I am posting an apology for what I said to my father about Parisa on the previews for upcoming episodes.

If anyone can honestly tell me that they haven't said something they don't mean out of anger, then I look up to you for having that strong of self control. However, I can assume that most people reading this blog have been so upset at one point in their lives to where they've said something horrible and distasteful, and that's what I am apologizing for tonight.

Parisa and I have both said cruel comments to each other when we've been at the peak of our anger. I can guarantee that things are going to still come out that Parisa has said to and about me and vice versa, to the same distasteful extent AND WORSE than what I said tonight, but thats not an excuse because what was shown tonight is what is going on in the current episodes. I am truly and utterly sorry, and I can honestly say it was out of anger and nothing else. I feel so ashamed of saying something about someone's physical appearance and do take it to heart. It was extremely uncalled for and, as I've previously mentioned, I am sure there are things that are so far unsaid that will come out that I will feel equally regretful for saying and I can only hope Parisa feels the same about things that have left her mouth out of anger. There was no editing in that, it truthfully was something I said in the context it was portrayed and that's why it is killing my conscience more than other scenes that skillful editing has wrongfully portrayed. That is all I have to say for now, again, I apologize for the words I used tonight because it is completely beneath my character and hurtful to others. Hope everyone has a great weekend and take care~


Anonymous said...

Yea, once again, The Blog was wrong by saying Ashli replaces Trisha. What else is not correct?

Dude, that's because Trisha and Shavoun look EXACTLY the same. Well maybe not without makeup and hair extentsions, but they've got all that and more, and you can't tell them apart. They're like a young version of the Barbie twins.

Anonymous said...

You guys (the blog) should make a message board. While I don't miss the incest comments, this whole comment moderation thing sucks in the sense that it limits us from actively engaging in discussion about the show. Having to wait for someone to approve your posts is beyond inconvenient, but of course this message will be omitted.

Anonymous said...

I Love You Trisha!!

Anonymous said...


Hmm... interesting post by Trisha. Sorry Trish, you're comments to Parisa were too harsh, and when she lashed back at you it caught you by surprise. But you deserved everything she said to you.

You're a Christian when it's convienent, b/c you certainly don't practice any of the teachings.

I think you need to grow up. Stop lashing out to people and GET A PERSONALITY!!

P.S. When we kissed, your breath was F-U-N-K-Y!!


Mikey said...

On the preview for next weeks episode Issac goes home. I'm shocked I hope that he returns to the house because he is the only one that I actually like.

Ashli seems okay to me I can't really make a judgement about her after her very minimal screen time during the episode.

However, I wish that they made Noirin the 8th roomate. She seems like such a cool chick.

Anonymous said...

I have seen the episodes with Asli and I don't like her. She is an immature temptress. I think it was a bad nmove on Shauvon's part to leave the house. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I think she will regret it later.
Hopefully Trisha goes home. We need Parisa for the drama and some diversity.

Anonymous said...

you go 1:57!

Anonymous said...

trasha is such a beeeeeooootch!