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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Inferno 3 Reunion: Post your reactions here

Tonight is the reunion for the Inferno 3.

Watch as the cast re-hashes memories from this memorable season of the Challenge. This will be the last Challenge until Gauntlet 3 airs later this Fall, so make sure you catch this last episode of Challenge goodness until MTV releases yet another group of alumni in Mexico.

Post your reactions to tonight's reunion here.


Anonymous said...

yeah.. it wasn't really a reunion where they all sat down, which is what i was expecting

Anonymous said...

I liked how Derrick finally winning was number 1 though, that was cool.

Susie and Cara said they're done with challenges and Susie said she's like the new Beth.

Derrick, Alton, Tonya, Ace, and Kenny said they'd do another if they got called back.

Anonymous said...

who could even call that a reunion? for it to be a reunion people need to be reunited, hints the name reunion. I'm disappointed with it.

Anonymous said...

I didn't like it at all!!!.

Anonymous said...

I think it`s time for new producers!MTV SUCKS!

Anonymous said...

MTV really seems to have mailed it in with this season's Inferno. A lot of the challenges were unoriginal and half-assed (especially the Final Challenge, which was just lame), a lot of the episodes seemed bland and forced (as did much of the cast), and now they couldn't even do a decent reunion show to add a bit of drama to a very dull season.
Between the Inferno 3 and the equally boring Duel, as well as the puke-awful RR Viewer's Revenge, MTV is on a bit of a losing skid.

Anonymous said...

Thats not a reunion.
A reunion is when people reunite and see eachother. Im very disappointed there was no reunion.
I didnt like the top 10. :'(

Anonymous said...

The Reunion Show sucked, and thus it's a fitting ending for a very boring season. Let's recap the "highlights" for Inferno 3:

*A sociopath who will probably wind up in jail in the next couple years sucker punches the gay guy, and it's not even caught on film.

*Perennial loser Derrick finally wins the big one, but in sort of anticlimactic fashion, as the only time he was really tested this season was when he beat a clearly overmatched Davis. Plus, the final challenge was stupid and boring.

*Susie was this season's selfish prick. Please, I'd be more scared of Punky Brewster.

*Zero hookups to speak of, except for seeing Derrick hopelessly eyeing Jenn and Kenny's pathetic passes towards Cara.

*Timmy says "goodbye", which seems overdue considering he is so much older and more mature than the rest of the cast that he could be their father. Also, it sucked because he did beat Abram in his last Challenge, he just lost on a technicality. Way to go MTV!

*TJ Lavin once again slurs through another season with the enthusiasm of a jellyfish. Someone PLEASE get this guy a waiter job at TGI Friday's and get a new host for the next season!

Anonymous said...

I think it's funny that everyone calls Colie a ho, when Jen will F**K anyone and she had a bf at the time. It's so freaking highschool, but I cant stop watching

Anonymous said...

it seemed as though mtv didn't event try to do much good this season. they didn't have a real reunion, the show was boring, and there wasn't even an aftershow.

i hope the gauntlet 3 is better and is better produced.

Anonymous said...

Thumbs down to this "clip show."

Anonymous said...

i'd like to see another battle of the seasons. the team backstabbing thing is getting kinda old. i'd rather see teammates working together to win.

Anonymous said...

i agree, go back to battle of the season's or even the back to the beginning, when it was like 6 real world v. 6 road rules and they actually traveled in the winnie! the classics are the best, the new shtuff sucks

Anonymous said...

i like the new formats of the games!!! although yes every single thing about the inferno 3 sucked!!!!! i didnt like one single thing about it!! MTV producers need to just learn how to mix the cast up a bit!! put up some old rivals.. great hookups and what not!!! this challenge was the worst challenge out of them all!! they really better never have another challenge like this one.. or they will lose alllll ratings and no one will watch the challenges ever again!

Anonymous said...

its cool though how they were in mexico doin the reunion whicg is where gauntlet 3 is taking place, meaning janelle, ev, johnny, paula, and kenny will be since they r on gauntlet 3 so basically they were gettin ready to start filming for the challengee

Anonymous said...

boring. it was all recaps. nothing new.

Anonymous said...

This "reunion" is dissapointing, I was looking forward to it all week!!!!!.

Anonymous said...

Ya.. why could they not do an actual reunion where they sit down? That's the kind of reunion that I wanted them to do. This top 10 thing was just okay.

Anonymous said...

they didnt have a real reunion for i 2 either

Anonymous said...

They didn't have one for Gaunlet One either. Infact, Gaunlet one "reunion" served as Inferno 1 intro show. I think they couldn't film a "reunion" for the simple fact that there is a new challenge filming and most of this cast is there.

Anonymous said...

i can`t wait until coral brings back the drama!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

colie is to a ho
loved how the episode where colie was calling tonya a hoe
they were showing previews for tomorw nights episode of the real world, in which the entire cast was calling colie a hoee and filthy and disgusting

Anonymous said...

i was so excited for a reunion
but was expecting this
like infernoo 2
because of the sever fighting and caling out between the cast and susie and cara
and last time the mean girls
not suprised

Anonymous said...

i bet gauntlet 3 will suck
but i will watch and love every episodee
and i always will not matter how lame
they need to basically recast the entire inferno 2 bad ass cast and add coral, and basically who ever else and the show will completley own! and set the challenges back into action!

Anonymous said...

I love how they said none of the guys would fuck collie, Thats the best to hear even these no talent, no job losers wouldn't toch that disgusting snatch. Even Abe wouldn't, and I wonder where he has been.

On a side note some posters need to learn how to spell.

Anonymous said...

does anyone know what song the band was playing when Dan and Holly where doing something for a concert?