You are all going to hell. -Cynthia (Miami)
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Thursday, July 19, 2007

A message board claims to reveal the complete cast of the Gauntlet 3 which has wrapped up in Mexico

Speak Reality, a message board, has claimed to reveal the complete cast of the Gauntlet 3, Rookies vs. Veterans.

The list, posted on the message board, looks like this:


Beth S. (Los Angeles)
Coral (Back to New York)
Adam (Paris)
CT (Paris)
Brad (San Diego)
Robin (San Diego)
Danny (Austin)
John (Key West)
Paula (Key West)
Katie (The Quest)
Casey (Fresh Meat)
Diem (Fresh Meat)
Eric (Fresh Meat)
Evan (Fresh Meat)
Ev (Fresh Meat)
Kenny (Fresh Meat)


Frank (Las Vegas)
Johanna (Austin)
Melinda (Austin)
Nehemiah (Austin)
Rachel (Austin)
Janelle (Key West)
Tyler (Key West)
Zach (Key West)
Alex (Denver)
Brooke (Denver)
Jillian (Extreme)
Ryan (Fresh Meat)
Angel (Viewers' Revenge)
Derek (Viewers' Revenge)
Tori (Viewers' Revenge)


Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA, Brad's girlfriend just broke up with him! What a jerk, she just found out! Hooking up with ugly Tori in Puerto Vallarta while leaving miss you messages in his girlfriend's page (beautiful model jessie burciaga way to beautiful and sucessful for him anyway)...Those myspace pages are open books!

Anonymous said...

How many blow jobs does Tori give this challenge? I bet she makes it to the end.

Also I can't wait to see CT kicking the shit out of Frank when he hits on Diem. Classic tv.

Even better classic tv is if Frank gets drunk and hits on Beth S. He likes the fugly chicks, and that is Beth S for sure.

Anonymous said...

HA. Brooke from RW Denver is not gonna last at all. if the girl can't even climb a mountain shes not gonna last on a challenge.

Unknown said...

If this is true, I love the fact that Danny and Melinda are on different teams. I'm not sure that relationship can hanlde it.

And when is Jose going to do a Challenge. I want to see him in a Speedo!

Anonymous said...

i think it will be interesting to see how Coral is with all the new challenge people. she hasnt been on a challenge in a while.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 8:57, I knew it would be a lot. But do you think its 12 blow jobs to the same person(Brad) or 12 different people. I'd bet its the latter.

I bet since she broke up Brad's relationship she will go after Danny and Melinda. He has to be tired of hitten that same pussy.

Plus my new couple of the season: Frank and Rachael, but i'm sure Coral will have a problem with it.

Anonymous said...

is it really true that Tori hooked up with Brad??

Anonymous said...

This whole Brad and Tori hooking up thing is really creeping me out.!

Anonymous said...

um rookies only have 15, and vets have 16 on that list. rookies r missing one guy which is tyrie :)

Anonymous said...

do the rookies really when(comment was made by 8:57 AM)? cuz other wise I would definately say that the veterans take the cake on this challenge. I mean look wo they have: Coral, Evan, CT, Ev... who are the rookies gonna through in against any of them?

Anonymous said...

i heard coral and evan are no longer friends because he was kissing so many people @$$!!

Anonymous said...

Rookies win...:-(

Anonymous said...

I really don't like the new style of Gauntlet or Real World for that matter. For the past few years the casts have gotten less & less "Real " and more like people who are probably trying to get in the entertainment bizz or something. Maybe it's just my imagination?

Anonymous said...


I heard that Tyrie has to leave the challenge for personal reasons and they bring in MJ from Philly to replace him. A friend of mine also states that Coral walks off the show because of the way her team plays. Claims she is done with RR Challenges. :(

Anonymous said...

i hope this isn't the actual cast because even though it's nice to see certain veterans back and actual new people, but the rest is like we see them all the time, and most of the people coming back have already won the last inferno three challenge.

Anonymous said...

prediction: brooke will be the next SARAH (worthless, but somehow prevails countless times)

Anonymous said...

There are 6 fresh meat people in this cast. That's like 4 too many.

And I think if you made it to the end and won the previous challenge (Janelle) you shouldn't be considered a "rookie". She obviously knows how to play the game.

And is that post about MJ taking Tyree's place true? That is the best news I've heard.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Tyler and Coral in some kind of heated arguement. That would be interesting and funny.

