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Fresh Meat II

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Fresh Meat reunion reveals the Duel airs in October; Denver open house turnout is dismal

Last night, the Fresh Meat Challenge aired its reunion episode. One of the most surprising facts revealed was that The Duel will begin airing next month. Although there was no trailer or promo shown (although the promo has been running since the VMAs aired), The Duel is officially slated to air in October.

Check out Diem's (Fresh Meat) website which is a medical registry dedicated to providing items to those sick who are in need of items to help recuperate themselves.

Also, last night was the Denver open house, where they allowed people to view the house. Although production was hoping that 200 people would show up, I hear that it was nowhere close to that. The cast wasn't there to greet those who showed up. However, full tours of the house were given. More details soon...

Monday, September 11, 2006

Lori commemorates 9/11 attacks with her own personal account of 9/11/2001

Nothing new to report. Today marks the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. As unpertinent as the shows are to 9/11, Lori (Back to New York) fills us in, five years later about how she experienced 9/11. Her and Coral (Back to New York) actually made it out of NYC the day prior and headed to Boston. There, they met up with Melissa (New Orleans) who was scheduled to fly stand-by on Flight 11, but slept in. She also mentions how Julie (New Orleans) was actually enroute to the airport to catch Flight 11 also, but how she got into a fight with her boyfriend over the phone and turned her cab around to stay in Boston. Check it out.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Dan will host Denver preview special; Producers holding an open house for Denver

Here's some Saturday news: Dan (Miami) recently posted on his site that he's in Denver filming the intro special. This means Denver is all packed up and out the door, which we knew. Also, maybe this means since Dan is on good standing with production, he probably agreed to do the next Challenge? We'll find out.

Also, apparently, they're allowing people to tour the house on Monday, September 11. Sounds a bit strange, as it's never been done before. Typically, only press are invited to the house a week after filming commences to do interviews with the cast. Get Real Denver is reporting that the first 200 people or so who get to the house (at 1920 Market Street) will be allowed inside for $50 a pop. Proceeds will be going to the Denver Art, Culture & Film Foundation. The event starts at 6:30, so be sure to show up early if you plan to go. (First come, first serve.) Also, drop us an email at if you plan on going.

Friday, September 08, 2006

CBS Sports writes another article about Fresh Meat in its closing days

So as the sun sets on the Fresh Meat Challenge, Clay Travis, a columnist for CBS who endorsed Wes (Austin) early on in the Challenge, writes to say goodbye and describe his final thoughts on the Challenge. Check it out.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Take a piece of Key West home in auction; BMP is planning a Pedro biopic

Now that the show is over, you can own a part of the Key West house. BMP is auctioning off some of the pieces in the house and the auctions all end in four days, so get to bidding. Check out what they have to offer here. Proceeds go to the American Red Cross. (Update: Only 5% of the proceeds go to the American Red Cross.)

Also, this is interesting news: BMP is in very early stages of producing a movie, a biopic. The only other movie they produced before was The Real Cancun. However, they did produce the Lost Season, which only aired on MTV. They are producing a movie about San Francisco castmember Pedro. No word yet on who will be portraying Pedro or if the movie will delve into his few months in San Francisco. However, production is slated to take off within the next year or so.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Dan is contacted about appearing in another Challenge; Duel promo airs during VMAs

Dan (Miami) has confirmed that there will be at least another Challenge filmed after the Duel. He mentions on his blog that producers recently contacted him to be on the next season of the Challenge after the Duel. Although it sounds like he's seriously considering the thought, he doesn't really say that he will. Most likely, producers are on the prowl for their new cast, so expect to hear more information about the Challenge leak soon. No word yet on its location.

During the VMAs, a promo for The Duel aired. Although it hasn't aired since, I'm sure it'll appear on Overdrive sooner or later. We'll try to keep you updated on that.