You are all going to hell. -Cynthia (Miami)
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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Reunited Episode #4: Will Irulan come back? Arissa and Trishelle throw down

Tonight's episode of Reunited has the cast at a crossroads. After the incident in which Frank (Las Vegas) gleeked at Irulan (Las Vegas), Irulan threatened to leave the house, and at least left the suite for the time being. At the same time, Arissa (Las Vegas) left the house after she found broken dishware in teh kitchen. She threatened to leave the house as well.

We'll see the two resolve their issues with Frank, but Trishelle will have a fight with Arissa, after Trishelle tells Arissa that she believes that she is overreacting to the mess in the house.

Tune in tonight and post your reactions here.


Anonymous said...

Brynn is the only one along with trishelle ar ehte only ones who turned for the better after the season.

Anonymous said...

I thought that Arissa was different, guess not

Anonymous said...

You will get your chance Steven. Just be careful because he probably has a lot of stds from the different skanks every night.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone else getting really annoyed by Frank? I thought i was the only one. He is obviously putting on a show for the cameras. Maybe he took it hard when after his season, people started refering to him as boring? I think so.

Anonymous said...

listen, trishelle is probably only sticking up for frank because they now share the same stds and now have a lot in common. How sad that frank needs someone like trishelle to defend him. He really took a turn for the worse. What is wrong with him??

Anonymous said...

Frank isnt suddenly an asshole. He was always like this! The cameras just didnt focus on it because 5 years ago when they were all younger, the cameras were all on steven and trishelle. The only difference is, Frank just hasnt grown up. Maybe he had some sort of traumatic experience though right before they taped and thats why hes acting out this much. Either way, it is a very unpleasant thing to watch the guy, and if he thinks hes gonna ever get a real job, then hes even more stupid than we all thought. All the real world fame in the world would not be enough for me to act like a drunk, prick 24/7.

Anonymous said...

I hope Irulan comes back just to punch Frank in that small little head of his, and that way she has a good reason to leave. Make it worth your while girl!

Anonymous said...

frank is awesome.. i dont know why you are all hating on him.. he is in vegas having a good time.. just like the rest of you would do if you were in his spot.. arissa just has so many fucking problems with her life she takes it out on everyone else.. she needs to get out of her fucking shell and have a good time for once

Patricia said...

i think the world would be a happier place if the las vegas cast indeed did not reunite.

further exposability to frank is dangerous to one's health.

Anonymous said...

Arissa really needs to lighten up. I mean she just over reacts. Is it me or is she all about drama? People like her don't feel comfortable just being happy.=They always need to have some kind of drama in thier life.

Anonymous said...

arissa just decided to stay because she realized if she left there would be noone to ruin everyone elses drunken fun. irulan just doesnt do it like her.

Anonymous said...

The episode looks gr8.
Frank needs to tune it down a bit :'(

Anonymous said...

What the hell is Arissa's problem? It's two frickin' weeks. Chill out. "I can't live like this." It's a VACATION. It's not "living."

Does she not realize she's talking herself into a bad time, screwing it up for herself and everyone around her?

Anonymous said...

if they are only there for two weeks does it really matter if the place is not in perfect condition? its a vacation in Las Vegas where you get to stay in the best suite and get free food and alcohol, and you're complaining? why can't Arissa just enjoy it?

Anonymous said...

Frank is a douche BAG! I agree with everyone else. There is nothing AWESOME about an overgrown man getting wasted night after night, bringing chicks home in front of cameras. He is a loud mouth and rude manwhore who has no manners and is trying way to hard to be badass. Not to mention the post from the previous blog I read about his girfriend who had cancer watching this made me hate him more. He is quite the piece of crap these days. He has no respect for anyone, which is why most normal people hate him.

Think about spending every godamn night with someone who is constantly bringing skanks back they just met and breaking shit in the kitchen. It would get old for me. Sorry. Been there done that, frat boy.

Anonymous said...

Frank is a combination of Tonya, Ruthie, and Puck. Total nightmare and ham for the cameras. I cant STAND Frank now!!

Real people would not get wasted EVERY single night for three weeks straight. Not me man- I actually want to move up in my company one day! Steven is acting normal. Trishelle even is acting normal. They are all drinking and having a decent time in front of the cameras but they are all substantially more grown up. Frank is not awesome. He is extraordinarily reverted back to a 16 year old who has never touched a sip of alchohol or another girls vagina. Which to me says one thing...Fag!!!