Anonymous said...

For the vets team i think coral, ev, and diem are the strongest so is paula and guys ct, brad and maybe evan. for the rookies i think jillian and tori, and maybe rachel are the strongest wait and janelle too and for the guys maybe only derek and mj if he is coming back !!! i hope all the vets are sent home except for coral, brad, paula, ct, and katie and for the rookies i want mj, tori, janelle, jillian and rachel to win.

and whats up with almost all the austin, key west, and fresh meat being all there as might as well get wes, and lacey and svetie and jose to complete the whole cast of those season of the real world

Anonymous said...

Actually Jillian is the New Sarah... don't want to spoil anything for anyone so you can figure it out. And this IS the REAL CAST there are photos posted on the message board along with spoilers.

Anonymous said...

Oh and I forgot that there is lots of DRAMA this time around. Both TYrie and Coral have a bit of controversy surrounding them this time.

Anonymous said...

7:06 -- thanks for coming over here from SR to tell us that it's the real cast. I feel so honored. Actually, it's an incomplete cast, so nice try...

CT is a tool and his "strategy" from day one loses the challenge for the vets.

deck offier, get over yourself. You're not remotely funny.

Anonymous said...

Not looking forward to this season - too many VR and Fresh Meat people. Perhaps one day they will do a Battle of the Seasons again. Now, that was classic MTV.

Anonymous said...

If this list is true, the vets will walk all over the rookies. The only rookie that I see as a threat is Derek. He sort of owned RRVR. Or, he owned Dan at least. :)

Anonymous said...

9:14 AM Ok RUDENESS!! The only reason the list is incomplete is the blog left out Tyrie. Their mistake!!! If follow this link you'll see that the message board actually has Tyrie on it!!
As far as coming over to to let you know that it was the right cast.. I was a blog reader before I even knew about the SR board do go suck a coconut you moron!!

Anonymous said...

Up your nose with a rubber hose!

Brooke and Ev bump muffs! Sexxxxxxxy!

Anonymous said...

i cant wait for this season. yes jillian will be the new sarah and derrick so im excited for her. also tyrie is replaced my mj i think after the 5th gauntlet. i think they replaced him because the rookies were doin bad. also according to alot of blogs and forums, this challenge has been so dramatic that alot of friendsships have been destroyed. it seems coral had a rough time on the challenge and couldnt take it anymore so walked off. she walked off cause it was said that the vets were trying to throw missions to get rid of some girls on their team and coral didnt want to have to go in and take each of them out. this challenge might be one of the most intense and dramatic yet. i hope its as good as it sounds. also im not 100% sure but the theme might be dinosaur, judging by pictures and speculation i assume the theme will be prehistoric which is pretty cool :)

Anonymous said...

oh and tyrie left cause of personal problems with some of the cast i think so he left and was replaced

Anonymous said...

Brooke and Ev "bumped muffs?" Did they scissor each other or use a strap-on? Hmm...

Anonymous said...

geez, I cant believe rookies win, that is the biggest bullsh*t Ive ever heard. I was thinking that this challenge may be pretty good until I heard about that terrible news. also, I feel sorry for coral cuz I really like her, and it sux that she has to leave.

Anonymous said...

favorite ppl on this challenge: vets- Coral, CT, Paula, Katie, Diem, Eric, and Evan; rookies- Johanna, Janelle, Zach, Alex, and Derek. worst ppl on this challenge: vets- Beth, Danny, and Casey; rookies- Rachel, Brooke, Jillian, Angel. I especially HATE Angel, I hope she is the first one to get sent home, and I hope she just gets her ass kicked by anyone

Anonymous said...

idk y everyone thinks jillian is ugly. i think shes really hot and she has a great body. i think u all r just annoyed of her cause u guys have nothing better to do. what has she done to u guys, anyway i cant wait to see her send 4 of these bitches home. il tell u this, she does win more than one gauntlet :)

Anonymous said...

Jillian is such a ho. Remember her hooking up with Patrick on her first night on Road Rules Xtreme? She must have auditioned thinking it was porn but ended up on the wrong show...I'm glad Pat finally shot her whore ass down at the end!

Anonymous said...

it was just one night geesh. since patrick agreed to sleep with her also, doesn't that make him a ho ?

