You know a marriage between you and me would never work out, don't you Stephen? Because you're a homosexual. -Irene (Seattle)
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Monday, June 18, 2007

Coral comes out of the closet as "venturing toward her lesbian qualities"

Perez Hilton broke this story on Coral (Back to New York), who has presumably come out as a lesbian after years of dating men including some on reality television.

The interview talks about how Coral has recently decided to venture toward women and decided not to do so on reality television because it'd be kinda mean to come out to her parents on a reality television show. She was seen cavorting with Abram (South Pacific) on a Challenge, which is a relationship that she later denied ever happened.

The interview she gives with Outlook Magazine identifies her as coming out more and doing more GLBT events.

She also states that she is mulling an offer to be on the next Challenge, which is reportedly scheduled to be filming now or relatively soon.


Anonymous said...

good for her!

Anonymous said...

dang.......what does this say about abram. first veronica, now coral?! bwahahaha anyway, good for her!

Anonymous said...

well thats good for her, but I would have never of guessed. it comes as a total shocker to me...

Anonymous said...

Is Veronica a full-blown lesbian? i thought she just fooled around with Rachel.

Anonymous said...

I already thought she was a lesbian.
This is no shocker.

Anonymous said...

i want to see coral in a challenge already

Anonymous said...

I still don't believe it...nothing more than a publicity stunt.

It's much easier than shaving your head and checking yourself into rehab.

Anonymous said...

I love Coral!

Anonymous said...

Did she even really come out? It sounds more like she is just experimenting with the whole idea?

Anonymous said...

Not surprised...I mean, just look at her...

Anonymous said...

i don't think she's a full blown lesbian- probably bi or one of those people that don't like labels. i think she's just experimenting.

Anonymous said...

Zzzzzzzzzz. She's realizing her "celebrity" status is wearing thin (and I know it's such a painful stretch of the word "celebrity" to apply it to Coral) and she needs something new to get people to notice her.
She'll be doing these Challenges until she's 50 years old, and this is simply a desperate image makeover to keep her name floating around.

Anonymous said...

I think she just fell in love with a woman that is why she didnt come out and say she is a full blown lesbian. I am happy for her, she has always been my favorite. However I thought her and Abe were so cute! I wish they were still together.

Anonymous said...

wow! i saw coral and abram awhile back in montana at a restaurant called pickle barrel in montana and they looked very much together. of course that was last year. i want to know what he thinks about this.

Anonymous said...

I totally see her as a lesbian, I'm not surprised one bit. Good for her!