Anonymous said...

You got the post wrong my man. Its Franks girls mom who is dying. I found the post.

"Anonymous said...
You guys have NO idea! Frank had a girlfriend of four years and right before he left to do the show they broke up. He was and still is in love with her. She could not handle his drinking and I heard her mom is dying of Cancer!! He was acting like this because he is acting out about their fukin breakup, which is so pathetic. Good luck winning her back man!!! ahahahahahahhaha

11:19 AM "

Regardless, hes still the asshole of the reunion. one hundy percent. Thats messed! Ive made mistakes before dude but i would never act like that man. My friends would kick my ass if i did. I wondre what actually happened.

Anonymous said...

Hey I went to the same highschool as Frank in PA, and college at Susquehanna right next to his at Bucknell. We have a bunch of friends in common. I think anyone who defends him must not think highly of him or never used to because Im sure Frank is ashamed of his own behavior and that his mom and dad are probably embarassed as well. Grown men with responsibilities should just not act like that on tv. Drinking, is ok, but piss ass drunk with a different random gal every night, not ok. Having a good time, cool, disrepsecting other peoples personal space, not cool. So anyone who says what he did is awesome has got it all wrong or they themselves need to grow up or get an education- something a lot of people in LA are lacking I think. The guy is not 21 anymore! A while back I heard him and his girl came to visit PA a few times and my cousin told me she met them in town and that she was real pretty and a doctor or lawyer or something. I think everyone must be right and that Frank is just trying to drink his problems away because I heard he used to be a better guy. It just sux that its on tv for everyone to see. But he should not be acting like that, hes a grown man and should take responsibility for his actions and will have to pay for it later. What Im saying is that I would sucker punch him, and he deserves it from any of those women on the show!

~AND Doug is the shit!!~~~

Anonymous said...

i still love them all

Anonymous said...

I wish Irulan would beat the piss out of Frank and make everyone here happy once and for all! Do it gurrl! We'll back you up!

Anonymous said...

Irulan is awesome!! Arissa is alitle crazy but i can see where shes comin from. Frank is whack! Alchoholic much?

ps. is coral really a lesbian?

Anonymous said...

Steven = dumbest human on earth. Why is he always smiling and smug even when he says something rude about someone, he is smiling. Something about that is very evil and scary to me. I dunno. I cant quite put my finger on it.

Alton= I like him, even though he seems like he used to be a male whore. He has grown up and is in a relationshp. So kudos for him. I think he is being as respectful as he can to Irulan but it shows that hes moved on which is ok.

Irulan= I have mad respect for her. Not many of us could live in a house with an ex we dated for that long. That is so awkward and I think she is doing her best and did not expect everything to be so messy and drunk with her old roomates. (Frank)

Trishelee= she looks great now. Still really skinny but she has really calmed down. She is no longer maknin a slutty fool of herself and she has really grown up. SHes drinking but staying classy.

Brynn= She looks amazing for having just had a kid! AND OMG your kids are so cute and your husband is so much hotter than i remember. Youre hair looks great that color and you are so classy now. I have to say I did not expect that at all. Best improvement of the whole cast goes to Brynn.

Frank= Last and certainly the least. Words cannot describe how annoying this guy is to me. The way he treats women, his total disregard for all his roomates and their things, and what looks like a massive drinking spree in front of the whole world on national television. I thought he was going to be the best change from the show but I guess I was wrong. Someone needs to kick his ass real bad. He is a perfect example for why the real world has gone down the drain. Booze, sluts, and stupidity, all rolled into one.

I watched three episodes back o back and I have seen enough. Nothing is real about this show. Just really disappointing.

And, Yes coral came out as a lesbian its in the last blog. :)

Anonymous said...

Coral "coming out" was funny, but not nec. surprising. But why deny she was bumping uglies w. Abram? A girl can change her mind. ANyway, good for her for being tru to herself or whatever.

Does anyone else think that MAYBE Arissa is a lesbian as well? Her little statement re "male aggression" was pure dyke-speak. (I'm a gay girl too, so I say this with love Arissa!) This could also explain why Arissa was so wierd and shady when asked about her current relationship. Perhaps a sugar mama is keeping her in that lovely beach house!