Anonymous said...

and at least jillian isn't afraid to show her face on television again, because patrick regretted making himself looking like a jerk that he was he was done with reality television. i hope he's lying though. seeing him on a challenge would be cool. and i really really want angela to be on one again.

Anonymous said...

Yes that does make them all whores. Frank, Patrick, Jillian, all the rest of the ugly chicks that frank sleeps with (Jillian included). The thing that annoys me the most about frank is that he is so ugly himself, where does he even get off thinkin he could get a hot girl? Jillian and him match sorta because she sorta looks like a bug eyed poodle. They should throw a huge Std party to compare the goods. Oh wait, theyre all the same! Rock on!!! Herpes train!!! Choo choo!!

Anonymous said...

you guys are haters. you're just jealous you couldn't get stds even if you did try. :)

Anonymous said...

Too funny the comment that Diem is one of the strongest people on the challenge...

Get your scorecards ready to count the number of times she DQs during missions.

Can't wait to see if Brad was lying to Tori at the same time he was lying to his GF back in Chicago. Finally we will get to see him for who he is and for the person the cast has always know him to be. Might be that Beth actually was right about him. That will make some of us really look like crap. Katie could write a book about him, too.

Anonymous said...

uhm yeah hoe, funny how you got offended. but yeah, obviously it's implying that even if you tried to get stds from someone, which can be by sleeping with someone, you wouldn't even be able to get it because no one would ever want to sleep with you, not even someone with stds. grow up.

Anonymous said...

LOL at the hypocrisy of the last post ending with "grow up."

Anonymous said...

what do you guys mean when you say Jillian is the new Sarah?

And can someone elaborate on this comment about Brad?...

"Finally we will get to see him for who he is and for the person the cast has always know him to be. Might be that Beth actually was right about him. That will make some of us really look like crap. Katie could write a book about him, too."

Anonymous said...

Once again 7:14, youre logic fails me. WHY would anyone TRY to get STDs from someone? I am grown up and you should really read a book on logic.

To answer the question above, Jillian is the new Sarah, because if you remember Sarah was also very similar to her. Tried doing a bunch of challenges, was always eliminated early, very boring to watch,etc etc but ended up coasting through one challenge and actually winning money. The only difference is, Sarah had a brain where Jillian does not.

Have fun "trying" to get STDs Jillian. Any way you look at it, sleeping with a guy who admits he has STDs on national television makes you a whore and an idiot. Booyakasha.

Anonymous said...

9:29 "And can someone elaborate on this comment about Brad?..." Am happy to do so for you.

Brad lied to his GF in his myspace messages to her while he was still on the challenge. Just what did Brad tell Tori? Did she know he had a GF when she hooked up with him? She was very open about her interest in him, and even gave him a BJ in the shower behind a glass wall with practically everyone in the house watching. Would she have done this openly knowing that he had a GF, or did he lie to her and say that he was single.

His behavior didn't surprise many of the veterans who know him well. He's a little long in the tooth to be having random hookups. The veteran women in particular know that he is a tool. They confirmed it during Gauntlet 2. It is behavior that could come back to haunt him during any reunion show.

Anonymous said...

AHAHAHA innocent Tori? Not so much...

Anonymous said...

I'm absolutely not condoning infidelity, but why is everyone acting like Brad brutally slaughtered a room full of Girl Scouts? Cheating doesn't (or shouldn't) ruin someone's life. It's '07, not 7 B.C.! He's still presumably a good guy, he just made a not so good error in judgment.

Anonymous said...

We trash others for being bad role models -- particularly slutish behaviour in RR/RW women -- so why should Brad get a free pass? I say pillory away, Internet people. (No don't some of our youg reader will have to look up the word "pillory."

Anonymous said...

And I should trash myself for typing too quickly with one hand in a cast... good time to proofread.

Anonymous said...

Youre absolutely right. Brad is a scumbag. Tori surprises me though. She comes off as so innocent and "Christian". Not very Christ like to be giving Bjs in the community shower to an audience now is it?? Maybe theyre really dating though, which would make an honest woman outa her.No?

Anonymous said...

jillian is not the new sarah. i remember jillian being a good competitor, and they both have only done one challenge. [ this will be jill's second ]
and i don't understand why people care so much if people cheat on others. it's not like it's their business. have you guys not learned anything from sara from rw phili ? PEOPLE. HAVE. NEEDS.
and why does everyone think tori is a whore anyway ? we all know frank is a whore because he tries to be one, but not tori. isn't alex [denver] a whore also ? he slept with people on his season. oh and tyler hooked up w/ a random dude on rw, and they had sex. he's a whore too.

