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Friday, July 20, 2007

Greg Halstead wins the seventh spot for Real World 20 which begins filming August 26

Greg (Season 20) has officially been cast as the seventh castmember for Season 20. Greg, hails from Daytona Beach, FL, goes to the University of Florida, and was a former Mainland High School baseball player. Check out his profile here.

Greg was contacted by producers yesterday and told he won the competition. He will soon be traveling to California to meet with producers and take a drug test.

This actually adds speculation to the rumor that this 20th season might be Back to Los Angeles, keeping in pattern with the Back to... theme they used back in the tenth anniversary season where they went Back to New York. It would be an easy choice for producers as the castmembers wouldn't be ridiculed in Los Angeles, where the city is used to seeing production filmed all the time, and for its ease of access, as Bunim-Murray Productions is located in Los Angeles, along with MTV Networks.

More info as this develops.


Anonymous said...

And he's so humble, too...

This blog appeared on his page earlier today and was removed a short time later:

To all you rodeo clowns...*PretyBoy is laughing his @ss off* "Your not going to win" "MTV would never put you on" "Your so lame, you will never win" "Ricky > PretyBoy" "Pretyboy, your in second again..hahaha" "Your cheating and going to get booted." ------ *Middle finger to you all*
Stupid peasants...I told you idiot jesters...I WILL WIN, I WILL EMERGE VICTORIOUS, I AM PERFECTION... *sigh* Hate to be the one to do it, but someone has to.......""TOLD YO STUPID @$$e$""

...this is going to be fun.

Anonymous said...

"Take a drug test" is that a joke or did BMP put their foot down after the Denver cast and their reported (rumored) coke habits.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that's being arrogant. He has a right to respond to the people who left negative comments for him and doubted him.

People complain about the dumbest shit these days.

Anonymous said...

I'd hate to be on a Real World in like LA, New York, Boston, because those are places I could go with ym friends er something, they should only do Real Worlds outside the US from now on.

Anonymous said...

they should pick cities that they havent done yet.

Anonymous said...

"they should only do Real Worlds outside the US from now on."

What's so real and relatable about a bunch of Americans living in a foreign country for several months? How many of us would realistically do that? The display of ignorance would be pure hilarity, but it would pretty much ruin the original premise of the show (not that it hasn't been already...) Oh, and London and Paris were AWFUL.

Anonymous said...

Yawn...this show is ready to be put to bed. This whole stupid competition just proved it.

Anonymous said...

Because they wanted to that's why!

Anonymous said...

I'm absolutely not condoning infidelity, but why is everyone acting like Brad brutally slaughtered a room full of Girl Scouts? Cheating doesn't (or shouldn't) ruin someone's life. It's '07, not 7 B.C.! He's still presumably a good guy, he just made a not so good error in judgment.

Anonymous said...

wrong thread

Anonymous said...

lol. kicked off so soon?? HAR HAR HAR
i have never seen someone so full of shit. he couldn't even show up to some chicken shit IMPROV class. so much for destroying the black male stereotype. way to go, fool. i am always entertained by people who think that they are smarter or more handsome than they actually are, and he provides me a PLETHORA of entertainment. he has a good body, but unfortunately the face doesn't quite cut it. sorry. and those pics? where did he get those done? glamour shots? LOL.
strictly amateur....