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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Antasha, an online finalist, tells a newspaper that producers are hinting that the Top 10 could be led to "other opportunities"

Antasha Durbin, an online finalist, sat down with the Akron Beacon Journal to talk about being casted via the online process.

Interestingly enough, she mentions that as a Top 10 Finalist, she is being considered for future seasons of the Real World, being a contestant on Road Rules, or possibly a hosting gig with Total Request Live.

Other online finalists have been profiled as well:

Fallon Mercedes, another online finalist, was also profiled by the Worcester Telegram and Gazette.


antasha2 said...

I never said I "am being considered for future seasons" I said Tyler says in his blogs there may be other opportunities. Please do not put words in my mouth. Thank you. Antasha

antasha2 said...

To read what I have to say to "Mr. Real World" please go to:


Anonymous said...

u suck antasha. please lose!

Anonymous said...

lol loves it.

Anonymous said...

antasha's face is BUSTED.

Anonymous said...

It's common knowledge that Antasha secured her spot in the Top 10 by being a drug-addicted dicksucking skank and I intend to let everyone know. I am in the process of writing to multiple websites and blogs.

lol what now?

SamanthaR said...

``They keep hinting that there's other opportunities,'' she said, noting the diverse group in the top 10. While the online vote involves The Real World's 20th season, the show could be looking for cast members for other seasons, for one thing. Or they could move the performers to Road Rules. Durbin even said there was talk about a job at Total Request Live.

looks like Beacon Journal misquoted you...

not Mr. Real World.
not everyones out to get you.
get over it.

Anonymous said...

antasha is so boring and typical..next.

Anonymous said...

Haha wow, she's really making herself out to be a cunt isn't she?

Hopefully she doesn't make it to the next season of Real World...I'll just have to skip the entire season.

Anonymous said...

Antasha? That has to be a drunken mistake on the birth certificate by her parents.

Anonymous said...

I really don't appreciate being fasely accussed of statements I never said. So to clean up the confusion- I never said anything about being "considered for future MTV shows (including the Real World, Road Roals, TRL) I simply mentioned to a reporter at the Beacon Journal that Tylerkeywest has hinted that there may be other opportunities for the people who DO NOT get cast at the 7th roommate on Real World 20 (This is includes all those involved in the RWC, not just the top 10). So "Mr. Real World" please get your facts straight before you write sensational pieces on me. Thank you.

This right here shows hhow much of an IDIOT you are Anatasha. If you do get the RW I hope you end up in a city like Caribou maine. Real World Caribou maine..Starring the idiot Anatasha. Loser.

Anonymous said...

Anatasha's probably trying to cover her tracks, because as most of you may know, the cast has to sign contracts saying they won't reveal anything about the show before it airs...

I've heard from a few people now, even though she didn't win, she's rumored to have been cast anyway.