Anonymous said...

who gives a shit about jillian ??Like someone looks like she has stds anyway folks. she is both braindead and trashy and so is frank. Whooo cares? NEXT THREAD.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

10:41 -- people do it because their own lives are even more pathetic. It's their own 15 seconds (none being entitled to their own 15 min\utes)

Anonymous said...

10:41-I know your mom, and she is a whore. If we want to make fun of Tori why do you care? By the way, tell your mom I'll be over and this time I want my change. .50 is not to much to ask for.

Anonymous said...

i heard Paula took out Katie in the Gauntlet because the guys betrayed Katie...don't know if its true or not (which means inferno 1 Katie could be back)

There's a lot of spoilers in the speak reality forum with interesting details about Coral and Beth...and the hook ups

Anonymous said...

LOL @ 11:58...must be snorting some good shit to think that those camera sluts are in envious positions! What street do you work to be able to afford rock?

Anonymous said...

LOL to the reponses to 10:41 and 11:58...People in reality shows are looking for the attention and completely expose themselves to jokes and critics, so deal with it! Our lives more pathetic??? THE OPPOSITE...I GUESS IS KIND OF MORBID BUT EVERYBODY LIKES TO SEE TRAINWRECKS ON TV SO WE KNOW WE ARE NOT NEAR AS PATHETIC AS THEY ARE!

Anonymous said...

speakreality said some spoilers:

tori is part of the winning group

Anonymous said...

7:22 -- I'm a producer and on the inside of the info. I know the envy that many have for these reality casts. All one need to is attend a reality casting call. We'd love to see you one so we can say "bye bye."

Anonymous said...

5:01 p.m. I am not 7:22 and I really doubt you are a could be Tori lol! However, I like these reality shows and I am sure some people would like to be in one of those, but I am old school, more on the veteran side (use to watch real world in late 90's early 2000 and I still get to see some of my favorite veterans in the challenges), but IT IS CLEAR THAT AFTER THESE SHOWS, THE MAJORITY HAVE FALLEN INTO CRISIS, NOT KNOWING WHAT THEY WANT TO DO WITH THEIR LIVES AND 99% HAVE FAILED TO PURSUE A CAREER IN HOLLYWOOD OR TELEVISION...I DONT THINK THERE IS ANY ENVY, JUST FEW PATHETIC PEOPLE IN THE WORLD WOULD BE ENVIOUS MAYBE...

Anonymous said...

jillian is cool.
tori is cool.
everyone is cool.
except thee people here.

Anonymous said...

Everyone here is honest dude. Deal with it. When someone acts like a whore on camera for all of america to see, they will get called out. After all, it was your decision to put yourself out there on a "reality show". If its not your reality to fuck or blow on camera and have everyone see it. Dont do it. People will judge you.

Anonymous said...

but who says whores can't be cool people too ? goodness. i swear, just because people are like that, it doesn't mean they're bad people. only if you're frank, that man whore. and i honestly don't get it, why does the person doing the blowjob gets hated on more than the person who agreed to receive the bj ? and it wouldn't be reality if they tried to control themselves from being promiscuous or themself on camera.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Why do people make such a big deal out of these things? Just because someone is scared to show their sexual side, it does not mean they have the right to say mean things about that person. And I bet half the people who are saying that these castmembers are ugly for being slutty, whorish etc, are probably uglier than the people they are talking about. Can we at least discuss the challenge, and not give so much attention to the people you do not like because you like them so much?

Anonymous said...

Hahaha. Frank, the manwhore manchild! Hes a hypocrite and the good perfect girl is the last thing he hsa found in Jillian.

Although, I do thing these challenges are waaay more about hooking up now then they are about competition. Thats unfortunate

Anonymous said...

WE ARE DISCUSSING THE CHALLENGE! The challenge is about the people in it, and their attitudes...Honestly, most of the people in these programs are average, fair looking people...There are millions out there with those looks...Reality shows are for the audience to judge...You put yourself there, you will be judged...Johanna is beautiful, maybe the best looking one, and she is just such a sweet girl (well, if she is the next Kina, we'll see though)...She's never acted slutty...She could, she has a boyfriend, and that would be even worst right? But she hasn't...On the other hand, others like Tori (very christian of her doing bj in front of everybody), Brad (who was supposed to have a gf at the time), Frank...mmmm...they just exposed themselves and they will be judged sorry! I would judge my next door neighbor with that behavior too!

