(Opens in Brazil)
Announcer: They came to Brazil, eager to compete and willing to do whatever it takes to win...
Beth: People ask all the time, "Beth, why are you gonna do another Challenge?" Why not?
Announcer: But they have no clue what the game will be...
(Flashes of castmembers, arrivals)
Tina: What the hell does the Duel mean?
(Cast smiling and happy)
Announcer: They thought that they would have to depend on their allies in order to defeat their enemies...
CT: The only thing I'm worried about right now is making sure that you guys spell my name right on that big check.
Announcer: But this time they couldn't be more wrong.
(Cast gathered around Duel stadium on mountaintop)
TJ: For starters, we're gonna can the whole team concept. There's gonna be two winners: one male, one female. Make no mistake about it, you're in this challenge by yourself.

(Clockwise: CT and Derrick in a Duel, Svetlana in a Duel, Diem in a Duel, CT in a Duel, Wes and Derrick in a Duel)
Nehemiah: We are fighting for $500,000. I can't even imagine the type of snakes that are gonna come out of people's personalities.

CT: What are you gonna do Wes? Shut the fuck up. I'll fucking kill you.

Aneesa: I don't trust anybody. If anybody wants to fucking know, I don't.

CT: This is pandemonia Larry!

(Clockwise: Aneesa tackles Paula, The cast looks on, Wes hang gliding over Brazil, Svetlana swimming in a tank, The Duel treasure chest, Wes trying to open the chest)
Brad: This conversation is fucking done. I got nothing more to say to you.

(Left to Right: Brad and Svetlana argue, Wes or CT pushes Nehemiah off a platform.)
Beth: You don't stab me in the front, you stab me in the back.

Kina: This is like blackmail!

Wes: No one is stupid enough to say I want to go against Wes in the Duel. That's like saying I want to go against Satan himself

(Diem and CT make out)
Aneesa: You are a disgrace and I am embarrassed to be a women because of you.

Wes: We just do a little Beth cackle and a little Wes manipulation...

(Jodi and Evan make out.)
Tina: Beth!
Beth: Tina!

Kina: Karma is a bitch
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