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Friday, September 29, 2006

The Duel Trailer is now available on Overdrive; We post the transcript with screencaps for you here

Along with the Beth clip posted on Overdrive, MTV has finally gotten around to posting the Duel trailer online. We're here to give you a full transcript complete with screencaps. Enjoy!

(Opens in Brazil)

Announcer: They came to Brazil, eager to compete and willing to do whatever it takes to win...

Beth: People ask all the time, "Beth, why are you gonna do another Challenge?" Why not?

Announcer: But they have no clue what the game will be...

(Flashes of castmembers, arrivals)

Tina: What the hell does the Duel mean?

(Cast smiling and happy)

Announcer: They thought that they would have to depend on their allies in order to defeat their enemies...

CT: The only thing I'm worried about right now is making sure that you guys spell my name right on that big check.

Announcer: But this time they couldn't be more wrong.

(Cast gathered around Duel stadium on mountaintop)

TJ: For starters, we're gonna can the whole team concept. There's gonna be two winners: one male, one female. Make no mistake about it, you're in this challenge by yourself.



(Clockwise: CT and Derrick in a Duel, Svetlana in a Duel, Diem in a Duel, CT in a Duel, Wes and Derrick in a Duel)

Nehemiah: We are fighting for $500,000. I can't even imagine the type of snakes that are gonna come out of people's personalities.

CT: What are you gonna do Wes? Shut the fuck up. I'll fucking kill you.


Aneesa: I don't trust anybody. If anybody wants to fucking know, I don't.

CT: This is pandemonia Larry!




(Clockwise: Aneesa tackles Paula, The cast looks on, Wes hang gliding over Brazil, Svetlana swimming in a tank, The Duel treasure chest, Wes trying to open the chest)

Brad: This conversation is fucking done. I got nothing more to say to you.


(Left to Right: Brad and Svetlana argue, Wes or CT pushes Nehemiah off a platform.)

Beth: You don't stab me in the front, you stab me in the back.

Kina: This is like blackmail!

Wes: No one is stupid enough to say I want to go against Wes in the Duel. That's like saying I want to go against Satan himself

(Diem and CT make out)

Aneesa: You are a disgrace and I am embarrassed to be a women because of you.

Wes: We just do a little Beth cackle and a little Wes manipulation...

(Jodi and Evan make out.)

Tina: Beth!

Beth: Tina!

Kina: Karma is a bitch

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