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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Inferno Episode #14: Post your reactions here

It's Derrick (Extreme) and Davis (Denver) at the chopping block as the two male castmembers vie to get the LifeShield in order to prevent them from going into the Inferno for the very last time.

Derrick, who has been flying under the radar for most of this season, is super anxious because he has a history of losing Challenges right at the end. It's going to be a good episode.

Post your reactions here.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh I hope Derrick either wins the lifeshield or wins the inferno. If he loses to Davis, no offense, then he shouldn't do anymore challenges hehe.

Anonymous said...

I hope Derrick wins too. Out of all the castmates, he is the one that deserves to win one. He has worked hard and it sucks that he always comes so close and never gets it. And i think he shoud keep trying till he gets it, quitters are losers.

Anonymous said...

I agree. It would be nice to finally see him win one. He puts his heart into it, even though he hasn't really shined this challenge.

Anonymous said...

Davis goes home


Anonymous said...

Perhaps you should put the word "spoiler" BEFORE the info you're revealing..... Just a thought

Anonymous said...

I'm so sick of Derrick. The only reason I would want him to win is so he will GO AWAY.

Anonymous said...

Ok, did they ever show the ep where susie was crying??

Anonymous said...

They might have, MTV cuts alot of what they show in the previews just so people will watch the actual show. People expect to see Aneesa call Ev a bitch because they see it on the preview, but MTV cuts it because they already got you to watch.

And if Derrick wins in the final mission, I cant wait to see his face! Or Tonya's since she never won one either.

Next week is the final mission, right? Tonight is just the last 2 Infernos?

Anonymous said...

To anonymous 11 a.m., nope, tonight is only the Hook Me challenge where both male and female Lifeshields are awarded and the male Inferno. Derrick and Davis both go into the Inferno and Derrick wins. Next week is the female Inferno, then the final mission.

Anonymous said...


Real World Sydney:

A girl on the show gets kicked off for fighting with another girl. Not sure which girl.

Anonymous said...

Wrong thread their buddy.

This will be the first win for Derrick, Tonya, and Aneesa so that's pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

i thought it was the male mission then the male inferno, the next episode will be the female mission, then the female inferno. Anyway, i'm confused about how all the girls can stay if there is one more inferno left (unless the spoilers are inferno3.com are right and Cara is the one to go)

Anonymous said...

inferno3.com hasn't been wrong yet...so I'm going to safely say that Cara goes home.

Anonymous said...

Cara isn't even in the Inferno next time. It's Paula and Aneesa and Aneesa loses. Cara doesn't go into an Infenro.

Anonymous said...


Derrick beats Davis. Ok, Derrick you can GO AWAY NOW. And the previews for the next episode showed the Susie meltdown. Apparently someone throws her into the pool or something.

Anonymous said...

Sort of Spoiler

I dont think that Davis deserved to go into the inferno against derrick because davis deserved it more he tryed his hardest and beat Danny And Ace sat out in the challange Grape Smash because he is felt uncumfortable and for girls i thnk either Cara or Aneesa deserve to go home.................... Also Evelyn is a man and i think Abram said a homophobic slur to danny during the inferno

Anonymous said...

Sorry not Danny but Davis

Anonymous said...

Derrick is still one of the biggest losers ever. Beating Davis didn't do anything to change that. Derrick is a pimpley little midget who needs to get a real job and some Rogaine.

Patricia said...

I didn't really watch much of Key West because that season annoyed the heck outta me, but I'm surprised at how much I like Paula, Johnny, and Janelle on this challenge.

Anonymous said...

does anyone remember what paula said about kenny, oh my god it was the best line of the season "the only thing kenny can catch is a cold or clap" something along those lines, but still, i love it, haha

Anonymous said...

no problem - offense taken.

Anonymous said...

Yay, Derrick finally made it! Good for him.

Anonymous said...

Alton - muscular but WAY overrated!

Anonymous said...

anybody notice that the rw:Denver new-b's are ALL gone,(JENN, TY, COLIE, DAVIS) that always seems to happen, when they get new kids from RW seasons, just though I'd comment on that, oh and I miss the hell out of JENN=[

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That show (Taquita and Kaui) got canceled

Anonymous said...

QUOTE "does anyone remember what paula said about kenny, oh my god it was the best line of the season "the only thing kenny can catch is a cold or clap" something along those lines, but still, i love it, haha" QUOTE


Anonymous said...

wow the previews show susie getting thrown in the pool (probably by tonya-who happened to throw beth's clothes in the pool last inferno season lol).

If that part happened after the challange then I think it's safe to say one of the bad ass girls go home since right after the mission they cut to the inferno. I mean, idk if that part happened before the mission or not (judging by the previews it looks like it happened after so...yeah)?

Anonymous said...

Derrick beat Davis... whoopdie doo. Any guy posting on this board could beat Davis in that inferno. Congrats to him for not folding under the pressure (finally), but I hope his head doesn't get too big because until he beats someone more established, Derrick is and will always be the perennial loser/choker on these challenges.

Anonymous said...


the next girls inferno is Paula vs. ANeesa and paula wins

Anonymous said...

Derrick cant gloat until he beats someone bigger? Lets see, he beat Ace, Adam, Cyrus, Brad, took out Eric and CT in the Duel on that plank game, those guys big enough for ya?

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why people give Derrick crap. He lost in the Gauntlet 2 to Timmy in a game that was all about weight. So it wasn't such a valid loss. It was like Ruthie vs. Beth. Are you gonna say that Ruthie is a loser too for that one? And Darrell, Aviv, and Wes are also great competitors so I wouldv'e never called Derrick a loser or choker because these are all extremely good competitors!

Anonymous said...

All you people who say www.inferno3.com's spoilers haven't been wrong yet are so dumb. They've been wrong thorughout the whole challenge, but the editor goes and changes them once they watch the episode when it airs before any of you can notice. In the start of the challenge I wrote down the spoilers from their and they had the first one right, but the rest wrong. They had Timmy losing to Derrick, Kenny losing to Ace, Colie losing to Ev, Rachel losing to Ev, Janelle losing to Susie, they had a bunch of nonsence Spoilers.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible that Cara will end up volunteering herself into the inferno even though she said she wouldn't in the commercial? She goes in, loses to Aneesa?

Anonymous said...

I know Paula goes in the Inferno, it was shown on 1 of the commercials you could clearly see her in it. She's sitting and looking up. Here's a print screen of it someone took and posted on IMDB.


You can clearly see Paula in an inferno.

Anonymous said...

sorry, link got cut off.


Anonymous said...

wow, that person above is right, it is Paula in an Inferno. But when you copy the link, there's a space between the morsecode and the 191, so you need to delete the space first.

Anonymous said...

someone said Paula wins, is that true?

Anonymous said...

That sucks that it's probbably aneesa vs. paula. One of them has to go and i want them both in the end. It should be cara in the inferno and have someone send her ass home.

Anonymous said...

I remember when I first saw Cara on the Gauntlet II, I had the biggest crush on her. Then I found out that Cara and I share the same birthday (June 15th - she's 10 years older than me though). In the Gauntlet II she chickened out vs. Kina, and she's been a cancer to the Good Guys. Props to John for having the balls to call her out. My wedding offer is still on the table though. ;)

Umm... Derrick is getting annoying, but he's like the Rocky of the challenges. CT probably is the strongest competitor. Wes, Landon, Mike the Miz have been some of my favorites. Danny is funny when he cries like a girl. I hate Kenny, he probably jerks it to the thought of himself. Alton was a beast in the Gauntlet, but has been overrated in this challenge. John is probably the best player on the Good Guys now that Timmy's out.