I don't wrestle... I fucking beat bitches up. -Coral (Inferno II)
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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Reunited Episode #4: Arissa pisses everybody off and Trishelle becomes a ninja

The episode begins with Trishelle (Las Vegas) venting her frustrations to Frank (Las Vegas) and Steven (Las Vegas). The three seem to agree that the frustrations surrounding Arissa (Las Vegas) are not worth it. It seems like the group is separating itself into two distinct cliques at this point: those who party and those who don't. While this group seems to think that Arissa is just creating unnecessary drama, they don't want her to leave.

Brynn (Las Vegas) and Irulan (Las Vegas) go up to Arissa's hotel room that she requested for a night away from the roommates. They're fed up with the boys' male agression and violence and they feel that they can't live around the constant partying. Irulan admits that she's breaking down because she's living with Alton (Las Vegas), an ex-boyfriend that she had intense feelings for, which is hard to make go away.

Frank, meanwhile, wakes up fifteen minutes before in the Hardwood Suite, pretty drunk from the previous night. Frank, Steven, and Alton return to clean up the mess in the suite, but they also agree that the two girls overreacted to the situation. They don't like Arissa, but the point of the reunion is for the seven of them to be together once again, hence they don't want her to leave.

The two girls decide to stay. Frank apologizes to both Arissa, which is almost identical to the apology that occurred five years ago. Irulan also gets an apology, although they both think that he might not have wanted to necessarily apologize.

To make amends, Arissa cooks lasagna for the roommates, but although they all enjoy it, Alton and Trishelle both say that they would have rather had Arissa cut down on her dramatics rather than cook them dinner for a night as an apology.

Finally, Trishelle introduces the roommates into her movie, Ninja Cheerleaders. The movie is a hit with her roommates and they celebrate with a huge party in the Palms nightclub.


Anonymous said...

Brynn has a nanny!!! wow

Anonymous said...

The nanny was prob part of her deal to come on the show. Brynn seems so miserable. I feel bad for her.

I'm gonna repost my statement from the earlier reunion board, cuz I really, really think I'm onto something...and because it's always nice see a new lesbian on TV. Just makes me happy.

Coral "coming out" was funny, but not nec. surprising. But why deny she was bumping uglies w. Abram? A girl can change her mind. ANyway, good for her for being tru to herself or whatever.

Does anyone else think that MAYBE Arissa is a lesbian as well? Her little statement re "male aggression" was pure dyke-speak. (I'm a gay girl too, so I say this with love Arissa!) This could also explain why Arissa was so wierd and shady when asked about her current relationship. Perhaps a sugar mama is keeping her in that lovely beach house!

Anonymous said...

Didn't Arissa get married shortly after RW Las Vegas ended?

Anonymous said...

I agree I think the nanny was part of the deal because I do not think that she could afford one. Her baby is still really little so I think her husband needs help. I feel bad for Arissa she seems so unhappy about life. I like her and hope that her and Irulan become best friends again cuz I think Arissa needs a good friend.

Anonymous said...

Yes Arissa got married right after her season and then divorced I believe a year later.

Anonymous said...

how do you know that brynn can't afford a nanny?

Anonymous said...

Nannies aren't that expensive...unless you actually import them from England or some shit like that.

Anonymous said...

Brynn has enough money for a nanny. Nannys dont even cost that much. Shes the most respectable one of the whole bunch too. Your kids and husband are so cute, Brynn. Congrats on actually growing up!

Patricia said...

i could be way off, but for some reason i remember there being a rumor about arissa cheating on her husband during one of the challenges and the production not showing it on tv because of the potential devastation it could have caused. maybe it was something purely made up, or maybe im thinking of someone else. what challenge was she on? BOTS maybe?

Anonymous said...

Yah, Arissa and Coral became bff during that challenge, I don't remember which one it was.

I doubt MTV producers give a fig about anyone's devastation-- if they had access to anything juicy like an extramarital affair, I'm sure they'd show it.

Anonymous said...

Brynn and her husband should take care of their own kids! :)

Anonymous said...

Do you have any children of your own? They are a lot of work and everyone could use a little help. That comment was just stupid...I mean seriously should we start calling you Frank?

Anonymous said...

I have the right to disagree with nannies without being considered stupid. I like Brynn, just think nannies are not necessary, interferes with parental bonds....

makes parents and kids lazier anyway...

Anonymous said...

That is not true, say for example, both the parents need to work to support the family, and so they hire a nanny; therefore they are in no way being lazy, BUT smart! It also does not make kids lazy and its benefits most children because they get used to opening up to other people at a young age..

On the other hand, Arissa is crazy, making dinner is a lousy way to makeup to all of your roomates, I would have been like fuck this! Brynn looks like shes not too thrilled to be here and i dont blame her, everyone on the cast either are over-dramatic bitches, sluts, drunken manchildren or man hoes..shes the only one that TRUELY become respectable in my eyes

Patricia said...

4:57am -- you're more than likely right. i dunno, i just remember hearing something about it...who knows lol

i do remember everyone being annoyed that arissa made it to the end because she pretty much sucked on most of the missions or was a nonfactor, she made is soley based on being bff with coral.

Anonymous said...

I have the right to disagree with nannies without being considered stupid. I like Brynn, just think nannies are not necessary, interferes with parental bonds....

I completely agree. Those two are much better off leaving their babies in the car for a couple of weeks or something moral like that.

That was MAJOR sarcasm, by the way.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but if I was a mother of 2 and asked to do a reunion special, I would hope that everyone could act respectfully and grown up around my kids. But then I would have gotten there to see that drunk manchild Frank, and I would have hired both a nanny and a bodyguard. Its Not like the kids can even crawl on the floor with all the glass and dishes that he was breaking with the hookers he keeps bringing home. Point being, when others are acting like babies and not respecting your needs, its best to not have them around that mess at all. She is smart and anyone else who is a good parent would have done the same thing.

Anonymous said...

are we really talking about nannies?

Anonymous said...

Does the nanny care for manchildren? Hire him for Frank! ;D

Anonymous said...

Frank looks no different at all, but he is definitely overcompensating for his milquetoasty previous go-round. Screwing a woman in the confessional and stumbling around the casino drunk, he seemed absolutely determined to erase all memories of him as the nice guy, which is a shame, as he was the only one who didn't leave a horrific taste in viewers' mouths. While everyone else seems to have arrived wanting to prove how much they've grown, he just wants to prove how much he's regressed. At this rate, will we see him on an Inferno in six years, drinking urine out of Tonya's shoe?

Anonymous said...

Ha! Hilarious 12:35.
Brynn's ok, she's a young mother, gotta be hard.
well, easier with a nanny, but still...
ok, no more nanny talk!