Anonymous said...

did tori really give a bj in front of everybody ?

Anonymous said...

you forgot slutty moochy jillian. Who has no true friends and is a lowlife. sorry frank. youre still a douchebag and shes a major step down for you. frank, brad, tori and jillian=losers of this show.

also i 100% agree about johanna. She is so pretty and classy and no one has anything bad to say about her. learn from her guys!!!! STAY classy real world!!!!NOT.

Anonymous said...

Calm down people. Jill is just a cumbucket. Frank knows it. Tori on the other hand, gives terrible head. ahahah. I'm just sayin...

Anonymous said...

lol good posts!

Anonymous said...

these challenges are really starting to fuckin SUCK. what kind of veterans are these punks? ok coral katie and beth are the only real veteran girls. they should have rachel veronica julie ruthie and some real veteran girls on here. fresh meat, viewers revenge, and the newer real world casts all SUCK. there will never be another good challenge again

Anonymous said...

i agree these are not real veterans fresh meat will never be vets in my eyes.

and yes rachel and veronica should def be back on at least one more they always seem to run shit on here

Anonymous said...

To 6:21. The only person with stds is Jillian man! Frank admitted he had them on national tv and that he fucks stupid girls all the time, so maybe people feel sorry for her. People have been saying shit about him since his show aired because he brought it on himself. Its nothin new. Also, Jillian is boring anyway people just think shes the next Sara! Bring back Rachel and Veronica!!!!

Also, is Danny really on steroids?

Anonymous said...

of course he's on steroids ... i live in the town next to his and ppl from his town (billerica MA) are always saying how hes a juice head. just look at the way he snaps all the time its not just bc hes bein a lil bitch its also bc hes on the juice!

P.S. Melinda loves juiceheads

Anonymous said...

6:21 is probably Jillian herself!

Anonymous said...

when is this scheduled to be aired does anyone know??????

Anonymous said...

The real vets I want to see are Aaron and Dominic from the @nd season, LA. Even bring back Tami from LA and Heather B from the First New York. Let them bitch slap any of the young girls like Tori and Coral.

I just realized I showed my age with that idea.

Anonymous said...

It's really obvious that whoever is leaving all these hateful comments about Jillian is the same person over and over again. I agree 6:21. I don't think 6:21 is Jillian either. I bet it's a castmember that dislikes her and is constantly looking at these blogs to see what people are writing either about them and or other castmembers. (I.E. Robin who stated on the after show with Blair that she always checks out what ppl write.) Settle down whoever you are that has no life. There's a huge world out there outside of Jillian from RR.

To 6:32 and 7:40... I agree! Bring back Veronica and Rachel!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree!! Hey jillian shut the fuck up about your stds, up there. No one cares.


Anonymous said...

As Far as I'm concerned, the Veteran Women should be Beth (RWLA), Coral, Ruthie, Veronica, Rachel (RRCC), Holly (RRLA), Katie, and Julie (RWNO) with Montana as a substitute. The Men should be Shane, Theo, Dan (RRNT), Darrell, Syrus, David (RWS), Dan (RWM), and Jon (RWLA)with Jamie (RWNO) as a substitute.

And, 2 questions, how can Tyrie be replaced if he quit after the 1st mission had taken place? Beth was never replaced in Inferno 2, and Jo was never replaced in Gauntlet 2. CT was replaced on Inferno 3, because no missions had taken place before his removal. Tina and Steven were never replcaced after they were removed for violence on the Duel and Battle of the Seasons 2 [respectively]. And no one's said anything of Coral being replaced for allegedly walking out on her team. For my last question, how is it that Jamie was a Rookie on Gauntlet 2 when he had already participated in 2 challenges prior to Gauntlet 2? [Extreme Challenge, and Battle of the Sexes 1, which he won]. Anyone have any answers to either of my questions?

Anonymous said...

Does any one think that the rr viewers revenge cast is gonna be the first to go since they are the newest cast of rr!and the trend is the new guys go first

Anonymous said...

what ever happened to emily from rr2?

Anonymous said...

Oh great! Coral is back.

Sound man, cue Elton John's song "The Bitch is Back" for background when she walks onto the show.